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The Bulletin from Temple Beth Sholom, April 2002



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    TEMPLE BETH SHOLOM Temple Beth Sholom THE BULLETIN April 2002 Nisan-lyar 5762 Vol. 2, No. 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Annual Meeting Notice 2 Executive Director ?a Membership Corner 3 Under the Dome 4 B'nai Mitzvah 5 Women's League Men's Club 6 L'Dor V'Dor 7 Religious School 8 Preschool 9 Donations 10 Calendar of Events 16 Schedule of Services Temple Beth Sholom is a Conservative Congregation affiliated with The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism From the Rabbi/From the President All jews are Responsible for One Another There is not a single one of us that has not been touched by the cur-rent events in Israel. Although Israel is thousands of miles away from us, it is really closer than we all think. The pictures that we have seen over the last weeks?the words of hate that never cease to be spoken, the tears of orphaned children and the pain of families separated?have left a deep mark in the soul of our people as a whole. What others describe as "The situation in The Middle East" for us translates into the suffering and anguish of our people. The Torah teaches that all Israel is responsible for one another. When one of us is in pain, whether in Jerusalem or in New York or in Las Vegas, we all feel it as our own pain. The months ahead will be very difficult and trying ones, and we have to do our best to rise to the occasion and help our brothers and sisters in Israel. This is an emergency call to our entire congregation and all our friends to raise enough money to donate an ambulance to Magen David Adorn, the second line of de-fense in Israel that provides all emergency medical services in times of peace and war. An ambulance costs $55,000. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary meas-ures; we are sure that as a concerned and united congregation we can meet this most sacred of tasks and most important of challenges. We ask that you give now?a check made out to Temple Beth Sholom identified as "ARMDI" or "Ambulance Fund," or credit cards are most welcome. We will publish the names of those who are "responsible for one another" with the amount raised in next month's Bulletin. Magen David Adorn receives no allocation of funds from the United Jewish Appeal or Bonds for Israel. It maintains a modern fleet of 550 ambulances that are on con-stant alert. They must be replaced at the rate of 80 vehicles per year as they become worn and tired and most recently?destroyed. To date, Magen David Adorn has taken care of close to 200,000 injured men, women and children. Let the next ambulance proudly bear the words: "Donated by Temple Beth Sholom, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA." Please call in or send your donation now; the amount of money raised in our own country through the Red Cross after September 11 was extraordinary. It is now our turn to do the same for Israel! With heartfelt thanks, Board President Sandy Mallin Rabbi Felipe Goodman mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmiM Notice of Annual Meeting Annuai Meeting Slated for May 1 The annual meeting of Temple Beth Sholom will be held at the Temple at 7 p.m., on May 1, 2002. The entire congregation is invited to attend. At the annual meeting the mem-bers must elect five directors. The Nominating Committee has nominated the following per-sons for those positions: <Sltx:?Lc-y. CaWixrLl has been a member of Temple Beth Sholom since moving to Las Vegas from Philadelphia six years ago, where she was also active in temple activities. She has been a Temple Beth Sholom director for three years and is currently the Secretary. She has been an active member of several committees, including chairing the High Holidays Committee for the past three years. Gfjrrdmtut. has been a member of Temple Beth Sholom since coming to Las Vegas in August of 2000. She is active in both Women's League, of which she will vice-president next year, and the Membership Committee. c/hLfthx^y. HtaJiAln.'s. family's membership in Temple Beth Sholom dates back to the 13th and Carson location. She is an active member of Women's League, serving recently as Ways and Means Vice President. She also has run this year's Hanukkah Bazaar and the gift shop. She has also assisted on the Gala and is an active member of the Bylaws Committee. CxL tSt^Ltzxi^. was an executive with Papercraft Corporation. He is now retired though he contin-ues to serve as a consultant to its successor, American Greetings Corp. In this capacity he was on the boards of several corporations, including executive and audit committees. He and his wife joined Temple Beth Sholom in early 2001 and have been very supportive since that time. IZxru. 