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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, October 2005



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    Congregation Ner Tamid Looking Towards The Future.......... Worship Services October 2005 Vol. XIX No. 1 0 Elul/Tishri 5766 Friday, October 7 6:30 pm TotShabbat 6:45 pm Memorial Plaque Unveiling 7:30 pm Shabbat Services ~ Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, October 8 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00am Minyan (BeitTefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, October 14 7:30 pm Shabbat Services ~ Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, October 15 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study <3 We're Breaking Ground! W\ Sunday, October 9, 1:00 pm EVERYONE ~ Parents, children ~ don't miss the official ground breaking ceremony at our future location ~ 1-215 & Valle Verde, just across the street from the Kohl's Shopping Center. Busses will take the Religious School children to the site. Parking will be available in the Kohl's parking lot across the street. Friday, October 21 Decorate the Sukkah Sukkot Family Dinner 7:30 pm Sukkot Service ~ Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, October 22 10:00 am Bryce Conner Bar Mitzvah ~ Kiddush sponsored by Mercedes Conner 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Friday, October 28 Note: Office Closed 7:30 pm Simchat Torah & Consecration Service ~ Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Saturday, October 29 9:00 am Bible Study 10:00 am Minyan (Beit Tefillah) 11:00 am Torah Study Candle Lighting Times cTCCober7 October 14 October 21 October 28 5:58 pm 5:49 pm 5:40 pm 5:31pm High Holyday Services Erev Rosh Hashanah October 3 Family Service ~ 6:00 pm Late Service ~ 8:15 pm Rosh Hashanah October 4 Morning Service ~ 10:00 am Youth & Teen Service ~ 10:00 am Kol Nidre October 12 Family Service ~ 6:00 pm Late Service ~ 8:15 pm Yom Kippur October 13 Morning Service ~ 10:00 am Youth & Teen Service ~ 10:00 am Healing Service ~ 2:00 pm Afternoon Service ~ 3:00 pm Yizkor Service ~ 5:00 pm Concluding Service ~ 6:00 pmFrom The Rabbi Deadlines for bulletin columns appear nearly a month before the bulletin comes to print. As I write this images of Hurricane Katrina are fresh in my mind. Horrible images of stranded victims, thousands of displaced people looking for hope-a morsel of food, water-the basic necessities of life. Hundreds, perhaps thousands are reported to have died, and hundreds of thousands more have lost their homes as an entire city has disappeared. Our tradition reminds us of the tenuous nature of life as the words of the Unetaneh Tokef found in our High Holyday machzor come to haunt us especially this year, "On Rosh Hashanah it is written and on Yom Kippur it is sealed, who shall live and who shall die; who by plague and who by flood. "And the prayer ends, "but repentance, prayer and charity temper j'udgment's severe decree." How are we to understand this prayer in light of this past year's horrific events? Tsunamis, hurricanes, earthquakes and floods? I do not think that the tradition means to imply that these acts of nature are anything more than acts of nature. They are not punishments by God nor are they God's way of sending us a message that human beings are immoral. To put such a value judgment only serves to blame the victim and distances us from God. We must ask ourselves, "Why would a loving God destroy the lives of millions, including innocent babies and children to send a message about human behavior?" Surely there would be a simpler way to communicate. Yet, over and over again we hear such pronouncements by fundamentalists who find such tragedies as openings to speak out about such things. Yet, human beings are not blameless in their ability to diminish human tragedy. Our ability to predict catastrophes often goes ignored by populations in denial. Our ability to respond to disasters is often too