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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, November 25, 1996






Includes meeting agenda and minutes, along with additional information about senate rules and bills.

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    uac000880. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President Joe Laxague Senate President Pro-Tempore Veronica Perez Liberal Arts STUDENT SENATE MEETING 27-03 Monday, November 25,1996 Moyer Student Union Room 201 6:30p.m. CALL TO ORDER Lei a Fleischman Fine & Performing Arts Laura Zurek Hotel Terry Moore Urban Affairs Joaquin F. Trujillo Business Jeremy A. Aguero Hotel Heather Anderson Business Robert IV. Solomon Education William Price Urban Affairs Margaret Persch Health Sciences 'e Lopez <dent Development Frank Lideros Engineering Steven Amend Business Michelle Lee Briggs Science Ben Campbell Student Development Stephanie Gonzales Liberal Arts Alesia Hayes Education Nicole Lehman Education Michelle Quincy Student Development Jonathan Schiff Hotel Joey Song Business Matt Stark Liberal Arts II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Director reports 1. Entertainment and Programming Director Castillo; 2. O.S.I. Director Hamilton; 3. Organizations Board Director Bonghi; 4. Nevada Student Affairs Director Valera; 5. Student Services Director Tolbert; 6. Elections Board Director Reed; B. Senate Committee Reports C. Faculty Senate Committee Reports D. Business Manager Report E. CSUN--Residence Hall Liaison Report VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)] VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Nomination/Election of a chair to the Ways and Means Committee (tabled at 27-02); B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Michelle Williams and Josh Felsenfeld to the CSUN Organizations Board (tabled at 27-02); C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of a $400.00 monthly stipend plus a 24-credit fee waiver as compensation from November 4, 1996 through June 30 ,1997(end of the 1996- 97 fiscal year) for the position of CSUN Senate President Pro Tempore to be encumbered out of the fy 96-97 CSUN 2702 (GenAcct) (tabled at 27-02); VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval to permit the Executive Board to make expenditures up to (and including) $500.00 without specific approval by the Senate (as per CSUN Constitution VI C 4 f); CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 SENATE MEETING 27-03 / NOVEMBER 25, 1996 B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Resolution 27-01, as written by STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL (see attachment 1); * C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Resolution 27-02, as written by STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL and SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE (see attachment 2); * D. Action Item: Discussion/Appointment of one (1) member to the CSUN Judicial Council from Executive Board nominees Ryan Hunt and Brian Witcow (see attachments 3,4); * E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of endorsement of UNLV Consensual Relationships Policy as submitted by Provost Douglas Ferraro (see attachment 5) * F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of amending fy 96-97 budget to allow KUNV expenditures up to $3,568.38 from Capital Improvement Account #2457-237-2709 for purchase of necessary equipment. (Current budget authorizes the use of only $1,00 from this account; all individual expenditures over $500.00 will still require Senate approval) (see attachment 6); * G. Action Item: Nomination/Election of at least one (1) Senator member to the CSUN Student Services Board; H. Action Item: Nomination/Election of Senator members to the CSUN Office of Student Information Board; I. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) student representative to the Faculty Senate Curriculum Committee; J. Action Item: Discussion/Formation of an ad hoc committee consisting of no less than five (5) and no more than nine (9) CSUN members, three (3) of which shall be Senators, to formulate a strategy to produce a yearly epilogue, as submitted by SENATOR LIDEROS; K. Action Item: Discussion/Nomination/Election of applicant(s) for the open Senate seat for the College of Health Sciences (see attachment 11); L. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to CSUN Presidential Advisory Committee for Commuter Students (see attachments 7-9 for items L-R); M. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to CSUN Presidential Advisory Committee for Ethnic Diversity; N. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to CSUN Presidential Advisory Committee for Residential Life; O. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to CSUN Presidential Advisory Committee for Non-Traditional Students; P. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to CSUN Presidential Advisory Committee for Campus Spirit; Q. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) Senator to CSUN Presidential Advisory Committee for Greek Life; R. Action Item: Nomination/Election of one (1) CSUN Senator to the Dean Search Committee for the College of Urban Affairs; 2 SENATE MEETING 27-03 / NOVEMBER 25, 1996 IX. EXECUTIVE BOARD ANNOUNCEMENTS AND SUMMATIONS X. GOOD OF THE SENATE XL ADJOURNMENT Posted in accordance with Nevada Open Meeting Law (N.R.S. 241.000) at the following locations: Moyer Student Union, Frank and Estella Beam Hall, Flora Dungan Humanities, Classroom Building Complex, and Thomas Beam Engineering Complex. * Items marked as such have been passed by the CSUN Executive Board, on Monday Nov ember4, 1996, and Monday, November 18, 1996. OFFICIAL NOTICE: When applicable, any formal Executive Board/Senate approval for all heretofore and hereafter appointed nominee(s) are to be contingent upon necessary receipt of required grade point average verification(s). 