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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, April 2008



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    What?s Inside... COMMUNITY-WIDE Yom HaShoah Service Page 3 ^ieschool Day Camp Page 6 ra ditio na! Yarnily Saturday, April 1 $ ~ 6:00 pm Catered by Yodd?s (JmcjLie brining Mave your family join ours for a traditional j<^osber-style Fassover meal. Fricks Alter April u Members - Adults: $65 Child ren (5-12): $25 (\Jon-Members - Adults: $ 1 1 O Children (5-1 2): $25 Children under T are Free Adult Education Pages 8 Israel at 60! K5VF by Apr<l 9 ~ no money accepted at door. Your check is your reservation. o pay by credit card, contact Mary Cone at the ~Femple office. Pages 9 Men?s Club Seder Page 14 Sisterhood Seder Page 15 Make Donations On-Line! Special Guest Eileen Kollins Friday, April 11th CNT Past Temple President, Eileen Kollins, will be our special guest speaker at Shabbat Services. Recently returning from Hong Kong, she will speak on ?My Chinese New Year Adventure: Challah in Hong Kong?. Eileen has led quite an interesting career since leaving Las Vegas - she has led services overseas and in many small congregations for the URJ. ?I know that many long time congregants will be delighted to hear her witty stories and perspective?, comments Rabbi Akselrad. Eileen was very active at CNT - she taught religious school, was the principal of religious school, she led services and tutored B?nai Mitzvah students when we were ?between rabbis?, was President of the congregation, and was the very first Congregant of the Year. WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG amt. on pme 8President's Message Harry Sax Thank you for the many comments on the first installment of my background. I was happily surprised to hearthat many of you had ties to Parkside, my grammar school on the south side of Chicago and also to Hyde Park High, my high school (attended by Mel Torme and Steve Allen). After I left Hyde Park High, I attended Indiana University in Bloomington where I received my BS in Business Administration. I joined ZBT social fraternity (a few years before Scott Stolberg) and rode for four years in the Little 500 Bike Race (the race upon which the movie "Breaking Away" took place). I also joined the Singing Hoosiers, an acapella singing group. While I was far from the best singer in the group, I had the honor of being one of eighteen members who was chosen by the State Department to go on a 60 day singing tour of Army bases in Germany, Italy, and France. Upon graduating from IU, I finished my ROTC training and got my commission as a second Lieutenant in the US Army Quartermaster Corps. The Berlin Wall had just gone up and JFK made his famous speech in which he said, "Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country". Translated that meant that I was required to serve two years on active duty instead of six months. I further extended my tour to four years so I could apply for overseas duty. I spent three and a half years in Munich, Germany as the intelligence officer of the 242nd Quartermaster Battalion. My military career provided me with many management skills, which I have come to rely on in my civilian life. The biggest thing I learned was to put the welfare of the troops who served under me ahead of my own personal welfare. I try to do the same in regards to the temple staff and the congregants of Congregation Ner Tamid. While in Germany I had many wonderful off duty experiences. I got to do some dub work for films that were going to the US market. The best- known film was one called "The Brothers Karimozov" with Maria Schell, a Munich native. I had a non-speaking "extra" role in "The Great Escape" with Steve Me Queen and Charles Bronson and yes, Steve Me Queen did his own stunt work in the famous motorcycle chase in that movie. The only speaking part I had was a few words in a black and white movie entitled "Situation Hopeless But Not Serious". It was the second movie made by a new upcoming actor named Robert Redford. It also starred Mike Connors of"Mannix"fame and a wonderful British actor named Alec Guinness. Actually, my few speaking words were to Alec Guinness and I remember him engaging in conversation with me before our scene just to put me at ease. While in Germany, I also took up two sports that became my passion for many years, Sky diving and snow skiing. Skiing the mountains of Austria and Switzerland for $100 a day, which included lift tickets, lodging and three meals a day, wasn't a bad deal. Of course the exchange rate was a little better at that time. I stayed in the sport of skydiving until a few years after I moved to Las Vegas and, when I quit, I had 300 jumps to my credit. I seriously considered staying in the Army as a career but my father had died early in his life and I needed to help my mom with the family business, a group of shoe stores in Gary and Hammond, Indiana (Sax Fine Footwear) so at 26 Capt. Sax left the Army. OK, that's it for now. More latter. 