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    STA3^^^^^ Tel PTk L?·NI) 4> N. Y __*e??. Gibraltar 7_6?·0o *?╟≤ rAifr Clipping From VARIETY NEW YORK, N. Y. NOV 5 - 1958 /Latin Quarter, IV. Y. i E. M. Loew-Eddie Risman pres-1 entation of Donn Arden produc-1 Hon, "All About Dames^with Jane Russell, Bennett & Patterson, Mar- J vin Roy (2), Pony Sherrell, Bou- bouka, Dick Curry, Line, Jo Lombards and Buddy Harlowe Orchs. Staged by Arden; costumes, Freddie Wittop; music & lyrics, Miss . Sherrell & Phil Moody; sets, David ' Hays; $6 minimum. The Latin Quarter's second show <" under the Loew-Risman adminis- I tration provides further proof that i they've got the format down pat. The Donn Arden concoction, "All About Dames," is a lithe and lively display, lushly produced and lavishly costumed. It's an orb-filler that's been tightened down to a L smart 90 minutes and with all the production showing up as firstrate entertainment. It's as- potent, at least, as any floorpiece that has come off in this spot. While the framework is excellent, there are times when it seems even sufficient to overcome the headliners, who aren't the most fortuitous selected by the cafe. However, the name value is there, and for the official opening (28) the crowd behind the rope waiting for accommodations was substantial. Jane Russell under Howard Hughes' auspices is credited with having been the modern forerunner in the boom in upstairs cheesecake. When M. Monroe and J. Mansfield hadn't yet cast their considerable profiles around, Miss Russell was making her presence known. She's now trying to stress her other attributes, mainly her singing talent, and appears in a sheathed-beaded gown that's almost chaste-looking when compared to those worn by her very healthy contemporaries. Miss Russell apparently has worked hard on her present act and has invested a lot of coin in it., Gowning and arrangements are good and there are a couple of blues numbers in which something I comes through. But this is the ex- [ ception. She doesn't have the Wednesday, October 15, 13 Moulin Rouge, H'wood Hollywood, Oct. 9. Anna Maria Alberghetti, The Happy Jesters, Donn Arden revue, "Wonderful World," Dick Stabile Orch (16); $2.50-$5.50 package. From Arizona to Africa, from London to Hollywood?╟÷with three white steeds, a trio of gray elephants and 100 nattily and sometimes scantily attired humans?╟÷the latest Donn Arden revue, "Wonderful World," opened . at the Moulin Rouge (9) to a star-studded audience, many of whom ended up onstage to wish Frank Sennes a happy birthday. If the whole 90- minute show be likened to Sennes' finely baked birthday cake, then the topping?╟÷a striking combination of talent and looks?╟÷was Anna Maria Alberghetti. The voice that Miss Alberghetti maneuvers with such ease is of excellent timbre and range, and, what is just as important in a night club, she realizes this is not a concert hall. The balance of classical and pop selections is perfect, and ?√ß there's a mighty fine act here, besides. Joined by skillful dancers Jerry Antes and Pepe DeChazza, Miss Alberghetti flows just as smoothly through her routines as she does through her repertoire. Her stage presence is made of light-hearted dignity; she is sometimes soft and tender, often exciting and always in good taste. On opening night, the vocalist's mother, a pianist of no mean talent herself, Steinwayed a session of boogie that scored with the audience and her daughter. Up for Act II of "Wonderful World" are the Happy Jesters, a. trio of zany funnymen who rate solid kudos for their impersonations and happy sound. The newest Donn Arden revue, said to have cost $250,000 to* mount on the newly expanded \0D panoramic stage, has the extrava- gj^ gant look of the old Metro filmusi- ?r'Po cals and the exuberant look of >jtf ? modern choreography. It starts t^ t with "Americana," a wild west a r show in' which pinkclad cowpokes f*?·*i and girls raise the standards for "*** "Gumsmoke," "Wyatt Burp" and "Have Gun Will Run." Next up is "Big Ben Beat," a study in red, white and black, with the final moduction number being "Afri- ?╟≤?╟÷<?╜?╜?? fiery and savage This Clipping From VARIETY NEW YORK, N. Y. -IAM 1 4- 1 ?╤. It. Latin f&narter. N, (FOLLOWUP) The Donn Arden longrunning production at the E. M. Loew- - Eddie Risman pleasure dome is further enhanced by a couple of ?√ß acts new to this spot. The net re- ?