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Kol Badmidbar, newsletter from Midbar Kodesh Temple, May 2001



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    THE VOICE OF MIDBAR KODESH TEMPLE VOL. VII ISSUE 5 I Y A R / S I V A N 5761 May 2001 [Kitchen Shower to Jionor cMim Ocjintz & Janet Stein S u n d a y M o r n i n g B r u n c h ? M a y 2 0 t h ? 9 : 3 0 - 1 1 : 3 0 pages 5 & 7 ^ i k k u n j e i ) ^ O i ^ w i o t Sunday ? M a y 27th Dinner 6:30pm - 7 : 3 0 pm Maariv 7 : 3 0 pm - 8 : 0 0 pm T i k k u n : Class One 8pm - 8:45pm Class Two 8:45pm - 9:30pm Service times for Shavuot: Monday, May 28th (Memorial Day) 9:00am Tuesday, May 29th 9:00am (Yizkor will be recited) pages 5 & 10 Cowe Worship w t t h MifcWT empKloeX >esh F r S b A t j E v e n i n g A t 7 M p w S A t u f f e A i j M o m t w s * A t 9'J>0 A W S u u t > M j M o r n \ n s M l m j ^ f i 9 . 1 0 a w Morvfins M i m j f tn M<m?>A%jP & TTiwr/S>MjP A t 7U>0 aw F r o m the P r e s i d e n t 2 Tvoyh tV?c R a b b i 3 Ebuc&tiort / V S V 4 B ' t i a i M i t r v ^ V i 6 S v ^ n A ^ o g M C N e w s # A b v c r t i s e m e M t s 12-13 B i r t V i f c a v f s A t i w i v e r s A r i e s &? Y a V i r z c i t s 14 T r i b u t e s If C A t i f c l c L i g V i t i t i g T i m e s 16 MAY 2001 D j r - K . M. a F K O M T H ? P R E S I D E N T The Passover dishes have f i n a l l y been put away and we have sat down to f i n a l i z e the plans for September's High Holiday Season. Since becoming P r e s i d e n t the hardest task I p e r s o n a l l y faced was last High Holidays. In a c o n s c i e n t i o u s e f f o r t to ensure that e v e r y single Midbar member had a seat I made the Executive decision not to sell seats to " u n r e l a t e d " n o n - m e m b e r s , and to t u r n away those who showed up at the door u n t i c k e t e d . It was u n p l e a s a n t to be in such an unkind s i t u a t i o n . I t was u n p l e a s a n t to be the r e c i p i e n t of unkind words and gestures f r om s t r a n g e r s on these holiest of days. I am d e t e r m i n e d not to put myself in t h a t p o s i t i o n a g a i n . So w i t h much d i s c u s s i o n and i n p u t , the f o l l o w i n g plan has been devised and still will e n s u r e that every s i n g l e Midbar member has a seat in our s a n c t u a r y for the h o l i d a y s . We will hold two services s i m u l t a n e o u s l y . One will be in our e x i s t i ng b u i l d i n g (Paseo Verde S e r v i c e ) and be conducted by Rabbi Jeremy W i e d e r h o r n and Bob Fisher. Another service will be conducted in the P r e s b y t e r i a n Church l o c a t e d at W i g w am and Valle Verde ( W i g w a m Service) and will be conducted by a Rabbinic I n t e r n Aaron Schonbrun, accompanied by Dr. Ed Goldman and a c a n t o r i a l soloist. I t ' s f o r m a t will be d i f f e r e n t than that o f f e r e d to our c o n g r e g a t i o n in the past, will be more musical in nature, and will i n c l u d e the use of a piano or keyboard. This is in keeping with the g u i d e l i n e s of United S y n a g o g u e of C o n s e r v a t i v e Judaism. Marcy and I will attend both services and t r y to welcome e v e r y o n e who attends either service. We a n t i c i p a t e that our e n t i r e membership ( i n c l u d i n g those who become new members between now and S e p t e m b e r ) can be seated at Paseo Verde. By A u g u s t 15th every member requesting tickets must have t h e i r 2001 dues at least 3 / 4 paid and have no past due open accounts for Hebrew School fees or Dues and LID. All tickets for the Paseo Verde services must be r e q u e s t e d by August 15th using a p r e p a r e d ticket request f o rm that you will receive in the mail. Until that time we will not know if t h e r e will be extra tickets to sell to members for a d d i t i o n a l f a m i l y who are not members of Midbar Kodesh Temple. (18 - 26 year olds may j o i n the synagogue in a special