slow. And our desires to live in areas that are prone to natural disasters make us vulnerable to hurricanes, tornados, earthquakes and tsunamis that frequent these regions. We know the risks but we choose tci live there anyway. Part of it is because we live in denial. And part is because we feel that human ingenuity will find a way to over come Mother Nature. The Unetaneh Tokef prayer is a reminder that repentance, prayer and tzedakah may temper such tragedies. Repentance-a community introspection on what we have done right, and what we have done wrong in responding to such calamities is in order. Not to point fingers or assess blame, but to learn so that when the next time comes - and there will be a next time - we can do better. Prayer is an act that reminds us of our humanity. Tragedy knows no race or religion. In the darkness of mortal danger it is God's light that shines through in the acts of people who risk their lives so that others might live. And finally, tzedakah-giving financially because it is the right thing to do- is also something that each of us can do to ease human suffering at times like these. There are charities such as the Red Cross or Salvation Army along with responses set up by the reform movement ( and our own local Jewish Federation. Every one of us should give to an organization of our choice. The New Year ahead presents us with many challenges. We who have so much must now reach out to those who have lost so much. We are reminded of our own mortality and our worlds are shaken. But we are also embolden by the knowledge that what has been destroyed will be rebuilt, and even lives that have been shattered will find hope again. B'shalom - Rabbi Sanford Akselrad 2 WWW.LVNERJAMID.ORG Adult Learning Adult Education ?bond Annual Adult Education Second Monday Program Beginning October 10th Classes are free and open to the public, PLEASE RSVP to the temple 733-6292. 6- 6:50 pm Kabala taught by Laura Grau 7- 7:50 pm The Educated Jew taught by Al Esbin 8- 8:55 pm Las Vegas Jewish Community Leaders Different Speaker Each Month October 10 ?Remember the Early Years: The History of Jews in Las Vegas Dr. Michael Greene PhD, Historian Interviewer: Michael Geeser Videography: Poppy Productions November 14 ~ Burton Cohen December 12 ~ Jayn & Art Marshall Second Saturday Talmud Study Second Saturday of the Month 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm Following our customary morning Minyan and Bible Study RSVP to the Temple 733-6292. October 8 November 12 December 10 January 14 ?Israeli Dancing February 11 March 11 April 8 May 13 Committees / Auxiliaries Create a Jewish Atmosphere in your Home Interfaith Family Program Wednesday, November 9th 6:00 PM in Social Hall Special Guest Arlene Chernow of the URJ (Union for Reform Judaism) "How to Create a Jewish Identity for your Interfaith Family and Integrate Jewish Customs & Feelings" Bring your own "Brown-bag" Dinner Drinks & Dessert provided by CNT RSVP to Temple Office 733-6292 N Men?s Club Paid-Up Picnic SUNDAY, October 23, Noon This year?s Annual Paid-up Picnic will be at Discovery Park, in Henderson. We will be grilling and chilling with some good food and fun events. This is free for all Men?s Club members in good standing. Each may bring a guest for only $5. Call the Temple office for directions and to RSVP. Design Your Own T-Shirt Day SUNDAY, October 16,1:00 pm RSVP Linda Goldstein 260-8747 Join us for an afternoon of food and fun! Moms, Dads, Grandparents, Kids - Bring a light colored t-shirt for yourself and Sisterhood will provide special fabric markers for you to decorate and design your own shirt. Cost is $5 per person which includes pizza, salad, drinks and cookies. Everyone is welcome! O ctober 2005 3 Philip?s M essage Just a As I write this, it?s September. It?s hard to believe how fast summer went by. High Holiday Choir rehearsals began in July and everyone is working diligently to be prepared for the Holy days. I?m sure as you read this; you?ve no