2007-08 Temple Board President - Harry Sax VP Administration - Gregg Solomojj Treasurer - Barry Lewisohn Corporate Secretary - Yvonne Gordon VP Member Retention - Marsha Goldberg decagon VP Member Recruitment - Lisa Skurow VP Ways & Means - David Rounds VP Youth & Education - Beth Falk bethfl 2 i VP Ritual - Del Acosta VP Social Action - Cindy Jensen Trustees Daryl Alterwitz Amy Christensen Debra Cohen Bruce Matza Craig Kurtzman lllisa Polis Brett Primack Jacky Rosen Stacey Yahraus-Lewis Michelle Blank, Sisterhood President Stu Solomon, Men's Club President Stephanie Watman, NTTY President Past Presidents Marla Letizia Scott Stolberg Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Drew Levy Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Jeff Kahn Dr. Steve Kollins Hon. Michael Cherij Dr. Bernard Farrov^ *Eugene Kirshbaum *David Goldwater ^deceased 2 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Preparing For Our Future Rabbi Sanford Akselrad I have been to the U.S. Holocaust Museum many times. The first time was with my own ^?ldren. The last time was a few weeks ago with teenagers from ourTemple. I remember the ourden felt. How does one teach our children the joy of Judaism in the daunting face of horror that is the Holocaust? For many of us baby boomers, our Judaism was taught through the prism of two commandments: Remember the Holocaust and Protect the State of Israel. One represented our sad history, the other our proud achievement. But many years have past since the Holocaust. Our young people have a hard time relating to "ancient" history. Their ties to Israel have similarly weakened. We have become more and more Americanized, complacent in our sense of selves, but rarely examining our Jewish identity. It is the rare luxury of living in a prosperous, open society. Each year as Yom Hashoah approaches, I am reminded of what the theologian Emil Fackenheim taught. He himself, a Holocaust survivor, went on to immigrate to Israel and developed the notion that remembrance of the Holocaust was our new 614th commandment. That Jews who live after the Shoah (Holocaust) have a moral obligation to deny Hitler a posthumous victory by continuing Jewish life. That always resonated with me. The notion that part of me who lives as a Jew ennobles my past. For today's generation, I think we should add that we have an obligation to not just continue Jewish life but to celebrate Jewish life in all its possibilities. We risk teaching our children only about sadness and not enough about joy in our intense focus on the past. We must have a little trust that our children will remember. Let us teach about the culture that was, traditions that continue to live, and songs that were written long ago that we still sing today. And let us add our own voices to new songs, new traditions, and culture so that this generation and the next can speak a language of being Jewish as much a part of their lives as Yiddish was a part of our grandparents generation. This month we observe as a community Yom Hashoah at Temple Beth Sholom on April 30 at 7:00 p.m. I Encourage you to bring your older children to this event; talk about what they learn and the stories of survivors that they hear; ask them what they think is the 614th commandment; ask them how they will remember the past and celebrate the present. Ask them. Community-Wide Yom Hashoah Service At Temple Beth Sholom Wednesday, April 30 ? 7 pm Join Rabbi Akselrad at TBS for Hashoah service, featuring Special Michael Berenbaum, director of the Sigi Ziering Institute: Exploring the Ethical and Religious Implications of the Holocaust at the American Jewish University. Temple Beth Sholom is located at 10700 Havenwood Lane, Las Vegas, 89135. a special Yom Guest Speaker, Congratulations Nancy & Irv Weinberger! Executive Director Nancy Weinberger became a grandmother for the first time. Madeleine Jane Dale was born on February 16,2008, weighing 9 lbs 3 oz and was 19-72 inches long. Proud parents are Jennifer & Elliott Dale of Portland, Oregon. Mazel Tov to all of you! MARCH 2008 3 Panim Trip February 2008 Author Maggie Anton (far right) Rabbinic Intern Cookie Olshein's Ordination Bus Trip! Saturday, May 17th - Sunday, May 18th An exciting weekend is planned, beginning with Havdallah on the beach, dinner, shopping, the ordination & her reception. Bus, room, dinner, breakfast, snacks & reception- Single occp. -$325/per person Double occp. - $250/per person For those not taking the bus - Room, dinner, breakfast, snacks & reception - Single occp. - $225/per person Double occp. - $150/per person Cookie's Ordination Reception - $36/per person Only 45 seats available on bus! RSVP by April 11th to Danielle Zenou, Program Director at 733-6292 ext 205 or email her at Payment guarantees your reservation. 