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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, July 22, 1980






Includes meeting agenda and minutes with an additional letter. CSUN Session 10 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000251. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    UNIVECROSNISTOYL OIDFA NTEEVDA SDTAU, DLEANST VSE GAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 AGENDA SENATE MEETING #10 July 22, 1980 Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Executive Board Announcements IV. Executive Board Nominations A. Radio Board 1. Senator Dale Hulen, Chairman 2. Senator Joseph Petrizzo B. Appropriations Board, member 1. Rose Gunthorp C. Elections Board Members 1. Roberta Burton 2 . Paul William Bradly 3. Duda Stefanich 4. Dirk Ravenholt D. Publications Board 1. Bill llaldeman 2. John Carilli E. Curriculum Committee (Faculty Senate) 1. Lori Ann Kanton F. Energy Committee Members 1. Lori Ann Kanton 2 . Cathleen Powell G. Organizations Board 1. Senator Mac Jackson H. Parking & Traffic Committee 1. Craig E. Peterson I. Academic Standards (Faculty Senate) 1. Bryon Blasco J. Financial Aid (Faculty Senate) 1. Senator Mac Jackson K. Greivance Committee (Faculty Senate) 1. Craig E. Peterson 2. Senator Tom Foskaris L. By-Laws Committee 1. Jeff Wild, Chairman 2 . Bill Haldeman M. Yell, Editor 1. Lisa Riley M. Bar Manager 1. Dan Ardissone 2. Ray Lac ire Agenda-Seriate Meeting #10 Continued V. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board B. Entertainment and Programming Board C. Radio Board D. Ad Hoc Dorm Relations Board E. Ad Hoc Fee Investigative Committee F. Ad Hoc Transportation Committee VI. Old Business VII. New Business A. Admendments to Entertainment and Programming Board 1. Board Operating Policy B. Directive to CSUN Executive Board, Senator Oshinski IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment MINUTES SENATE MEETING #10 July '22, 1980 Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 4 p.m. I. Call to Order The tenth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order at 4:00 p.m. by Senate President Burzinski. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Dorothy Halpin Tom Foskaris Rick Oshinski Mike Taylor-excused absent Mac Jackson Kelly Campbell Dale Hulen Tim McGarry Skip Kelley David Martinez Martha Boos Joe Petrizzo Derrek Yelton Ray Corbett Sandy Williams Scott Karosa Denise Rajnovich Lisa Rollins-excused absent Claire Dowell Howard Reign III. Approval of Senate Meeting #9 Minutes Derrek Yelton was absent, excused. There being no further additions or corrections the mintues of Senate Meeting #9 stood approved as corrected. IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Protect Our Pensions, Inc. Mr. Peter J. Montagnoli spoke briefly to the Senate under Executive Board Announcements about a national pension plan that he would like CSUN's help in supporting this program. The program is based on equal benefits for everyone. B. Bar Manager President Chanos, announced that Ray Lacina had given the Executive Board a resignation. He asked the Senate to endorse the other nomination Dan Ardissone. C. Board of Regents Meeting President Chanos announced that the meeting of the Board of Regents will be held Thursday, July 23, at 10:30 on the UNLV campus. At 3:30 p.m. on Thursday there will be a Financail Committee meeting. I-Ie encouraged everyone to attend. The Fee-restrucutre will be the main issue concerning CSUN at this meeting. Senate Meeting #10 July 22, 1 0 8 0 Page 2 D. Plus-Minus Grading System Vice-President Reyes reported to the Senate that she has collected some valuable information to the disadvantage of the plus-minus grading system. Only about 25% university college use the plus-minus grading system. Vice-President Reyes also talked with Jeff Halverson in the Registrar's office, and he commented that it would cost the University a great amount of money to change the computers. The plus-minus grading issue will appear on the August agenda of the Board of Regents. E. Senate President Announcments Senate President Burzinski announced the official resignation of Ray Lacina from Bar Manager nomination. Senator Oshinski's directive under New Business, Item A was withdrawn from the agenda. The USUN's meeting will be a 7:30 p.m. on Thursday. IV. Executive Board Nominations A. Radio Board, Senator Joseph Petrizzo Senator Kelley moved to approve Senator Joe Petrizzo to the Radio Board. The motion was seconded. The motion passed uananimously. B. Appropriations Board , Rose Gunthorpe Senate President Burzinsk.i introduced Rose Gunthorpe. Senator Martinez moved to approve Rose Gunthorpe to the Appropriations Board. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. C. Elections Board, Roberta Burton, Paul William Bradley, Duda Stefanich, and Dirk Ravenholt. Senate President Burzinski announced Duda Stefanich who introduced herself to the Senate. Senator Foskaris moved to approve as a whole, Roberta Burton, Paul William Bradley, Duda Stefanich, and Dirk Ravenholt. The motion was seconded. Discussion took place. The motion passed with thirteen in favor, four opposed, and one abstention. D. Publications Board -Bill Haldeman, John Carilli Senate President Burzinski announced John Carilli to the Senate. Senator Oshinski moved to approve Bill Haldeman and John Carilli to the Publications Board. