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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate University of Nevada, Las Vegas, September 28, 1989






Includes meeting agenda and minutes along with additional information about bylaws. CSUN Session 19 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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uac000636. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT MINUTES SENATE MEETING 19-31 SEPTEMBER 28, 1989 4:00 PM MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER Meeting called to order at 4:05 PM. II. ROLL CALL PRESENT ABSENT Ross Kurzer (late) Jeff Bauhs (cxcused) Chad Wilcox Jeff Geihs Kim Elliott Roderick Colebrook Kurt Demars (late) Paige Zielinski Bud Benneman Kim Kershaw Kerem Ozkan Kari Cozine Rick Gillett (late) Scott Bennett Ken Tomory Melanie Rosenberg Jorge Gonzalez James Swank Brandi Hoffman Jason Landers (appointed) Natalie Miloro (appointed) DIRECTORS PRESENT ABSENT Rob Rosenthat (KUNV) Pat Tuohy (St. Scr\ ices) (excused) Barbara McFarland (Business off) Lillian Franky (excused) Allen Chastain(Pub/Elect) (late) Lisa Gripentrog (excused) Mario Menez (St. Services) Jamal Allen (unexcused) Karen Splawn (unexcused) Ray Frankulin (unexcused) UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS. NEVADA 89154/(702) 739- CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT SUPPLEMENATAL MINUTES SENATE MEETING 19-31 SEPTEMBER 28. 1989 MSU 201 4:00 PM III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES 19-30 Motion to approve by Senator Cozine. Seconded by Senator Demars Corrections: Spelling of Senator Kershaw's name on page 1. The NSA report which was not reported in the minutes. Motion passes with 16 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 SENATE MINUTES 19-31 PAGE 2 9/28/89 III. ANNOUNCEMENTS SENATE PRESIDENT PRO-TEMPORE, COZINE Announced that she had been told during the week that she wasn't fullfilling her duties as pro-tempore, so she did some research and found out what those repsonsibilities included. However, if asked to choose between a meeting and class she would definately go to class. SENATE PRESIDENT, POLOVINA Announced that Student Services flyers were found by herself and Associate Chief Justice Bunin posted over candidates flyers and requested that this be stopped. Also asked that Senators who were not running for re-election and were serving on faculty committees to please contact her in regards to whether they wish to retain these seats. V. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS BARBARA MCFARLAND Reported that a budget item pertaining to the handout issued last week would have to be an emergency item. The Budget ammendments pertain to switching Student Wages to Classified Wages for the new classified position created for the Student Services Secretary. Also reported for the Yellin' Rebel. Karen has received a good response from ads asking for writers. Presently, the Yell is putting together the election section of next week's issue. The laser printer has arrived and will be in use for next week's issue. MARLO MENEZ (STUDENT SERVICES) Announced that some of the typewriters have been repaired after someone tried to pull them out of their case. Plans are set to speak to approximately 30 classes throughout the semester. About 5 have been spoken to so far. The Student Services Nat'l Committee will be meeting in Florida. They hope to attend. They signed up 3 new note takers. ROB ROSENTHAL (KUNV) Donations this week were $1098. New KUNY night at Tarkanian's. ENTERTAINMENT AND PROGRAMMING (Melanie Rosenberg) The $28,000 on the agenda is for a band/act for Homecoming; explained specific amounts. President Bunin also interjected that there is a $10,000 buffer amount included to negotiate for bands. SENATOR KURZER ARRIVED AT 4:15 PM TYRONE SMITH (OSI) Brochures have arrived. If anyone has any suggestions please submit them. OSI is presently working on a CSUN survey to determine how well CSUN is functioning and get student input. BRANDI HOFFMAN (SHAC) Health Awareness day is going well. Brandi and Ken are