category and be members in t h e i r own right and will be e n t i t l e d to 1 t i c k e t . ) Midbar members who have their 2001 dues at least 3 / 4 paid and have no past due open accounts for Hebrew School fees or Dues and LID, may opt to be seated at the Wigwam Service. Seats for members can be o r d e r e d when the ticket request f o rm is issued and seats for members' a d d i t i o n a l f a m i l y ( n o t " b e s t " f r i e n d s ) may be purchased at that time at a yet to be d e t e r m i n e d special price. Tickets will be sold to other n o n - m e m b e r s at $ 2 0 0 ? ? per p e r s o n . M feiij y i t u / i ' i y ' j v UJ o i "TS o <"> i : o 7. < tt i > z> - i r n s ! a H ? m< ? 1 2 c ! =5 1 UJ 1 X ?>> 1 - ? i d i n row -n - u P U B L I S H E D MONTHLY Rabbi Jeremy Wiederhorn Cantor Robert D. Fisher A d m i n i s t r a t i v e Director Jacqui S t i e g l i tz Religious School Director Mira Slobody USY Director Rina Roselinsky P r e s i d e n t Gerald Welt Editor Stephen Greer ^ TEMPLE GREEN VALLEY RANCH 1 9 4 0 PASEO VERDE PARKWAY HENDERSON, NV S9012 phone 454-4848 f a x 454-4847 e-mail ? web ? w w w . m i d b a r k o d e s h . o r g MAY 2001 "Pulling an all-nighter on Shavuot" f r o m T H E R A B B I a C A o you remember studying all V I Inight for an upcoming exam in ^ / h i g h school or college? I sure do. We would load up on lots of snacks, caffeine, and anything else that would help get us through the night. But each year as we get older, pulling an "all-nighter" seems like a more and more d i f f i c u l t feat to accomplish. One of the great traditions of the h o l i d a y of Shavuot is c a l l e d a Tikkun Leil Shavuot, a set order of study during the f i r s t night of this festival. The custom can be traced back to the mystics of Safed, who in t he sixteenth century would stay up for the entire first night of Shavuot studying Torah. They would study selections from the Bible, rabbinic literature, and mystical literature in order to prepare for the momentous revelation the following morning. Shavuot celebrates the giving of the Torah, God's precious gift to the Jewish people. During the special Torah reading for Shavuot, we read of God's revelation at Sinai, including the Ten Commandments. By staying up all night, we are acting in contrast to the Israelites at Sinai, who are said to have slept late that morning and had to be awakened by Moshe. Another long-standing tradition teaches that on the night of Shavuot, the skies open for the briefest of moments during which God will answer any prayer. t^mmm J <* vsri M Y .Beerrtwlj* Oei miting \ifig - ? tyroum ^WATCH FOR^ OUR SPECIAL SPRING FUNDRAISING PROGRAM MORE INFO COMING YOUR WAY SOON! J By staying up all night, we hope to catch a glimpse of that special moment. Many mystics also viewed Shavuot as the wedding between God and the peo-ple of Israel. Thus, another reason t o stay up all night is t o "decorate the bride." Midbar Kodesh will have our own v e r s i o n of Tikkun Leil Shavuot this year. No, we will not be pulling an a l l - n i g h t e r at the shul, but we will have an opportunity to learn together. A wise person once said, "Ein Torah Elah Ochel" there cannot be Torah without food!" So we plan on f i r s t eating a Shavuot dairy meal together, followed by an enjoyable evening of study. We will offer different topics from which to choose, and will have special programming for our youth. One of the ways we can measure the health and success of a community, is its commitment to ongoing learning and intellectual growth. Shavuot is a perfect time for a "check-up" so please plan on j o i n i ng us for our special Tikkun Leil Shavuot! ~Rabbi Jeremy Wiederhorn S E R V I C E T I M E S FOR S H A V U O T : Monday, May 28th (Memorial Day) 9:00am Tuesday, May 29th 9:00am (Yizkor will be recited) Midbar Kodesh Temple, its' staff and Board of Directors wants to acknowledge the celebrations of life and joy with our congregants, as well as the illnesses and sadness that complete life's circle. Please call, or have someone call for you, immediately, so that we may serve your needs. At the Synagogue office Jacqui Stieglitz, Administrative Director or Rabbi Wiederhorn 454-4848 If there is an emergency after business hours please contact Rabbi Jeremy Wiederhorn 361-9966 Cantor Bob Fisher 361-8087 ^jj c 8?.j ft Si V rJ MAY 2001 D E d u c a t i o n - " ^ sC RELIGIOUS Jewnh ft*oo n t oSCp Hf TOnOoL o CO C O O O ??