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I agree.ROYAL NEVADA H3TEL Press, Radio and TV Guest List 1958 Tournament of Champions Hame 'Badge-Ho* Arrival No. of Persons Press Card (For Meals at D.I. only) Affiliation Hal Ashby) 155 April 25 1 745 KNBC- San Francisco Prescott Sullivan) 161 April 24 1 737 San Francisco Examiner Sterling Tracy & Mrs. 156 April 23 1 744-653 CBS Pat McGuirk (rm. alone) 158 April 23 1 741 CBS-KNX Richard Oldecker 159 April 23 1 740 CBS Engineer Ercil Arnold & Mrs. 150 April 3 739-738 KLAC (add rollaway bed) IMPORTANT: ALL PRESS CREDENTIALS ARE T> BE PICKED UP AT: WILBUR CLARK'S DESERT INN- PUBLICITY OFFICE ( ) indicates - they may be roomed together