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. E. Curriculum Committee, Lori Ann Kanton Senate President Burzinski introduced Lori Ann Kanton to the Senate. Senator Karosa moved to approve Lori Ann Kanton to the Curriculum committee. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. F. Energy Committe- Lori Ann Kanton, Cathleen Powell Senate President Burzinski announced Cathleen Powell. Sentor Hulen moved to approve Lori Ann Kanton, and Cathleen Powell to the Energy Committee. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. G. Organizations Board, Senator Mac Jackson Senator Kelley moved to approve Mac Jackson to the Organizations Board, as the Senate's representative. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. H. Parking & Traffic Committee, Craig E. Peterson Senate President Burzinski introduced Craig E. Peterson to the Senate. Senator Kelley moved to approve Craig E. Peterson to the Parking and Traffic Committee. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Senate Meeting #10 July 22, 1080 Page 3 I. Academic Standards Committee (Faculty Senate) Byron Biasco Byron Biasco was not present at this meeting. Senator Hulen moved to table the nomination of Byron Biasco for the Academic Standards committee until Senate meeting #11. The motion was seconded. J. Financial Aid (Faculty-Senate) Senator Mac Jackson Senator Oshinski moved to approve Mac Jackson to the Financial Aid Committee. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. K. Grievance Committee (Faculty-Senate) Craig E. Peterson Senator Campbell moved to approve Craig E. Peterson to the GrievanceCommittee. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. L. By-Laws Committee, Chairman, Jeff Wild, Bill Haldeman Senate President Burzinski introduced Jeff Wild to the Senate. Sentor Boos moved to approve Jeff Wild as Chairman, and Bill Haldeman to the By-Laws Committee. The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. M. Yell, Editor Lisa Riley Senate President introduced Lisa Riley to the Senate. Lisa introduced herself and gave the Senate a brief presentation. Senator Jackson moved to approve Lisa Riley as the Yell Editor. The motion was seconded. Discussion took place. The motion passed unanimously. N. Bar Manager, Dan Ardissone Senate President introduced Dan Ardissone to the Senate. Dan gave a brief speech. Sentor Reign thanked the CSUN Bartenders for coming out and supporting the nomination of Dan Ardissone. Senator Martinez moved to approve Dan Ardissone as the CSUN Bar Manager. The motion was seconded. Discussion took place. Senator Kelley called for the question. There was a second. The call for the question passed uanimou Vote was taken to approve Dan Ardissone which passed with seventeen in favor and one abstention. V. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board No report. B. Entertainment and Programming Board. Vice-chairman Bruce Bradley read the minutes of the Entertainment and Programming Board In the minutes the Board has unanimously passed the amendments to the Operating Policy. Senator Hulen moved to approve the minutes excluding the the Operating Policy amendment The motion was seconded. There being no further additions or corrections the minutes stood approved. C. Radio Board No report. D. Ad Hoc Dorm Relations No Report. Chairman Oshinski asked all the members of the Board to meet him after the Senate meeting. E. Ad Hoc Fee Investigation Committee Chairman, President Chanos spoke to the Senate. He feels very confident that CSUN has a good chance at defeating Regent McBride's fee restructure proposal. He had spoke with some of the Regents and found they were against the fee-restructure. Also he had talked to the Alumni Association, Sherman Bennett and President Goodall. The alternative plan was at CSUN would request in the future a Senate Meeting iHrir July 22, 1980 J\)Q Page 4 10% of the credit enrollment. President Chanos asked all the Senator's to come to the Board of Regents meeting at 10:30 on Thursday, and the Finance Committee meeting at 3:30 on Thursday also. Discussion took place. Senator Boos commended President Chanos, Senator Martinez, and Senator McGarry for all their hard work on the fee-restructure presentation. President Chanos asked to the Senate about bringing in the press to cover the meeting, the general consensus of the Senate was positive. Also, it was suggested that the Northern press be informed of the meeting. F. Ad Hoc Transportation Committee Vice-President Reyes announced that there was no meeting. The next meeting will be Monday at 4:00 p.m. President Chanos moved to recess for ten minutes. The motion was seconded. The motion passed with seven opposed and nine in favor. Senate President Burzinski called the meeting back to order. VII. Old Business