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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, January 2007



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    Monthly Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid A Special Place To Belong Jewish Film Festival Sunday, January 14th Suncoast Hotel 4:00 pm Tickets - $10 Details on Page 9 % RABBI'S lessage February 3rd will mark the Jewish holiday of Tu B'Shevat. It is a celebration of trees and nature in general. It is considered a relatively minor holiday. But with today's concerns about global warming, continued on page 2 It is a great Joy for me to wish all of you a very happy new year! Over the next few months as I work out my term, I would like to extend my thanks to many of my colleagues on the board of trustees that make the continued on page 3 I am often asked about the meaning of various Jewish customs. In this bulletin I would like to talk about two wedding customs-the veiling of the bride and the bride's circling the continued on page 4 JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL January 14 See page 9 for details SHABBATONE SERVICE JANUARY 19th!! Note date change. SHABBAT UNPLUCCED January 26 Tevet/Shevat 5767 January 2007 Volume XXI No. 1 Inside 2 Rabbi's Message February Attractions 3 President's Message 4 Cantorial Soloist's Message 5 Education Dir. Message Youth News/B'nai Mitzvahs 6 Exec. Dir. Message 7 Adult Education 8 Yahrzeits/Memoriams 9 Men's Club News 10 Tell/Kvell 11 Calendar 12 Sisterhood News 13 Monthly Programs 16 Tributes 20 Worship ScheduleReflection on the New Year: Planting for the Future Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad continued from page 1... the rain forests and pollution, it takes on added significance. It is a reminder that even the ancients did not take their environment for granted. Unable to control the environment through technology, they sought to control it through ritual and prayer-rain dances and sun gods. It was the Hebrews though who recognized that we had a responsibility to take care of the world. We are taught that though God created the world it is up to us to care for the world. In essence we are partners with God in the on going process of creation. And so I offer up in this January bulletin! advice about something in February. Why so early you ask? Because planting like life, demands planning ahead... May we who love our world embrace it even tighter with meaningful deeds of love. Let us on this new year fill the days ahead with acts of loving kindness planted firmly in the ground of family, and acts of creation that our environment may remain healthy and whole. Too many of us listen to this message but fail to act on it. Though the price of gas has motivated many to buy more efficient cars, we should do so not just because of economics but because of our responsibility to society and the next generation. We should recycle, use less water, and search out companies that are "green" not only to make political statements but to make a difference. This year on Tu B'Shevat I hope you will use it as a time to plant trees in Israel and at your home. I also hope that you will take time to discuss issues related to the environment with your family. One of my favorite stories is found in the midrash: One day while walking on the road he [Honi the Circle-Drawer] noticed a man planting a carob-tree. Said Honi to the man: "You know that it takes seventy years before a carob- tree bears fruit; are you so sure that you will live seventy years and eat therefrom?' 'I found this world provided with carob-trees,' the man replied. 'As my ancestors planted them for me, so I plant them for my progeny."'(Babylonian Talmud Ta'anit 23a). HAWHwYltf t $ February Attractions $ 2/2 Family Service Grades K-3 7:30 pm 2/3 Havdalah ?How To? 6:00 pm 2/9 Shabbatone Service 7:30 pm 2/11 Men?s Club Health Fair- Galleria Mall TBA 2/12 Adult Ed 2nd Mondays 7:00 pm 2/19 President?s Day - Office Closed 2/24-25 GALA WEEKEND 2/27 Judaism 101 12:30pm^^ 2 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORGTemple Board President - Marla Letizia VP Administration - Harry Sax VP Ways & Means - Michael Unger [ VP Youth & Education - Beth Falk VP Ritual - Del Acosta VP Member Recruitment - Jay Poster VP Member Retention - Marsha Goldberg VP Social Action - Cindy Jensen Treasurer * Gregg Solomon Corporate Secretary - Yvonne Gordon Trustees Michele Fendell Barry Lewisohn Jordie Primack Debra Cohen Stacey Yahraus-Lewis Daryl Alterwitz daltcnvitz@cox.nct Illisa Polis ill Craig Kurtzman Mark Bromberg Temple