looking forward to their trip. Senator Ozkan thanked Senator Hoffman for the handouts on SHAC and inquired as to prices. SENATE MINUTES 19-31 PAGE 3 9/28/89 Motion by President Bunin to move out of the order of the day to New Business item D. Second by Kari Cozine. There were no objections. IX NEW BUSINESS D. APPROVAL OF ENCUMBERING $28,000 OUT OF THE 903 ACCOUNT FOR T-SHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS AND FOR THE HEADLINING ACT FOR HOMECOMING. Motion to approve item D of New Business by Senator Kurzer. Second by Senator Rosenthal. There was discussion. Senator Tomory called for the question. Seconded by Senator Okan Senator Rosenberg Objected to the call for the question. The Objection to the call for the question failed with 4 in favor, 10 opposed and 2 abstentions. Main motion passes with 15 in favor, 1 opposed (Bennett), and 0 abstentions. VIII. OLD BUSINESS A. NOMINATION/APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENT TO THE VACANT MATH AND SCIENCE SEAT. Motion by Senator Zielinski to close nominations. Second by Senator Benneman. Motion passes with 16 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. Senators Colebrook and Gillett arrive at 4:28 PM Motion by Senator Cozine to have the one candidate speak for two minutes, followed by an unlimited questiona and answer period and appointment of the candidate by unanimous acclamation. Second by Senator Rosenberg. Motion passes with 18 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. Natalie Miloro spoke. Senate President Polovina recessed the meeting at 4:30 PM Senate President Polovina called to meeting to order at 4:32 PM There were no objections to Natalie Miloro's appointment. SENATE MINUTES 19-31 PAGE 4 9/28/89 Associate Chief Justice Bunin swore in Senator Miloro. B. NOMINATION/APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENT TO THE VACANT STUDENT DEVELOPMENT SEAT. Motion to close nominations by Senator Cozine. Second by Senator Ozkan. Motion passes with 18 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. Motion by Senator Zielinski to have the one candidate speak for 2 minutes followed by an unlimited question and answer period and to appoint the candidate by unanimous acclamation. Second by Senator Hoffman. Motion passes with 19 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. Point of Inquiry by Senator Rosenberg regarding the expiration of this seat if appointed. Senate President Polovina informed the Senate that this seat expires along with the other Senate Seats and Mr. Landers will have to be re-appointed. Jayson Landers spoke. There were many questions regarding Mr. Landers DQ from the Senate elections. Call for the Question by Senator Colebrook There were no objections. There were no objections to the appointment of Mr. Landers. Associate Chief Justice Bunin swore in Senator Landers. POINT OF ORDER by Senator Cozine. She stated that Senators should remain silent while new Senators are being sworn in and that as Senators they could perhaps re-affirm there own swearing in. IX. NEW BUSINESS A. APPROVAL OF EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS. A. APPROVAL OF MICHELLE BARRETT AS THE CO-ASSISTANT E&P DIRECTOR B. APPROVAL OF JAYSON LANDERS AS A MEMBER OF THE AD HOC ATHLETIC PROMOTIONS COMMITTEE. C. APPROVAL OF JEFF BAUHS AS A MEMBER OF THE ELECTIONS COMMITTEE. D. APPROVAL OF PAIGE ZIELINSKI AS A MEMBER OF THE ELECTIONS BOARD. SENATE MINUTES 19-31 PAGE 5 9/28/89 E. APPROVAL OF KURT DEMARS AS A MEMBER OF THE DISCIPLINARY ACTION COMMITTEE Motion by Senator Hoffman to approve items A through E as a whole. Second by Senator Ozkan. Motion passes with 20 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. B. APPROVAL OF $2400 OUT OF THE 900 ACCOUNT FOR ELECTION EQUIPMENT FOR THE HOMECOMING AND SENATE ELECTIONS. Motion to approve by Senator Cozine. Second by Senator Elliott. Motion passes with 20 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. C. APPROVAL OF ENCUMBERTING $6,100 FOR TOMMY ROCKER, THE DUMPKOFFS, MUGS AND SHIRTS FOR OKTOBERFEST FROM THE 903 ACCOUNT. Motion to approve by Senator Benneman. Second by Senator Colebrook. There was discussion. Motion passes with 20 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. E. APPROVAL OF $1,200 OUT OF THE 903 ACCOUNT FOR FOOD FOR HOMECOMING. Motion to approval by Senator Cozine. Second by Senator Gonzalez. There was discussion. Motion passes with 20 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. Motion by President Bunin to place an emergency item on the agenda to ammend the CSUN Budget. Second by Senator Gillett. Motion passes with 20 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. F.