Issue of the Missile newspaper, described as the "Official Organ of Las Vegas Branch NAACP," August 2, 1960.
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Issue of the Missile newspaper, described as the "Official Organ of Las Vegas Branch NAACP," August 2, 1960.
FULL FREEDOM FOR ALL! VOL. 3 - NO. 3 EDITORIAL Doubtful Strategy In an apparent effort to main-tain harmony within the party. Vice President Nixon accepted a watered - down Civil Rights plank in the GOP platform. The plank as accepted is not even a middle-of-the-road affair as have been so many in the past. The wording is too strong to mollify conservative elements of the GOP and is too vague to satisfy GOP liberals. Though it is ultra - conserva-tive as compared to the Demo-cratic Civil Rights plank, it is not conservative enough to en-tice southern Democrats to cross party lines and forsake Lyndon Johnson. The Republican Civil Rights plank has just the right tone to cause previous party - switching Democrats to stick with the Bourbons. It is doubtful whether the Republicans have a ghost of a chance to win in November without the support of dissident Democrats. And f r o m here it looks as if the GOP is rapidly dwindling to ghostly proportions. Rather, it appears at the mo-ment as if