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    |P York?╟÷Day by Day- 1 G-MaajJitters -By ~Fr&mF'arr0m Government law enforcement agents bre3$ped with deep relief j when federal grand jury slacked off the line|iKh which it was go-j hang Treasury narcotics ace George Tpyaite for reluctance to 1? ^^fa, m identify his confidential ^^e of und#worldl J^^-*BL m information. Such precedent^eould have broken * I^^^^msk down an international, network.of valuable in- liiH*r ^TTL - formersvjMho serve best f^Nk^ly *n obscurity.) In c|^P reaction sure^KJ^ftow, G-men would havellgpb'.?√ß?√ßwithout teeth otlheart while dope smugglers staged a global mardigras. . . . Mindy Carson's five-week songxi&in the Persian Room hadJfflKtoprise ending. Her. infant Jody amassed . a one*jfard vocabulary in her absence?╟÷"Daddy!" . . .wSleecker :!& antique shop features record- mm^r ings^of War I$pmtage'and raccoon coats that Frank Farrell look Is if they had been used to pull down goal- potts. .". . Harold Lamb now has his dredging apparatus working up material for novel treatment of Charlemagne. . . . Hal Roach has offered to buy Marcel Le Bon's jKmtract from J. J. Shubert. The handsome French minstrel now yodeling in the Latin Quarter lost a windfall chance to star in "New Paces" due to Equity rules on aliens?╟÷but talent will out. .. .Laurie Anders, the "wide open spaces" gal of Ken Murray maneuvers, is westbound for TV filming with the boss. .f,y; Call for Mickey Rooney: A bio-script of George Arliss is peddling around the studios.'. Ii National Assn. of Gagwriters is organizing the Humor Collectors of America with Ole Olsen a charter member. When did Milton Berle stop "collecting?" Gigi Molinari, the Plaza's field marshal of grub anjragug, is glad most.of his Rendez-Vous Room patrons are not duck gunners. His i fascinating ritual for a quacker dinner ties up a chef, waller, captain and,himself most of the early eve- Mjm^ ...?╟?,...,,?╟÷ \ ning. ?? . . Coas&??*lel*smen/ have ' made 26-year-aW. and married Jujje Harrjs. year-ol<" Wedd _ : inally/appe sion nere t] Bert/Lahr I minf up Vegas saloo:-..^^^^. MoAfieville jumeteers TheLs&nds premiere even Wore 12 'Member of the fhe orig- Bay ver- igo. . . ?╟? drum- | ival Las 1 4am and | tvited to^ Tues- mm^ j-npw. cafe routine there the same $iglith Carson . Marciano $1797* PRESS CLIPPING BUREAU j 165 Church Street -New York J LOS ANGELES, CALIF DAILY MIRROR Circ. D. 140,000 DEC 1.0 1962 TeL \flforth 2. JpklCAN Pres^Glipping Servic^ Inc. li'SgJJassau Street New York City From I NEWS JB PRESS CL1 EstJt LOJ San, Portlfil ESTABLISHED 1888 B^^- 7-5371 PRESS CUWNGBUREAU 165 Church Street - New York STURGIS, MICH. JOURNAL Circ. D. 6,450 DEC 5 ?╜52 Hoi ?√ß I I Jimmy Fidler's pTEXAS COM| I life stary grf K]?? iand^rfsidjentlg lovsJMFW-*! \ network last S| ! piles of compll i and phone call: 1 heard the interJ ?√ßJ Bailey, Billy M I Quartet, the Doi 1 Carlton Hayes I H the new show at I Inn, Las VegaJ j be seen topigBSw j "The J^mbooJ | DurWa, over KB 1 iriaj$y schedule! J svJfched at tH I Sffds Hotel, Li <l vJaUkraenabouj j tOJget" tlnei^xA/ I l^nday's openj headline the sh thl Harmonica ancbhe Vic Vd at MCreater tomorrbH^nigrJ lackson, MH?╜*4 mon will be in Advertising n , Christmas Froli j of the Beverly] Hollywood I Letter HOLLYWOOD,'Bee. 5 ?