There was no old business VIII. New Business A. Amendments to Entertainment and Programming Board Operating Policy Vice-Chairman Bruce Bradley explained the amendments to the Operating Policy. President Chanos said it was important to except the amendments to the Operating Policy for Bruce to working sufficiently as Chairman of Concerts and Speakers. Senator ;.Hulen moved to table the Operating Policy until Senate meeting #11. The motion was seconded. Much discussion took place. Senator Kel.ley called for the question. The motion was seconded. The call for the question passed unanimously. Vote on the tabling of the Operating Policy passed with seyen opposedan^ eight in favor. B. Directive to CSUN Executive Board Item was withdrawn from the agenda. C. Library Hours Senator Martinez moved that CSUN staff a skeleton crew on the last, week of the Second summer session. Sunday thru Thursday^ CSUN would pay after closing hours until 10:45 p.m. and until 7:45 p.m. on Sundav- The motion was seconded. The motion passed unanimously. D. CSUN Appreciations Award Sentor Hulen moved to give committee members who were Advisors the CSUN Appreciation Award. The motion was seconded. The motion passed uanimously. IX. Open Discussion Senator Corbett asked that a resolution concerning the CSUN Basketball team hosting Russia. A resolution will be placed on the next agenda. Senate Meeting #10 July 22, 1080 Page 5 Senator Oshinski informed the Senate that he had withdrawn his directive to Executive Board concerning nominations because of the lengthy nominations that were on the agenda at the Senate meeting today. Senate President Burzinski announced to the Senate that they need to recruit students to apply for various CSUN and Faculty-Senate committees. Sentor Boos congratulated Senator Martinez and Senate McGarry for a job well done on the Fee-restructure. Senator Martinez and Senator Ilulen along with President Chanos began discussing the Entertainment and Programming Board x^olicy. Due to lack of qourum the meeting was automatically adjourned at 6:55. X. Adjournment The tenth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was adjourned at 6:55. Respectfully Submitted by, Respectfully Prepared by, Robin Starlin CSUN Senate Secretary Martin J. Burzinski CSUN Senate President TUHniEv eYrsEitLyL o f Nevada, Laa Vegas 4L5a0s5 VMegaarys,l aNnedv aPdaar k8w9a1y5 4 ((770022)) 773399--33487889 NAdewvesr tising May 14, 1980 Dear Executive Board Members, Rather than submit to you, the Executive Board, an impersonal resume listing merely statistics, I want to attach this note to the CSUN Information Sheet I have filled out, along with an invitation to contact me personally for any additional background information you may want. Although my experience in journalism is limited to the courses and practical training I've received at UNLV, I label myself a journalist. As a member of the journalism profession, I subscribe to a code of ethics shared by most journalists, a code which calls for personal feelings to be put aside in favor of the objective reporting of factual information. However, in practice, upholding such an ideal has not always been possible, as is evident during the term of Dennis Berry. Serving under Mr. Berry, first as Entertainment Editor and then as Managing Editor until assuming the position of Editor after his resignation, I have been able to observe the abuse of the power CSUN grants an Editor. I attribute these abuses to Mr. Berry's personal involvement in CSUN politics. It is not always easy for a journalist to seperate his or her personal life as a citizen and voter from his or her professional life as an objective observer and reporter of political situations. But making this division is essential to the kind of fair, and unbiased reporting following the code of ethics demands and readers deserve. As Editor, I would continue to maintain the same position I have assumed this year: as a journalist, it is my duty to put aside my own feelings towards politics—or any subject, for that matter—and strive to uncover the facts readers will need to form their own opinions. On a less idealistic and more practical level, I have the experience necessary to succeed in this position. Not only do I have four years of studying journalism behind me, but also a year of editorial experience on the YELL. I wrote several articles for the YELL during the fall semester of 1978, and was appointed Entertainment Editor by Mr. Berry during the summer of 1979. I was then promoted to Managing Editor during the semester break, and further expanded my knowledge of the YELL. Because of my experience, I was able to put out the last issue of the paper despite the resignations of both the Editor and the typesetter. The YELL has recently lost a lot of its credibility as a news source on campus. I want to apply what I've learned, in classes and in the YELL offices to make the YELL a reliable and respected newspaper. To do this, I need to continue next year as YELL Editor. I look forward to meeting with you to discuss this position. Lisa Riley YELL Editor