President, Marla Letizia cont. from page 1.... t Laura Bailey, Sisterhood President Stu Solomon, Men?s Club President Megan Stolberg, N Li Y President Past Presidents Scott Stolberg Stewart Blumenfeld Drew Levy Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David VVasserman Dr. Steve Kollins Hon. Michael Cherry Dr. Bernard Farrow *Eugene Kirshbaum *David Goldwatcr ^deceased success of our membership a reality. This month I would members of the top consists of Harry Sax, administration; Gregg and Yvonne Gordon, I start first with Harry predecessor in 2008. I synagogue and like to highlight executive board which Vice President of Solomon, Treasurer Corporate Secretary Sax, my Presidential have known Harry for many, many years beyond temple life. I know him as a committed, caring individual who will take over the reigns of CNT in 2008 and will do an exemplary job leading the goals of our synagogue to completion. On most decisions, Harry and I work closely together. He provides the type of business leadership I need to keep my energy out of the minutia and focused on just the large, important tasks at hand. He is strong and knowledgeable when it comes to management. Most of the lessons we have shared have been invaluable and have enabled me to add balance to my personal, business and temple lives. Our Presidency and Vice Presidency are combined in true partnership. Gregg Solomon, our treasurer, is an incredibly brilliant man. This year alone, he has developed a budget and a budget process that is both immaculate in it's execution and forward thinking in its vision. Gregg has worked diligently for the last few months at cleaning up our general ledger and has helped us by bringing in Barnaby, an accounting professional, who will watch over the current budget and help to guide us into a successful financial future. Not enough can be said about our corporate secretary Yvonne Gordon. She has been the secretary for several presidents prior to me. Her steadfast dedication and true sincere care for the synagogue is absolutely incredible. She is no nonsense from the get-go and sits quietly most of the time. However, when she speaks up, her message is always of great importance and one of truth. Yvonne is the hushed voice of history that we can turn to and depend upon for honesty and integrity. As a no nonsense communicator, she consistently gives an unwavering valuable opinion and never gives a wink or hug unless she means it. When she casts her warmth and validation she does it with an unsurpassed sincerity that you will feel to your core. Throughout the building of our new campus, the time she has put forth at her husband's side is with a dedication that most people can only hope to understand. I for one am truly grateful to have her as a part of our board. There are many others that I will have the honor of introducing you to during the coming months. For now, let me close by saying that 2007 will be a wonderful year, not only for the opening of our new synagogue but for the superb talents of people like Harry, Greg and Yvonne. Which keep us focused and determined to be on the right path for the future goals of CNT. Again, it is a great Joy for me to wish all of you a very happy new year! Ja n u a r y 2 0 0 7 3 ) lust a ,p Philip Goldstein, Cantorial Soloist continued from page 1... groom. In the book of Genesis we read the story of Jacob who inadvertently married Leah instead of Rachel due to trickery by his uncle Laban. Tradition says, ever since that moment, Jewish grooms have been "checking? to make sure that they are marrying the correct woman! Customarily, therefore, the last ritual to take place before the wedding begins is a bedeken (checking) ceremony. The groom will personally places the veil over his bride's face. The reason for the veil is two fold. The first is to fulfill the verse in Genesis 24:65 when Rebecca saw Isaac for the first time, "she took the veil and covered herself." The second reason is because the Mishnah mentions the use of a veil as a way to protect the bride from the "evil eye." Immediately following the bedeken ceremony, the procession to the chupah begins. One of the first rituals in traditional wedding ceremonies is the circling of the groom by the bride. Though not common in Reform ceremonies, it is part of many Conservative and all Orthodox weddings. In Jeremiah 31:22 it says, "A woman shall court (go around) a man." This is the biblical source for the custom. Typically a bride will circle her groom seven times. Though there are many explanations, the most common is that the bride enters seven