4 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Sharing The Beauty Of Our Legacy Through Music A Aside from Israel, politics and anti-Semitism, Jews seem to reserve their most passional // I. .. AV opinions for the area of synagogue service music. Certainly the occasional sermon will provoke J | expressions of either praise or alarm to the rabbi. However, the fortunate recipient of the bulk of these feelings is the cantor or cantorial soloist, and most of us welcome feedback on this issue; we only ask that it not come immediately following a service at the Onejjl What is it about music that so excites, inflames and polarizes? Music is the cradle of our Jewish experience, and transports us back to our childhood memories of Shabbat and family and camp. All of us tend to like what we already know, as it is comfortable and requires no effort to learn. I say this without disparagement because I am no different. However, consider this: would you ask the rabbi to do only a few select Torah portions during the year, such as Noah or the Ten Commandments, because you already know them and are familiar with the lessons within? Cantors and cantorial soloists walk a fine line between serving the desires of their synagogue members and being true to the cantorate itself. I have shelves and notebooks and files full of music, and have learned at least a part of the amazing richness of our musical heritage. I personally feel that if I don?t teach you some of this legacy, I am neglecting what my job really means. Jewish music like Jewish food is time-specific. We have weekday morning melodies and weekday evening melodies. We have Shabbat evening modes and Shabbat morning modes and specific modes for Pesach, Shavuout and Sukkot. Just as we save hamentaschen for Pimm and matzah for Pesach, we wouldn?t dream of doing the High Holiday Barchu at any other time! (There are synagogues that sing the Chanukah candle blessing melody cont. on pajje 10 y .. ^1 Philip Goldstein, Cantorial Soloist Ritual News March B'nai Mitzvot Saturday Morning Tanakh Study (9 am) is led by Alvin Esbin, teacher for UNLV's OLLI Program. Gathering with them to study works from the Tanakh, ^nd from outside the Torah. They meet year-round and everyone is welcome. No knowledge of Hebrew or prior text experience is required, just a desire to learn more about our sacred texts. Coffee and "goodies" always provided. Saturday Morning Torah Study (10 am) is led by Para-Rabbinic Fellow David Stahl; Alvin Esbin, teacher for UNLV's OLLI Program. Gather with them to study Parashat H'Shavuah, the Torah portion assigned for the week. They meet year-round and everyone is welcome. Women's Spirituality Group April 18 at 6:30 pm This will be our last meeting until fall. This month's topic will be "Passing Over & Letting Go: Freeing Ourselves From Bondage". The Women's Spirituality Group is led by Sisterhood VP Religious Activities Laura Grau. There is no charge and is open to all women in the Jewish community. Sponsored by CNT Sisterhood. April 5,2008 Alexander Knopow Proud parents are Sandra & Q April 12, 2008 Michael Bowman Proud parent is Beth TheNewMishkan TefillahPrayerbookis now available for dedication, in honor or in memory of a loved one. For $36 each you can remember someone special, share a Simcha or honor your family To dedicate yours, contact Mary Zone in the Temple office at 733-6292or use the online donation page on our website. April 20 ~ 10 am Passover Morning Service April 26 ~ 10 am Passover Yiskor Service ~ TOT SHABBAT ~ April 4, 2008 6:30 pm in Beit Tef illah Open to toddlers ages 2 to 5 yrs old PARENTS ARE REQUIRED TO A TTEND Led by Lonnie Kritzler, Craig Rosen, Ellen Cropp <& Heather Linefsky Sponsored by CNT Sisterhood GIFT SHOP WILL BE OPEN AT 6:00 FOR YOU! MARCH 2008 5 Director of Lifelong Learning Craig Rosen This month we celebrate Passover with a festive seder meal filled with family and friends. Passover is known by