^Lrw-i is you men, you LUIN - Jewish Proverb EDUCATION D I R E C T O R Mira Slobody A t our Passover Seders last month, a good, educational time \ / l was had by all. The Kindergarten and First grade classes had a l / V "hands-on" lesson, making matza and charoset. It was a fun ^ ^ experience and we hope this will become a tradition at Midbar Kodesh Religious School. Our school continues to strive for excellence in the Jewish education of our students. To fully accomplish this goal, as we grow, the assistance of our parents is needed. With this thought in mind, I would like to thank the parents who helped with our Seders. The support of our parents is so important. It is an honor to work within a community where we have parent participation and people who are committed to mitzvot. The true essence of a Jewish community is one that can learn, pray, play and celebrate together. Remember to come and join with us as the second grade leads Shabbat services and is consecrated later this month. B'Shalom, Mira USY DirecU>J_ Rina RoselUTsky u S Y NEWS le are going g u e s t s t h i s summer! USY's Far West on Wheels is comi Vegas and Midbar Kodesh on Sunday July 22, 2001. We need parents t o have a few ing t o Las and U5Y'ers t o help make dinner f o r our guests. While dinner is few ice breakers s h o r t time, so we More i n f o r m a t i on O C being prepared, they will kick off t h e i r t r i p with a and some fun. They will only be in Las Vegas f o r a would like t o make t h e i r s t a y here very enjoyable, will follow, but we j u s t wanted everyone t o 5AVE THE DATE. Thank You. USYours, Rina I EARN CASH FOR YOUR SCHOOL] (?J General Mills (i Midbar Kodesh Temple Religious School is now a registered participant with Box Tops for Education. The Religious School will receive 10$ for every General Mills "Box Top" we turn in. These special tops can be found on such products as Big G Cereal, Yoplait Yogurt multi-packs, and Betty Crocker products. This may not sound like much money, but it can really add up quickly, ^so be sure to save your box tops and bring them into the synagogue!!!^ Midbar Kodesh Would Like To Send Birthday And Holiday E-Greetings To Your College Student Who Is Away At School Please Contact the Synagogue With The E-mail Address or To Laurie Green MAY 2001 0 W e ' r e k o v i n g a K i l e k e a S k o w e r ! Please join us at Miclbaj- Kooksk Temple as we kotuvr Minna Ogintz andL Janet S t e i n for tkeir outstanding dedication and anr/ymp(iskments Jeahmng words of wisdom from UZihi rWiederfwrn Sunday, May 2Qtk 8:30-1 1:30 Widfcar Kodesk Tempte. Brunck will be served $25.00 per person For more information coll Rebetca Boca/sty 456-3950 r Midfcar's KiteW Skowe* Please RSVP by May 5. 2001 _We are delighted to attend Please reserve seats @ 526 per persor Name/s (please pnrt) We can not attend Out wish to make a donation of S Enclosed is a check payable to Midbar Kodesh Temple for S_ Please charge my _ M / C Card Number Name as it appears on card Address Phone Visa Total Amount S Exp Date _ Signature For more information call Rebecca Bocarsky 456-3950 Gift Tieqistries for Kiteken Skower Please wrap your gift in clear cellophane for display Henderson Restaurant Supply 1201AAmencan Pacific Drive Henderson S68-7528 Located east of Ocean Spray Factory Mention Midbar Kodesn to receive a 10% discount Bosch Kitchen Center 3280 E. Tropica na Blvd U s Vegas 456-6730 Located at Iropeco Plaza next to IHOP 4 Great Buns