╟÷ DEAR STAFF: I wish to'call attention to American characteristic, horn of inherent pride and featured generously, and jealously, by our Chambers of Commerce. We, Americans, are proud of our first or biggest or most beautifuWor whatever, you know. Grand Canyon! Well, no other Grand Canyon. Cali fornia? Not duplicated by the slight est chance anywhere. Hollywood? Only California's Hollywood is authentic. All others are mild, pale imitations.*" And every State nj the Union has something to boast about. Well, kid-l dies, you. perhaps read in our news I resume this week, that Provincetown, Mass., rose up and protested to the tune of marching citizen's against the special screening of ''Plymouth Adventure" hi nearby Plymouth, It 1 was a preview for the entire Newl England press and officials?╟÷but I Provincetown had a -word, of objec- 1 tion, and perhaps. a good reason. I I AM TOLD that, headed by an of-I ficial town crier, the parade passed I through the streets with, banners I and vocal protests, because Province- 1 town claims that the first land I [sighted by the Pilgrims is now I Provincetown. But Plymouth went J ahead with its celebration, and J that town, I am told, became, a real J New England community of the | seventeenth century. . Such is Amreica-n, pride and:; j&ak^i|[ ousy, all laudable in- the extreme! I ask you staff members, was Pro- | vincetown right in making protest, j and if so, why the celebration in-| Plymouth? JIMMIE FIDLER DEAR BOSS: We have been in hasty touch wtih the studio, and the folks there straightened out the Provincetown-Plymouth controversy instanter. It is all quite simple. The company realizes that Provincetown was the first land sighted, but the colonists settled, at Plymouth. So the decision to'screen "Plymouth " Adventure"; in Pl^m^th^Our com- It JON V .UI8I1 N WALKER i't be with the Government,:"*Rp Will Biscayne Television Corpi^Swaich *C for a video station-on Channel 7 ty nite club in Miami plays its last vision station. , . . Jack Entrat^r, j^i in New York,' phones opvertime to rush completion of the |sVegas, due to open next Tuesday.. Bhined hatr howeyqfe,i&^|j jOTcetowh. "?╟≤' T^WHST^ j there, and w$re gljjrF^j ling abou|>ihf Our chamr4odjIy: Dar| 1 is bacK-^pio^#ood froi JParee em^^m^i^^ I just injime f^Ktiis daug] Iday. We wil#open Deci Ithe .grants & Las Vgf |"Thf3azz Jlingerl lcenfter 30.Jl-.-B**' S ^nng f^0W- ibmas his Chez ork, and birth- ber 15 at and his miered De- tQRLiyS NEWEST hotel, the Sandj^asViSas, opens its doors fG<Jfoi^nti^^ hbylbrch'itect Wayrm McMlsf&^mfr1l^*'Koslelry, latest addition to Vsgas* famous "Strip," covers 65 acres of ground and is built in the Bermuda Modern motif. There are 200 individually designed rooms, e swimming pool, Copa and Garden Rooms and other facilities. ESTABLISHED fl'888 BArclay 7-537/ PRlSS CLIPPING BURikU 165 Sferch Street - Ne\v York few YORK, N. Y. ^pia-Telegram & Sun CSS' D-' 596,936 - Sat. 326,543 JUL -New York?╟÷Day by Day .Talent Hunt J- ?╟÷By Frank Farrell en s Established $88$&U SAN FRANCISCO h Los Angeles Portland - Seattle DEC 1 1 1952 Christine Jorgensen told impresario Joe Piccola via transatlantic phone that further treatments are a must pn her'schedule before return to TJ.S. Admits she cannot sing or dance worth a tinker's ham, but claims she's especially talented in articulation. That's a two-tone stretch... . . The 15th pet. sergeant who looks like Burt Lancaster is his brother, according to fellow pfficers. . .:. Dick Haymes' birthday present to his secretary was a copy of "Gone With the Wind"?