'rTufvAUln^LJty. was one of the founders of Congregation B'nai Shalom in suburban Chi-cago, III., and was active in numerous roles at that temple. He and his wife have recently relocated to Las Vegas, joined Temple Beth Sholom and have been strong supporters of the Temple, including the Shaarei Binah Lecture Series. More News from the President Sandy Mallin We are proud and excited to announce that The Fanny and Joseph Goldberg School Building will begin its much needed addition of the Esther Goldberg Wing. This expansion will provide six classrooms and two offices. Groundbreaking will take place later this month. In addition, Ayelet Blit will succeed Jacob Raijman as Religious School Director. Jacob and his family will be returning to Mexico this summer. Jacob will be working closely with Ayelet to ensure a smooth transition. We look forward to the continued growth and vitality of the program. On behalf of the Board of Directors and the entire congregation, we wish the Raijmans success and happiness. 2 Apr. 2002 Executive Director/Membership Corner Temple Hires Executive Director At the March 5 Board meeting, the Board ap-proved the employment of Robert Mirisch as TBS's Executive Director. The ED Search Committee, headed by Arlene Blut, recommended Mirisch to the Board after processing the many applications it had received for the position. Mirisch has been an attorney and business execu-tive in Los Angeles for over 30 years, specializing in motion pictures and television. Among other posi-tions held by Mirisch are Senior Vice President for Legal and Business Affairs for the television division of Orion Pictures and Executive Vice President of Rastar Productions, a producer of feature motion pictures. In both capacities he administered the staffs and operations of those businesses. In the Jewish community Mirisch was President of an 800 family Reform congregation and for the past 14 years has held Board and officer positions at Conservative congregations. For the past two years he has been the Editor of the Temple Beth Am newsletter. He has served in many positions for the LA Jewish Federation over the years, including act-ing as LA's representative to the National Commis-sion on Jewish Continuity, Chair of the Synagogue Funding Committee, Co-Chair of the Jewish Com-mission of Disabilities, Chair of the Spirituality Com-mission and member of the Federation's Planning and Allocation Committee. He was recipient of the Temple Beth Am President's Award last year, and he and his wife, Judy, were the first recipients of the Federation's Altman Award for Leadership in the Jewish Community. He and Judy are parents to five adult children, Ste-ven, John, Gary, Jill and Richard. In addition to his devotion to Jewish life and to family, Robert (who says you can call him "Bob" if you prefer) is commit-ted to Organ Donation, crossword puzzles and din-ing out. Judy is a devotee of bridge, gardening and entertaining. "We feel that Bob is the perfect choice for TBS," said President Sandy Mallin. "His administrative skills, knowledge of temple and Jewish communal affairs and particularly his passion for Judaism, im-pressed the Search Committee and the Board. We look forward to his joining us July 1." For his part, Mirisch explains his career and life style change this way, " I love to be involved in Jew-ish matters; so what else would I do at this point in my life? After all, I don't play golf." He says he ea-gerly anticipates his and Judy's move to Las Vegas and his beginning his functioning at TBS. "I want to meet everyone in the congregation on a one-to-one basis. I hope they will come and spend some time with me so I can know what everyone's dreams are for TBS." G Membership Corner The TBS Membership Committee is very happy with the outcome of last month's membership party. Close to 60 new, current and prospective members and guests attended the event. The cocktail party was held at the home of Suriva and Bob Fischer, and a fun evening was most definitely enjoyed by everyone in attendance. The Membership Commit-tee planned and put into motion many innovative icebreakers that kept everyone making introductions to each other throughout the entire night. When it was time to say goodbye, we all left with a great feeling of accomplishment, knowing that everyone was made to feel welcomed and that the party had definitely