Mention MKT to receive a 10% discount on regularly priced Hems Target Stores Club Wedd Reg'Stry listed under M dbar Kodesh Temp e If you would like to contribute to a large item, please contact Bonni Baron at 497-1927 Help Needed Baking and Cooking! On Tuesday morning, May 8th and Thursday morning, May 10th we will be working in the kitchen from 9:30 a.m. until 1pm. preparing yummies for the "Kitchen Shower honoring Minna and Janet". Come and show your support, the more hands the better! Please call Edy Seaver at 263-4622 or e-mail at ETSE AVE R(a)A0 L.COM to let her know if you can help. Thanks for your support. Q >V V ( ^ / M J i l ' . ; MAY 2001 (T) Eric Henry Stein was c a l l e d to the Torah as a Bar M i t z v a h , on May 5, 2001. He is t h e son of Janet and Emii Stein, brother of Michael, and grandson of Bernyce and Carl Cohn and Hilda Stein. Eric is a seventh grade honor student at Greenspun Junior High. Eric is an e n e r g e t i c , active youth with i n t e r e s t s in sports, art, and photography. He enjoys many sports including s k a t e b o a r d i n g , basketball, and skiing. He has played on several basketball and r o l l e r hockey t e a m s over the past few years. In his f r e e time, he likes to draw and recently had several of his drawings e n t e r e d in G r e e n s p u n ' s art show. Photography is his newest endeavor and promises to expose more of his a r t i s t ic a b i l i t i e s . As an a c t i v e member of M i d b a r ' s Kadima and USY, Eric plans to c o n t i n u e his involvement at Midbar Kodesh by a t t e n d i ng t h e M a ' a y a n program in t h e Fall. E r i c ' s f a m i l y is very proud of him and wishes him a life f i l l ed with happiness and success. Mazel Tov to Eric and his family! ^ B ' n a i M i t z v a h A t M i d b a r On Saturday, May 19, Zachary Jacob Premack will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah. Z a c h a r y is the son of Dahlia and David Premack, brother of Michelle and Robert, and the grandson of Adolph Nadel of Las Vegas. Born in Las Vegas on February 18, 1988, Zachary enjoys the desert life. The s o u t h w e s t e r n surroundings of our community have inspired him to want to be an a r c h i t e c t when he grows up. He enjoys playing the viola, drawing, working with his backyard habitat, reading non-fiction books, playing Nintendo and listening to music with his friends. Zachary attends Odessey Charter School where most of the learning a c t i v i t i e s are c o n d u c t e d in his home via the computer. Zachary is excited about his upcoming Bar Mitzvah, for which he has s t u d i e d very hard. His family and relatives are very proud of him. Mazel Tov to Z a c h a r y and his family! MAY 2001 7 inna Oaintz and {Janet Stein To % Di onorei" j inna Ogintz and Janet Stein will be honored over brunch at Midbar Kodesh Temple on Sunday, May 20 at 9 : 3 0 am. The morning's f e s t i v i t i e s will be a Kitchen Shower that will outfit the Dairy Kitchen that Minna and Janet operate. Guests have been asked to select a gift from registries at Henderson Restaurant Supply, Bosch Kitchen Center and Target Stores, make the purchase (priced at $5.00 to $350.00) and bring it to the shower to put on display. There is also a $25.00 donation to attend the brunch. Minna Ogintz has been in charge of the kitchen since Midbar Kodesh Temple moved into their first f a c i l i ty on Eastern. Minna now has a storage closet bigger than that first kitchen. At that time she had organized several teams of volunteers who took turns preparing the oneg shabbat and Saturday kiddush at each service. To ensure kashrut, Minna established a Pareve and Dairy Only kitchen and only uses products that carry a hechsher and are marked kosher. As the synagogue grew, special functions and B'nai Mitzvah celebrations called for luncheons and other food services. Janet joined Minna in overseeing these projects. The kitchen committee, aided by congregants