four different names and they reflect the four aspects of this holiday: 1)Chag HaPesach is linked with both the Biblical account of the tenth plague when God passed over the homes of the Israelites, and with the Pesach offering that was brought to the Temple in Jerusalem; 2) Chag HaMatzot, the "Festival of Unleavened Bread," is an outgrowth of a Cannanite agricultural festival and reflects the centrality of matzah in the celebration of Passover; 3) Chag HaAviv, "The Festival of Spring," reflects the seasonal significance of Pesach; 4) Z'man Cheruteynu, "The Season of Our Freedom," marks the attainment of freedom from Egyptian bondage by the ancient Israelites. Each of these aspects of the holiday is important to us, but to me the most significant is the celebration of freedom. I ask myself time and time again, are we truly able to celebrate our freedom? We are fortunate to be able to live here in the United States of America where we are granted liberty and justice for all. But I question there truly liberty and justice for those who sleep on the streets every night because they can't afford a warm place to stay and the shelter they tried to get into was overcrowded and very dangerous? Is there liberty and justice for those in the country who go without a visit to the doctor because they cannot afford health insurance? Is there liberty and justice for all who are treated unfairly based on the color of their skin, their religion, their gender, or their sexual orientation? To me Passover is a difficult time because I'm reminded that while I enjoy the freedom from being a slave, I remember all of those who are not free to be who they are and enjoy what God has given us. I want to offer another name for Passover, Chag Tikkun - a holiday that challenges us to make the world a better place for all people. May your holiday be filled with both celebration and action! RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DATES TO RFMFMRFR | (also available online) April 1 6:15 pm Pre-Confirmation/Gesher April 6 9:15 am 4th Grade Family Ed Day: Israel April 11 6:15 pm 4-7th Grade Shabbat and dinner April 15 6:15 pm Pre-Confirmation/Gesher April 20 No Religious School - Passover April 22 4:30 pm Hebrew school is in session April 22 No Pre-Confirmation/Gesher April 27 9:15 am 5th Grade Family Ed Day: Death Tzedakah Penny War A new tzedakah initiative is being launched in the Religious School. During the month of April, we are asking you to bring in your pennies for our tzedak^| penny war. We're trying to see how many pennies w can collect - two of our Madrichim (student teachers) Spenser Blank and Jamie Endelman are chairing this special penny drive. Pennies can be brought to the school office during the month and each class will compete to see how many they can bring in. Money that is raised will be donated to a charity of the students' choosing in May. The Bubbe-Sit+ers Club Monday, April 21 ~ 6:00 pm For bubbe's (grandmothers) and their grandchildren (ages birth to 2). Join us for an informal one-hour gathering once- a-month filled with play, kibitzing, and noshing. No RSVP necessary. We just want you and your grandbaby! For more information or if you have any questions, please call Lori Frankl at 263-9118 or e-mail Lonnie Kritzler at 6 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Preschool PJ Havdallah with Parents & Grandparents Saturday, April 12 ~ 6:00 pm ttpr ages 2-5 and their parents/grandparents Treschoolers, along with their parents and/or grandparents, are invited to a special program where the"tallerJews"will work with the"smaller Jews", to learn about the Havdallah ceremony which ends Shabbat.... and then participate in an age-appropriate Havdallah ceremony. Bring the kids in their PJ's, do Havdallah and enjoy hot cocoa and a bedtime snacks. RSVP by April 8 to Lonnie Kritzler at 632-2250 ext 215 or email her at Cost is one NEW stuffed animal, to be donated to Henderson Police & Fire Rescues for children in time of trauma. A ! The Gary & Lynn Kantor Early Childhood Education Center Registration Now Open! 2008-2009 Preschool & Kindergarten Open House ~ 6:30 pm April 24, May 15 See What Everyone is Talking About! For more information or to schedule a tour, contact Lonnie Kritzler at 632-2250, or email at j ) Passover Program for Parents/ Grandparents of Pre-schoolers Thursday, April 3 - 6:30 pm Lonnie Kritzler will be offering a course focusing on fun and creative ways to celebrate Passover in your home. Classes are appropriate for Jewish/Non-Jewish parents & grandparents and will focus on practical and innovative ways