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I agree.\ I i C O P Y . Los A n geles,C a l. A p r il 29,1910. F ile E-2-1 Claim - American Smelters S e c u r itie s ............. Mr. W.C. Hussey, ^'.C .A ., B u ild in g. Lear Sir*.- R e fe rrin g to your fa v o r o f A p r il 19th, and retu rn in g a l l papers in claim s 15347, 15605 and 15606, a ccount American Smelters S e c u ritie s Company. I am attach in g l e t t e r from Mr. Reeves to me, dated A p r il 13th, h is f i l e 10003-1, also l e t t e r from Mr. Reeves to Mr. Munroe o f January 11th,1910, o u tlin in g basis fo r settlem ent o f Coal claims o f the A.S.& R.Co. and the U .s.S .C o ., which was decided upon a f t e r conference w ith the accounting and le g a l departments o f the Orggon Short L in e . As a l l theee claims fcibove r e fe rre d to appear to be s im ila r to those handled by the Oregon Short L in e , I think th at we can s a fe ly undertake the same settlem ent and suggest th at you arrange a ccord in gly, the Union P a c ific and Oregon Short L in e expressing themselves as w i l l ing to ^oin th is Company in such an adjustment. Yours tru ly , T.M. Sloan (Signed) GFA T Enel.