doubt enjoyed the Rosh Hashanah service and the wonderful sound of the Adult Choir. I want to thank the Adult Choir, our accompanist Lillian Kollar and Choir Director John Smith, for all their hard work. I look forward to next year and some new musical selections that I have planned. If you are interested in joining the choir for future services, please let me know (You know it?s a mitzvah to sing in choir at CNT and it?s fun too!). Also I want to thank the Teen Choir and Lori Frankl for all their hard work at the Family Service, and Brad Torchin for his musical talents. Also by now, you have no doubt heard the Shabbatones. Their new season began Sept.9th with the debut of the new Shabbatone CD. What a great group and I am privileged to be singing all the wonderful music. I sound so much better because of their musical talents and I appreciate them all for their time, efforts and energy to make the Shabbatones what it is today. I hope you enjoy the new CD. Thank you all for your wonderful talents and I look forward to a splendid new year of music here at Congregation NerTamid. I wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year! B?shalom, Philip TOT SHABBAT IS BACK! October 71k CNT Sisterhood is proud to present another year of Tot Shabbat services the first Friday of each month beginning Friday, October 7, 2005. Open to children ages 2-5, this month we will teach them about Rosh Hashanah. Services begin at 6:30 pm in the Beit Tefillah, about half an hour, followed by a snack of apples & honey and a craft. The Sisterhood of CNT has sponsored this fine program for several years. Tot Shabbat is lead by three fine Sisterhood members, who are not only Clark County schoolteachers, but CNT religious school teachers as well. Their knowledge and love of Judaism shows in everything they do. This wonderful program is open to everyone and best of all - it?s FREE. For more information, contact Ellen Cropp at 499-0015 (evenings) or Dolly Farrow at 638-2071 (evenings). 4 WWW.LVNER.TAMID.OKG B?nai M itzvah & Youth N ews Annual Sukkot Potluck Dairy Pinner Attention Parents!! Busses will be available to take the Religious School children to the Ground Breaking Ceremony, Sunday, October 9, 2005. Make sure you get a signed permission slip to the office. You must have one for each child. No one will be allowed on the bus without one. Parents must meet their child at the ceremony. No return bus. Friday, October 21 at 6:30 pm More information on page 15 Bryce Conner October 22, 2005 Bryce Connor, son of Mercedes and Richard Connor, and grandson of Emery and Elizabeth Lobl, will be called to the torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, October 22, 2005. Bryce is a 7th grader at Schofield Middle School, where he enjoys his friends and excels in his accelerated classes. He plays the piano and saxophone and is currently a first class boy scout. His hobbies include '^^ng, camping, reading, playing video games, and spending time with his friends. Bryce?s friends and family are very proud of his achievements. NTTY NEWS !!! Attention All 9th - 12th Graders! We invite you to be part of this fun, exciting youth group. If you would like to meet new teens, develop long lasting friendships, and experience Jewish traditions, then please contact Jolie Alhadeff at 610-1858 or Yvonne Greenfield 304-0605 for more information. Fund-4-Youth Needs Your Help! The Chanukah Bazaar is set for November 6th and will be here before we know it! Fund-4-Youth is looking for donations for their annual raffle. Monies raised from this raffle help support the youth groups at the Temple and allow many kids to attend summer camp by being able to offer scholarships. Show tickets, gift certificates, gift baskets, things for kids ? all donations are greatly appreciated and will be put to good use. If you own a business, know someone who owns a business, or would like to donate an item for the raffle, please contact Fay Schoenfeld @ 227-9908 or Hillary Torchin @ 869-9706. O