(Emergency Item) APPROVAL OF BUDGET AMMENDMENT TO REFLECT THE TRANSFER OF AMOUNTS AS SHOWN ON ATTACHED SHEET. Motion to approve by President Bunin. Second by Senator Benneman. There was discussion. Business Office Manager Barbara McFarland explained that the ammendments were neccessary to create the new classified Student Services Secretary position. SENATE MINUTES 19-31 PAGE 6 9/28/89 Motion passes with 19 in favor, 0 opposed and 1 abstention (Landers). X. OPEN DISCUSSION Senate President Polovina Asked the Senators about the classes they spoke to, to f u l f i l l their minimum work load requirment. The Senate Secreatary took roll and information regarding the classes Senators spoke to. Senate President Polovina expressed her disappointment about the the number of Senators that hadn't spoke. Senate President Polovina yielded the floor to Chief Justice Wall who explained part of By-law 2 which says that an appearance before a class is defined as an appearance with another Senator. So anyone who didn't speak with another Senator present, technically is still in violation of Bylaw 2. There was also a question brought up as to what 'scheduling' of appearances is, and in the opinion of Chief Justice solely, Bylaw 2 outlines this responsibilities as belonging to the Senate President. However, if there was no formal scheduling then it is still up to the Senators to make that appearance. Senator Cozine state that Senate President Polovina did set a deadline for appearances for September 27th, within one month of school starting. There was a question as to whether it was the responsibility of the Senate President to insure that Senators were scheduled to make appearances together. OSI Co-Director stated that the Senators took an oath to abide by the CSUN Constitution and its Bylaws and that if they don't know the constitution it is their own fault. Senator Ozkan pointed out the fact that many Senators have morning classes and it would be difficult to organize different schedules. President Bunin pointed out that it is a Bylaw and therefore we've 'got to do it'. Motion by Senator Cozine to return to New Business to entertain an emergency motion. Second by President Bunin. Motion passes with 20 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. X. NEW BUSINESS Motion by Senator Cozine to place an emergency item on the agenda to deal with Bylaw 2. Second by Senator Bennett. Motion passes with 20 in favor, 0 opposed and 0 abstentions. G.(Emergency item) Ammend Bylaw 2 to state that retroactive from this date those Senatos that have spoken don't have to speak, but those who will be speaking must speak with another Senator present. SENATE MINUTES 19-31 PAGE 7 9/28/89 Motion to approve by Senator Cozine. There were many objections. Senate President Polovina restated the motion after some confusion as 'Waiving' the Bylaw. POINT OF INFORMATION by President Bunin He stated that the motion was to AMMEND not WAIVE. Motion was rescinded. H.