spheres of her husband's inner most being. Some brides see the circling as a way to symbolically create the new space that the couple will share. In many reform ceremonies the custom has been broadened to include both the bride circling the groom, and the groom circling the bride. And so, it continues. ATTENTION 2008 B'NAI MITZVAH ?We have be?un to schedule Bar/Bal Mitzvahs for the calendar year 2008. Letters were mailed on or about the 21st of December. If you have not received a packet and are planning to have a Bar or Bat Mitzvah in 2008, please call Karen Levine immediately at the temple office 733- 6292. If you have any questions about the process of selecting your date, please contact Rabbi Akselrad via email at Rabbak@lvnertamid. or? (? WWW.LVNER.TAMID.ORG > NEW PRE-SCHOOL! Now Accepting Early Applications for Fall 2007! Space is Limited! First come, First serve Basis Contact Lynette Solomon for Information at 733-6292 or email at LSOLOMON@LVNERTAMID.ORGt----------------------------------------------------------------------\ 6th Grade Peace Poems Peace is When Vsy; Geena Marano Peace is when you shake hands, and excitedly look around and figure out your friends and plans, because you?re not by yourself. When you laugh and when you cry, and see a family, and see the world and know why, we are so happy. By: Megan Levy Peace is when you feel calm and when you make new friends. Peace is anything you want it to be. Peace is when you get along. Peace is like family and friends. Peace can be when a baby is born. Peace can be when a bird first flies. By: Aryn Bordman Friends, hand in hand. Brothers and sisters forever stand. Together as one we can overcome. Dreams of freedom Jfcid hears so kind. Families go time by time. Dreams of joicing and peace forever. Times for me and times for jou. Let us play and dreams come true. Peace will come and free us all. War and fire and devastation no more. Our generation is our only hope. Let us go now the children yell. Let us bring peace. It will not fail. More Next Month! v________________________________________ R/S DATES TO REMEMBER Jan 2 Hebrew School resumes @ Gibson Jan 2 Gesher (10-12 grade) meets at CNT office Jan 7 Class Photo Day Jan 14 No R/S ? Martin Luther King JR. Weekend Jan 28 7th Grade Family Ed Day-Theme: Putting God on the Guestlist Feb 4 Tu B?Shevat Celebration in Religious School Feb 8 No R/S Feb 11 K-1st grade Family Ed Day - Theme: 10 Commandments B?nai Mitzvah ~ Religious School Craig Rosen Education Director Treat others the way you wish to be treated is our ?Golden Rule.? This lesson can be found in numerous accounts in the Torah and in many of our post biblical teachings. God commands us to treat others with respect. It?s amazing that in today?s day and age there are still many different groups of people who are not given equal status and opportunity. This month our country takes time out to remember Dr. Martin Luther King Junior. He was a courageous man who called upon each one of us to treat one another as equals. His dream is far from being realized as there are many who are still discriminated against be it for the color of their skin, their gender preference, their religion, or the language that they speak. As Jews, we know what it?s like to be discriminated against. For numerous times in our history we can recall moments where we were looked upon as outsiders and instigators of evil. I recently spent time with the 5th grade students who asked; ?Why do so many people hate us?? We talked about this for quite some time and they agreed that it?s partly due to the fact that people are different and don?t take time to get to know one another. As a result of this discussion, the students are forming a committee to work on educating their friends about Judaism, and when we move in to our new synagogue, we will invite them in to our home. I applaud these 5th grade students who are doing something to make a difference and I also challenge each of us to take some time out this month to celebrate diversity and get to know someone who may be different from you. As Chet Powers said in his song; ?Common people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together, try to love one another right now.? YOUTH GROUPS REMINDERS Jan 6 NTTY Parents night out-call Jolie Brislin 610-1858 to RSVP Jan 7 TNT Laser Tag - call Pam Poster 371-9246 to RSVP Jan 12-15 NFTY Social Action Weekend - Phoenix, AZ Jan 28 NTTY Senior Prom Feb 4 TNT Tu B?Shevat hike - location TBA -( January 2007 5)Major Excitement! And Happy New Year! Irv Duchowny, Executive Director A new year, a new temple, a