ctober 2005 5 Your Executive D irector What a Month! I HAD FUN this past month. It began with ourfirst Shabbatone Family Musical Shabbat Service of the season and we had over 500 people attend to enjoy our services. We also handed out the brand new Shabbatone CD that they had recorded this summer, and it's great! Following this great experience, 32 hours later, was our first day of our Religious School fortheyear! Between Philip with his wonderful music to a full parking lot, to Ayelet and Lynette's total coordination of the entire Sunday's activities; it was terrific! The energy, the kids, the parents, all of our staff and congregants at both events were unsurpassed (first timers and veteran Sunday school parents alike). Our teachers were also energized, and very importantly, Ayelet introducing our "Dream Team of Hebrew and Religious School Teachers" all made for a terrific experience. What a kickoff for the brand-new season! One of my biggest pleasures is greeting, both on Friday nights and Sunday mornings. So who, exactly, made me the official temple "high-fiver? on Sunday mornings? No one, that's who. I really enjoy greeting in our lobby, giving high-fives to our kids, and handshakes and eye contact with our parents and congregants. To once again see and connect with "who we are doing this for?, our children, when the answer comes in about 200 shapes and forms we call our students and children, is truly incredible. So, it's really my pleasure (and self-appointed duty) to greet everyone on Fridays and Sundays - the connections that I experience are truly wonderful, and with people (congregants and non-congregants alike) who are really, really nice people who come together for a common purpose. You bet I greet with smiles on Fridays and Sundays- it's fun! So, let me take this opportunity to wish each and every person who walks into our facility "A Happy and A Healthy New Year", and I look forward to greeting you when you arrive, not only in our current facility, but in the facility, on the campus, that we have broken ground on. to be continued.... Irv Raise Your Voice About Judicial Nominations This July, President Bush nominatedjudge John G. Roberts Jr. to the Supreme Court - touching off one of the most significant processes in our democracy. The importance of a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court cannot be overstated, and the Reform Movement is committed to making sure that all Supreme Court nominees are committed to a judicial philosophy and Constitutional understanding that protects our rights and liberties. T o help you think about the issue of judicial nominations, the Religious Action Center has created a resource page that features background information on what?s at stake, Jewish values, ways to get involved, andmore. Log on to and find out the key facts that you need to know. The RAC has also launched the ?Ask Judge Roberts? campaign. A web-based question bank, this program gives you an opportunity to suggest questions that Senate Judiciary Committee members may askjudge Roberts during his confirmation hearings. The RAC will share your questions with senators, highlighting the importance of 3^^ comprehensive and thorough examination of the Judge?s record and views. For more information, visit 6 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG P resident?s M essage Temple Board Scott Stolberg, President Math Lctizia, VP Administration Mike Unger, VP Ways &r Means Beth Falk, VP Education & Youth Maxine Molinsky, VP Ritual Jay Poster, VP Membership Recruitment Marsha Goldberg, VP Membership Retention CindyJensen, VP Social Action Gregg Solomon, Treasurer Yvonne Gordon, Corporate Secretary Jordie Primack, Trustee David Shapin, Trustee Stacey Yahraus, Trustee Harry Sax, Trustee Debra Cohen, Trustee Michele Fendel, T rustee Beth Bromberg, Trustee Barry Lewisohn, Trustee Daryl Alterwitz, Trustee No Email Maxine Gratz, Sisterhood President Dr. Fred Toffel, Men?s Club President Adam Bromberg, NTTY