(Emergency item) WAIVE SECTION I-C-2 OF BYLAW 2. Motion to approve by President Bunin. POINT OF INFORMATION by OSI Co-Director Tyrone Smith. He stated that the whole Bylaw must be waived. POINT OF INFORMATION by Senator Rosenberg She stated that if the entire Bylaw is waived then no one has to speek at all. Motion seconded by Senator Gonzalez. Discussion by President Bunin arguing that if you waive the definition of 'an appearance' then it is left up to the Senate President to decide what constitutes an appearance. This will help those that made a 'good faith' effort to speak. POINT OF ORDER by OSI Co-Director Tyrone Smith Suspension of rules is not debatible. DEBATE WAS STOPPED POINT OF INFORMATION by President Bunin Was informed by the Chief Justice that perhaps it is not legal to waive part of a bylaw. Senate President Polovina recessed the meeting at 5:14 PM. Senate President Polovina called the meeting to order at 5:25 PM. Motion was disallowed by Senate President Polovina. Senate President Polovina made the following decision: According to Bylaw 2, section I-C-4, the Senate President can give excused or unexcused absences in regards to making speeches. Therefore, all Senators who spoke to classes will receive excused absenses and those who have not spoken, excepting Senators Gonzalez,Hoffman, Miloro, Rosenberg, Kershaw and Landers will receive unexcused absenses. SENATE MINUTES 19-31 PAGE 8 9/28/89 Senator Landers expressed his objection to the chair's decision because he felt that Senators who did not speak with other Senators present were just as at fault concerning Bylaw 2 as the rest and asked if the chair was giving them excused absenses in light of this fact. Senate President Polovina stated that this was correct. There were several appeals to the chair. All were denied. It was advised that all complaints be directed to the Judicial Council. X. OPEN DISCUSSION Sen. Kurzer Suggested "Tower of Power" for Homecoming. It is a 'funky' band. Sen. Colebrook Congratulated the new Senators. Good luck to all in the elections. Sen. Wilcox Congratulated the new Senators. Sen. Zielinski Congratulated the new Senators. Expressed a desire to use other promoters who Sen. cDoeumlda rps ossibly be more successful in getting acts for us. Congratulated the new Senators. Sen. Geihs Congratulated the new Senators. Wished everyone luck in the election. Mentioned that he had spoken to the choir concerning their trip that SCeSnU. NG ohnezlpaleedz to f u n d and that they would be making a report very soon. Congratuled the new Senators. Sen. Benneman Congratulated the new Senators. Senators should have known their constitution. Sen. Swank Expressed his opinion that Senators should be trusted to speak alone and that twice as many students could be reached that way. Sen. Hoffman Congratulated the new Senators. Thanked Allen Chastain for the cost breakdown of the election expenditures. Suggested aspirin for the Senate meetings. SENATE MINUTES 19-31 PAGE 9 9/28/89 Sen. Tomory Congratulated the new Senators. Expressed the need for an organizational chart of CSUN. Felt that the action regarding the SHAC Idaho trip was ludicrous especially when the Senate nearly approved a $600,000 budget without proper consideration. Sen. Gillett Congratulated the new Senators. Congratulated Jayson for speaking up at his first Senate meeting. Expressed his embarrassment concerning the Bylaw situation and will be speaking no matter what the sanctions are. Senate President Polovina encouraged all those who haven't spoken to still do so. Sen. Miloro Thanked all the Senators. Feels lucky to be a part of the Senate. Sen. Rosenberg HAD NOTHING TO SAY!!!!! Sen. Bennett Welcomed the new Senators. Not quite sure what Sen. Kurzer means by 'funky'. Informed the Senate that he and Sen. Rosenberg will be speaking to Caesars about donating money for a parking garage. Sen. Ozkan Explained that earlier in the week he jumped the gun and submitted his resignation to Gina after receiving a promotion from work. The reason being that the training sessions would have conflicted with the Senate. Fortunately, the training schedule was revised and he withdrew his resignation before it was officially accepted by Senate President Polovina. Informed the Senate that a certain person with bright red lipstick was filing a complaint, arguing that the resignation should stand. Senate President Polovina yielded the floor to Chief Justice Wall who explained resigna-tions. Sen. Kershaw Congratulated the new Senators. Suggested aspirin for Allen who is running the elections. Sen. Swank Congratulated Sen. Miloro. Chief Justic Dan Wall Informed the Senate of cases being heard