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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Form 2191-B 12-46-500M UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD C O M P A N Y * M TELEGRAM MAILGRAM Los Angeles - June 1 , 1948 Orlg 32-1-7 Cy 20-334 Mr. Prank Strong; 8I1BIB | ‘^i| | \ -• pi | | | s ‘ |g£ |.3 'c'] , . . I, ' Survey Committee several weeks ago recommended that pipe and fittings being held at Las Vegas for protection of water wells and pipe lines at Las Vegas be shipped to Pocatello Store* Chief Engineer Is now requesting a list of pipe and fittings which we recommend be held at Las Vegas for protection* Wiokstrom a list of this material being held at Las Vegas In plant, etc, to serve Bonanza Village. Will you please advise what Items of material now Included In the list of material being carried on hand at Las Vegas you lhtend to use on Bonanza Village project and whether It Is Intended any of this material to be used should be ordered for replacement to protect water lines and wells at Las Vegas. A-45 Mr. Cragin advises me that you furnished Mr. 8 . T. your Will you please furnish me a copy of this list. You are also now working up plans for pipe line, pumping