and guests, often turned the small room at Eastern, then at Cactus Garden, from a sanctuary to banquet hall in less than 10 minutes. When Midbar moved into our new building, we thought the "quick turn" was over...but recent celebrations, find the congregants bringing pre-set tables, stashed behind classroom doors, into the social hall. "Some things never change," says Edy Seaver, Kitchen Shower chairperson. Twice, functions were so large, tents were pitched in the parking lots to accommodate the diners. "We can easily accommodate 250 people, but when we need to seat 300, we have to become creative," said Janet when commenting on the tents. The new Dairy Kitchen was built with commerical ovens and is large enough to prepare the meals necessary. Caterers have used the kitchen to serve hundreds of guests but the committee found themselves in need of commerical equipment. "Now that we are preparing so many functions, we wanted to have commerical grade tablecloths and finer serving pieces," said Edy, "before this shower gives us a chance to honor two ladies who contribute much to Midbar and finish off the needs of the Dairy Kitchen before we move into the Meat Kitchen", she said. The Meat Kitchen is currently under construction. Minna and Janet still oversee teams that come in weekly to prepare the refreshments. They do all of the menu planning, pricing, shopping and bookeeping for each f u n c t i o n and, aided by their committee, they a c t u a l l y do most of the cooking and baking. Several caterers have made bids to work in the new kitchens and will begin doing so upon official approval. The kitchens then will be open to o r g a n i z a t i o n s and to the public for preparation and presentation of kosher meals. Minna and Janet are currently working out the details for use of the kitchens and social hall areas. Rebecca Bocarsky is taking reservations for the Kitchen Shower Brunch honoring Minna and Janet. For more information or to receive an invitation, or to make a donation in honor of these two women, call the synagogue at 454-4848. MAY 2001 8 Family Shabbat Friday ? May 18th @ 7 : 3 0 pm C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s to Hal Rothman, U N L V professor of e n v i r o n m e n t a l , US West and public h i s t o r y . . . a nd f o u n d i n g member of Midbar Kodesh Temple, for being a r e c i p i e n t of the p r e s t i g i o u s Barrick D i s t i n g u i s h e d Scholar Award in r e c o g n i t i o n of his d i s t i n g u i s h ed r e s e a r c h ! A T T E N T I O N ALL G R A D U A T E S May 15th Deadline Send a paragraph and a p i c t u r e a n n o u n c i n g your g r a d u a t i o n to the Jewish Reporter at 3 9 0 9 M a r y l a n d Parkway, # 4 0 0 Las Vegas, NV 8 9 1 1 9 . A l s o send or bring by the synagogue office d u p l i c a t e info and p i c t u r e for this b u l l e t i n . Several of the young men in our c o n g r e g a t i o n have requested a men's group, perhaps an o f f i c i a l Men's Club. Any one who may be i n t e r e s t e d should contact Steven Doctors (PMGLV@ r T i s n . c o m ) . Congratulations to Judie Lewis on being installed as Treasurer to the Board of Hillel. Abbie Spoor, (also known as Miss Abbie to her preschool students) an accomplished dancer and captain of the UNLV ballroom dance team, competed recently in Desert Challenge. This competition, sponsored by UNLV brings colleges from California, Utah, New Mexico and Arizona to compete. Abbie and her partner brought home 5 first place medals, 5 second place medals and 3 third place medals. Mazel Tov to Marc and Deanne Cardinali on the birth of their newborn son Caleb Guy, Midbar Kodesh Temple's newest and youngest member! Best Wishes to Deborah Cohen as she recovers from recent surgery. Having a Birthday or Anniversary? Observing a Yahrzeit? Consider Sponsoring a Kiddush! Full sponsorship of a basic Kiddush for Friday Night or Saturday Morning is ?15099. Partial Sponsorships in ?36?? increments are now available. Please call Janet Stein (a> 361-8810 A d v e r t i s e or Send Good Wishes in KoI Bamidbar C o n t a c t lleen 8c Randy Spoor home 6 1 4 - 6 8 6 4 ? o f f i c e 7 4 0 - 5 9 2 9 e m a i l RS2394(a) Deadline for the June Bulletin is May 18thi Is a great tool t o help our Synagogue stay in t o u c h w i t h the membership. Get weekly u p d a t e s on all Synagogue f u n c t i o n s , a c t i v i t i e s and c o m m i t t e e projects, e-mail t o m i d b a r k o d e s h t @ a o l . c o m Vto be placed on our list! Master Calendar In order to prevent potential conflicts, all Midbar events, programs, and meetings must appear on our Master Calendar. If you would like to add something to the calendar, please speak with Jacqui in the synagogue office. rBirthday S^lnniversary Shabbat mill be Celebrated at ilAiidbar ZKodesh ^Temple May 4th at 7 ^O p.m. Q h'.^i ^ u m i ' l ^ u ^ MAY 2001 (j^ NEXT THURSDAYS FOR THOUGHT MAY 10th @ NOON family Shabbat uiill be held on the 3 r d Friday of every month at 7:30 pm Join us for an evening of ion?, prayer and stories. This service is tailored for families with elementary school a?e children, (families with younger children, no children or frown children are always welcome) Family S h a b b at Programs at Midbar Shabbat Gan uiill meet 2nd and ^th Saturday of every month at 1 0 ! 3 0 am next Shabbat Gan: (Day 12th t 2 6 t h - next family Shabbat: may 18th Spend an hour with your child celebrating Shabbat through son?s and stories. This program is tailored for pre-school and kindergarten a?e children together with at least one parent or grandparent. families with younger children are welcome too!! LEVIS F u u y 5 | f | J | | 0 p IS '?? ? Sundays Mill lo ll:3Qu ? httdin 4:10M U 4:1" "? ? fhurtdayt 4:00P? lo i: / M M S m J i May {joA wi(Ji the mourners 01 t|ou together and Jerusalem. Condolences t o Jill Flanzraich on the loss of her Mother Florence Gerber Condolences to Minna Ogintz and Amy Fieldman on the loss of Hannah Weinberg, M i n n a ' s Sister and Amy's Aunt Condolences t o Fran Goldberg on the loss of her cousin Louise Gedal Condolences t o Friends & Family on the loss of Amy Spector Condolences t o Howard Baron on the loss of his g r a n d f a t h e r , Jack Specktor MAY 2001 B Excerpts from a letter that ill Flanzraich wrote to the Temple Board,,, ? ^c^r.. ^ i When my mother passed away at M o u n t a i n V i e w hospital. My concern about dealing w i t h d i f f i c u l t life cycles w i t h o u t a Rabbi was never c o n f r o n t e d . For you see, Rabbi W i e d e r h o r n was t h e r e t o guide and console my f a m i l y and I every step of the way. Yes, as a Rabbi it may be his j o b t o o f f i c i a t e and handle protocol and r i t u a l s , but as a t r u e s p i r i t u a l leader and f r i e n d , his knowledge, compassion, and d e t e r m i n a t i o n made t h e d i f f i c u l t passing much easier t o deal w i t h . M y parents relocated t o Las Vegas in 1 9 9 4 f r om Long Island, NY. As f a t e has i t , Rabbi served as Assistant Rabbi at t h e same synagogue I became a Bat M i t z v a h and y w a s married in. Our f a m i l y roots t r u l y connected w i t h him, as my parents founded that same Shul. How miraculous it was on t h e night of my mom's death t h a t Rabbi was able t o have t h e Rabbi f r om the t h a t tem-ple speak t o my dad. If you could have seen how my f a t h e r 's face lit up when he heard t h a t f a m i l - iar voice on the phone. W h a t those words meant to him t h a t evening! For all those reasons, and many others, I w i l l always remember the Rabbi who got my f a m i l y and I t h r o u g h one of its worst times in t h e best of all possible ways! To our dearest Cantor Bob, we extend our sincere g r a t i t u d e for being t h e r e for us t h r o u g h all of our f a m i l y ' s life cycles since we j o i n e d M i d b a r . Be it the joyous or t h e sad, he has been a consistent