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The Shofar newsletter of Temple Beth Am, February 2000



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    The House of t h e P e o p l e The ShofaMornthly Newsletter of Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89128 702-254-5110 Volume 10, Issue 2 February 2000 Special Points Of Interest ? Seder Reservation. Come share Passover dinner with us. ? Gala Reservation. Dr. Richard Moore is our Man of the Year. Mayor Oscar Goodman will MC the event Inside this issue: Same Gender Marriages Rabbi Mel Hecht Greeters for February Religious School News Le/io Friedlander Building Update Report Mort Friedlander Birthdays & Anniversaries Yartze'its for February 9 Calendar of Events 10 Congregational Election Meeting Scheduled for March 15th Election day is coming. March 15th is the date scheduled for the congregation to meet and elect new board members. A list of nominees has been submitted by the Nominating Committee and the Congregation will vote their selection. The meeting will begin at 6:30pm. Light refresh-ments will be served. Here is the slate of can-didates: Officerv President Arleen Turok First Vice President Larry Steckler Second Vice President Mort Friedlander Treasurer Carin Bachant Corresponding Secty. Linda York Trustees Steve Aisenberg William Arager Gary Bordman Craig Friedberg Hazel Gold Becky Grill Geri Lynn Grossan Dr. Steve Konowalow Julie Pearlman Mark Rich Sisterhood and Broth-erhood Representatives are appointed by Sister-hood and Brotherhood. Any additional board trus-tees will be appointed by the board.. Life Goes On President's Gavel by Arleen Turok rhis is my first article in three months and I do apologize for that. I have tried to sit down and write, but with what has happened, made it impos-sible. My heart has been very full. Early in October, my parents spent a wonderful weekend visit with us. At that time my mother ex-pressed her concerns that my older brother had not been feeling very well and he had seen a doctor. My parents left early Monday morning to accompany him to his doctor's ap-pointment. Later that day, I received a phone call that after a MRI, he was admitted to the hospital and scheduled for sur-gery. After the MRI, his bram was swollen and they saw something they did not like. Needless to say, I was on the first plane to California to of-fer whatever moral sup-port my family needed. He had two surgeries, a week apart. One to put in a shunt into his brain to reduce the swelling and get rid of excess fluid. The other was to remove a cancerous tumor (a very slow growing kind and self contained), a blood clot and a cyst. Lucky that they actually found out what was wrong with him, and saved his life. What an ordeal to go through. The most trying of the surgeries was the second one where they re-moved "all the extra's" in his brain. That lasted for 9 hours. This being my first brush with an extreme ill-ness to someone this close and dear to my heart and it threw my life into a whirl-wind of turmoil. It was also my first ex-perience that in actual fact life around me goes on as normal and it is just some-thing extra that you need to cope with. At the same time we were in the final stages of building our new home. Needless to say, it was an extreme test of me as a human being to keep eve-rything in my life in order. (continued on page 4) 2 THE SHOFAR February 2000 Temple Beth Am Board of Directors EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Arleen Turok President Larry Steckler First VP Mort Friedlander Second VP Carin Bachant Treasurer Fran Fine Recording Secretary Linda York Corresponding Secretary TRUSTEES Steve Aisenberg William Arager Dr. Sheldon Freedman Craig Friedberg Becky Grill Genri Lynn Grossan Hazel Gold Steve Konowalow Dr. Frank Masters Julie Pearlman Mark Rich Allison Berman Amy Stien Dr, Frank Masters Education Director Sistertiood Rep Brotherhood Pres THE SHOFAR Larry and Lorraine Steckler Co-Editors Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 702-254-5110 Shabbat Services Tot Shabbat, Friday at 7:00pm Shabbat, Friday at 7:30pm Child Care Provided Saturday Services Torah Study, 9:30am Services, 10:30am Same Gender Marriages Rabbinic Reflections by Rabbi Me/ Hecht, MHL, DD / 'm writing this article while still in California. Micki and I are at-tending the annual Pacific Association of Reform Rabbis (PARR) Conference. Not a