been a success. If you have received an invitation to this month's membership event, we hope you are able to attend. If you didn't receive one this time, you will receive one in the months to follow. We are really excited to include everyone in our plans and can't wait to invite every TBS member to at least one of our parties over the next 12 months. In the meantime, we want to welcome all of our new members to our Temple Beth Sholom family. We look forward to seeing you in the months to come at many of our ongoing TBS programs. As we continue to plan programs, remember, we built this Temple for special members like you! Barbara Lukasiewicz, Suriva Fischer, Membership Co-Chairs Apr. 2002 3 Under The Dome / \ r n A New Program For Seniors?The Jewish Home for the Aging of Southern Nevada, together with a committee representing Temple Beth Sholom and our Preschool, are pleased to announce the begin-ning of what we hope to be a lifelong friendship between children and seniors. L'Dor V'bor is cre-ating a series of visits between seniors in our com-munity and the children of the Temple. The com-mittee, spearheaded by Ruth Goldfarb and Jackie Turshinsky, is planning their f i r s t event on May 9, at the Temple. This will be a musical visit, includ-ing a discussion of Jewish music by Rabbi Goodman, a sing-a-long with Cantor Friedman, and a perform-ance by the children of the preschool. A kosher lunch will be provided as well. The group is o f f e r - ing transportation to those in need. I f you are, or someone you know is, a senior who would enjoy a few hours among new friends and is unable to come to the Temple, please contact Carolyn Gertz, 233- 9420, or Rosalie Lazer, 395-0117. A Group of Friends?The new Singles Chavurah (for ages 21 to 35) held their f i r s t meeting on March 15. I t was a great success. Temple Beth Sholom has groups for everyone'. Singles, 21 to 35; Singles, 36 to 54; Singles, 55 and up; Singles under 55; Couples 55 and up; Couples 40 and up. I f you do not f i t into any of the above groups, we can find a group for you. For information on any of the above, contact Lou Bouchet, 255-4150. Younger couples may call Lara Stone, 240-7998. Women's League Schedule?An election meeting will be held on April 17, at 11:30 a.m. "Growing Up Jewish in Argentina" will be supplemented by acts of illusion. A full luncheon will be served; reserva-tions are required. "Judaism, Modernism & Femi-nism" - a five-part seminar featuring Keynote Speaker Carolyn Goodman?will take place on April 21. The event is open to the community. Fees: $12 if preregistered, $15 at the door. A breakfast buffet will be available throughout the event. The Judaica Shop is open. Call for hours. Prayerbooks and Chumashim are available for purchase and do-nation. Scrip from many stores are available. A Lunch & Learn Break Downtown?Are you work-ing in the downtown area and looking for a lunch and learn break? Downtown Torah is the answer! On Thursday afternoons from noon to 1 p.m., Rabbi Goodman and Rabbi Jeremy Wiederhorn (of Mid-bar Kodesh Temple) will be leading Torah Study Sessions in the Law Offices of Gerald Welt, in the Crockett and Myers Law Building, 700 South 3rd St., at Garces. The sessions, which will meet every other Thursday, begin on April 11th. Everyone is welcome to attend. Bring your own dairy lunch! We hope to see you there. Todah Rabbah?Thank you to the Memar children for helping set out prayerbooks for Friday night services. "Under the Dome" is an ongoing column of general information. Read "Under the Dome" to find out the latest tidbits about people and events at Temple Beth Sholom. Apr. 2002 April B'nai Mitzvahs M $ z d " f e w f o : ASHLEY MITCHELL?APRIL 6 Ashley Mitchell, daughter of Karen and Bradley Mitchell, will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on April 6, 2002. Ashley is an honor roll student in the seventh grade at Sig Rogich Middle School and attends the TBS Religious School. She was assisted in her Bat Mitzvah preparation by Adam Brustein and Cantor Daniel Fried-man. Ashley enjoys travel all-star soccer, running, video games and hanging out with her friends. She is involved with yearbook, NJHS and Student Council at Sig Rogich. She is also active in Young Judaea and TBS's USY group. She has three sisters, Ste-fanie, Nikki and Brooke, and two dogs. JACLYN HONIG?APRIL 13 Jaclyn Honig will be called to the Torah for her Bat Mitzvah on April 13, 2002. She has been a long time congregant of Temple Beth Sholom, attending Mommy and Me, Preschool, and currently the Religious School. Jaclyn is in the seventh grade at Becker