new campus! Now THIS is what I call excitement! Jerry Gordon and I spent a glorious, sunny Sunday morning recently and walked the 4.5 mile route that we'll betaking for our Torah Walk on Feb. 24th from King David to our new campus at 55 North Valle Verde. The Gala committee is very busy (and Thank You!) preparing all of the details of our Gala Weekend (dinner and live auction on Saturday February 23, Consecration of our new temple, food, activities for our children, entertainment and fun and excitement galore on Sunday February 24th). We've all watched the building going up, and now, we're having the furniture, fix?tures and equipment start to be brought in. The signage for the building (inside and out) is being ordered (from Israel), and will soon be on route. Details for the King David Memorial Garden are being finalized for the names and dates to be transferred from our Memorial Candles that were in the Social Hall and permanently sandblasted onto the stone. Kitchen equipment is being installed, and, all of our treasured and emotional keepsakes are being installed into the new building (stained glass windows, the front doors from the old temple, Past Presidents pictures, the ark from the old Sanctuary, just to name a few items). This is a truly special time in all of our lives - how often do we get to participate in the building and Consecration of a new temple? I know this is my first, and most likely, only time I'll be fortunate enough to participate in such a unique opportunity of actually building a new temple, a new Sanctuary. WOW! How can you participate, and share in the fun and excitement? Easy. Just contact me or Roberta in the office, and we'll be glad to let you know - we'll be moving the offices, we'll be getting ready for our Gala weekend, with lots of help needed (Sunday's activities are all volunteer organized, led and run, includ?ing the Torah Walk, food, entertainment, set-up, clean-up, and tour guides, to name a few areas of help that we need), and several other areas of help that the temple needs. Our staff is hard at work, but we can?t do it all - we need your help. Again, I wish everyone the Happiest and Healthiest of New Years! Happy 2007! See you at "55 North?.O 'Meditative Service ?Saturday, January z6m At Temhfe Office ~ Ham Join 'Rabbinic Ontern Coolie Obbein andexplore fbe tbemes ofSbabbat tbrouyb different forms of Jewish meditation andeasy breatbiny stretcbiny exercises. Urincj ayoya mat or larye towefif you cboose to sit on tbe floor. Cbairs wiff also be avaifabfe. This relaftiny service is appropriate for aff fevefs of mobility. This service is rFRjECE andopen to everyone ~ No RdV*P necessary, t Questions? Contact tbe temple office atj33~bzyz ------------------------- Adult Education Havdalah ?How-To? Saturday, February 3 Beginning at 6:00 pm Ever wonder why we Havdalah on Saturday nights? Need a little refresher on the ?how-to?? Then this is for you! Our Director of Education, Craig Rosen, will be teaching step-by-step on the ?how? and ?why? as we experience Havdalah together. We?ll even make a simple spice box! We will also talk about the holiday of Tu B?Shevat (which is Feb.3!). This program is FREE and open to all ages (children over 5 please). Please RSVP by January 25 to the temple office so we have enough fruit to go around! This event is sponsored by the Sisterhood. Man J.OHGG Cmv 7mv. It's time to get your new cards! Regular size are $6.50, Large are $7.50. Deadline to order is February 12, 2007. Please remember to make checks payable to CNT Sisterhood. Separate checks for each person's cards will insure that they are mailed directly to their home. Send checks to Sandy Stolberg, 1904 Plantea Ct., Las Vegas, 89117. Questions? Call Sandy at 228-6863. Judaism 101 Liturgy Series Saturday, Jan 27 @ 12:30 pm The Mourner's Kaddish Saturday, Feb 10 @ 12:30 pm The Avidah Join Rabbinic Intern Cookie Olshein and learn the blessing or prayer's meaning and background. NO Hebrew is required, transliterated text provided. RSVP before the Thursday prior to each class and receive a CD containing the prayers/ blessing to be discussed. You can RSVP to Mary Zone at the temple office or email her at RSVP not required but appreciated. If not, we will not have a CD for you to take home. J anuary 2 0 0 7 7 ) Yahrzeits January 5 William Ackerman Martha Bailin'Kahn Seymour Blumenthal Sidney Brandt Benjamin Cohen George Dalton Murray Deutscher Solomon Doctors Fred Ehrlich Arthur Feldman Clara Frank Tessie Gianmusso Morris Goldstein Marilyn Gorbena Rosa Barbara Greenberg Clara Jacobs Shaun Jensen Ruth Lehrner