year goes by that we're not profoundly moved and stimulated by the issues raised and the depth of Spiritual Wres-tling that goes on. This year was no exception. We talked in depth about how Modernity and Freedom affects the way we relate to relig-ion, to the World of the Spirit. These are issues that were raised well over two centuries ago and debated ever since as we struggle with questions of Ultimate Destiny. But the issue that caused me the greatest (yet to be resolved) di-lemma is the upcoming (March 2000) vote on the Central Conference Of American Rabbis "Resolution on Same Gender Officiating." This is not a new concern for the Reform Movement. It has been debated for many decades in one form or another. Reform Judaism has taken dec-ades before it moves on a resolution that it intuits will change the Jew-ish Landscape forever. Certainly, that was the case with rabbinic offici-ating at inter-marriages and the establishment of Patrilineal Descent as a alternative way of determining Jewish Identity. Gay and Lesbian Commitment Ceremonies will be no different. For anytime a decision is made it puts forces in motion, the implications of which are not always clearly seen at first and which ultimately require further definition and action. A number of years ago the Central Conference (CCAR) passed a resolution recognizing the right of Gays and Lesbians to enter our Re-form Seminary without discrimination. No longer would they have to hide or suppress a major aspect of their being. They could enter, study, and become ordained rabbis alongside their heterosexual colleagues. Furthermore, Gays and Lesbians have been invited to join Reform Synagogues and have come to serve in positions of leadership and to participate without prejudice. Our Movement has deplored their status as "Social Pariahs" and as literal "second class citizens." Gays and Lesbians do not enjoy the same guarantees and rights under the Law of the Land as heterosexu-als do. They are not equal with regard to insurance benefits, inheri-tance, burial arrangements (given to spouses, but not the equivalent in Gay/Lesbian relationships), adoption of children, income tax, serving in the Armed Forces under behalf, have attempted to make them feel welcome in our midst, and have allowed them to serve as Pastors of our Souls. And now, because of past resolutions and the acceptance of Gays and Lesbians within the official Reform Community, the Reform Rab-binate is being asked, "How can you take all these steps of'recognition and inclusion and not officiate at same-gender committal ceremonies?" You recognize their humanity as Gay or Lesbian and yet you refuse to elevate and sanctify the very relationship that is part of who they are. Many arguments have been set forth against recognizing Gays and Lesbians per se and against Reform Rabbis performing any ceremony or ritual that would justify such relationships. Fundamental among these arguments is the Scriptual Prohibition against such relation-ships. It is clearly against Malakah (Jewish Law) and against Civil Law as it currently stands in almost every state in the Nation. There are those who see such relationships as un-dermining the basic foundation stone of Society, the Family, which is already under attack from so many quarters. There are others within the Jewish Com-munity who see this issue as uniquely American, spurred on by testing the limits of freedom within a Democratic Society. If American Reform Judaism were to act unilaterally, we would compromise the ability of Reform Congregations and Rabbis to func-tion outside the United States. Tied to this dilemma is the basic issue of Klal Tisrael, of the "Unity" of the People Of Israel. The Reform Movement may have already moved so far to the periphery of what some call "Normative Juda-ism" as to cause a schism that is irreparable. Cer-tainly, its positions on intermarriage and Patrilineal descent have already complicated the issue of "who is a Jew." To add total acceptance of Gays and Les-bians within the Reform Community may prove to be proverbial "straw that breaks the camel's back." And, there are still others who argue, with some justification, that such support for Gays and Lesbians will only fuel the already considerable fires of disdain, prejudice and hatred that Ultra Right Wing groups and Fundamentalists hold against us. To each of these arguments against, there are, of course, the traditional "on-the-other-hand" Jew-ish responses. There are many things forbidden or mandated in Jewish Scripture that have been legis-lated by the rabbis into a virtual state of neutrality, non-existence, or, are now simply ignored. We no longer stone disrespectful children at the gates of our city; we no longer administer a horrendous con-coction of a drinking solution to women suspected of adultery, nor do we "cut off from their people" men who touch menstruating women. Polygamy was banned unilaterally with no scriptural justifica-tion for doing so. The categories of Mamxerut (Illegitimacy) and of funerals and burials for suicide have been shifted to a more humane position. Many of our Nation's Civil Laws with regard to witch-craft, private sexual conduct, cattle rustling, etc. have either remained buried, ignored, or have been wiped off the books. Implicit in all of this is the recognition that some things were considered to be so destructive to society that severe condemnation and punishment "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 3 had to be administered. As our understanding in-creased with regard to Life, Human Relationship, and God we realized these formerly held beliefs and practices were contrary to the pursuit of Justice, Love, Compassion and to Freedom itself. Such tra-ditions were keeping us shackled to a perception of relationship contrary to all Humanity having been created B'Tzelem Elohim, (in the image of God). Certainly, our understanding of family as we have known it is changing dramatically, because the environment and circumstance that supports our definition of family is changing. In today's world, there are many different models of family, all of them meant to respond to new conditions and cir-cumstances while attempting to retain the funda-mentals of Human Relationship: love, nurturing, protection, economic and emotional security, and role models to make the next generation productive, competent members of society. In a world where procreation is no longer the prime directive for the survival of our species, the nature and definition of Human Relationship can be expanded. Love, nurtur-ing? all the things valued in Traditional Relation-ships no longer need to be restricted to heterosexual ones. Ways need to be found where each type of re-lationship can be sanctified without compromising the essence and integrity of the other. Finally, we turn to the potential impact this resolution on officiating at Gay and Lesbian mar-riages will have on both the Jewish and Non-Jewish world. We could say: "The die has been cast, there can be no turning back." We could postpone the vote, but ultimately, the decision will have to be made to fulfill the implications of previous con-science, and Destiny never comes without struggle and a tearing of the fabric of culture and civilization itself. There will always be those who want to main-tain things as they were, who see the visionaries who are ready to act as Destroyers of all that is held sacred. Yet, without visionaries ready to act, where would we be as a People, a Nation and a World to-day? There is risk in everything new; but maybe the words spoken by Rav Cook can (ironically) be ap-plied to what Reform Judaism is attempting to ac-complish - our task is "to make the Old new and the New holy. Some 2000 years ago, there was a rabbi, Flisha Ben Abuya who was ultimately excommunicated from the Judaism of his day. Once, he was riding upon a donkey while a colleague walked by his side. They were discussing the Nature of the universe and of God. Elisha stopped his donkey, looked down upon his friend, and said, "You must stop. Go no further. But I, I must continue on," I believe Reform Judaism is destined to go beyond the limits of what is in order to expand and enhance the depth of Hu- ('please turn the page) 4 THE SHOFAR February 2000 (continued from previous page) man freedom and relationship. I believe it is closer to the true spirit and intent of Judaism and the Jew-ish People?which is, to go beyond the boundaries of what is to what could by; to take a negative reality not meant to survive the Test of Time and to make it Eternal. Although I believe all that I have written, like the Tevia of Fiddler on the Roof I'm not sure how far I can go or what my limits are before my spirit is compromised or overwhelmed. But once a path is taken....? B' Shalom, Rabbi Mel Hecht, MHL, DD (President's Gavel