3 SUPPLEMENTAL AGENDA Nov 21 7 5s AH '% CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS * UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA SENATE MEETING Monday, November 25, 1996 Moyer Student Union Room 201, 6:30p.m. VII. NEW BUSINESS S. Action Item: Discussion/Approval for KUNV to expend $1,138.50 to purchase a rebuilt electronic transmitter tube for Black Mountain Transmitter; to be encumbered out of the fy96-97 CSUN 2709 (KUNV) account. T. Action Item: Nomination/Approval of one representative to the ad hoc Special Course Fee committee. Senate Resolution No. 1 of the 27th Session INTRODUCED BY: Aaron Rosenthal, CSUN President WHEREAS, The fundamental responsibility of all citizens is to exercise their constitutional right to vote; and WHEREAS, in order to vote a citizen must be registered to vote; and WHEREAS, university students are historically under-enrolled voters; and WHEREAS, by providing more opportunities for individuals to register to vote, it is reasonable to believe an increase in registered voters will result; and WHEREAS, with greater enrollment and subsequent voter turn-out by any demographic group, it is reasonable to believe an increased diligence in the representation on issues relevant to that demographic group will result, LET IT HEREBY BE RECOMMENDED, by the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada that the University and Community College System of Nevada be designated a special registrar of voters by the Nevada Secretary of State, Dean Heller. Furthermore, the institutions of the UCCSN should include in their mailings voter registration forms and make efforts to create other opportunities for residents of the State of Nevada to register to vote. Reference C Senate Resolution No. 2 of the 27th Session INTRODUCED BY: Aaron Rosenthal, CSUN President Joe Laxague, CSUN Senate President WHEREAS, It is the fundamental right of all American citizens who meet , minimum requirements to seek and hold public office; and WHEREAS, all matriculated members of the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada have a similar right to seek and hold office as an elected official within student government; and WHEREAS, the student government of the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada is a legal separate entity of the administration of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas by virtue of Nevada Revised Statute 396.547; and WHEREAS, it has been suggested in the past that being a Student Senator would not be acceptable, under certain circumstances, by UNLV administrators; and WHEREAS, a member of the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada was made to decide between being a member of the Student Senate and sustaining a role with another campus entity, LET IT HEREBY BE RESOLVED, by the Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, that the actions of any UNLV administrative unit thought to impede a student's right to seek and hold any elected office on campus will be viewed as an offensive assault on the CSUN Constitution and its Bylaws. Furthermore, such actions will be formally responded to by CSUN Student Government at the highest level necessary within the State of Nevada. Reference C Sir -o^/aiMiimiof Consensual Relationships Policy Draft The University of Nevada, Las Vegas' mission is to promote the personal and academic development of students. This mission is promoted by professionalism in relationships between members of the university community. It is the university's goal to create an environment conducive to learning where students, faculty, and staff trust and respect one another. The University of Nevada, Las Vegas prohibits romantic or sexual relationships between members of the university community when one of the individuals involved has direct professional influence or direct authority over the other. In that circumstance, both the university and the person in the position of influence are vulnerable toT charges of sexual harassment from the person in the position of lesser power and/or by third parties. Consensual relationships existing between individuals — neither of whom has direct professional influence or authority over the other — are not prohibited by this policy. Definition of direct professional power or direct authority A member of the university community is considered to have direct professional power or direct authority over another individual when he or she is in the position to do any of the following: — Supervise a student in any capacity, including evaluating any academic work, assigning grades, academic advising, personal counseling, or serving on thesis, dissertation, or scholarship committees; — Influence a student's employment, graduate assistantship, housing, participation in athletics or any other University activity; — Supervise and/or evaluate the work performance of a member of the faculty or professional or classified staff; — Recommend or award merit or promotions to a member of the faculty or professional or classified staff; — Serve on promotion or tenure committees. Sanctions When a romantic