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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, October 10, 1978






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 7 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000197. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    MINUTES SENATE MEETING //19 October 10, 1978 Moyer Student Union Building Room 201 I. Call to Order The nineteenth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by the Speaker at 4:02 p.m. in Lounge 201 of the Moyer Student Union Building. II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Phillip Jackson Peggy Racel Lise Wyman Kirk Voelcker (Unexcused Late) DeAnn Turpen (Unexcused Late) Lorraine Alderman Joyce Bridges Dave Craddock Joe Matvay David Martinez Scott Gonzalez Carole Beck III. Approval of Minutes //18 Joe Matvay noted that on Page No.3, Paragraph 2, Bruce Bayne moved to suspend the rules instead of Shawn Jenkins. The Minutes stood corrected. There were no further corrections, therefore, the Minutes stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements Physical Plant Committee President White announced that the campus lighting proposal was brought up at the Physical Plant Committee meeting, and it was met with approval. He announced that in the near future all of the entrances to the buildings will be lit up, and lights will be turned back on that were turned off during the energy shortage, and more watts will be added to the lights already present. Intercollegiate Athletic Council President White announced that the Intercollegiate Athletic Council met for the first time, and he was informed at this meeting that the women's basketball and tennis teams are on probation for recruiting violations. He informed the Senate that they will be off probation after the last tennis match is played. Until that time they cannot participate in any play-offs. Senate Stipends Joe Matvay, Speaker Pro Tem, announced that the Senate Stipend checks are in, and if anyone wishes to donate their stipend to the party fund they are welcome to do so. (Rick Gutierrez arrived at 4:07 p.m. - excused.) Peggy Burnham Byron Blasco Susana Reyes Jeanne Harkenrider Ron Deems Scott Greene Lisa Wolfbrandt Rick Gutierrez (Excused Late) Jeff Wild Mary Barney Shawn Jenkins Bruce Bayne Danny Campbell Bill Onorato Absent Shellee Willden (excused) Bill Botos (unexcused) Minutes - Senate Meeting if 19 October 10, 1978 Page 2 1978 Financial Report John Hunt informed the Senate that each one of them should have received the Financial Report for 1978. This should let everyone know where all of the money is being spent. V. Executive Board Nominations A. Activities Board Vice-Chairman (submission) President White informed the Senate that due to the resignation of Richard Bussiere, the Executive Board would like to place the name of Ferenc Szony as a nomination for Activities Board Vice-Chairman. B. Performing Arts Council President White nominated Joyce Bridges and Karen Davenport as members of the Performing Arts Council. These will come up for a vote at the next meeting. (DeAnn Turpen arrived at 4:11 p.m. - unexcused.) VI. Committee Reports A. M.A.F. Committee if2 Scott Gonzalez read the Minutes for this meeting, and they/iattached at the end of these Minutes. B. By-Law //ll There was no report* meeting was not held. C. Activities Board #12 There was no report, but Bruce Bayne moved to approve Minutes if 12 of the Activities Board, was seconded, and passed with one opposition and one abstention. D. Radio Committee if6 Tommy Walker informed the Senate that there are only three FM applications ahead of UNLV's, and now it just a matter of paperwork before the application will be approved. He also thanked those Senators who gave him the opportunity to do the one minute speeches over the radio station. He reminded the Senate that the results will be broadcast over the air on Thursday beginning at 5 o'clock. Scott Greene moved to approve the Minutes it6 of the Radio Committee, was seconded, and passed unanimously. E. Union Board Report There was no Union Board Report as Gene Russo was not able to attend the meeting. VII. Old Business A. Stipend for CSUN Bar Manager - $150/month (vote) Danny Campbell moved to approve a $150/month stipend for the CSUN Bar Manager, and was seconded by Ron Deems. Bruce Bayne made an amendment to the motion to set the stipend at $150/month but for a total of a nine-month period starting with September, and was seconded by Danny Campbell. Discussion took place, and Bruce Bayne called for the question, seconded, and passed with one abstention. A vote was then taken on the amendment which passed with two abstentions. A vote was then taken on the main motion as amended which passed with three abstentions. Minutes - Senate Meeting if 19 October 10, 1978 Page 3 B. National Conference on Student Services; Madison, Wise. - $1,070 Bruce Bayne moved to approve the expenditure of $1,070 for the National Conference on Student Services to be held in Madison, Wisconsin, was seconded, and passed with two abstentions. C. Senate Research Task Force (Sen. Bridges, SC) Joyce Bridges informed the Senate that she and Joe Matvay are working on a proposal for four Senators to go on a two day trip to visit schools in California who have some of the same problems as we do. The price would be $353. They would be visiting Cal State Fullerton, Cal State L.A., unA ^ tfhef ^(hcasjoyce announced that they would be taking her car to save on expenses. The four people proposed to be going on the trip are Marshal Willick, Joyce Bridges, Joe Matvay, and Lise Wyman. This trip would take place November 15, 16, and 17. This will be discussed at the next meeting. D. CSUN Logo Determination This will come up for a vote at the next meeting. E. Appropriations Board Operating Policy Revision (Sen. Martinez, BE) (Kirk Voelcker arrived at 4:48 p.m. - unexcused.) David Martinez moved to amend the Operating Policy of the Appropriations Board, but withdrew his motion as Bruce Bayne moved to have Senator Martinez submit his revision in writing, which was seconded, and passed with one abstention. (Danny Campbell and Mary Barney were excused at 4:54 p.m.) Item IX and Item XI will be amended and submitted in writing at the next Senate meeting, and this will be discussed at the next Meeting. (Byron Blasco was excused at 4:57 p.m.) F. Running Rebel Logo (discussion) Bill Kurtz, President of the Art Club, addressed the Senate, and announced that the Art Department will be involved with the designing of a Running Rebel Logo, and the Art Department will be using this as a project, and they would like to give a $100 prize to the winner of the contest. The Senate decided to have a Committee set up to set up guidelines for the contest, and the amount of the prize. A proposal will be made at the next meeting. VIII. New Business A. Special Services Peer Counselor (presentation) Resolution #2 made by the Senate provided for bilingual personnel, and this person addressed the Senate. Her name is Gloria Robles Lopez, and she informed the Senate that this organization offers help for the handicapped. By handicapped they mean handicapped either physically, culturally, educationally, mentally, etc. They offer tutoring, typing, special classes, black dialect, and provide tutoring in English. Her office is in Room 329, and her hours are from 1 p.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Minutes - Senate Meeting if 19 October 10, 1978 Page 4 11. Fraternity/Sorority Row Land Allocation (presentation) The Preiidc'iif announced that the land originally allocated for Fraternity/ Sorority Row has been leased to someone else by the University. However, land has been allocated right across the street from the original allocation. The ICC needs the approval of the Senate that we still want a Fraternity/Sorority Row. A map will be brought up to the Meeting next week to illustrate where the Row would be located, and this will also come up for a vote at the next Meeting. C. Yearbook Sales (Joyce Bridges) Senator Bridges informed the Senate that last year's yearbook lost $4,000, and something has to be done in order make up for this loss. John Purvis requested that the Senate go to the editor, and have him decide what to do. Joyce Bridges moved to sell the remaining yearbooks at $8 a piece, and was seconded by Rick Gutierrez. Discussion took place, and Bruce Bayne called for the question, seconded by Lorraine Alderman, and passed unanimously. A vote was then taken on the main motion, however, it failed with two abstentions. This will come up on next week's agenda. It was requested that the contract for the yearbooks be brought up to the meeting next week, and the editor of the yearbook be present. D. 1978-79 Recognized Organizations (submission) The following organizations were submitted as the first group of organizations to be recognized by CSUN: UNLV Art Club, Hotel Association, Alpha Kappa Psi, Kappa Alpha Psi (Theta Sigma), Alpha Kappa Alpha, LDSSA, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Zeta, Intercollegiate Knights, Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Nu, Young Re-publicans, Kappa Sigma, Sigma Chi Fraternity, Black Student: Alliance, Pre- Law Association, Pre-Professional Club, Alpha Delta Pi Sorority, UNLV Finance Association, Delta Sigma Theta, Eckankar Internation Student Society of UNLV, Inter Greek Council, UNLV Baha'i Club, UNLV Christian Fellowship, and Delta Sigma Theta, Inc., and Panhellinic. These will come up for a vote at the next meeting. IX. Open Discussion Bill Onorato informed the Senate that the Election Board would like to receive all campaign spending statements by Thursday, October 12, 1978. X. Adjournment Bruce Bayne moved to adjourn, and since there were no further items of discussion, the meeting stood adjourned. The meeting adjourned at 5:42 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: Rene Bernier Senate Secretary MINUTES M.A.F. COMMITTEE it2 October 4, 1978 Members ^in Attendance Scott Gonzalez David Martinez Lisa WoIfbrandt Mary Barney Scott Greene The Meeting was called to order at 3:50 p.m. David Martinez presented enrollment charts f rom the Registrar's Office indicated that just over 1,000 students do not benefit from M.A.F. Chairman stated the purpose of this meeting was to establish an outline to be used when the Committee meets with Roger Barnson/Assistant Athletic Director. David Martinez presented a list of questions concerning M.A.F. Scott Greene stated that David's list of question basically fit all sides of the M.A.F. The Committee agreed to use David's outline as a guideline for the interview with Roger Barnson. The Meeting adjourned at 4:20 p.m. AGENDA SENATE MEETING it 19 October 10, 1978 Moyer Student Union Building Room 201 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #18 IV. Executive Board Announcements V. Executive Board Nominations A. Activities Board Vice-Chairman (submission) VI. Committee Reports A. M.A.F. Committee it2 B. By-Law if 11 C. Activities Board it 12 D. Radio Committee it6 E. Union Board Report VII. Old Business A. Stipend for CSUN Bar Manager - $150/month (vote> B. National Conference on Student Services; Madison, Wise. - $1,070 C. Senate Research Task Force (Sen. Bridges, SC) D. CSUN Logo Determination E. Appropriations Board Operating Policy Revision (Sen. Martinez, BE) F. Running Rebel Logo (discussion) VIII. New Business A. Special Services Peer Counselor (presentation) B. Fraternity/Sorority Row Land Allocation (presentation) C. Yearbook Sales (Joyce Bridges) D. 1978-79 Recognized Organizations (submission) IX. Open Discussion X. Adjournment