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    Kr* C* 1« Coryt W ill 3r m please prepare le t t e r agreement w ith ftev&da Construction Cosp&ny, 421 west Bonanza Road, Las Vegas, data f o r follows* C0V2BIM& - To fu rn is h a l l la b o r and equlpsent necessary to cons tru s t approximately 2106 lin e a l foo t of 6- cast iro n water bsI b in loaation described as follows* Cosmetic In g a t & connection w ith existin g 6* cast Iro n water sain a t In te rse ctio n of Bombast Awe* and Houston D riv e , thence southerly in Swnihaa A re. a distance of 396 feet store o r less to an end, and doEEaenolng a t a connection wi1& existing 6* oast iro n water su la a t in te rse ctio n o f Eastern Arenas and Houston D riv e , theses southerly in Eastern Are* a distance of 39^ fe e t sore o r leas to an end, and Oeemottlng a t connection w ith 6* oast iro n water main in Bombas A re ., to be constructed hereunder, a t in te rse ctio n o f Fr&rdclin Are* , thence easterly in Franklin Awe# approxiaately 1318 fe e t to a connection w ith the 6s cast Iro n water sain to be constructed hereunder in Eastern Are*, and Including in s ta lla tio n o f 3 f ir e hydrant* is lo ca tio n as directed* OOHSIDERATIOS- $2,331*00* B08D - $2,331*00* Oth e r liPMii. conditions* w« H* Johns cm