Co-President HP twism34821@aoLcom Hilary Scheele, NTTY Co-President Next June two important things in my life are going to happen -1 will finish my term as Temple President and I will also travel Israel for the first time with my family and Rabbi Akselrad. Because both things are happening together, the trip has taken on special meaning for me. When I was a teen I had an opportunity to go to Israel and did not take it and have regretted it ever since. My experiences at CNT and this trip will lead me to further involvement in Judaism. As the holidays approach, I usually reflect upon my Judaism a little more than usual. As my involvement with CNT has grown over the years, so has my desire to stay in touch with my Judaism daily. I do that in several ways; I read the URJ's daily e-mail "10-minutes of Torah" - it always gives me just a few minutes to reflect on my religion and it's teachings as I start my day; we keep Shabbat in our home; we attend temple regularly; we give tzedakah. However, I have always wanted to see for myself the place where it all started. So when the Rabbi asked me if I thought we were ready for a congregational trip to Israel I said, "LETS GO". The trip will be fantastic, leaving Sunday, June 11,2006 and returning Tuesday, June 20. The trip includes all airfare, hotels, deluxe tours, several meals, taxes and transfers for a very reasonable price. The itinerary is too much to repeat here but you can find a flyer in this bulletin with a complete description of the trip. We are going to have time to wander on our own, to swim in the Dead Sea, to see the western wall. Best of all we can experience it together with people we know and love. I just knew the Rabbi would put together a great program. Call the tour company and reserve your space because it is selling fast. This will be a trip all of us will be talking about for years to come. So again, as the High Holy Days approach I want to invite you to join Sandy, Megan, Ben and I as we expand our learning about our Judaism. Look at your calendar, block out the dates, contact the tour operator and book yourself the trip of a lifetime. Even if you have been to Israel before, come and experience it again with your temple family. As my term as president ends I will enter a new term of learning and living jewishly. This trip will be the beginning. May you and your family have a happy, healthy and prosperous new year. L'shanah Tovah Scott O ctober 2005 7 YOM KIPPUR/ SHEMINI ATZERET YIZKOR 2005 / 5766 Yom Kippup Yizkop Service ? OctoL gp 13 at 5:00 pm SI, emini Atzepet Yizkop Sgpvicg ? Octob gp 26 at 10:00 pm Pat Alpert Arlene Flarbach Sglvia Plotkin )ernice Kaplan Barr Jason Heckathorn Gloria Reid Robert Beckwith Manj Higgins Alicia Ross Albert Berman Barbara Hildenbrand Martin Rothenstein Deborah Blinder Michelle Jensen Ctis Routtenberg Sol Bloom Shaun Jensen Larrq Rutman ShirleL) Bogers Seqmour Joseph Morris Saperstein Samuel Bumbaca Walter S. Kahn Harriet Schiff Regina Charon Buddq Kaufman Morris Schiller Irene Chenin Martin Kleinman Selma Schneiderman Rachel CherrLj Rabbi William Kramer Hij Schwartz Morris Cohen Sidneq Lienwohl Kaq Segal Sharon Dockswell Jose Luqo Esther Shever Evelgn Ellwanger Marilqn Mehr Marg Simonetti Joseph Eink Sq Meqers Rose Cookie Skurow Meil Fisher Katherine Moffet Geoffreg Smith Abe Kx Eduardo Murillo Ragmond Spector Sglvia Frank Adele Mathan Eugene Surowiec Leon Friedman Maria Nunez Michael tashman Michael Friedman Christine Penrod Charles Tesser Rose Gabrieleff Marion Perlmutter Emilie Wanderer Laser Gale Freda Pittler Mike Wisnoskg Sheila Goodman Marsha Pittman Ann Witt Sol Halpert Nettie Price | *Tl If ljou have the name of a loved one ijou would like to add to this list please call Karen at the Temple office at 733-6292. | 8 WWW.LVNEHTAMID.OllG INMEMORIAM: Walter S. Kahn, beloved father of /^Phleen, beloved fatherrindaw of William and beloved grandfather of Billy Mike Wisnosky, beloved husband of Roberta Michael Friedman, beloved cousin of