continued from page 1) The only way I really know how to function is when everything is in order and in it's right place, and this was not happening, as I was crawling over moving boxes. At the same time I was trying to keep my sense of humor. On the surface it seemed as though our family was coping beautifully, but in ac-tual fact we all reacted differently, during this fam-ily disaster, and it seemed that everyone needed a little piece of md. We did move into our new house. Being the su-perwoman that I think I am, my husband needed to go on a business trip for a week at that time. He asked me to delay the move by a week. Actually when I think of it, I'm not superwoman, I'm just plain stubborn and in retrospect just plain stupid. I decided it couldn't be /Aa/difficult to move. .. so I did it all on my own with two helpers. I don't think I can look at another packing box again. If I was not quite emotionally exhausted, I now made myself physically exhausted as well. We moved in, at the same time, crawling over tillers and other workmen who were putting finish-ing touches on the house. Only near the end of De-cember did we finally bid farewell to the workmen whom by now had become part of the family. Yes that's because of the kind of person I am, when I'm cooking a meal for my family and there are others working in my home I feel that I must offer them whatever we're eating. No, I can't let them go to Taco Bell for their food. So, needless to say October, November and De-cember were definitely sent to test me as a human being. I also was given a lesson in how important your family and friends are. Rabbi and Micki were quite prepared to jump on a plane to California and do whatever they needed to do to help my family and me. The thought that anyone would want to do that for me was and still is the most overwhelm-ingly beautiful act of kindness that I have ever ex-perienced. Every time I think of their kindness my heart fills and makes me realize that they are indeed two of the most unselfish people I have ever had the honor of knowing in my life. A special thanks to Meta & Gery Doran who made a donation on behalf of my brother and to Ha-zel & Ray Gold for all phone calls. I also want to thank others who offered to help in any way they possibly could. Your kindness to my family was very special and I will always remember that we do indeed have a place in people's hearts here in Las Vegas. I also want to thank my two Vice Presidents, Larry Steckler and Mort Friedlander who picked up the slack for me and just made sure that everything ran as smoothly as possible. It seemed as though there was no "hiccup". Thanks very much for being understanding. So for those who have not seen as much of me at Temple as they usually do, exhaustion and emotion is what has really taken over my life in the last three months. In all of the turmoil I sent out no cards for the holidays and for the New Year, so I will take the lib-erty of using my column to wish each and every one of you, Health and Happiness in this New Millen-nium. This was also a good lesson in realizing that in life "we should not sweat the small stuff", and treas-ure our family and friends. Let's not let petty things get in our way and remember everyday to tell those dear to us, how much we love and care about them, for you never know what tomorrow will bring! B'Shalom Arleen Turok, President GREETERS FOR FEBRUARY February 4th ? Julie Pearlman February 11th? Larry Steckler February 18th ? Amy Stein February 25th ? Arleen Turok If for any reason you cannot be at Friday evening services, please make arrangements with another board member to fill in for you. House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 5 Religious School News Classes will continue uninterrupted until spring break April 9th. This will be a special class. We have planned a Mock Seder for the children. We will break for two weeks (no school April 16th and April 24th). Then back to school for two weeks (April 30th and May 7th). Then we break again for Mother's Day, May 14th and back to school for closing cere-monies on May 21st. We have 16 weeks left of He-brew and Religious school before the summer be-gins. Major Events Fundraiser: Passover foods and goodies. We will be sending home information with your children and grandchildren about an assortment of kosher foods and when they will be available for purchase. All monies raised will