to do "hands-on" Judaism and create meaningful Jewish memories for even the littlest Jews! For ages 2-5 yrs. YOUTH NEWS NTTY (our 9-12th grade youth group) under the Direction of Jolie Brislin. For updated event information contact Joliebrislin(S> April 11-13 NFTY-SW Spring Kallah, Phoenix AZ TNT (Our 6-8th grade youth group) under the Direction of Pam Poster April 6 TNTLaserTag ITTY BTTY NTTY (our 3-5th grade youth group) under the Direction of Becca Phillips and llene Scharf April 13 ITTY BTTY NTTY Picnic in the Park For additional information on our Youth Programs please see theTemple website or contact one of our youth advisors. UDor V?Dor From Generation To Generation CNTS PERPETUAL FUND Remember Us In Tour Estate Planning The very future of the Jewish people depends on the strength, vitality and relevance of our synagogues. As we have been for more than 30 years, so shall we continue to be the heart and soul of our community for years to come. Continue your support of the values and causes that CNT represents. Create a lasting tribute to honor family, friends and loved ones. For more information on continuing your legacy, contact Scott Stolbeig at scatt_stolbmj( Ton may also contact Nancy Weinberger at the Temple office. MARCH 2008 7 Adult Education & Programs Just For Seniors: Sunday Afternoon at the Jewish Movies Sunday, April 6 - 2:00 pm This months movie is Time of Favor, six-time winner of Israeli Academy Award. This film weaves an intricate tale of passion, loyalty and conspiracy amidst the contemporary political powder-keg and timeless austere beauty of Israel s West Bank. CNT will have popcorn and lemonade so please RSVP by April 2. Free and open to all seniors in the community. Guest moderator Nancy Weinberger. Schmooze With The Rabbi Sunday, May 4 ~ 9:30 am Schmooze with the Rabbi" is an opportunity to sit down and ask the Rabbi all the questions you didn't get answered in Religious School, in a casual setting. This informal setting is sure to provide for many stimulating discussions.... bagels & coffee included. Second Mondays Monday, April 14 - 7:00 pm The first hour, led by Fred Peters, will focus on different aspects and time periods of Jewish history in a series called, "A Year-Long Course in Jewish Civilizations." Th^ month, the first hour will discuss Jews of Eastern Europ* The second hour, led by Al Esbin, will be a continuation of The Educated Jew, discussing great Jewish figures, theology and philosophy. This course is FREE and open to everyone. Please RSVP to temple office so we are prepared. Beginning Hebrew: Level 2 Thursdays, March 13-April 17 - 6:30 pm Take your Hebrew skills to the next level! This six-week class is designed for those adults who have learned the Alef-bet and are ready to start with basic prayers. Not sure if this class is for you? Contact Craig Rosen, Director of Lifelong Learning, at 632-2250, ext 211. Please RSVP by March 3 so we order enough books. This class is FREE and open to all. This course is part of the "Read Hebrew America" program and is co-sponsored by the National Jewish Outreach Program. "A Taste of Judaism" Mondays, April 28, May 5, May 12 - 7:00 pm Do you know someone who is curious about Judaism? Or someone who just wants to reconnect with their Judaism^ This 3-class series offers a modern Reform Jewish perspective on Jewish life. During the three classes, participants will learn the basic philosophy of Judaism, meanings of Jewish holidays and customs, and an understanding of Jewish community and organizations. These classes are open to beginners, Jewish or not. Classes are FREE but space is limited. To register, please call 632- 2288. Sponsored by Bradley, Rebecca and Elizabeth Aim Snyder Scholarship Fund. Kollinsfivm page 1 T TOT11?11 th<: Para-rabbinic Program of the H?.!? F?m 1 "8-2003 she was the Asst Director of Midwest Council URJ, in St. Louis (69 congregations in 11 states). She served for over a year in Reform congregations in Dubuque, Iowa, St. Joseph, MO and Joplin, MO. Eileen returned to Cleveland in 2003 for family reasons and worked at Suburban Temple-Kol f'TT *Ti Ubrarian, along with filling in lot the Rabb, for Shabbat services aSd Torah smdy when he is unavailable. Chavurot Now Forming! CNT invites you to join a chavurah where you can share wonderful Jewish experiences and connect with other members who have children, are empty nesters or have similar interests to yours. Join a chavurah today and get ready to meet your Temple "family"! Membership is open to all CNT members. We have a number of Chavurot already in existence, and our Chavurah