David Edelman Alicia Ross, beloved niece of Gloria Fenster MAY THEIR MEMORY BE FOR A BLESSING TELL & KVELL Mazel Tov to Art and Ruth Rachild on the birth of their great grand daughter Emily born May 13 and weighed 6 pounds 3 ozs. A hearty Mazel Tov to Shirley Gellin on the marriage of her grandson Brandon Lee Krakowski to Jennifer Lai. The wedding took place in Newport, Rhode Island on September 4. Congratulations to Carol Hecht who has been appointed the new B?nai B?rith Las Vegas Community Director. Congratulations to Gabe Milano! He made the Varisity Foottball team at Coronado High School. Way to go GABE! Mazel Tov to Karen and Marv Levine & Jackie Fleekop and David Fleekop on the birth of Dawson Asher Levine. Dawson was born on September 1 st at Summerlin Hosptial and weighed 7 lbs 6 ozs and was 19 inches long. Proud parents are Sandee and Steven. Very proud big sister is Madison Alexa. October 7 Yahrzeits October 21 cont. Philip Belsky Joseph Berent October 14 cont. Aida Rosen Milton Rothman Leo Frank Rose Shanker Shirley Saks I. Mack Friedman Julius Shapin Ann Sandell Julia Hall Eugene Silver ArthurJ Schur Esther Kaplan Gertrude Steiner Teri Lyn Seltzer Martin Kishner Joseph Swezey Maurice ?Mace? Sickle Frances Kuller Peter Theys Sylvia Slocum Doris Lee Glen Wilson Isadore Spektor Celso Maldonado Benjamin Mendelson October 21 Esther Steinhouse Sol Stillman Pepie Molasky Morris Alper Philip Toffel Benjamin Oshins Lillian Barron FrankTryson Joseph Polinsky Dr. Robert F. Beyer O.D. Howard Weber Betty Rosenberg Lawrence Birch Isadore Zuck Moe Rosenzweig Winifred Roth IdaBlumenfeld FredBradfield October 28 RuthScoville Dr. LeonDantzig Arno Alter Herman Sternberg Evelyn Ellwanger Mortimer Benisch. ' Miriam Watson Leon Friedman Irene Chenin :onard Wynters Weinstein Samuel Getzel Scott Chemick Nadine Weissman Goldie Gilmore Irving Corben Harry Zabinofsky Louis Goldberg Rosalie Crown October 14 Jacob Goldstein Cleo Goodman Sylvia Finkelstein Harry Friedman Lillian Appel Janet Henry Joseph Goldshein Dorothy Beckwith Archie Ivener Barnet Katz Morris Bloom Morris Kaufman Leonard Koven Mildred Boland Max Klinger Maynard Mark RollinBricker Donna KohmRush Esther Maurer Rose Friedman Annie Lader Celia Minkin Rosa Garcia Sally Levine Clara Nathanson Waxier Sidney Gelber Fred LoMeo Freda Pitder Mildred Gordon Sonia Lutnick Morris Rabin Manuel Gorman Lottie Marco Abbott Ruby SolHalpert Harriet Margulies Claire Strauss Louis Kravitz Larry Miller Edwin Weinberg Martha LeNoble Marilyn Leone Pamas Ruth ?Nanny? Weingardt Rebecca Markowitz Lois Pastrana Sylvia Weinstein Edward ?Eddie? Mintz Bertram Radbel Sylvia Zellen Milton ?Louie? Orlov Samuel Rissien Edward Oshins Isadore Portnoff Gloria Reid Isadore Rubinson Adelaide Sachs Manny Schwartz Honor the memory of a loved one Place a Temple Tribute! Contact the temple office at 733-6292. O ctober. 2005 9 Ongoing Monthly Programs Community/Self-Help JACS TUESDAYS, 7:00 pm. Room 6 Are you a Jewish alcoholic or cheically dependant person? Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent and Significant Others is a self-help support group. Tell someone you love. Alzheimer's Support Group MONDAY, Oct. 10 6:30 pm This support group is open to caregivers, family, and friends of loved ones suffering from dementia related to alzheimer's disease. For more information please call 617-6430. Alcoholics Anonymous THURSDAYS, 7-9:00 pm In the Social Hall Now meeting at CNT weekly. For more information, contact the temple office at 733-6292. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentiality laws, there is no notification from the hospitals. Please contact Karen at the temple office 733-6292 when a family member or friend is hospitalized. 