go to the school Craig N' Company: The date is Sunday May 7th. This event is a community-wide project benefiting Temple Beth Am. We will enjoy a full concert by Craig Taubman and his band with a "Meet and Greet and Autograph Signing." This will give our Temple and Religious School a big boost in recogni-tion and funds. Please mark your calendar for this wonderful event. Following the February Religious School Event (to be announced), please be sure to check the flyer we send home with the children on Sundays. It has important information regarding events and any changes that may occur. We need families to sign up for after Religious School Onegs. Please come to the Religious School Office on Sundays and put your name on the list to contribute. On a personal note: I am so pleased to have been a part of the community contributions we have made as a school. Our Rabbi's message of Ta' Kun O Lum (The Repair of the World) lives through us as a people and congregation. B'Shalom Lelia Friedlander Building Fund and the Year 2000 remple Beth Am has a whole lot going on in 2000. Our public Seder is all arranged at the Luxor for April 20 and we are taking reservations now. See the ad elsewhere in this issue for reserva-tions. Our Gala fund-raiser for the Building Fund is set for May 20th at Caesars Palace and you can make reservations now. Our Man of the Year is go-ing to be Dr. Richard Moore, the Founding Presi-dent of the new State College in Henderson. Our Master of Ceremonies for this event will be Mayor Oscar Goodman. On May 7, the Religious School will host Craig and Company in a Jewish music concert for the community. Even the Tashlich service is arranged with boat and bus reservations for a Lake Mead cruise and light dinner, and we are taking reserva-tions now. But before any of that happens, you should know that Summerlin has approved our building plans. The City of Las Vegas has issued a grading permit and our builders will take the plans for expedited approval by the City of Las Vegas in February. You should see the first earth moving equipment on site soon thereafter. A review of the financial re-cords shows that some 75% of our members have already fulfilled their $2000 Building Fund pledge that was to be paid over the first two years of tem-ple membership. That also means that one in four members have not yet met that obligation. The Building Committee has already started loan proc-essing with the banks. It is important to demon-strate to the banks at this time that we have a well-established Building Fund that is fully supported by the congregation. The stronger our cash position, the more favor-able the arrangement we can make with the bank. The temple is operating in the black, thanks to your many kind donations. Now it is essential to fill the Building Fund coffers. Those who have not completed their pledge donation for the Building Fund are reminded that now is the time to do so. For those who have already met their obligation, please consider the Building Fund for major contri-butions of cash or appreciated assets that can be turned into cash. It may be year 2000 to some, but for Temple Beth Am, with your enthusiastic participation it will be the year of one million dollars. B'Shalom Mort Friedlander Second Vice President 6 THE SHOFAR February 2000 Happy Birthday Ms. Meta Doran Randy Tarr Mrs. Stella Bialac Mr. Robert Jones Jordan Miner (17th Birthday) Allen Cohen Brett Nadler (10th Birthday) Louise Carrillo (4th Birthday) Mr. William Weinberger Danielle LaFountaine (12th Birthday) Denise Glovin-Hamilton Mrs. Inger Keator Mrs. Edna Liquori (90th Birthday) Mr. Michael Starr Mrs. Marlene Jones Adam Cohen (15th Birthday) Danielle Sanciangco (9th Birthday) Mrs. Lynne Henick Les Goodman (21st Birthday) Dennis Pessin Jack Weinsten Mr. Steven Shaiken Nikki Myers (5th Birthday) Steven Mark Broselow Holly O'Brien Robert Forman (13th Birthday February February February February February February February February February 10 February 10 February 10 February 11 February 12 February 13 February 13 February 13 February 14 February 15 February 15 February 16 February 17 February 17 February 17 February 17 February 18 February 18 Jacob Lund (15th Birthday) February 19 Harold Vosko February 20 Connor Zwerg (6th Birthday) February 21 Dara Epstein February 22 Daniel Farrish (15th Birthday) February 23 Mrs. Rosa Kanarek February 24 Mr. Robert A. Brounstein February 25 Samantha Shane (9th Birthday) February 26 Mrs. Jean Tobman February 27 Ariel Freudenthat (14th Birthday) February 27 Salvatore Cuccia February 27 Hope Gail Broselow February 27 Geoffrey Gordon (10th Birthday) February 28 Dr. Sheldon Freedman February 28 David Cohen February 28 Happy Anniversary to: Gail & Hugh Olbur Wendy & Stuart Rubin Becky & Brian Grill Carin & Robert Bachant Cathy & David Borda Tobi & Edward Buccieri Patricia & Renato Ritter 44th Anniv. 