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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles - January 33, 1956 Mr. V. W. Smitht CCS Mr. Mr. Wm. Reinhardt C. M. Bates 80-11 Referring to my letter of January 13th to Mr. Johnson, copy to you, relative to the desirability of having an inspection made on the ground of the obliga­tions of the Las Vegas Valley Water District to remove and/or relocate certain pipe lines and wires formerly located on our property, pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of Contract C.L.D. 11342: Recently I asked Mr. Hammill, who was going to Las Vegas, to discuss the matter with Mr. Renshaw, Engineer and General Manager of the Water District, and I enclose copy of letter from Mr. Renshaw to Mr. Hammill, together with copy of tabulation showing the status of these projects referred to in mentioned agreement. Section 5 of the above- In view of the fact that we are from time to time selling some of our property out there, I think it is highly desirable that we know that the facilities to be removed have been removed, and the facilities to be relocated or newly constructed have been completed, in order that we may make the necessary reservations or eliminate reservations in our deeds. Would it be pos­sible for you to have someone from the Division Engineer's office, presumably Mr. Maag who is familiar with these transactions, go out to Vegas and make an on-the-ground inspection of all this work, and see that it has been done in compliance with provisions of the contract in question so we may be advised of the completion of all the work required under Section 5, and also so that we may close the escrow and release the Relocation Fund which is held therein to the Water District. If this can be done, I would appreciate a re­port similar to that attached to Mr. Renshaw's letter showing the status of all this work. JAN 30 J E. E. Bennett JAN 3 0 1956 L. C C. E. E. D. JAN 31 1956