10 JFSA Needs Food Questions? Call Temple office CNT delivers food left in the bin in the front lobby to JFSA Community Food Bank all throughout the year. Baby formula, cereal, peanut butter, canned vegetables, pasta, soup, and canned chicken or tuna are always needed. Committees / Auxiliaries Rosh Chodesh No Service During High Holydays Each month the women of CNT gather to celebrate Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of the new Hebrew month. The evening blends learning, spirituality, and sharing. Presentation topics and speakers vary monthly. ATTENTION RELIGIOUS SCHOOL KIDS! Don't forget your Shabbat Attendance Card! You can find them on the table in the foyer. Make sure you bring it to Rabbi, Philip, or Irv after services. Those who attend at least 18 services receive a prize; the student who attends the most receives the Shomar Torah Award! WWW.LVNER.TAMID.ORG Social Action News For the past 10 years CNT has provided community leadership in working with homeless families as one of the original members of the Interfaith Hospitality Network/ Family Promise program. As the only temple participating, we have not only helped approximately 160 homeless families, we have also demonstrated the best things of Judaism as we work with Christians and Muslims. We thank Bette Stahl and Jennifer Cohen for their tireless efforts in this project. Their leadership is an example for us all in tikkun olam. The Social Action Committee asks you to continue our work for social ^ change by participating in our up?coming projects, the first of which is our ?High Holy Day Food Drive?. More information about this and other projects will be forthcoming. Cindy Jensen VP Social Action Get Involved! Volunteer - Take A Class!OCTOBER 2005 ^inday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday * 1 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 2 R/S 9:15am- 12:15am Confirmation 12:30 pm Jr. Choir 12:30 pm Teen Choir 12:20 pm Sisterhood Chai Tea 3pm 3 Erev Rosh Hashanah Services Family 6:00 pm Late 8:15 pm 4 Rosh Hashanah Services Morning 10:00 am Toddler/Youth/Teen 10:00 am Office Closed 5 6 R/S West 4:30 pm AA 7:00 pm 7 Tot Shabbat 6:30pm Memorial Plaque Unveiling 6:45 pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm 8 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Second Saturday Talmud Study Noon 9 R/S 9:15am- 12:15am NO Confirmation GROUNDBREAKING CEREMONY 1:00PM 10 Kabalah 6:00 pm The Educated Jew 7.00 HistoryofJewsinLas Vegas 8:00 pm Alzheimer's Support Group 6:30 pm 11 R/S East 4:30 pm Adult HH Choir 7pm JACS 7:00 pm 12 Kol Nidre Services Family 6:00 pm Late 8:15 pm 13 Yom Kippur Services Morning 10:00 am Toddler/Youth/Teen 10:00 am (See list on Page 1) 14 Shabbat Services 7:30 pm 15 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 16 Religious School 9:15^12:15am Cor, fP^ion 12:30 pm Men's Club Breakfast ir Social Hall 9:30 am Set-Up Sukkah 17 18 R/S East 4:30 pm Men?s Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm JACS 7:00 pm 19 Sukkot Morning Service 10:00 am Office Closed 20 R/S West 4:30 pm AA 7:00 pm 21 Decorate Sukkah 6:00 pm Sukkot Dairy Dinner 6:30 pm Sukkot Family Service 7:30 pm 22 Bryce Conner Bar Mitzvah 10 am Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 23 Religious School 9:15am-12:15am Confirmation 12:30 pm Men?s Club Paid-Up Picnic Noon 24 Sisterhood Board Meeting 7:00 pm 25 R/S East 4:30 pm Adult HH Choir 7pm JACS 7:00 pm 26 Yiskor Service 10:00 am Office Closed 27 R/S West 4:30 pm AA 7:00 pm 28 Simchat Torah and Consecration Service 7:30 pm 29 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 30 NOR/S Daylight Savings 31 Office Closed Nov. 1 First Tuesday w/ Rabbi Noon R/S East 4:30 pm JACS 7:00 pm 2 Maintenance Day Office Closed 3 RIS West 4:30 pm AA 7:00 pm 4 Tot Shabbat 6:30pm Shabbat Services 7:30 pm 5 Michelle Chenin Bat Mitzvah 10 am Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Upcoming November Events November 6 ~ Annual Chanukah Bazaar November 12 * Second Saturday Talmud Study November 14 ~ Second Mondays November 16-20 ~ URJ/WRJ Biennial Convention O ctober. 