or sexual relationship exists, both parties involved may be subject to disciplinary action. However, the person in the position of power or authority over the other will bear a greater degree of accountability. Consequently, to avoid disciplinary action, this person should at the beginning of such a relationship report its existence to his or her supervisor. Once the university administration learns of a romantic or sexual relationship, whether through self-reporting or otherwise, it will take immediate steps to eliminate the power or authority of the one individual over the other. This may be accomplished by reassigning duties or responsibilities or requiring withdrawal Reference A from a committee. If the individuals involved fail to comply with this policy, or if the relationship is not self-reported, the university may impose one or more of the sanctions available through its disciplinary procedures, as outlined in the UCCSN Code (for faculty and professional staff), the Nevada Administrative Code (for classified staff), or the UNLV Student Conduct Code (for students). Groundless or Malicious Charges Persons bringing groundless or malicious charges under this policy are subject to disciplinary action for personal misconduct under the appropriate faculty/staff personnel policies or the Student Conduct Code. Approved by the Task Force on Campus Culture, Equity, and Environment, 4-30-96 ( consensu. 496 Reference A Rationale for Development of a Consensual Relationships Policy Prepared by the UNLV Subcommittee on the Status of Women April 24, 1996 Background The current policy draft you are considering has been in development for more than three years. The UNLV Subcommittee on the Status of Women has had considerable discussion about it. This version was approved by the subcommittee in March 1995. Delays in advancing the policy have been the result of the major changes in the UNLV administration over the course of the past year. This draft comes to you now after review (and a few minor changes) by the Provost's Office. It has also been approved by the University Counsel. We recognize that such a policy is bound to generate some controversy on our campus; similar policies certainly have done so on other campuses throughout the country. For that reason, we have prepared the following pro/con statement in the hope that it will streamline our discussions. There may well be other arguments in favor of or opposition to this policy, but the ones we have encountered or have discovered through our research of the subject thus far seem to fall into the following categories. Pros: 1. Such relationships are unethical and should therefore be prohibited. Such romantic relationships are inappropriate and unethical. They involve inherent conflicts of interest and imperil the academic integrity of the university. Some would argue that there is no such thing as a "consensual relationship" between two people of unequal power; even if they are ostensibly consensual, such relationships are exploitative and always involve an element of power. And, since not all members of the university community may agree with or understand this concept, it is the university's responsibility to make it absolutely clear that such relationships will not be tolerated. 2. Such relationships often lead to sexual harassment complaints. Some of the most egregious sexual harassment cases on campuses have been the result of faculty/student relationships gone sour. If the faculty member is the one rejected when the relationship ends, s/he can use the power of position to make life very difficult for the student. If the student is rejected, s/he can claim that the relationship was not consensual from the start. (However, even consent is not necessarily a defense against a sexual harassment or discrimination complaint.) Also, third party sexual harassment complaints can result when other students in a class witness one student receiving special treatment. These scenarios can also occur in the work environment involving relationships between supervisors and employees. 3. Without such a policy, the university is legally vulnerable. Reference A Laws regarding sexual harassment continue to place increasing responsibility on the employer for prevention of sexual harassment. Employers are now being held responsible in cases in which the courts find that they should have known about a sexual harassment situation. And, since many sexual harassment cases result from romantic relationships between those in positions of unequal power, a policy prohibiting such relationships should prevent at least some sexual harassment cases. 4. Prohibition of such relationships is necessary. Some would suggest that the university should discourage — rather than prohibit — such relationships. However, without a policy prohibiting such relationships, the university cannot intervene in situations in which someone is clearly abusing the power of his/her position in such a relationship. If the university does not want these types of relationships to occur, then it should take a clear, definite position and not sidestep the issue because it is a difficult one. 5. The policy doesn't prohibit the relationship, just the power arrangement. This policy doesn't prevent the relationship from continuing, just the unequal power situation. If two people find themselves in such a relationship and they want to continue it, the person in the position of greater power must simply change the circumstances of their professional or academic