by the Judicial Council. Allen Chastain Presently Pub Board is interviewing Quicksilver Editors. The voting stickers look ok. Thanked the Senate for the money for the election services. SENATE MINUTES 19-31 PAGE 10 9/28/89 Mystery Speaker;Tracy Smith (A&L Candidate) Expressed her opinion that it was irresponsible of the Senators not to make their class speeches. The Students have the right to know and they can't use the services if they don't know about them. Being a Senator is a priviledge. Vice President Pro-tempore Tammy Has been in touch with BJ to keep herself updated. Vice President Engel The Judicial Council case concerning Gina and the Organizations Board and the Appropriations Board is not a fight between her and Gina, rather an attempt to clarify some rules which were inadvertantly left in the operating policies by accident. Senate President Pro-tempore Cozine Congratulations to Sen. Miloro who had an easy time getting appointed. Also, Congratulations to Sen. Landers who was given the third degree had a hard time. Asked Allen Chastain to hang in. Congratulated, Senators Gillett, Swank, and Benneman for going to make speeches anyway. "Cozine for Queen." President Bunin Congratulated the new Senators. Thanked the Senate for the money for Homecoming. Asked the 'mystery' guest (Tr aci Smith) to identify herself. OSI Co-Director Tyrone Smith Expressed his feelings that Senators should be excited about giving class speeches to inform students about CSUN, besides it isn't that difficult to ask a teacher to speak for a few minutes before class. Asked Senators to communicate outside of the Senate meetings that the animosity between CSUN participants is counter productive. Senate President Polovina Congratulated the new Senators. The experience will help them in the upcoming Senate Session. Only 4 meetings left. Agreed with Sen. Gillett. Also pointed out the nothing is being 'pushed under the rug' as stated by Traci Smith. Mentioned that Allen is doing a great job as Elections Board Chair. OSI page is looking good. Expressed that she is perplexed by Bylaw 2. Believes that there should be 1 senator speaking in each class, therefore reaching more classes. Not happy with just giving unexcused absenses to Senators. Expressed her desire to kick Senators off of the Senate. Believes that once Senators become officials that they get lazy. XI. ADJOURNMENT Senate President Polovina adjourned the meeting at 6:16 PM. RESPECTFULLY PREPARED AND SUBMITTED BY, SENATE PRESIDENT SENATE SECRETARY CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS OFFICE OF THE SENATE PRESIDENT SENATE AGENDA SENATE MEETING 19-31 SEPTEMBER 28, 19 8 9 4:00 PM MSU 201 I. CALL TO ORDER II. ROLL CALL III. APPROVAL OF SENATE MINUTES 19-3 0 IV. ANNOUNCEMENTS VI. BOARD AND COMMITTEE REPORTS VII. EXECUTIVE NOMINATIONS A. APPROVAL OF MICHELLE BARRETT AS THE CO-ASSISTANT E&P DIRECTOR. B. APPROVAL OF JASON LANDERS AS A MEMBER OF THE AD-HOC ATHLETIC PROMOTIONS COMMITTEE. C. APPROVAL OF JEFF BAUHS AS A MEMBER OF THE ELECTIONS BOARD. D. APPROVAL OF PAIGE ZIELINSKI AS A MEMBER OF THE ELELCTIONS BOARD. E. APPROVAL OF KURT DEMARS AS AMEMBER OF THE DISCIPLINARY ACTION COMMITTEE. VIII.OLD BUSINESS NOMINATION/APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENT TO THE VACANT MATH AND SCIENCE SEAT. NOMINATION/APPROVAL OF APPOINTMENT TO THE VACANT STUDENT DEVELOPMENT SEAT. IX. NEW BUSINESS A. AAPROVAL OF EXECUTIVE BOARD NOMINATIONS B. APPROVAL OF $2400 OUT OF THE 9 00 ACCOUNT FOR ELECTION EQUIPMENT FOR THE HOMECOMING AND SENATE ELECTIONS. C. APPROVAL OF ENCUMBERING $6,100 FOR TOMMY ROCKER, THE DUMPKOFFS, MUGS AND SHIRTS FOR OKTOBERFEST FROM THE 9 03 ACCOUNT. UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA LAS VEGAS/4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY/LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89154/(702) 739-3477 D. APPROVAL OF ENCUMBERING $2 8,000 OUT OF THE 9 03 ACCOUNT FOR TEE-SHIRTS, SWEATSHIRTS AND FOR THE HEADLINING ACT FOR HOMECOMING. E. APPROVAL OF $1,2 00 OUT OF THE 9 03 ACCOUNT FOR FOOD FOR HOMECOMING. OPEN DISCUSSION ADJOURNMENT X . X I .