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later Supply - Kelso* Julie 23, 192$. Mr. H. L, Adamson: R e fe rrin g to the above matter and your l e t t e r o f A p r il 4th, F ile 2 0 - 2 ; This m atter has been gone in to by Mr. E llis o n o f th is department w ith Mr. Jackson and Charles Adams, and i t i s apparent th at the main source o f water supply in th is d i s t r i c t is from C o rn field Springs, whidh is amply p ro tected by appropria tio n and by f i l i n g s in the County C lerk ’ s o f f i c e o f San Bernardino County. However, no rig h t-o f-w a y map from the r e s e r v o ir s it e to our r ig h t o f way has been f i l e d in accordance w ith the p ro visio n s o f the fe d e r a l Aot o f February lg>, 1901 (31 S ta ts. 7 9 S )» and th is should be done. I t appears that we are a t the present time r e c e iv in g a small amount o f water from a tunnel which is lo c a ted on p ro p erty owned by the Pacific-S ou th w est Trust and Savings Bank. Inasmuch as th is is p r iv a t e ly owned p rop erty, we have no le g a l r ig h t to appropriate water therefrom , and I f th is water is o f s u ffic ie n t importance i t should be purchased from the owner o f the p ro p erty. In the event new appropriation s o f water are made a f t e r the e f f e c t i v e date o f the Water Commission A ot, which was June 16, 1913* (A ct 9091» General Laws, State o f C a lifo r n ia ), we may apply f o r the use o f the water in accordance w ith the procedure o u tlin ed by th is a o t. Howevei, inasmuch as I understand that the water from C o rn field Springs has been used by our company f o r a g re a t many years la s t p ast, the o r ig in a l ap p rop riation coupled w ith the f i l i n g o f a p ip e -lin e r ig h t o f way across p u b lic lands amply p ro te c ts our r ig h t to the use o f th is w ater. I return herewith your ab stract o f t i t l e o f water supply a t K elso.