relationship. By reporting the situation and accepting a reassignment of duties, the relationship can continue. Also, though it is stated in the actual policy, it should be emphasized that this policy does not affect consensual relationships in which neither of the individuals involved has direct power or authority over the other. Cong: 1. A university should not attempt to legislate morality. The university has no right to tell its faculty, staf£ or students what their moral standards should be or how to apply them in their personal lives. All of the individuals on a university campus are adults and should be treated with enough respect as to allow them to handle such delicate personal matters on their own within their own ethical framework. If the university steps into the role of parent, members of the university community will resent it. 2. Such a policy is intrusive. The university has no right to intrude upon the personal decisions of its faculty, stafl^ or students. Romantic relationships are extremely private matters; requiring individuals to report the status of those relationships could be embarrassing, even damaging, to some individuals. 3. The university should discourage, not prohibit, such relationships. Reference A The university is an institution that values education; as such, it would seem more appropriate for the university to educate the campus about the problems that can result from such relationships rather than prohibit them. 4. The university already has a policy prohibiting sexual harassment. While it might be true that such relationships can lead to sexual harassment, when the situation does become sexual harassment, the university already has a policy to deal with it. A consensual relationships policy intercedes too early; it is possible that such relationships could exist without ever becoming problematic. As evidence of this, note that there are many married couples on campus who met in the classroom situation when one was the professor and the other, a student. Reference A CSUN President's Advisory Council PURPOSE This document describes the composition and function of the President's Advisory Council in CSUN Student Government. The President's Advisory Council will be a board chaired by the President with members who are chairs of their respective committees. These chairs meet with the President in council meetings so to report the information and concerns gathered by their committees. It is the job of the President to report progress made on current student issues of concern. The committees are composed of student members and some administrators/faculty who could give resourceful insight into the questions which may arise in committee meetings. The sole purpose of the committees is to provide a forum for students to discuss issues facing them and communicate those issues to the leadership of Student Government. The issues discussed in committee will be presented by the chair in the Presidential Advisory Council meeting. It is the intent of establishing this Council to enlarge the student voice within CSUN given that the CSUN President and other officers are not fully knowledgable on all issues relating to every student. The Council will be a resource for the President to solicit input from students-at-large concerning various issues. Each committee will be chaired by a person recommended by the President and approved by the Executive Board. The members will be recommended by any CSUN officer or official and approved by the Executive Board. Each committee will have as a member one CSUN Senator who will be nominated and approved by the Senate. Initially, the committee chairs will be responsible for working with the President in developing a mission statement and member structure for each committee. Committee meetings will be held monthly and are the sole responsibility of the Chair. The CSUN President may remove a chair at any time. Further the CSUN President will chair the Advisory Council meeting where the chairs of the committees will meet. The Council, in addition to the committee chairs, will have the CSUN Vice President as a member and Vice Chair. For clarity, the Presidential Advisory Council and its committees will not be granted any legislative power within Student Government, and it is the responsibility of the CSUN President to develop and proceed with initiatives created in the council and committee meetings. Once established, the council and committees will exist perpetually with the goal of being written into the CSUN bylaws. COMMITTEES Commuter Student Affairs Committee Ethnic Diversity Committee Resident Student Life Committee Non-Traditional Student Affairs Committee Campus Spirit Committee Greek Life Committee ESTABLISHMENT CSUN Presidential Advisory Council Aaron Rosenthal CSUN President Joe Mills CSUN Vice President Commuter Students Committee Chair Non-Traditional Students Committee Chair Ethnic Diversity Committee Chair Campus Spirit Committee Chair Residential Life Committee Chair Greek Life Committee Chair \ O Q)o P C o Committee • Repeated and documented formal complaints against an employee for personal misconduct or unprofessional behavior will result in the implementation of a 30 day probation period. Further similar complaints during the probation period will be grounds for immediate dismissal. ACCOUNTABILITY Current schedules will be posted at all times for receptionists. If a receptionist fails to arrive for a scheduled shift, it is the responsibility of the President or designated