12th Anniv. 23rd Anniv. 9th Anniv. 3rd Anniv. 18th Anniv. 8th Anniv. Feb. 1 Feb. 6 Feb. 11 Feb. 16 Feb. 20 Feb. 21 Feb. 27 NEVADA CARDIOLOGY ASSOCIATES W SPECIALISTS IN COMPREHENSIVE ym' CARDIOVASCULAR CARE MARTIN D. SCHAFFER, MD, FACC, FACP BERGE J. DADOURIAN, MD, FACC SEAN S. AMELI, MD, FACC FOAD MOAZEZ, MD, FACC )EFFREY B. GITLIN, MD SAMUEL E. GREEN. MD, FACC PATRICK C. HSU, MD 3121 S Maryland Tkwy Suite SI 2 Las Vegas. NV 89100 ,7021 706 7150 31 50 N Tenaya Way Suite 460 Las Vegas. NV 89128 (702)233-1000 O TEMPLE BETH AM t^ "House of the People " L m w / i ^ j j a ruce/ c&ae&a/iss ^Palace; c}lx)t&b and c^aslno/ S a L u u t a y / , I f V l c u j / Z O , 2 0 0 0 7:30/2M/ Honoring Dr. Richard Moore Founding President of the new State College in Henderson AD RATES & INFORMATION * Gold Patron Full Page $1,500 Quarter Page (2 V*" x 4") $150 * Silver Patron Full Page $1,000 Business Card Size (2 VA" X 1 5/8") $100 Full Page (6 1/4" x 8 V*") $ 500 Signature (Per Name) $ 40 Half Page (6 1/4" x 4") $ 250 Jewel (Children 13 & Under) $ 20 Gala Tickets $150--Temple Beth Am Members $100 Attached, please find my check in the amount of $_ for a Advertisement $ for Gala Tickets Name: Phone: Address: Zip:. I | ADVERTISING COPY ATTACHED [?| CAMERA READY COPY ATTACHED ? DIGITAL FILE ATTACHED Please Make Check Payable To: Temple Beth Am For Pick-Up or Information Lorraine Steckler Please Phone: 240-.0183 Fax: 838-6924 Digital Files to be PC or MAC formatted, on 3.5" floppy or Zip Disk 100mb. Programs accepted on disk include Word or Quark Express. Please indicate all fonts used. Artwork to be saved as a Tiff, EPS or JPEG file. Disks MUST be accompanied by a PROOF & specify PROGRAM used to create ad However, if you are in need of artistic assistance, we stand ready to help you 9001 Hillpointe Road, Las Vegas 89134 (702) 254-5110 Temple Beth Am ANNUAL PASSOVER SEDER Conducted By Rabbi Mel Hecht First Seder Night - Wednesday, April 19, 2000 6:30 pm Luxor Hotel Egyptian Ballroom Everyone is cordially invited to join Rabbi Mel and Rebbetzen Micki Hecht and the Temple Beth Am Congregational Family for this very special event. For Additional Information Please Call The Temple Office 254-5110 Make Checks Payable to: Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 Name: Address: Phone #: Number of Congregants @ $40.00 ea. $ Number of Guests @ $55.00 ea. $ Children Under 13 @ $18.00 ea. $ Children Under 5 No Charge - 0 - Any Special Request: "House of the People" TEMPLE BETH AM 9 REMEMBERING LOVED ONES WITH THIS MONTH'S YARTZEITS Feb. 1 Mary Darefsky... .Grandmother of Roselyn Roselyn & Albert Ring Feb. 1 Anna Tamaroff-WitxeL ... Feb. 2 Abe Ring... Jirother of Albert Roselyn & Albert Ring Feb. 3 Max H.Shapiro Father of Ray Barbara & Raymond Shapiro Feb. 4 Philip Carroll Caudle... father Sheila Madlof Feb. 4 Neddo Ordman... .Sister of Hyman Helen & Fymen Forkos Feb. 5 Dalene Rich... .Wife Mark Rich Feb. 5 Deborah Sabel... .Great-Aunt of Carin Carin & Robert Bachant Feb. 5 Lena Soil... .Mother of Helen Helen & Hymen Forkos Feb. 7 Curt Behme... .Father of Inger Inger & John Keator Feb. 8 Nick Nicholaoce Father Lisa G? David Cohen Feb. 10 Reuben Jarman... .Father of Marilyn Marilyn VanderMeer Feb. 11 May Matisoff... .Mother-in-Law Jacqueline & William Arager Feb. 11 Clara Mitchell.. .Mother ofWelsey Martha & Welsey Mitchell Feb. 11 Hilda Schulman... .Sister Morris Greenstein Feb. 12 Robert Frost... .Father of Holly Holly & Robert O'Brien Feb. 12 Robert Frost... .Father of Randy Roni & Randy Tarr Feb. 13 Terry Konowalow... .Mother of Stephen Kathy & Stephen Konowalow Feb. 14 Kenneth VanderMeer... .Husband of Marilyn Marilyn VanderMeet Feb. 14 Kathryn Zolloto... .Grandmother of Frances- Ann, Grandmother of Mark Fran Fine, Gloria & Mark Fine Feb. 17 David Torres... .Grandfather of Estelle Estelle & Albert Auslander Feb. 18 Robert fVade... .Father ofDebra Debra & Steven Shaiken Feb. 19 Abraham Goodman. .Father-in-Law of