Middle School. As a member of the Las Vegas Youth Orchestra, she plays her viola at many per-formances. Her other hobbies include dancing and singing. She spends her sum-i mers at Camp Ramah and hopes to become even more involved in Jewish life after her Bat Mitzvah. She would like to thank her family and friends for all their support and encouragement. EVAN BROWN?APRIL 20 Evan Brown, son of Larry and Roberta Brown, will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, April 20, at Temple Beth Sholom. Evan's Bar Mitzvah will take on a special meaning, as he will be a second generation to have the ceremony at Beth Sholom. Both his father and mother celebrated their B'nai Mitzvah when the Temple was located on East Oakey Boulevard. Evan was a preschooler at Temple Beth Sholom and attended the MIS Hebrew Academy from grades K to 5. He was assisted in his Bar Mitzvah preparation by Adam Brustein and Cantor Daniel Fried-man. Evan is currently a seventh grader at the Hyde Park Math and Science Magnet School. He is an honor roll student, a nominee for National Junior Honor Society and is a trumpet player in the JV Band and Jazz Band. Evan is very active in the Jewish community, as he is a member of USY at Temple Beth Sholom, and Young Judaea with the Jewish Community Center. He was a CIT at the JCC's Camp K'Helah, and recently participated in the JCC's "Viva Oy Vegas Kids." Evan, who has a younger brother, Brandon, as well as a hamster and fish, also enjoys reading, computers, video games, playing soccer and hanging with his friends. BRIAN RABINOVICH?APRIL 27 Brian Rabinovich, son of Marvin Rabinovich, will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, April 27, at Temple Beth Sholom. Apr. 2002 Kfl Women's League/Men's Club The Women's League of Temple Beth Sholom Blanche Meisel Studying with the Rabbi has really given me other insights into how we express our Judaism. In Leviticus it notes the establishment of a sacred community - "a nation of priests" - whose daily deeds perfect the world under God's rule. Deeds ring louder and with greater clarity than words, and when we live within a synagogue community there is a sense of God's presence in all the work we do. As we "do" for the community, it offers us the opportunity to enrich our lives, to grow spiritu-ally and in knowledge, and to make each day count as a day of achievement. In the Women's League we look for the "bigger picture" in our lives. We want to make each day one of achievement. We are looking forward to many wonderful experiences as we fulfill our goals. Please join us on April 17 for our election, when we will hear about growing up Jewish in Ar-gentina. The program will be enhanced by an ex-hibition of illusion. "Judaism, Modernism & Feminism," to be held on Sunday, April 21, will feature Carolyn Good- ? --- mm -rT.'t-r Thanks to all the volunteers who helped assem-ble the Yom Hashoah Candle mailing on March 6th. There were over 25 people helping with the process. A special thanks to Dr. Michael Breyer who chaired this activity and to the office staff for their support. Donations for your Yellow Candle can be made to the Men's Club and sent to the Temple office. This month we spotlight two more Men's Club Committees. Marc Frye chairs our new Publicity Committee. Marc sends out all meeting notices to Men's Club members as well as other Men's Club information important to the entire congregation. The Committee also has plans for developing a periodic Men's Club newsletter. Marc was the Men's Club President at his former congregation in Florida and is well suited to handle publicity with man as keynote speaker, and we will break into four seminar units addressing the issues in the ti-tle. This is a first time event for us and we need your support! All who wish to come are most wel-come. May 19 is our Donor Luncheon for all who raised (or who wish to donate) monies. We will conclude the season with an installation of the new officers and board members. We are having a most exciting, full year. Our new programs include Secret Sisters, our Seminar Day and Z'hava. We heartily support the Torah Fund Campaign for higher Jewish education and cooperate with our Preschool, Religious School and donate service and monies to our spiritual home, Temple Beth Sholom. Looking at things as they are, we know that all is not perfect and that there is still work to do. We sincerely hope to be as perfect as is humanly pos-sible. We want our deeds to ring loud and clear, and for us to bring benefit to our spiritual commu-nity. ? ? ? ? B H n n n i s r i a formal background in the