Coordinators would be delighted to match you with one or create a new group for you to join. Registration forms available at Questions? Contact Temple Office 733-6292 - x205 t 8 WWW.LVNERTAMID.ORG Roberta Unger Catering & Rental Director Whether it's celebrating a simcha or planning a meeting, large or small, we have the perfect facility to accommodate your event. Sponsoring an Oneg is a wonderful way to support CNT and is as easy as making a phone call. Contact me in the temple office at 733-6292 ext. 202 or e-mail: * Thank You To All Our Volunteers: Shirley Kouffman Becca Phillips Sonny Spiwak Bessie Levy Corinne Johnson Joy Ruby Marlene Acosta Bernie Deutscher Del Acosta Ellen Sonenthal Loretta Hollander Sid Barasch Louis Friedner Patty Myers David Linefsky Bette Stahl Mel and Debbie Hallerman Brokcr/Sales Associates, ABU ', e-PROs Mel?s Direct Line: (702)596-6400 Debbie?s Direct Line: (702)596-2520 Office Phone: (702)458-7070 Office Fax: (702)898-4375 ? More than 22 years sales experience ? Accredited Buyer?s Representative ? Certified E-Pro ? Customer Service Excellence Award COLDWELI.BANKER PREMIER REALTY ^ 10120 South Eastern Ave., Suite 300 3J Henderson, NV 89052 couxueu. BANKER ? Lr^iI?;i2^alie'pm^?@*bvf8a?*c^,n - ?WjBfcilc: Www.buyscll Vcj'Hshomcsac.oni.. . SAVE THE DATE: Wednesday, May 7th Mark the 60th Year of Israel's Statehood On Wednesday, May 7, 2008 at 7:00 PM, Southern Nevada will kick off its commemoration of the State of Israel's 60th year of independence with a special ceremony and musical celebration. This event honoring Israel's statehood and history is free and open to the public and will take place here at Congregation NerTamid. The evening will begin with the observance of Yom HaZikaron (Israel Memorial Day), to honor Israel's fallen soldiers and victims of terror, and will transition into a musical celebration of Yom Ha'atzmaut (Israel Independence Day), titled "Singing Israel @ 60". The "switch" between these events will be marked with an official flag ceremony, where individuals representing various Jewish and pro-Israel organizations will participate in a processional carrying Israeli flags. The program will conclude with Israeli dancing and a free reception featuring kosher and Israeli refreshments. This 60th jubilee represents a tremendous opportunity for Southern Nevadans to become part of a worldwide celebration of the State of Israel's history and accomplishments, while showing solidarity with America's closest partner for peace in the Middle East. OFFICE VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The Temple office is in need of office volunteers, who are computer literate and/or graphic arts. If you can help, please contact Lynette in the Temple office at 733-6292 ext 212 and let her know what areas you can help with. MARCH 2008 9 SHABBAT TRANSPORTATION FOR SENIORS Through a generous grant from the UJC/LVJF we are proud to be able to offer this once a month service for those who wish to attend Shabbat service but are unable to drive. Please contact Shirley Kouffman or Bernie Deutscher by leaving a message at the temple office, 733-6292 ext 224. JACS Thursdays, 6 pm at Temple Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent persons and Significant others offers helpto Jewish alcoholics, chemically dependent person and their families with a 12-Step confidential program. Provides support and understanding to Jews in recovery. Free and open to everyone. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS (NA) Thursdays, 5:30 pm atTemple For chemically dependent men and women to share their stories, in hopes of helping with each others recovery. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (AA) Mondays at Noon atTemple Thursdays at 9:30 am atTemple Alcoholics Anonymous? is a fellowship of men and women who share their experiences, strengths and hopes with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS (GA) Wednesdays at 2 pm atTemple Open to anyone who wishes to share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from a gambling problem. For information on any of these programs, please contact Danielle Zenou at the Temple office, ext 205. Mazel Tov to Kyle Bailey, on graduating from the Nevada School of Massage Therapy at the top of his class. He plans to continue his education at CSN in Sports Rehab Therapy in the fall. Very proud parents are Laura and Kevin. Mazel Tov to Ron and Linda Ellen, whose son Brett was named Man of the Year by the Muscular Dystrophy Association for his charity work in California. They are very proud! Temple Picnic & Havdallah