Sidney Leinwohl Arthur Liebert Sy Myers Sam Perlman Marcia Peskin Flarry Radbel Sidney Saltman Nathan Schampe Ceal Shapiro Albert E Shientag Harry Slotnick Mildred Sorell Burt Squire Stephen Stein Adrienne Watman Phyllis Weidenfeld Sidney Weisman Della Yarchever January 12 Oscar Alterwitz Lawrence Beer Leslie Bernick David Blumenthal Jessie Marie Bornstein Samuel Cohn Jack Cracraft Rafael Delvalle Osias Diwald Sophie Doctors Hooker Charles Feldman Lillian Festinger Herbert Forman Sayde Friedman Arthur Gellin Ruth Getzel Rick Glickman Darlene Gold Alvin Gross Hope Wilder Hersh Benjamin Horwitz Dora Israel Seymour Joseph Lore Kahn Steven Kalodner William Krassen Hilda Kulman Joseph Laefer Robert Levoff Irving Litt Phillip Luckerman Edith Michael Sarah Sally Nathanson Pearl Nyman Florence Plotnick Minnie Radbel Jack Rehfeld Cecil Serling Hyman Solowitz Lee Squire January 12 cont. January 19 cont. Jim Stark Melvin Sanoff Auva Vaturi Heather Santer Sadie Wagreich Andrew Schampe Annette Weinstein Frank Schwartz Sol Wolf Lillian Shapiro John Wood Melvin Shapiro Frank Zalkin Betty Silber Abram Zon Murray Simon Dorothy Slate January 19 Rochelle S Steinberg Eugene Alexander Mildred Cohen Morris Weiner Esther Corben January 26 Robert Cummins Robert Beckwith Miriam Everakes Dallas Ellis Joseph Flans William Gabelman Elaine Fried Alan Garboos Dawn E Friedlander Seymour Glassman Marcia Friedmutter Phyllis Hubbard Alfred Moses Gerstler Fred Jensen Angie Giancaspro Howard Samuel Freda Glantz Knopow Harry Glasser Phyllis R Lozofsky Paul Gottlieb Dennis Mack Emmanuel Greenberg Leo Moskovvitz Bertha Horberg H Sam Prezant Rae Israel Milton Root Edward Janovitz Ben Shanker Ben Kaplan Solomon Walrauch Joyce Karchem Phillip Weinberg Henry Lander Dorothy Werner Roslyn Lefcourt Nelson Werner Harold Lehrner Adrian Winegarden Eva Leigh Doris Winegarden Martha Levenberg David Levey Charles Martin Stanley Musicar Samuel Pearson Henry Rudner Marion Yarchever INMEMORIAM: Sandy Hayman, beloved husband of Sylvia Hania Oderberg, beloved grandmother of Illisa Polis Mary Fox, beloved wife of Jerry, beloved mother of Ryan and Dana, beloved grandmother of Max and Olivia Selma Katz, beloved wife of Harold, beloved mother of Sharon Gordon and mother-in-law of Ray, beloved grandmother of M atthe w(J essica) Scott (Natalie) and great-grandchildren Jason, Kaitlin, Reese and Logan Sid Marco, beloved husband of Eve, cousin of Leon a WWW.LVNERJAMiD.ORG >CNT Men?s Olixlb President ~ Stu Solomon ^ It?s January all ready and things are a hopping! We have several things on the agenda and we need your help to pull it oft. We have the Torah Walk and the Health Fair and let?s not forget the golf tournament coming up! The Torah walk is going to be a thing to remember for your entire life. I want to invite you all to participate! There will be lots of things along our route as we walk the Torahs from King David to the new campus at 55 North Valle Verde. The Health Fair is fun and informative. Once again it will be held at the Galleria at Sunset on February 11,2007. We want you all to participate! You can help! Go to the website and download a form. Take it to your favorite health professional and ask if they would like to participate! It is just good for everyone involved. GOLF! Get your foursome ready! April 15th is just around the corner! Look for more information in the coming weeks e-mailed directly to you! Men's Club Annual Health Fair Mark Your Calendars - February 1 1th At the Galleria Mall This year's major sponsors are Glaxo Smith Kline Pharmaceuticals and Quest Diagnostics. Anyone interested in exhibiting should contact Fred Toffel via EMAIL AT OR PHONE 736-2021 2006Jewish Film Festival January 14th This year, CNT is sponsoring an Israeli film entitled ?The Syrian Bride?. The film, directed by renowned Israeli director Eran Riklis, is the story of a Druze family living on the Golan Heights whose daughter is to be married to a Druze man who lives on the other side of the border in Syria. But Syria claims that the Golan is Syrian territory and that, there is no border between the Golan Heights and Syria, while Israel claims that the Heights are under the control of Israel so there must be a border ? a border means certain formalities must be met in order to cross. Thus, a family simply trying to get a daughter properly married is caught up in a bureaucratic situation far beyond its power to resolve. The film is a poignant example of how ordinary people are affected by international affairs. The Syrian Bride took the Best Film award at the 2005 Montreal Film Festival and