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    This Clipping From NEW YORK, N. Y. WORLD-TELEGRAM & SUN fitfoifi Tips on Tables Johnny Ray Returning To Latin Quarter June 51 By ROBERT W. DANA. Johnny Ray, whose endur- ling, success as a singer has been gratifying to his couftt- less admirers, will return to the Latin Quarter Friday, June 5, as headliner of the [ spectacular Donn Arden revue, ?╟úAll About Dairies-?╟Ñ He re- I cently completed a London- [ Paris theatrical tour. Featured/ in the revised re- I vue will be Jimmy Joyce, Bos* [ton comedian; Augie and | Margo, ballroom duo, and La- I tonia, Graham and Chadell, I male comedy knockout trio [from England. Among the holdovers will be Pony Sher- rell, Sabra Samarr, Mitsuko I Morigai/Dick Curry and Ted | Monson. . * * ?╟╓ * Other cafe events of inter- I est are scheduled for next week. On Monday the Boose velt Grill will welcdmeHSack Lenny Herman :and his ?╟úMight- iest Little Band in the Land,?╟╓ Matt Dennis will start a re- turn engagement at the Liv- ing Room and the Roundtable I will present Ray Bauduc and [Nappy Lamarr, with their [Riverboat Dandies, and the | popular Cy Coleman and his I trio. * * * Jazz singer Carmen McRae and comedian Irwin Corey will, open Tuesday at the Village Vanguard, with the Don Ab- ney trio accompanying Miss McRae. For its Tuesday caval- cade of daiiee, Roseland Dance! City will feature the Trio Mar- telli and their cutups, the Sil- vanos and Ray and Ramon. # * * Marty Allen and Steve Rossi, who have been break- ing in a new comedy act out of town, will have their first engagement in the New York area next Wednesday, opening a 12-day run-at Ben Maksik?╟╓s Town and Country in' Brook- lyn. * * * Fraricesco Di Lello, owner-1 host of Nino?╟╓s Ten East, 101 E. 52nd St., seeks a new name! for the continental restaurant. I It should suggest Paris at the! turn of the century, an era of I gracious dining. ... . Danny?╟╓s! Hide-a-Way will remain open] oft Memorial' Day weekend, f serving /dinner Saturday and I Sunday from 5 p.m. I . . Effec- [ five this Saturday, Cafe Chau-1 veroii will be closed Saturaaysl through the summer months, I remaining open Mondays I through Fridays for lunch,] cocktails and dinner. ?╜ * * Renato Trebbi, owner-host I of Renato?╟╓s Restaurant, 21| Van Dam St., has opened twol hew dining rooms in celebra-l tion of the restaurant?╟╓s 36th| anniversary, making eight din-| ing rooms in all, including the| delightful outdoor garden. 1 The Marine Deck, on vthe sec-1 ond floor of Guy Lombardo?╟╓sl East Point House, Freeport, [ L. I., will open the season! Saturday. Thereafter, it will! be open Friday and Saturday! nights and holiday eves from! 8 p.m. to 3 a.m., with dancing| i to Mike Ciriello?╟╓s orchestra. ; m This CKpping From '?·W YORK, N. Y. URNAL AMERICAN' MAY 2 8 1959 ONE OF SIX ?╟≤ ?╟≤ . Colora- tura soprano Rita Schoen currently is appearing with the Metropolitan Sextet in the Donn Arden revue,: ?╟úAll AbotiL^iWEes,?╟Ñ at the Latin Quarter. Ahe knight watch Carol Returns To Blue Angel By GENE KNIGHT ?√ß GRATEFUL PERFORMER is Carol Burnett. Two years ago, Max Gordon and Herb Jacoby gave her ah opportunity to sing at their Blue AngeLShe made good with* a song Two weeks ago, Miss Burnett premiered in George Abbott s ?╟úOnce Upon a Mattress,?╟╓?╟╓ the hilarious fairy tale at the Phoenix Theatre. Her per- formance won rave reviews from the critics. She became a stage star. She was box office. So. beginning this evening?╟÷ to show her gratitude to Max and Herb, who gave her a chance when she needed it?╟÷ way night club is the boy-and-l girl dance team of Inga and] A ?╟≤ * . after a vacation of] nine days. Lenny Bruce, the I comic they?╟╓re talking .about, returns to the Den in the I Duane tonight . . ?╟≤ He has I packed this classy cellar for eight weeks .. . Lionel Hamp-1 ton, to be hailed as Man of the I chance when she needed Jt?╟÷ y^r by the Harlem YMCA Carol Burnett will entertain ^ Saturday night at Manhat- nightly at the Blue Angel after her show at the Phoenix The- atre.. It?╟╓ll be hard work, but she?╟╓ll do iL . * L Miss Burnett will sing there four weeks. Gordon and Jacoby look for big business While Carol, their new box office at- traction, is appearing at their night club. They feel it pays to give a newcomer a ?╟úbreak- , Also opening tonight at the Blue Angel is Reyneaux, one of the quickest prestidigitators I?╟╓ve seen. His final trick, in- volving eight doves, is an eye- popper. Reyneaux is doing a return date. Held over are the new song and patter team of Ken and Mitzi Welch and Randy | Sparks, young balladeer. At Latin Quarter NEW IN DONN ARDEN?╟╓S REVUE, ?╟ ?╟úAll ABOuL- Dames, at the Latin Quarter, is the Metropolitan Sextet. This is a group of fine singers present- ing a medley of operatic arias. They joined this spectacular show Tuesday evening at the invitation of managing director Eddie Risman and will be there through Thursday, June^ 4. Outstanding in the sextet is Rita schoen, the coloratura so- prano. - J . I?╟╓ve heard this act at tne Latin Quarter before and, en- joyed it immensely. At one time, I recall, these singers remained at the L. Q. for about six months. ,. _ . Also new at the Jbig_Broad^ on Saturday night at Manhat- tan Center, will open the enter- tainment season at the?╟╓ Con- cord Hotel in the Catskills to- morrow evening . . . With his vibes, his drums and his big band, the Hamp wq play a four-hour qpiieert In the Con- cord?╟╓s new night club which seats 3,500. MeyerDavis, the famous or-1 chestrateader, will be honored] ,at a cocktails and buffet sup-1 per this evening at Oscar?╟╓s! Delmonico .. . ?╟≤ Peppy D?½ ^?╟ú1 brew (you remember Peppy!) 1 has opened his Maxim?╟╓s at 181 Gramercy Park South . Hj| 1 ?√ß AJ