Ronni Ronni Goodman & Gladys Dorfler Feb. 20 Joel Friedman... .Son of Lois Lois Hartman Feb. 20 Samuel Gramowitx... .Father of Rhoda Rhoda & Martin Bibicoff Feb. 20 Saul Smith Father of Paul Judith & Paul Smith Feb. 20 Bertram fVarshaw.... Gail & Hugh Olbur Feb. 22 Nathan Ring... .Father of Albert Roselyn & Albert Ring Feb. 23 Frances Arager... .Wife Jaqueline & Albert Arager Feb. 23 Jack Edwards... Jirother of Roselyn Roselyn & Albert Ring Feb. 23 Julia Salmirs... .Grandmother of Carin Carin & Robert Bachant Feb. 25 Sam Cohen Father of Tale Toby & Tale Cohen Feb. 25 Elias Dorfler... .Father-in-Law of Gladys Ronni Goodman & Gladys Dorfler Feb. 26 Milton Tobman... Jirother of Herb Jean & Herb Tobman Feb. 27 David Blackford Jr... brother ofMichele Michele & Irwin Glass man o Temple Beth Am 2000 February 5760 O Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 2 TBA Board Meeting - Open to all Congregants 6:30pm Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 3 4 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 5 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 6 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:?m B'Nai Mitzvah 10am JWV Post 30 Mountainview Hospital 9:30am 7 8 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 9 10 11 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 12 Torah Study 9:30am Bh?bb?t 8?rvlc* 10:30am 13 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am 14 Valentine's Day 15 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 16 Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 17 18 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 19 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 20 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am JWV Post 64 Meeting Rainbow Library 1:30pm 21 President's Day 22 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 23 24 25 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 26 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 27 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am 28 29 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 1 TBA Board Meeting - Open to all Congregants 6:30pm Bereavement Group TBA 7:00pm 2 3 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 4 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am 5 Hebrew Class 9:00am Religious School 10:am B'Nai Mitzvah 10am JWV Post 30 Mountainview Hospital 9:30am 6 7 Adult Judaism Class 7:30pm TBA 8 9 10 Tot Shabbat 7pm Shabbat 7:30pm 11 Torah Study 9:30am Shabbat Service 10:30am Please tell our advertisers you saw their ad in "The Shofar" JORAM S. SEGGEV, MD, FAAAAI Certified, American Board of Allergy/Immunology specializing in the treatment ol Allergy, Asthma & Immune Disorders in Adults and Children 3150 N. Tenaya Way Suite 515 Las Vegas. NV89128 3196 S. Maryland Pkwy Suite 215 Las Vegas, NV 89109 Phone: 822-2444 H t L SPANISH HILLS R E A L T Y Ed Weisel. ABR Realtor 4955 S. Durango. Suite 116 Las Vegas, Nevada 89103 e mail: CEIJ.: 702521 6302 OFFICE: 102-939 8000 FAX: 702 838 4634 Are you interested in learning how to cook truly delicious food? Join me for fun. relaxing cooking classes. There's a basic and a gourmet class. Enjoy the dishes you createl Oass size limited. Call to reserve your spot: AHeen Turok 228-6769 ^LMARy KAy. GeriLynn Grossan Independent Beauty Consultant 7721 Leavorite Drive Los Vegas, NV 89128 (702) 242-5730 ATTORNEY AT LAW 6 0 I EAST BRIDQCR AVENUE TELEPHONE (702) 382-5 1 1 1 LAB VEOAI, NEVADA B 9 1 0 I FACSIMILE <702> 38 2-77 1 7 E-MAIL: FRANRINC@WORLDNET.ATT.NET Mort Friedlander Mediation and Arbitration Services Tel (702) 645-1288 ? Fax (702) 645-1149 E-Mail: ALLSTATE INSTANT PRINTING Providing Las Vegas with prompt, courteous, & economical service since 1972 Dan & Meggan Debevac 3111 S. Valley View, #U-104 (702) 253-9448 Las Vegas, NV 89102 Fax (702) 253-5547 FUNERAL HOMES 6200 S. Eastern Avenue ? 2127 W. Charleston Blvd Las Vegas, NV89119 Las Vegas, NV 89102 (702) 736-6200 (702) 383-2900 TEMPLE BETH AM ONEGS: Contact Amy Stein at 233-6230 to sponsor an Oneg DATE SPONSOR OCCASION Feb 4 David and Rosa Kanarek In celebration of their son Tho-mas's Bar Mitzvah Feb 11 Brian and Becky Grill In celebration of their 25th anniversary Feb 18 Open Feb 25 Open The Shofar Temple Beth Am 9001 Hillpointe Road Las Vegas, NV 89134 702-254-5110 NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S.Postage PAID Las Vegas, NV Permit No. 395