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I agree.Page 14 SORORITIES BETA SIGMA PHi- ALPHA DELTA Pres: Glenda Jaeger 736 Catalpa OR 8-1338 Secy: Arlene Gilbert OR 8-1242 Meet: 1 st and 3r d Wed ., 8 p. m, Election: May BETA SIGMA PHI- ALPHA KAPPA Election: April BETA SIGMA PHI- ALPHA ETA Pres: Maxine Riddle 510 N. 25th St. DU 2-8415 Secy: Mrs. Frankie Craven OR 8-3718 Meet: 2nd and 4th Mon ., 8p.m. Members homes Election: March BETA SIGMA PHI - ALPHA XI Pres: Vera Starnes 2116 Paradise Rd,, Apt. C. DU 2-8886 Secy: Meet: Election: March Norma France NA 4-3424 2nd and 3rd Tues., 8 p. m, members homes BETA SIGMA PHI - ALPHA ZETA Pres: Mrs. Ray Gubser 1819 Leonard Lane OR 8-5533 Secy: James Ragan Ml 2-2550 Meet: 2nd and 3rd Tues., 8 p.fn, members homes Election: March BETA SIGMA PHI -KAPPA Pres: Kay Innes 2604 St. George, N.L.V. Pres: Billie Flower M! 2-2145 2606 Bryant Dr. DU 2-2501 Sec y: Lou Van Koevering OV 7-2873 Secy: Milka Anastasoff Meet: 1 st and 3 rd Thurs., 8p.m. Meet: 2nd and 4th Tues. members homes jr*8:30 p.rn Election: March BETA SIGMA PHI -PI Pres: Mrs. Lucille Schlappert 418 Pleasant Rd. OR 8-5344 Secy: Mrs. Barbara George DU 2-7860 Meet: 2nd and 4th., Thurs., members homes Election: May BETA SIGMA PHI - XI MU EXEMPLAR; Pres: Golda Tobler 904 Oasis OR 8-1417 Secy: Mary Hoopes DU 2-2897 Meet: 2nd and 4th Tues., 8p.m. members homes Election: April