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I agree.Exclusive Licensors BAKERS FRANCHISE CORPORATION 250 PARK AVENUE, NEW YORK 17, N. Y. - OXford November 16th, I960 Mr. A1 Freeman The Angelita Bread Foundation The Sands Hotel Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Al: Just returned recently from the West Coast and found die material awaiting me here at the office, as well as a letter from your secretary enclosing the photographs that I requested. Al, there are a number of developments that present themselves at the present time that there is no use going into with you in detail, but we do want to tell you that we are interested in trying to work out a mutually satisfactory deal. My associate, and partner, Mr. Harry C. Freedman, is planning a visit to Phoenix, Arizona the latter part of December and will 'phone you from there in order to set up an appointment and if satisfactory will fly over from Phoenix in order to spend some time with you at Vegas. He will review the entire program with you and disclose what is in our minds in order to make a plan of this kind function efficiently and profitably. In the meanwhile, please be assured of our interest and cooperation. Cordially, Bi FRANCHISE CORP. s BF:rm Bud Fox President