s t r o n g h o l d for us t o t u r n t o . The e f f o r t s , empathy and humanity of M i d b a r ' s spiritual leaders cannot be o v e r s t a t e d . '?Scrip I'd like to report that in January of 2001 we raised $91.56 from escrip and in February we raised $174.71. That's an incredible difference. I haven't received the actual report yet but that must mean a lot of you have joined the program. I will report how our membership has increased as soon as I get the report. I wanted to let you know just how much money we realize from the following stores: Chevron gives back 2% of sales. Vons has a sliding scale - Spend $0 to $200, we get 2% of sales; $200 to $300, we get 3% of sales; and over $300 we get 4% of sales. These are the most popular shopping places and easy ways that Midbar Kodesh can reap the rewards when our congregants do their shopping for groceries and gas. To those who have already been a member of the escrip program, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Please take a look at the website and sign up. MKT will even pay your $10 fee for the year if it is a hardship for you. We need the revenues from your shopping. If you have any questions, I am always available at or you can call me at 458-5174 in the evenings after 7P.M. If you don't have a computer you can enroll by calling (800) 592-0942 and enroll. I look forward to reporting to you next month. V J r a n fioldbergJ C T l k l u m L e f l S h * x u o i \ On Sunday e v e n i n g , May 2 7 t h M i d b a r Kodesh will hold a T i k k u n Leil S h a v u o t . It is c u s t o m a r y to c e l e b r a t e Shavuot with an a l l - n i g h t s t u d y session as we a n x i o u s l y await the reve-l a t i o n at Sinai and the g i v i n g of the T o r a h . T h e M i d b a r T i k k u n will not last all night long, but we will have a g r e a t time l e a r n - ing t o g e t h e r n o n e t h e l e s s ! J o i n us at 6 : 3 0 pm for a Shavuot d i n n e r cooked by our own chef Ryan S t e r l i n g and sponsored by t h e S h a b b a t n i c k s H a v u r a h . F o l l o w i n g dinner, we will daven a s h o r t M a a r i v and begin the s t u d y s e s s i o n s . You will have t h e o p p o r t u n i t y to choose two of t h r e e 45 minute s e s s i o n s t a u g h t by Rabbi W i e d e r h o r n , Riki W i e d e r h o r n , and Bob F i s h e r . F o l l o w i n g the l e a r n i n g , we will e n j o y a nice s e l e c t i o n of d a i r y desserts and coffee. MAY 2 0 0 1 ? From the President, continued from page 2. Please be assured that we have considered all alternatives. You will be surprised to find out how many people "insist" that we need to make seats available to them at no cost, because it is the "Jewish" thing to do. It is my philosophy, first as a member of Midbar, and then as your President, to assure that our membership is accommodated first. The others have had all year to think how they would like to support this congregation. You have done that from the beginning, and deserve this special consideration. ~ Gerald Welt 9^,-Jim: Jk Midbar^ Kodesh Temple's First Blood Drive Let's get pumped up for June! Midbar will sponsor our f i r s t blood drive to be held T h u r s d a y , June 7 t h 3 p.m. - 8 p.m. at the Midbar parking lot in t h e United Blood Services' mobile bus. We can bring our community together and support a v e r y important cause. Call the Synagogue to sign up for an appointment. ^ MAKE THE KITCHEN SHOWER AND TIKKUN LEIL SHAVOUT A CHAVURAH EVENT! 4doiesce"! ar.-j Acini* Sut'Slance A:?jse Cour,sf>lir.q Adull fading Swcial.s! Counseling Sharon Maurer-Schwartz, Ed.S., NCC, CADC Certifirt scnoci Psv ;nolooisi l!'jt>:nai Certified C&cnseic Ce't'-ed Aicc'ioi Drug Counselor V . (702) 392-7103 URgrowing@hotmail com Coronado Stone Cutters, LX.C. Bonded/Insured ALL TYPES OF CUSTOM GRANITE WORK \ Granite Kitchen Counter Tops, Vanities, Tub Surrounds and Granite Work. Now serving in the Las Vegas Area: Owner: AARON JAMES For an estimate please call (520) 975-9765 (702) 616-1854 fewggl MAY 2001 REALTY \EXECTJTIVES\ J o a n L i p m a n , C R ^ REALTOR? 