╟÷in shorthand. .-. . Fran Warren wired Johnnie Ray that there are only 15 sobbing days till Christmas. ... Hearts and flowers liote: When ,.songman Al Martina"'isn't] lppihg across country on mike assignments he can J be iound:trading in petals in a Seventh Ave. bud; jrayj^^. shop where he.sprayed, wrapped and delivered be-i Frank Farrell fore zooming to musicalfame. . . . Versailles has! another musical comedy hit, "More AboutN Love.'y, Three drama critics in last night's premiere audience seemed to agree, since they departed from theater custom and beat their palms. . . . Florence Prounis, daughter of Versailles boss Nick, confined her Vassar curriculum to geology. But now she's.toiling as mjning engineer ior that cafe's public relations department. . . . Befuzzed comic Jerry Colonna has his serious moments?╟÷and most of them have to dp with a high-pressure TV set-making outfit in which he's an angel. . . . The French Casino, which quietly signs major stars, has Mickey Rooney lined up for February saloon debut. . . . Sign in an L. I. goodie window: "Home chocolates?╟÷direct from factory to you." || The Orson Munns swapped their Hampton mansion for two tiny!! ones abuilding and, purely to give the neighbors ?╟≤ something to talks about, designer Carrie is planting a "mad" fence between. . . . Alex 3 Paal, the gypsy who r-3"?Σ≤"^* specialize in arty cheesec. 'brought to ManhattaSwthe new! Barbara Paytpn filjpjpour-Sidedf Triangle.'*... A mid band wondered Jra|poud: "Wha can any woman^pfit witl?╜ 10 nevf glgl |ip|||i dresses?" Dajcinjl Tom Mortoj " """"" K added to his ?╜es#ith: "Ten ne hats." ... Thif Village Barn's da: farm bulletm.-lists Dagmar <!cinerama^oJE# "Iv's original dimensionaj?subject. , . . Forma:; .^w^^^?╟÷^^^^ Copa host ??Htck Entratter hpp?╜ one aspect of next week's Las Vegas premierer/o??The Sandsjloesm pad its act. ^ve's rigged ?a minor atomic bur?╜ foT^SW^WtoK* place of the usual ribbon-cutting.. .. Martin & mwis havfe ~ askedJKitty Kallen to add to their allure for the Londojfiengagements* JPut the spngbird thinks thn,t???. toct'-fq,-- Kallen Cayanagh % # JUL ens PRESS CLIPPING BUREA^ Established 1888 LOS ANGELES San Francisco Portland - Seattle Hollywood, Cal. Variety 1952 of Sands Set For Sunday *Com##s you are" desert In- ?·bmai% $5,500,000 worth, will be open for inspection by local citizens and visitors this Sunday when the new Sands opens its drjqrs txom 4 until 7 p. m., ior the first look. I Camerp enthusiasts are invited to make full use,, of the IS acres of grounds and buildings which will be open at that time. Of special interest Will be the dramatically ??designfed Copa Room, whose unusual wall decor should make inte|esting pictures for the shulterbu|^'J! Paradise Pool anfl':|??i$ise Terrace, both named aft|f the geographical features they face, will be open for tospectidnjy-Qso. Constructed in the l||c>:rd time of 9 months, 6 days^J^e Sands opens for full servicfe aijid operation on Monday, at 11 al m., and will offer its glamorous architecture and design for Las Vegas and its visitors in a warm, hos-i pitable Western "dome as you! are" manner. U tecniprai creuits. Sarnds, Las Vegas, Sets ti Lenar Home and Piaf /7Len3 H^rnjhas been set for a f wo-wwlJkt^lfd ax the Sands Hotel, i ias Vegas, beginning~Dec. 29. Sp??*~ xd^bufar with a two-week Danny Tmrtnas booking on Dec. 15. Edith Piaf follows Miss Home, opening Jan. 12.