was the ^udience?s choice as Best Film at the 2005 Locarno Film Festival. Tickets are available in cidvance at the temple office or at the theater that Sunday. This event is co-sponsored by ^ CNT, the Men?s Club and Sisterhood._________________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------( January 2007 9)TELL & KVELL Mazel Tov to Katherine Selinsky and Shawn Scott for a special honor given to their father/grandfather on Veteran?s Day by the Library of Congress. Victor Selinsky (1925-2006) was one of 13 wartime artists to be featured at the LOC?s website, ?Experiencing War ? The Art of War?. Victor, a retired high school and college art teacher, was only 18 when he sketched the first of the 31 pieces included on the web page. All were completed while he was overseas (or literally on the seas) during World War II. Also included is a 1-hour interview with 7 excerpts, and a memoir about the trip to Leyte with MacArthur?s campaign to return to the Philippines. The link is: loc.natlib.afc2001001.15293/ Mazel Tov to Kenny and Linda Schnitzer on the birth of their first grandchild, Emily Jean Schnitzer. She was born on November 16 in Chicago weighing 6 pounds and was 19 inches long. Proud parents are Mary and Larry. Mazel Tov to Lotty and Jerry Polis, proud grandparents of TWINS! Anthony Joseph and Alexander James were born on October 21st. Anthony weighed 4 lbs 12 ozs and Alexander weighed 3 lbs 5 ozs. Proud parents are Karen and David. CNT?S NEW CAMPUS OPENS NEXT MONTH! Be a part of the Gala Weekend Celebration! By now you have probably sent in your photos and fond memories of life at CNT so that our Memory Book Committee can create this living history for us. Maybe you have even volunteered for one of the sub-committees for the opening weekend activities. Now it is time to plan for your participation on February 24 and 25 to be included in this most momentous occasion. The Gala cocktail reception and dinner on Saturday, February 24 will honor the Greenspun family and our major donors. It will be the most spectacular evening we ever arranged, and held in our very own new social hall! Expect your invitation late December, early January. Space is limited so no reservations will can be accepted before then. Then on Sunday we have a day chock full of activities, all free to our congregants and their families. The Torah Walk, sponsored by the Men?s Club, will begin at 7:30 am with a set route, periodic rest stops, and paced to accommodate the oldest and youngest among us. At our new facility, the Rabbi will conduct a lovely and lively consecration service and Mezzuzah Hanging, followed by a ?nosh? and tours of our new facility. During the afternoon there will be entertainment, music and lots for children and adults to do as we all familiarize ourselves with our new congregational home. If you are still looking for a volunteer niche for the opening festivities, here is a list of the sub?committee chairpeople, all of whom can be reached via the temple office (733-6292): Ad book solicitation: Jerry Gordon Memory book: Yvonne Gordon Gala Co-chairs: Yvonne Gordon and Sharna Blumenfeld Live Auction and Raffle: Debbie Levy Sunday coordinator: Stewart Blumenfeld Volunteer coordinator: Debra Cohen Torah Walk: Irv Duchowny ?Nosh? and Sunday Entertainment: Sandy Stolberg Children and Youth activities: Daryl Alterwitz Facility tours: Susan and Michael Rodin 10 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORCJanuary 2007 P Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 OFFICE CLOSED New Year?s Day! 2 R/S East 4:30 pm Gesher HS Program 6:30 pm 3 4 R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6pm 5 Shabbat Service 7:30 pm 6 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am NTTY Parent's Night Out 6 pm 7 R/S 9:15 am Confirmation 1:00pm Ssterhood Board Meeting 10 am NTTY Prom TBA TNT Laser Tag TBA 8 Hebrew 6:30 pm Adult Ed 2nd Mondays 7 pm Adult B/M 7:30 pm Conversion 7:30 pm 9 R/S East 4:30 pm 10 11 R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6pm 12 Shabbat Service 7:30 pm 13 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 NO R/S NO CONFIRMATION Jewish Film Festival @ SunCoast 4:00 pm OFFICE CLOSED MLK Jr. Day R/S East 4:30 pm Gesher HS Program 6:30 pm R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6pm Shabbatone Family Service 7:30 pm Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am '21 R/S 9:15 am Confirmation 1:00pm 22 Hebrew 6:30 pm Adult B/M 7:30 pm Conversion 7:30 pm 23 R/S East 4:30 pm 24 25 R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6pm 26 Shabbat Unplugged Service 