1 3 89 G a l l e r i a D r i v e S u i t e 1 0 0 H e n d e r s o n . N V 890 1 4 B u s : ( 7 0 2 ) 9 9 2 - 7 5 4 8 Ce 11:( 7 0 2 ) 3 4 0 - 9 8 4 6 F a x : ( 7 0 2 ) 7 9 5 - 8 7 1 8 e m a i l : j o a n i i p m a n @ i o l . c o m W e b s i t e : w w w . r e a l t y e x . c o m R e a l t y E x e c u t i v e of N e v a d a ? I n d e p n d e n t l y Owned & O p e r a t e d MASSAGE r O R HEA1 Present this card for a 2 0% savings WOMEN ONXY By Appointment Only Call Rochelle (702) 270-8851 $ 5 0 ? ? Per Hour Stress t Pain Relief Deep Tissue Swedish Certified & Affordable Elana Silberstein Professional, Personal, Efficient Service and That's Tbe "Bear Facts" Private: (702)897-8788 Cell: (702)461-1888 Fax: (702)361-1125 E-Mail: 2575 Westwind Road, A ? Las Vegas, NV 89146 f Desert 0l Dodge Scott " U t ? h " R?b*r Tell him lleen & Randy Spoor sent you. FIVE STAR O O O O O Desert Dodg* of L4S Vegas 4701 W. Sahara Avenue Las Vegas. NV 89102-3511 702-221-0000 800-605-7416 702-368-2647 fax www. A utoNat J The Number One Community Affairs Program On Las Vegas Radio OBStRVATIONS With Host Bob fisher 93.1 FM Every Sunday Homing 6:00am - 6:30am T ? ? ? The Only Weekly Diabetes Program In The United States Electronic Media Award Winner for Best Educational Television Program AMERICA'S DIABETES m W With Host Bob Fisher Las Vegas (able 61-Mondays 6:30 pm-7:00 pm Reno TV 16 - Sundays llam-11:30am I MAY 2001 please Support Our J'Advertisers B SPOOR & ASSOCIATES INC C O N S U L T A N T S IN G I F T & S O I V E N I R S A I . E S AND M A R K E T I N G Randy Spoor 1124 Winter Storm Dr. Henderson, NV 89052 Email: RS2394?AOL PHONE: 7 0 2 - 7 4 0 - 5 9 2 9 Fix: 7 02 - 7 4 0 - 8 0 5 1 Toll Free: 866 - 7 4 0 - 5 9 2 9 Murray Artman will donate a percentage of each pre-arrangement he makes with a Midbar Kodesh Temple Member. r v Murray Artman Memorial Counselor PALM ^ J^ife is CPrecious... Mortuaries ? Cemeteries Crematories 7600 S. Eastern Ave. Las Vegas, NV 89123 (702) 464-8520 Res: (702) 456-9043 r Dee's ^ Paralegal Business Service Dolores Dee Laverty 2 2 years e x p e r i e n c e E s t a t e P l a n n i n g , T r u s t s , Wills, Power of A t t o r n e y , C o r p o r a t i o n s and other areas of law ? Dee will come to your home or o f f i ce 4 8 0 - 5 5 1 3 , HAIFA > R e s t a u r a n t for the Finest in Mediterranean Cuisine J Z e i us C a t e r ^ o u r P a r t i e s WE DELIVER 855 EAST TWAIN AT SWENSON LAS VEGAS UNDER THE H A S H G A C H A OF CHABAD 7 9 1 - 1 9 5 6 a AGAVE T h e C u l t u r e Z o n e FOR G I F T S & HOME GREEN VALLEY PLAZA 2706 Green Valley Parkway Henderson Monday - Saturday 1 0 AM - 6PM 702*547*1098 / I Your Logo Or Message On Over One-Half Million Promotional Products...Even Clothingl Promote Your Image and Support Midbar Kodesh! With Every Order, A Donation Is Made To Our Synagogue Adventures i i Advertising^ Promotional Items For Corporate Campaigns, Product Introductions, Special Events, B'nai Mitzvot, Trade Shows And Morel Las Vegas Jill & Nils Flanzraich Ph: 436-0867 Fax: 4 3 6 - 0 9 0 3 e-mail: /27 N E A L E. L E W I S CERTIRIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT S U I T E 2 0 2 A C C N T U R r p a r k 7 7 i EAST F k A M i N G O ROAD L A S V E O A S . N E V A D A 8 0 I I 1 ( 7 0 2 ) 3 6 9 - 2 3 3 3 'ax 17021 ](?-eO?9 NEAL E. LEWIS. C.P.A. Q % U Mi j ' ) MAY 2001 B F 3 | R "T~ I?I D V S Anniversaries Warren & Denise\ ? David Beamis St amm l r a Goldberg Wayne Palbaum Edan Yacobovsky ( j ) Sheldon Sbarra ( 8 ) Hymen Arouty j Marc Cramer Frances Goldberg ( 9 ) Diana Dawson ^ ^ Rochelle Kryngel Robert Popowcer Melissa Chariton Rinat Stephon (1E2)) Jerry Roth Brad Silverstein ?Sharon Maurer-Schwartz Ellen Spiegel Ryan Crighton Diana Seidel Mark Weisberg Daniella Silverstein Meital Wiederhorn 16) Allen Cone ? Sharon Kaplan Darren Schwartz ?