2005 11 Special Announcements October Birthdays October fl nniversaries 1st-Daphne Levy Paul Lindemuth Casey Miera Breauna Rounds Mrs. Cecilia Schafler Jason Smylie 2nd - Mrs. Linda Wilder Rebecca Zuckerman 3rd -Samuel Berkley Sean Bloom Mr. Martin Kravitz Mr. Robert Watman 4th - Bryce Connor Mrs. Anne Sandell Dr. Harrison Sheld Mrs. Esther Sherman Emily Weinberg Mr. William Yaffe 5th - Mrs. Stephanie Finch Mrs. Irene Gold Ms. Freema Robbins Aimee Worth 6th - Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ms. JolieAlhadeff - Mr. Robert Polasky 7th - Brandon Fleisher Megan Levy Mr. Mitchell Posin Emily Unger Lauren Vela Michael Vela 8th- Mrs. Suzann Denton-Pratt Mr. Q Knopow Ms. Wendy Nordella Mr. Peter Reveen 9th - McKenzie Cornett Rebecca Mann Jaime Michelin Mr. Barry Paul Mr. Alex Rivlin Mr. Michael Saltman Samantha Thuna Kesley Woodard 10th-Michael Levine Dania Lugo Samantha Ross 11th-Stephanie Cohen 12th - Brandon Glanz Mrs. Lenette Rabinowitz Mrs. Mary Ross 13th - Mrs. Barbara Becker Mr. David Christensen Elan Eldar 14th - Mrs. Sally Feldman Emma Freid Jacob Hosmer Mrs. Amy Reiner 15th - Mr. Steve Gratz Dr. Jerry Schwartz 16th -Mr. Philip Engel Mr. Richard Goldstein Mrs. Maxine Gratz Mr. Richard Klamian Mr. Leon Marco Mr. Jay Poster Dr. Allan Stahl Mrs. Rhoda Wasserstrom 17th - Mrs. Abby Corpodian Dr. Lewis Etcoff Mrs. Janis Rounds 19th - Shawn Bailey Mr. Maurice Finsten Madison Jackson Mrs. Andrea Melville 20th - Mr. Richard Frockt Mrs. Jane Gale Mrs. Katherine Meyers Zarah Rosen Mr. Jim Rosenberger Mrs. Midge Rubinson Mrs. Bella Scholes 21st - Mrs. Shirley Kravitz 22nd - Ms. Kyleen Cane David Reiner 23rd - Mrs. Joan Kamm Mrs. Phyllis Lewis Mr. Scott Ober Dr. Marc Pomerantz Jordan Slocum 24th - Mr. Alvin Esbin Mrs. Debra Hallerman Mr. Ira Levine 25th - Mr. Jeffrey Eisenhart Mrs. Linda Ellen 26th - Mr. Steven Charles Mrs. Elayne Kollins Mrs. Adele Marks Mr. Harry Rubinson 27th - Mrs. Rhonda Goldstein 28th - Mrs. Andrea Conklin Mr. Jerald Friedman Sunny Rankow Mrs. Barbara Shulman Danny Weinstein 29th - Valerie Cohen 30th - Mrs. Laura Bailey Mrs. Jordana Geeser Mr. Mel Hallerman Joshua Litt Mrs. Sara Posin Mr. Leonard Rudner Nicholas Socolof Kevin Spektor 31st-Mr. Jay Bloom Mrs. Linda Cohen Mrs. Cynthia Crighton Mrs. Luci Lewisohn Shawn Scott Cheek Out Our Gift Shop! Don?t forget to visit our Gift Shop before we move! Great gift ideas for B?nai Mitzvah, Birthdays, Anniversaries, New Home, Any Simcha! Fridays 6:30 - 7:15 pm Sundays 9:15 am -12:15 pm (During Religious School) ^ Weekdays by Appt. ~ Contact Bessie Levy 415-5171 October 1 t Mr. Aurelio Carrillo & Ms. Julie Pearl man October 2 Mr. & Mrs. Ari Scotland October 3 Air. & Airs. Gary Raimist October 5 Mr & Ain. Christopher Fisher Air. & Airs. Frank Friedlander Air. & Airs. David Naness Dr. & Airs. Robert Shiroff October 6 Air. & Airs. Harvey Moody October 8 Mr. & Airs. Drew Rounds Mr. & Mrs. Bob Sasner October 10 AIr.&Airs. Robert Goldstein October 11 Dr. & Mrs. Lee Bemick Air. & Airs. Joe Cracraft ( Air. & Airs. Bemie Matusow October 14 Air. & Mrs. Gary Bordman October 17 Andrea & Victor Miera October 19 Mr & Mrs. Ruben Goldstein October 21 Dr. & Mrs. Gary Maytnan Mr. & Airs. Bob Unger October 23 Air. & Mrs. David IVachs October 25 Mr & Mrs. .Jeff Coleman Mr & Airs. James AI. IVadkins October 27 Air. & Mrs. Mitchell Cohen Air. & Ain. Scott Henry October 30 a Air. & Mrs. Donald Unger ? October 31 Mr. & Mrs. Norman Rosen 12 WWW.LVNERTAMID.OllG Join Vs, <PCease Triday, Octo6er 2005 6:00 pm (Decorate the <Bring fruit for decorating 6:30 pmSuHfot TamiCy (Dinner CBring a dairy dish to serve 10. Cjreen saCad, 6read e? dessert wiCC 6e provided 6y Sisterhood and CNT. 7:30 pmSufi&pt TamiCy Service <P(ease <R^S.V.<P. 6y OctoSer 17 to tempCe office at 733-6292. Annual Hannukah Bazaar November 6 11 am - 3 pm Noodle Kugel Contest held at Bazaar. Start working on your best Kugel! Watch for more details! Don't Miss Itl CNT's participation in IHN/Family Promise will be highlighted in an episode of the television program "American Experience", entitled "Las Vegas - An Unconventional History" which will air on Pr^ on November 14th and 15th. Chec