field. The Outreach Committee, chaired by Stan Gar-ber, will arrange for visiting sick members, contact Men's Club members for attending Shiva Minyans, handle transportation of members to Men's Club sponsored programs, and many other activities in-volving our members. This Committee will be re-sponsible for activities not already being spon-sored by the Temple. Stan also chairs the syna-gogue's Bikkur Cholim committee. A special thanks to Mr. Donald Kirschenblatt for donating several "almost new" soft drink and candy vending machines to the Men's Club. Each vending machine is the perfect size for a small business or office and will be sold by the Men's Club at an excellent price. For more information, contact either Irwin Goldberg or Jerry Katz. Men's Club Irwin Goldberg and Jerry Katz 6 Apr. 2002 L'Dor V'Dor L ' D o r V ' D o r 'Budding a bridge between tfiejyast and our future Please join Rabbi Felipe Goodman, Cantor Daniel Friedman and the children of the Temple Beth Sholom Preschool as we talk and sing about the music in our lives. Our Judaic program will include a musical lecture, musical entertainment and a chance for you to share your talents. Lunch will be an elegant, Kosher affair. We guarantee a fun time for everyone! 7His program is completely free for ad members of the community; We only as^thatyou contact us by JlpriC26 with your response. Courtesy transportation xviCC6e providedfor those in need. Thursday, May 9, 2002 10:30 am-2:00pm Temple Beth Sholom <RSVP 6yJlprif26: Carolyn Gertz 2 3 3 - 9 4 2 0 or Rosalie Lazer 395-0117. This event is sponsored in part by a grant from the Jewish Home for the Aging of Southern Nevada, and the work of a Committee representing Temple Beth Sholom and their Preschool. ***Ifyou are, or someone you kriow is a senior who could not otherwise Come to Temple, we invite you to be a part of our new program A NEW SENIORS PROGRAM Apr. 2002 B Religious School Religious School News As our Religious School Mishloach Manot ex-change becomes a tradition, we performed this wonderful mitzvah for the third consecutive year. Our exchange had a two-fold purpose. The first was to perform this important mitzvah of giving from yourself and what you have to offer someone else. Another was for our students to get to know other students who are not in the same grade level. In order to achieve that goal, students drew names from a school-wide draw-ing. Nathaniel Saxe, Cariy Saxe, Rory Carmer, Nicole Green and Shane Cashin are pictured at the Religious School seder with Ayelet Blit, Asst. Dir. of Education. We combined these two important goals to create a caring environment in which students were responsible for preparing an age-appropriate package. Our students didn't disap-point us. Their Mishloach Manot baskets, plates, bags and packages were well-thought-out and in some cases, very creative. Our school's tremendous growth over the past two years has caused us to change our routine of handing out the packages in one assembly. This year, we delivered them to the class-rooms? a process which proved to be very suc-cessful. With the participation of 95 percent of our stu-dents and their supportive families, the Mish-loach Manot exchange was a tremendous suc-cess. Witnessing the involvement and excite-ment of our students and their families?not to mention the joy of giving and receiving?is an educator's greatest reward. Leah Trueworthy, Daniel Shreiar, Jesse Warner, Maura Epstein, Samantha Owens and Carly Saxe are pictured with Hebrew/Judaica Teacher Elke Sidranski. Purim passed and Pesach came. On Sunday, March 17, we celebrated a model seder. All of our classes from kindergarten to seventh grade enjoyed a beautiful seder led by Rabbi Goodman and Cantor Friedman. Many students volunteered to read from the Hag-gadah, and all of them joined our music teacher, Mr. Cohen, in Pesach songs and of course the Four Questions. We had a wonderful seder ta-ble set by seventh grade students and a most delicious matzah ball soup prepared by mem-bers of the Education committee and parents volunteers. Cantor Friedman helps lead the Religious School seder as Brett Leibowitz, Alex Familian and Tyler Feldman follow along. We would like to extend a huge thank you to our education committee for helping us in hav-ing such a wonderful Seder. Jacob and Ayelet 8 Apr. 2002 Preschool News from the Sandra & Stanley Mallin Early Childhood Center RED, WHITE AND BLUE FOR 2002! Join us at the Temple on Sunday, April 28, for the annual Preschool/Religious School Fashion Show Fundraiser, "Red, White and Blue for 2002." Items are still needed for our