╟≤ suit is one of the more glittering ' shows on Broadway with renewed i interest m the proceedings eom- i ing with the acts by Jaye P. Mor- : gan & The Morgan Bros. (3), and the LQ bow by Harry Mimmo. In i a holdover spot is Francis Brunn, aided by a comely assistant. He , juggles and does acrobatics in a peripatetic manner for his usuaf ; good results. Miss Morgan is a personable blonde with a strong selling voice and a solid showmanly style. Miss Morgan goes after the audience on terms that would make a practicing vauder proud. Her easy manner belies the fact that she is punching solidly, and her tune assortment is designed for wide appeal. Miss Morgan possesses both visual as well as aural values. The act is so designed, with staging of several numbers by June Taylor, so that interest is constantly renewed. There are solo parts and numbers done with the ffest Of hf>r fomil" t N & of? ?╜*variety, but E&Jh+ey do a wide dV?· ?i**'overboardon?sSrtr?.Vh5y gp a bit he *??em ... ~ ??clMwe, cniming in with a battery of three electric guitars to provide a strong background to tiie turn. In all, they hit a maximum response here. Mimmo, who hasn't been seen on Broadway for some time, never had it so good as his opening show here (9). His peculiar bit of business in which he lines up his necktie with the centre of his face, plus an assortment of zany impressions and a solid bit of tapstering at the end, give him a prime palm in this situation. wM Jn the production, Dick Curry and Pony Sherrell assume the lead parts, and bellyrina Boubouka wiggles out a brief bit of entertainment. Jo Lombardi backs with his familiar competence* and assurance, while Buddy Harlow rinesj the dance relief. HB^/o^e. Class of Service This is a fast message unless its deferred character is indicated by the proper symbol. TELEGRAM The filing time shown in the date lir W. P. MARSHALL. Presi ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt isJjjJANDARD 195^ =?fc This Clipping From GOTHAM GUIDE NEW YORK, N. Y. "All About Dames," Donn Ardens new semi-annual revue at the Latin Quarter, is the most ambitious production in the 16-year history of the famed Broadway showplace. A bevy of beau- : ties are?╟÷ 'Matured in over $120,000 worth of costumes, more expensive than the average musical comedy! . . .George Liberace's wife, Jayne, suffered a concussion (when she walked into a huge plate glass door in her desert home) and has nurses around the clock . . . Milton Berle put the Blackburn Twins & Collins new act together and it's currently going over beeg at the j^gBa,* cabana . . . Congrats to Mirni Warren, she and her musical Trio were soo popular at the Park Sheraton's Mermaid Room for years, on her recent marriage to Irving Alperm of Atlanta, Ga. Mimi and her new hubby will live there . . . Ted Lewis, the master show- mam follows Alan Gale into Jack Silverman's International on Nov. 13th for a three-week stay. 'Course, in the spotlight will also be Ted's original "shadow," pint-sized Eddie Chester ... So how snooty can you get dept: Fancy canines around Gotham now have their own perfume ?╟÷ Kennel No. 5 ?╟÷ and we're not fooling! . . . Want a laff: The free pass to the theatres of Herculaneum and Pompeii in ancient days was an ivory disc inscribed; "Granie morto!" Which translated means, "Dead Head!" . . . Didjano that film star Jane Russell, who just closed at the Latin Quarter where she made her debut in a new act staged by Jack Cole which was merely sensational, is also founder of WAIF, an organization dedicated to getting overseas orphans out of institutions and into adoptive homes? As an example of what she preaches, Jane has three adopted children of her own ?╟÷ Buck, Tracy and Thomas . . . John Saxon, new cinema hearthrob, took his army physical . . . Can't get over how Spencer Tracy has aged ?╟÷ at least that's how he appears to us in "The Last Hurrah," But on Spence it doesn't matter ?╟÷ his acting improves with years . . . Alan Dale not only recorded "Cha Cha Cha Funicula" for MGM records but will reap another fortune as lyricist and adapter of the old Italian tune. It's being played all over the dial by disc jockeys . . icy j%g NA118 = D0NN PD*NEW YORK NY 22 5nP- ARDEN, LATIN QUARTERS* 49 ST AND 7TH AVE= ARDEN BEGINS WITH AN A A MANS GRADE A GRADE A SUCCESS:e MAY YOU ALWAYS BE A AND 1 WISH YOU THE TOPS FOR YEARS TO COME* OCEANS OF LOVE AND GOD BLESS Y0U= MADAME BERTHE= TXT PC THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS < VC ITS SERVICE