Service Saturday, May 3 ~ 4:30 - 8:00 pm At Mountain View Park ' i ' Mark your calendar and plan to attend this years picnic. Just bring your lawn chairs and/or a blanket to sit on, soda* and/or non-alcoholic beverages and a dessert to share. We'll supply the hot dogs, burgers, all the fixins' and water to drink. Philip from page 4 for Shabbat all year long because everyone knows it and therefore it is easy.) But it goes beyond these basic principles. There are Jewish music composers that have written literally scores of music you have never heard, and my cantorial passion is that I want you to hear them. We tend to sing the same one or two Shalmn Ravh every Shabbat evening, and the same ICdusha every Shabbat morning. It was not so long ago that Debbie Friedman?s Mi Shebeirach was unknown to Congregation Ner Tamid. I have in my office at least twenty other Mi Shebeirach melodies; of all the passionate music responses here, that is the prayer that most incites opinions. Realize that if you don?t know a melody or the Hebrew to a prayer, you can still pray! A singing congregant can be one who sings along in his or her heart, or who hums underneath without words. Perhaps we have been singing a new melody for a few weeks while you have been out of town. It?s possible that a song will arrive in the mail on Monday from Transcontinen-. tal Music (the publishing house of URJ) and I?ll introduce it on Shabbat, oil I have rediscovered a gem in an anthology. My hope is that we all learn and become more educated, and help each other pray through song. 10 W W W . L V N E R T A M I O . O R G M onday 1 R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Confirmation 6:15 pm Gesher 6:15 pm Wednesday Gamblers Anon 2:00 pm Thursday AA 9:30 am R/S West 4:30 pm NA 5:30 pm JACS 6 pm Preschool Holiday Program 6:30 pm Beginning Hebrew Level 2 6:30 pm 4 Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Saturday Adult Ed 9 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11:15am Knopow B/M 10am InterFaith Seder 6 pm 6 R/S 9:15 am 4th Gr. Family Ed Day Jr. Choir 12:20 pm TNT Laser Tag 1 pm Senior's Movie 2 pm Hot Topics w/ Rabbi Noon Conversion 6:30pm 1 st & 2nd Year Adult B/M 7:30pm 8 R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Confirmation 6:15 pm Men's Club Board Meeting 6:30 pm Gamblers Anon 2:00 pm 10 AA 9:30 am R/S West 4:30 pm NA 5:30 pm JACS 6 pm Beginning Hebrew Level 2 6:30 pm 11 R/S Shabbat Dinner Gr.4-7 Shabbatone Family Service w/ Guest Speaker Eileen Kollins 7:30 pm Israeli Dancing Oneg sponsored by Marilyn Glovinsky 12 Adult Ed 9 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11:15 am Bowman B/M 10 am Havdallah for Preschoolers 6:30pm Sisterhood Game Night 7:00 pm 13 R/S 9:15 am |r. Choir 12:20 pm *Men's Club Golf Outing 9 am IBN Games & Picnic 12:30pm 14 Conversion 6:30pm Second Mondays 7:00 pm Sisterhood Board Meeting 7 pm 1 st & 2nd Year Adult B/M 7:30pm 15 R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Confirmation 6:15 pm Gesher 6:15 pm Temple Board Meeting 7:15 pm 16 Gamblers Anon 2:00 pm 17 AA 9:30 am R/S West 4:30 pm NA 5:30 pm JACS 6 pm Beginning Hebrew Level 2 6:30 pm Preschool Open House 6:30 pm 18 Women's Spirituality Group 6:30 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by Esther & Alvin Esbin 19 Adult Ed 9 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11:15 am Temple Seder 6 pm 20 NO R/S Passover Service 10:00 am 27 Bubbe-Sitters Club 6:00 pm Conversion 6:30pm 1st & 2nd Year Adult B/M 7:30pm 22 R/S East 4:30 pm NO Pre-Confirmation Men's Club Seder 6:00 pm 23 Gamblers Anon 2:00 PM Sisterhood Seder 6:00 pm 24 AA 9:30 am R/S West 4:30 pm NA 5:30 pm JACS 6 pm 25 Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Oneg sponsored by Alan Popowcer & Emily Kropp 26 Adult Ed 9 am Shabbat Morning Service 10 am Torah Study 11:15 am Yiskor Service 10 am 27 R/S 9:15 am 5th Gr. Family Ed Day Jr. Choir 12:20 pm Community I Clean-up Day 28 Conversion 6:30pm Taste of Judaism 7:00 pm 1st & 2nd Year Adult B/M 7:30pm 29 R/S East 4:30 pm Pre-Confirmation 6:15 pm 30 Gamblers Anon 2:00 pm Yom Hashoah at Beth Sholom 7:00 pm MARCH 2008 11 Men?s Club Annual Golf Tournament ( Sunday, April IS Black Mountain Country Club Registration -10 am Tee-Off -11 am Golfers: $135 Hole Sponsors: $250 Lunch and liors d?oenvres Included. Enter a foursome or we?ll match you up! Your check is your reservation. To pay by credit card, call Mary in the Temple office. Don?t forget to give her your handicap! first EL ver f\4etVs Yassover tfjeAer Tuesday, Apf i 22 at 6:00 pm Join us for our first ever Men?s L3eder, as men an