Silent Auction, so if you can donate, please call us ASAP at 804-1333, ext. 201. You can tell it's Passover when you walk down the halls of our preschool?giant, stuffed matzahs, Mt. Sinai and Baby Moses can be seen all over our walls. We met with the Rabbi to build pyramids out of matzah and charoset. The kids had a blast digging their hands in and getting messy. Our Passover seder was a success. Our caterer made great food, and the children gave a special presentation. Over 200 people shared this experience with our stu-dents. Have you heard the Science Buzz? The Bears' class recently held their Science Fair. Many parents were on hand to help the children present their projects. We learned so many interesting things, and the children enjoyed creating their experiments with their parents. We saw everything from tornados to friction! The Preschool will reopen on April 9, af-ter Passover. If you haven't registered for camp, we are currently accepting campers ages 2-10. Come and see all the fun we have planned for our children. Our yearly Fashion Show is quickly ap-proaching. This is a fun way for the whole community to get involved and raise money for the Preschool and Religious School Our theme is "Red, White and Blue," so show your patriotism and join us on April 28, at 11 a.m. We look forward to seeing you and your family there. Thank you to Rabbi Goodman for teaching us about Passover! Samantha and Isabella display their house made of matzah. Alyssa proudly shows us her matzah creation. Apr. 2002 9 Tributes...Donations from our Hearts CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In honor of: The Release of the TBS CD Harold Lilie Ron Mane a General donation: Martin A. Kraft EDUCATION FUND In memory of: Alberto Polikar Emily & Michael Novick GENERAL FUND In honor of: Anna Banchik's Bat Mitzvah Morris Golden's Bar Mitzvah Sam Gewercer Aliyot & Mishebeirach Sara & Seymour Slackman PRAYERBOOK FUND In honor of: Jaclyn Honig's Bat Mitzvah Barbara & Jack Schreiber RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In honor of: Rabbi's Appointment to JTS Chancellor's Rabbinic Cabinet Ellen L. Scully General donation: Ron Manca WARSAW GHETTO FUND In memory of: Rabbi Henry Lieberman Bobbi Artz Robyn & David Tandy YAHRZEIT/MEMORIAL FUND In memory of: Eleanor & Sidney Abrams Shelley & Stan Carroll Rebecca Antonos Celia Rubin Bernard Bajardi Fred Victorson Louis Bassik Renee & Gerald Bassik Sarah Bernstein Jack Bernstein Marc Belfer Florance Bolatin Linda (Rifka) Borukh Susan Molasky Adolph Brown Rose Raphael David Brown, Howard Brown Gloria Brown Jack Carroll Shelley & Stan Carroll Ben Zion Chozahinoff Igal Chozohinoff Dorothy Copelan Dorothy Ogron & Family David Davis Barbara Howard & Jay Kenig Max Denker Ethel L. Stewart Joseph Dupler Roslyn Dupler Fitch Gertrude Epstein Phyllis & David Dale Ann Ferdman Jack Straus Bemat Fischer Yolanda & Bobby Phelps Paul J. Freed Ray & Herbert Freed Lee Gardner Suellen Levy Yechovad Gertler Lillian Kronberg Molly Glenn Daniel Wexler Natalie Goldstein Lynn Rosenberg Morton Gottesman Zoe Brown Lil & Kenny Glicken Frances Hafter Philip Hafter Rose Hafter Bertha Schachter Paul Harold Hessing Mrs. William Hessing William B. Jaeger Jacque Jaeger William Jaffa Elaine Klain Rachel Jones Esther Frankenstein Marlene & Maury Jones Sam Kaplan Bess Bergman & Family Joseph Katz Brenda & Jerry Katz Joyce Sarno Keys Ludivia & Richard Alexander Emily & Michael Novick Lynn & Arne Rosencrantz Marcy & Steven Saxe Nicole, Alan, Josh & Blake Weissman Goldie Kirsch Adelle, Susan, Charlotte & Carl Dichter Dora Klessman Marcy Simon Dresna Kretchmer Roberta & Larry Brown Myron "Mickey" Kulwin Albert A. Kulwin Sherron & Darryl Kulwin Else Lewy Anita Lewy Adya Lynn Lieberman Dr. Sally Lieberman, Joel Lieberman Nettie Lieberman Mr. & Mrs. David Staretz Stanley Lowe Shelli Lowe & George Wara Abraham M armor Estate of Mollie Weiss 10 Apr. 2002 Tributes...Donations from our Hearts Roy Marthon Leon Marthon Jacob Mogill Barbara & Marlowe Mogill Evelyn Mordoh Cindy Davis BailaNelkin Barbara Chozahinoff Bernard Ohriner Dr. & Mrs. Harvey Ohriner Minnie Orenstein Rosalie, Oren & Mara Lazer The Jackie & Ron Turshinsky Family Florence Premack Annette & Jerry Rubin Stuart Reisman Karen Reisman Robin Ressnick Harriett Resnick Charles J. Rich Maureen & George Duckworth Joseph M. Ritchie Barbara Greenspun & Family Miriam Rosenthal Linda &Leonard Eckhaus Rose Samoiloff Marcy & Jerry Samoiloff Beverly Sandler Suzie & Albert Nahmias Dr. Edward B. Schifreen Toby M. Burrus Dora Seffinger (Dina Yeril Bat Shlomo v 'Esther Malka) Sam Gewercer