supervisor to seek a replacement for the shift. If a replacement can not be found, then the office Management Assistant will monitor the front desk area and assume all receptionist duties. Hours will be logged at the beginning and end of each shift, and at the end of the week they will be submitted to the CSUN Management Assistant. It will be the responsibility of the Management Assistant to process employment documents, payroll, and other paperwork pertaining to all employees. Paychecks will be available from the CSUN President. Reference B STUDENT SENATE MEETING 27-03 MINUTES Monday, November 25,1996 Moyer Student Union Room 201 6:30p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT Jeremy Aguero Steven Amend Heather Anderson Michelle Lee Briggs Ben Campbell Leia Fleischman Stephanie Gonzales Alesia Hayes Nicole Lehman Frank Lideros Kyle Lopez Veronica Perez Margaret Persch William Price Michelle Quincy Jonathan Schiff Robert Solomon Joey Song Matt Stark Joaquin Trujillo Laura Zurek III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Senate minutes 27-02 are up for approval. Motion to approve made by SENATOR PRICE, seconded by SENATOR BRIGGS. Corrections: Item S, the two abstentions were SENATORS SONG, SCHIFF. Move into a vote. Motion passes 18-0-2. SENATORS MOORE, FLEISCHMAN abstained. IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS | i SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE- the agenda for the next meeting goes out tonight due to the holiday coming up. The next meeting will be short, encouraged the Senate to attend the World AIDS day event, since they approved money for it. CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS • UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA 4505 SOUTH MARYLAND PARKWAY • LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154-2009 • (702) 895-3477 • FAX (702) 895-4606 — University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Government Office of the Senate President ABSENT Terry Moore Kyle Lopez T- C3 T- <JP>, SENATE MEETING 27-03 / NOVEMBER 25, 1996 V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Director reports 1. Entertainment and Programming—Basketball tailgate went well. Dec. 2 is Worlds AIDS Day, encouraged the Senate to help David Turner out. NACA was great, UNLV won many awards. Dec. 3 will be his next board meeting. Next semester will include a Thunder game, a "beat the rush" events for evening students, only 2 movies, and is looking for other ideas, please give any to him. He is looking to book Carrot Top for Spring Fling. Has events planned for Black History month. Is also looking for ideas for events on the North side of campus. 2. O.S.I.—Been working on promotions for the tailgate. Encouraged the Senate to tell their constituents to advertise on the OSI page. Looking into ordering promotional items for student government. 3. Organizations Board—meeting tomorrow. Jason will be the acting interim director. 4. Nevada Student Affairs—Inquired as to whether the business senators have followed up with the student that had expressed a complaint to him. He has started research for the upcoming legislative term. 5. Student Services—Getting set for finals in the office. Working on getting massages donated during finals week from Pat on the Back. The theme for Career day is "Go the Distance for your Future", it is on Feb. 26. The Rebel Sore has donated prizes. Working on having contests between the organizations. Would like for the Senators to help find employers to have booths. The e-mail computer should be running by the beginning of next semester. 6. Elections Board—Working on a formal application for the bidding. Placed an ad in the newspaper for it. B. Senate Committee Reports SENATOR AGUERO-Bylaws met, had a lot of discussion, but no vote. No meeting next week because of the holiday. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN-Attended the light walk. There will be stop signs going up over winter break for carts and the shuttle service. Next meeting will be Thursday at 3 p.m. SENATOR TRUJILLO-Rules and Ethics meeting is pending for 5 p.m. next Monday. C. Faculty Senate Committee Reports SENATOR SOLOMON-Education Dean Search is meeting every Monday, interviews will be in early January, a forum is being arranged. SENATOR MOORE-Resigned from Dean Search of Urban Affairs. SENATOR AMEND-Admission meeting next Monday at 2:30 p.m. D. Business Manager Report STUDENT 30DY PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL reported to the Senate that there are two applicants in the running for interviews for the position, a meeting will be held soon to decide which to offer the job. ( 2 SENATE MEETING 27-03 / NOVEMBER 25, 1996 E. CSUN-Residence Hall Liaison Report Held their end of the semester recognition banquet. Conducting a changing relations program this week. Having a Thanksgiving dinner fro students hat cannot go home for the holiday. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT [in accordance with N.R.S. 241.020 (2)(c)(3)) No comment from the gallery. VII. