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I agree.Z o t Du Four Fax Cover Sheet Date; 1 3.17.97 ilb: 1 Jerry Jackson Entertainment Department FltOM: Zof: DuI'OUH No. OF PAOES (INCLUDING COVER): 3 COMMENTsTj Jerry, I?╟╓m SEEDING A LINE DRAWING OF TIIE REVISED FINALE SHOWGIRL COSTUMES FOR YOU TO LOOK AT, ALSO, A NEW ESTIMATE FOR THE FlNALE ADAGIO GOWNS AS MAURA AND I DISCUSSED THE PATTERN AGAIN. Question; For the opening singers white leotard with crystal prim, single qr double rowsof RHINESTONES ON THE STRAPS AND NECKLINE? Thanks, |jgg! * Hi ZoiDuFour i I 978 Landa Slrts&l T Los Co//forma 90039 ?╟ 913 662-83 I ft fox 213 662-5440