7:30 pm 27 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Judaism 101 12:30 Healing Workshop at 3 pm 28 R/S 9:15 am Confirmation 1:00 pm 29 Hebrew 6:30 pm Adult B/M 7:30 pm Conversion 7:30 pm 30 R/S East 4:30 pm 31 FEB. 1 R/S West 4:30 pm JACS 6pm 2 Family Service Grades K-3 7:30 pm 3 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Havdalah 'HowTo' 6 pm 4 R/S 9:15 am Confirmation 1:00 pm Sisterhood Board Meeting 10 am * 5 Hebrew 6:30 pm Adult B/M 7:30 pm Conversion 7:30 pm 6 R/S East 4:30 pm Gesher HS Program 6:30 pm 7 8 NO R/S WEST JACS 6pm 9 Shabbatone Service 7:30 pm 10 Bible Study 9 am Minyan 10 am Torah Study 11am Judaism 101 12:30 Ja n u a r y 2 0 0 7 l l ) Sisterhood Mews President ~ Laura Bailey I want to share with you excerpts from an article someone sent me from the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles. It has a great message - Sisterhood really IS for everyone and we need YOU to help make a difference. It happened one the Sisterhood Excerpts from an article by Shoshana Lewin, Temple Adat Elohim in Thousand Oaks I joined my sisterhood five years ago at age 23, after attending a sukkah party with my grandmother. Like most women who shared their experiences at the assembly, I started small - I volunteered my time on a committee, I was involved in a Jewish sorority in college and saw sisterhood as the next step - minus the keggers, rush week and homecoming. The face of sisterhood is changing, yet a stigma remains. For all of the efforts of these articulate, intelligent, hard-working women, the word ?sisterhood? still brings up images of old ladies wearing aprons as they set up the Shabbat Kiddush. When I suggest joining sisterhood to my friends, who are in their 20s and 30s, they tell me they?ll join sisterhood ?later? - and they come up with a slew of reasons why they don?t want to join now. But I?ve never been one to take no for an answer. Complaint: / don?t have anything in common with these women. Answer: How do you know unless you meet them? Our youngest member is 15 and our oldest member is 95. Complaint: How will I meet guys my age hanging out at a sisterhood? Answer: Urn, hello! These women are mothers and grandmothers who have Jewish sons, grandsons and nephews. Complaint: The programs are boring. I don?t want to just sit around listening to speakers. Answer: So join and change it. Our sisterhood has a group of young mothers of children in preschool and religious school, who recently sponsored a bra fitting at Nordstrom before the store opened to shoppers - and brought in an OB/GYN to talk about breast cancer awareness. Complaint: / don?t have time to be involved. Answer: Really? Well can you make a phone call, fold a letter or invitation, send out an email? Bet you can. Sisterhood is not for everyone: People who can?t stand other people won't like it. But that?s about it. These women offer an arm when you?ve twisted your ankle and a shoulder to cry on when you get bad news. They bring food when you can?t leave the house and tell jokes when you need a laugh. They?ll argue with you when you want a good fight and support you 100 percent when you feel that no one else will. They raise money to send rabbis to school and to send Jewish kids to Jewish camps; they help the infrastructure of their synagogues and that of synagogues around the world. So, if you?ve been contemplating joining Sisterhood, there?s no excuses. Whether you can participate a little or a lot, or even if you?re not sure about participating, your dues do a lot more than you think. Who knows, you may even make a new friend or two. Applications are available at the temple office or contact me and I will be happy to send you one. You can email me at or call me at 341-8825. Healing Worhthop fO//s, ^ ' Saturday, January 27 Study of Healing Texts & Create Healing Squares Sponsored by Sisterhood ^12 WWW.LVNEHTAMID.ORG ^ACS ? pm at Temple Office Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent persons and Significant others will once again be meeting at the temple office every Thursday. Women's Study Group SECOND FRIDAY OF EACH MONTH 6:45 pm at King David Memorial Chapel Join us before services for a provocative women's study group. We will discuss holidays, lifecycle events, the women in the Bible and how they effect our lives. Presentation topics and speakers vary monthly. Do you have a family member or friend who is hospitalized? Rabbi Akselrad would like to help you and your family by visiting Temple members and friends of our congregation who have been hospitalized. Due to confidentiality laws, there is no not