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sssjis S h u tlerisd irector of an mm& mssz l i P H p h i i ? i t i i i i u H i?&mp&$wmK P *B'8 M P j P w H M p |™MbBWB8^PkB . : . ' ; ; :3 w M m m m i :M '>S^vsw % «s HHHI m iavy- earth-mbving equips enj; Aave been sifting the sert:sands since OcL l • • fckes, which ate the ; by- If-SJlIitMf p h p B I IM m M W^)w*VW.*XwS‘!‘tW^S'iVA*-. K M |P j^ T O l^ ll ii l priM'tlve tool ^ a & r ^ i^ |f e j p p a t |e from gpmeK3h€m^^aii<i4-ai:> bead mmI H i p #nade feora eoieche^ a hard m m m p i sSSfc native to this. area. n » finds were idated Willard m b y ; U (^ A ?aSehfist: and. i P i i M M f c f l M B l H i M S M M I M l i ? M B M N i i M M & M l a M H l i l i i e H i m I M P h r - l i B ‘g g j M i M B n .WAV IpHI was unebyeted^Itl^ :^eek 10 & below the desert fiebr aM~im a strata indicating an age of 12,000 years, Shutleir said. l l i l i i s : is .exactly what we, wmmmmmM B i i H m §m||im§m|| S i P » ^ S # i$W^VJVw!SvssASc£kwkr3&f' wmmwm iwM M I PM W£k?r$^$Kim S i ^W^^Smmi mmmw^ mmm imiimliwi &mmmm p m n « S aa sassasn ? N tH i now l««w.w.wSKv?v^w* rtSyGtl <?:<%£ HWMl^m tes S»^:«i*rs:ssafi: mBmm KwtwIvW^iVKsw wimmrn mm 4s^s&$£&& sisSSss have not been substantiated, b u t. he. said it has; been im tm c t. prem itotic f a ncnu; '0£MiW% 3w:v^:::m;:Ww. ?..:v-fe. S#'S/wX’Iw»xwX^w»VaxX'®i'mw^'ywivp;*.... • s#i|Mpsi ixw>: i^$S::f?wJ^MgS*xWx%iWxS.:v‘>W»:--: c ’^ I wI va'IS mm :*:.:«v-!Wxw:wxw>^>Xn^%v/A%%v.v » t m « m m M n ?hhA VV.AVVAIWWVI’I. ::»»:««• p j w g s m g p ....WMmmm*$mm mMiMmMmmm X.Vy ?t S h n « i a ^ i « | e ; : t o p and another scraper a l s o g ^ ^ S i M ^ ^ K ^tM i museuhi group.::^ e .said, he M% i l R^xasTsasa:. ? B j hoped ^ |^ ^ >y® r'iem ence ?HM f e - ^ S ^ ^ ^ p i ^ ^ p i i a l o c : the primitive site" No human remains have been found, so. far, Shutler, & |.i’;i;:Z51 A ^ S 8 ® r Please Turn to Pg. 8, Col. 3 vSv mmMmmm ^ P P P P S jSsiaiMsjaaaMapat y *A »tw .v .W .V .V ..V «V .V A W *!»V A »V /*y i/ IMf el pw p Si l :.-v:v!w:vAJXwx:5>t¥.*:-.Sw- >SS! : ^ ^ f t P 5 S P w * « s « | # w