Lawrence Simon Hope Makransky William Sincoff Judith S. Morrison Ezra Slonim Ira, Phyllis, & Erica Wechsler liana Vann Bradley, Rebecca & Elizabeth Snyder Sandy & Marvin Snyder Minnie Sotnick Carol Sotnick Frieda Spector Eleanor Libby Spector Ernest Spindel Bernard Spindel Betty Steinberg Bertha Schachter Alex Tauber Barbara, Howard & Jay Kenig Louis Victorson Fred Victorson Minnie Voris Leon Marthon Albert Weinberg Sandra & Stanley Chupnick Rochell Weinstein Sam Kirk & Richard Weinstein Jack Weintroub Irving Weintroub Aron Winer Leo Winer Rebecca Yanovich Sophie Weiner Mrs. Louis Zenoff David Zenoff <$n tfte. continuity o^ qua. (itea., v4e iotvovl tfieae i& a time jot e-JewjtJiifUj: a time to ceXdhuite. t^e miieatonza., to ma*/Cef at tlve tm<} mou/Mi it& aepa^atiorva.. TDe tix<mic yju j!cvi <xc%cnav)iexl<yAU^ tlic&e time& tivioucjii. you*. contxifiutionA to SemjjXe. Yellow Candle Program Increases Holocaust Awareness It has been more than 50 years since Nazi concentration camps were liberated, and the Holocaust that claimed 6 million Jewish lives came to an end. To remember the 6 million who perished and to honor their memories, Temple Beth Sholom will join Jews throughout North America by participating in the Yom Ha Shoah Yellow Candle Program sponsored by the Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs, in cooperation with the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism and the North American Federation of Temple Brotherhoods. As the years pass, the memories of those who fell victim to the ultimate hate crime must not diminish. That is why we are encouraging all Beth Sholom members and their families to light just one Yellow Candle on the night of April 8. By lighting these can-dles, we increase awareness of the Holocaust and perpetuate our commitment to our people. Yom HaShoah candles are a highly visible symbol for keeping the flame alive. Their color recalls the badges Jews were forced to wear in Nazi-occupied Europe, but their flame inspires hope that we can yet make our world a tolerant place to live. If you did not receive a candle, additional supplies are available in the Temple office. YOM HASHOAH YELLOW CANDLE? REMEMBER THE SIX MILLION Apr. 2002 11 Advertisements I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Looking to buy or sell real estate in Nevada? Let a Temple Beth Sholom member assist you! Louis Levin REALTOR, Executive Sales Associate Century 21 Distinctive 3481 E. Sunset Rd? #100 Las Vegas, NV 89120 Business (702) 434-7400 Cell (702)217-7709 Toll Free 1-800-739-7770 Buying or selling. I will contribute a por-tion of my commission to Temple Beth Sholom upon successful dose of escrow. m m m m m n F S i i a ?? l a i n ? ! ? ? / * Poetry (By I f i e Pro's Candlelightings ? Toasts Poems for all occasions S h a r o n B u r s t e i n 702-243-2357 -n Q* What dees Morris Golden have a" In common wifth HG tports cart? ^ At au(| 9 i | i |o doi 3 jd i | i eg Mazel Tow, Moythe! lam Gewercer PAID FOR BY QUISENBERRY FOR COMMISSION UISENBERRY M E M B E R OF T E M P L E BETH S H O L O M C O U N T Y C O M M I S S I O N District F P.O. Box 26666 Las Vegas, NV 89126-6666 Phone: 702-242-5707 ? Fax: 702-341-5418 email: Apr. Advertisements In These Difficult Times PLEASE Don't PASSOVER Your Chance to Help... It's Up To Each Of YOU....Through YOUR Investment in State of Israel Bonds 3rd Jubilee (Series A) Issue Bond 5.35% Fixed annual interest rate for bonds purchased through February 28, 2002. Matures 5 years from issue date. Minimum Subscription $25,000. 3rd Jubilee (Series B) Issue Bond 6.55% Fixed annual interest rate for bonds purchased through February 28, 2002. Matures 10 years from issue date. Minimum Subscription $ 2 5 , 0 0 0 4th LIBOR Floating Rate Issue (LFRI) Bond 2.75% Interest rate for bonds purchased through February 2002. Based on 7 5 basis points (fixed at time of purchase) plus the 6 month LIBOR rate in effect on issue date, and recalculated thereafter on March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1. Minimum subscription: $ 5 , 0 0 0 ( $ 2 , 5 0 0 or $ 2 , 0 0 0 for IRAs only) and multiples of $2,500.Matures: 10 years from issue date. Chai Bond Purchase price: multiples of $136. Matures in 5 years at $180. Non-trans-ferable. Not eligible for early redemption. May only be purchased for/registered to an (only one) individual. 7th Development Issue (Dl) Bond Current Income Bond: Annual interest rate is 4.00% per year, payable by check once a year on May 1. Savings Bond: Matures at 180% of issue amount, resulting in an effective yield to maturity of approximately 4.00%. Matures: 15