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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Loa Angeles, July 21, 1950 1-7524 MEMORANDUM FOR FILE (CC - Mr. E1. E. Bennett v Mr. R. A. Blonde / Mr. A. M. Folg#r)r Referring to Mr. Polger’s nailgram of July 19th and Mr. Bennett *s reply of July 21st, ooneemlng criticism of Las Vegas Sprinkling Ordinancet telephoned that a meeting had been called for this after­noon at the instigation of Wendell Bunker. Mr. Blonde stated that numerous complaints had been received from consumers in Old Town and In the low areas in the southeast part of town. Re also stated Folger had advised him that during the daytime we were able to fill our reservoirs and maintain a pressure of 44 to 46 lbs., but that commencing about 6 s00 o ’clock, when all the sprinklers were being turned on, pressure dropped to as low as 18 to 20 lbs. Mr. Blonde stated he would attend the meeting this afternoon, and I suggested to him that every effort should be made to maintain the present restrictions; and further, in order to maintain higher water pressure, effort should be made to have the City Commissioners issue additional order, either 1 • Restricting sprinkling to one side of eaeh street one day and on the opposite side the following day, or 2 - Restricting sprinkling to certain districts on one day and ths remaining districts on the second day. These proposals were presented at the meeting, at which five representative citizens were selected to look into tbs situation and report back to the Commission* Mr. Blonde will keep us advised as to developments. Before receipt of this correspondence* Mr. Blonde W. R. Johnson