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Action Item: Nomination/Election of a chair to the Ways and Means Committee (tabled at 27-02); Motion to remove from the table made by SENATOR PRICE, seconded by SENATOR BRIGGS. Move into a vote on removal. Motion passes 20-0-0. Motion to open nominations made by SENATOR PEREZ, seconded by SENATOR BRIGGS. Move into a vote on opening. Motion passes 20-0-0. Motion to nominate SENATOR PRICE made by SENATOR PEREZ, seconded by SENATOR STARK. Motion to close nominations allowing each candidate to speak to be followed by a division of the house and a roll call vote made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR HAYES. SENATOR MOORE declines the nomination he received at the last meeting. SENATOR FLEISCHMAN withdraws the motion for the roll call vote. Move into a vote of approval. Motion passes 19-0-1. SENATOR PRICE abstained. B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Michelle Williams and Josh Felsenfeld to the CSUN Organizations Board (tabled at 27-02); Motion to remove from the table made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR PRICE. Move into a vote on removal. Motion passes 20-0-0. Motion to amend the item to read "...Felsenfeld as ex-officio members to the CSUN Organizations Board..." made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR LEHMAN. Discussion regarding the amendment and the implications toward the operating policy of the board in question ensued. Motion to amend the amendment to read "...ex-officio assistants to the CSUN Organizations Board Director Rob Bonghi..." made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR PRICE. Move into a vote on the main motion. Motion passes 19-1-0. SENATOR STARK opposed. 3 SENATE MEETING 27-03 / NOVEMBER 25, 1996 C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of a $400.00 monthly stipend plus a 24-credit fee waiver as compensation from November 4,1996 through June 30 ,1997(end of the 1996-97 fiscal year) for the position of CSUN Senate President Pro Tempore to be encumbered out of the fy 96-97 CSUN 2702 (GenAcct) (tabled at 27-02); Motion to remove from the table made by SENATOR PRICE, seconded by SENATOR MOORE. Move into a vote on removal. Motion passes 20-0-0. Motion to approve made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR AMEND. Move into a vote on the main motion. Motion passes 20-0-0. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Action Item: Discussion/Approval to permit the Executive Board to make expenditures up to (and including) $500.00 without specific approval by the Senate (as per CSUN Constitution VI C 4 f); Motion to approve made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR PRICE. Discussion ensued regarding the implications of this item. Explanation of use of this item explained to the Senate by SENATOR PRESIDENT LAXAGUE and STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL. Move into a vote on the main motion. Motion passes 20-0-0. B. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Resolution 27-01, as written by STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL (see attachment 1); * Motion to approve made by SENATOR FLEISCHMAN, seconded by SENATOR PEREZ. STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL explained the origin of the resolution to the Senate. Move into a vote on the main motion. Motion passes 20-0-0. C. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of Resolution 27-02, as written by STUDENT BODY PRESIDENT ROSENTHAL and SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE (see attachment 2); * Motion to approve made by SENATOR BRIGGS, seconded by SENATOR PRICE. Discussion and explanation of the origin of the item ensued. Move into a vote on the original item. Motion passes 20-0-0. D. Action Item: Discussion/Appointment of one (1) member to the CSUN Judicial Council from Executive Board nominees Ryan Hunt and Brian Witcow (see attachments 3,4); * Motion to table made by SENATOR SOLOMON, seconded by SENATOR PERSCH. Move into a vote on the motion. Motion passes 20-0-0. Ryan Hunt introduced himself to the Senate. 4 SENATE MEETING 27-03 / NOVEMBER 25, 1996 Brian Witcow introduced himself to the Senate. E. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of endorsement of UNLV Consensual Relationships Policy as submitted by Provost Douglas Ferraro (see attachment 5) * Motion to approve made by SENATOR MOORE, seconded by SENATOR PRICE. Lengthy discussion ensued regarding items in the policy and the Senate's concern for endorsing the item as is written. SENATOR QUINCY yielded the floor to STUDENT BODY VICE PRESIDENT JOE MILLS, whom addressed the item. Motion to commit to Rules and Ethics made by SENATOR PRICE, seconded by SENATOR SONG. Move into a vote on committing. Motion passes 19-1-0. SENATOR opposed. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE grants a two (2) minute recess at 7:36 p.m. SENATE PRESIDENT LAXAGUE calls the meeting back to order at 7:40 p.m. F. Action Item: Discussion/Approval of amending fy 96-97 budget to allow KUNV expenditures up to $3,568.38 from Capital Improvement Account #2457-237-2709 for purchase of necessary equipment. (Current budget authorizes the use of only SI,00 from this account; all individual expenditures over $500.00 will still require Senate approval) (see attachment 6); * Motion to approve made by SENATOR ANDERSON, seconded by SENATOR AGUERO. Motion to amend the item to read "...$1,000.00..." made by SENATOR ANDERSON, seconded by SENATOR AGUERO. Move into as vote on the amendment. Motion passes 20-0-0. Move into a vote. Motion passes 16-1-3.. SENATORS AMEND, SOLOMON, BRIGGS opposed. SENATORS HAYES abstained. G. Action Item: Nomination/Election of at least one (1) Senator member to the CSUN Student Services Board; Motion to nominate SENATOR MOORE made by SENATOR AGUERO, seconded by SENATOR BRIGGS. SENATOR MOORE declines the nomination. Motion to nominate SENATOR LIDEROS made by SENATOR LIDEROS, seconded by SENATO