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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    mr* c - **• Cory - Lae Veg&e oo: Hr* Ws. Reinhardt - La* Angeles Mr* l s £« Bennett * Lot Angeles refer to last paragraph of ray 1 attar to Mr* Ban Walngert dated Ootohar 30, 1953, fil« * 23-1-135, relative to rafund provisions of Agreement which will be written with *&»• Ban Valngart covering aonstructlon of water main extensions to aerya Ch#rl*«ton Park Subdivision, Las Vega#, flsvad*. In ooapllanoa with suggestion of Mr, Bennett's, will yon plaasa prepare a for© of release satisfactory to the Water Company as outlined under paragraph 8 of section headed SuMlvlder Agrees, in suggested refund provisions as outlined in attachment to ay letter to Mr* Woingart dated October 30, 1953* ' form of release mentioned above, has been prepared please forward five ooplee to Mr* Bennett and one oopy to jae for ©y file and Mr. Bennett will then transnit to Subdivider for execution. Lae Vegae <* November 1 0 , 1953 w 2> 1-135 LRMtrr L* R* Haag