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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, August 1992



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    Congregation Ner Tamid Tan u n9np The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas i==^l 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 v August 1992 Av - Elul 5752 Sanford Akselrad, Rabbi Bella Feldman, Cantorial Soloist Cal Lewis, President Cynthia Eskeles, Temple Adm. Jeanne Schomaker, Principal Julie Gruber, Preschool Dir. Deborah Stadt, Editor Schedule of Services August 7, 1992 Sundae Sabbath Services at 7:00 p.m. Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad and Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood August 14, 1992 Services at 7:00 p.m. Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad and Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman Oneg Sponsored by Sisterhood August 21, 1992 Baby naming of Robert Adam Cohen Services at 7:00 p.m. Conducted by Rabbi Akselrad and Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman Oneg Sponsored by Mitch & Debra Cohen August 28, 1992 Services at 7:00 p.m. Conducted by ? Steven Weissman and Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman Oneg sponsored by Sisterhood Meeting Your Needs: YdhrzeitS Our Temple Programs Expand If there is one thing that is constant, it is change. So says the philosopher. So says life itself. And the life of our Temple is no different. Our Temple has witnessed wonderful growth over the past few years. Our Religious School has expanded, and so too have our Temple programs. Yet, each year I try to set a new agenda for our Temple that will help expand our programs and improve our existing ones. This year will be no different. This new year will mark several distinct changes in our Temple staff and programming which should help meet our Temple?s changing needs. Religious School Over the past few months many of you have expressed concerns about the direction of our school, and how we will continue to improve our program in the future. Here are some of the answers: August 7, 1992 Eva Miller, Max Cohen, Blanche Sturm, Eli Coira, Benjamin Kishner, Milton Ferber, Leo Rakor, Marvin Kohnen, Rose Freedman, Alex Gerstern, Albert Goldstein, Joel Berger, Samuel Stahl, Lilly Kollins, Pearl Roth August 14, 1992 Mary Pearl, Harry Sendrow, Ida Orzen, Harry Sendrow, David Sendrow, Gertrude Katzman, Leroy Cherry, Emma Shepard, Jennie Goldberg, Henrietta Bromson, Jeanette Miller 1. Religious School Committee meetings will be more frequent and will serve not only to work on Religious School fundraisers, but to address more frequently parental concerns regarding the school. I will make it a personal priority to attend many of these meetings. If you have a concern, or you want to be involved in improving our school, then this is a committee you should join. Let Jeanne Schomaker, Denise Schnitzer or myself know of your interest. 2. Class schedules have been rearranged in the fall to allow for doubling of larger lower grade classes. Only grades K-5 will meet on Sunday mornings. Many of these grades will have two classes which will allow for more individualized teaching. All upper grades will be meeting on Tuesdays (i.e. 6-9th). The classes will meet from 4:30-6:30 p.m.. Grades 6 & 7 will also meet on Thursdays. This twice weekly program will allow students who are near B?nai Mitzvah to have Hebrew and Judaic studies twice a week See "Rabbi" Page 2... August 21, 1992 John Bergher, David Glickman, David Solomon, Lena Epstein, Louis Epstein, Gerald Sloane, Julius Cohen August 28, 1992 Benjamin Bycel, David Abrams, Harry Rostov, Louis Schwartz ? In Memoriam We record with great sorrow the passing of Bessie Moroff Beloved Grandmother of Ed MintzCongregation Ner Tamid Rabbi - Con?t... (one hour of each). Both Melissa Glovinsky and Bella Feldman will be directly involved in these programs. For those of you with younger age children (grades 4 & 5) who wish additional Hebrew to complement our Sunday program, you may enroll in our Thursday afternoon program as well. 3. There will be electives offered throughout the year for eighth grade and ninth grade students. If this program is successful it will be expanded to include other grades in subsequent years. 4. There will be an expanded art program on Sunday mornings as well as an expanded music program. Bella Feldman will be directly in charge of our Junior Choir and will also be forming a Teen choir which will perform several times a year. These are just some of the changes that are taking place in our Religious School. Our school has grown to be the largest and finest religious school in the city. We need your help and cooperation-get involved in our religious school committee and/or become a room parent. Music At the May Board meeting Bella Feldman was approved as our Cantorial intern on a full time basis. Even as you read this bulletin, Bella has begun her duties at the Temple. Among her many responsibilities, Bella will be in charge of all aspects of music for the Temple including our Adult and Junior Choirs, and our newly forming Teen Choir. Bella will be teaching in our Religious School, Preschool, and Hebrew School. Bella will also be an advisor to our Senior Youth Group. In addition Bella will work along with myself and Melissa Glovinsky in preparing our B?nai Mitzvah students. Bella will add her beautiful voice to all Sabbath Services and B?nai Mitzvah ceremonies. And upon request, Bella will be available to co-officiate with me at various other Temple life cycle events (weddings, funerals, baby namings etc.). Our new accompanist, Lillian Kollar, will be playing on a regular basis at Services beginning this fall. She is an accomplished musician and an expert in the field of Jewish music. These are just some of the many areas that Bella will be involved in. Over her past few years of part time involvement at the Temple we have all grown to admire and appreciate Bella?s wonderful abilities. I know that this new opportunity will be a mutually enjoyable one as Bella becomes an integral part of our Temple program. See "Rabbi" Page 12... It?s already August, and summer is on the downhill. Our thoughts are ahead to school, High Holy Days and beginning the New Year. I?d like to remind you of a few things that need some thought this month. Preschool starts on Wednesday, September 9 at 10:00 a.m.-just around the corner! Our experienced Preschool Director, Julie Gruber, will again supervise a program of wonderful activities geared to our three to five year olds. Our Director will ensure that the children have a meaningful experience in Preschool. Be sure to call the office if you have a child who would benefit from the Preschool experience. The children who attended last year had a great year. Just as the High Holy Days are around the corner, it is time for our Yiskor Memorial book. If you wish the names of your loved ones included, you must return the form by September 7. The form is printed in this bulletin-please do not procrastinate. The letters for the Kol Nidre Appeal will go out this month. I know you will be as generous as possible because you realize that dues do not begin to cover the expenses of our Temple. Healthy Temples create and maintain Jews and Judaism and your support is vital to our survival. Please dig deep for our Kol Nidre Appeal so that we can fill the 40% deficit left after dues are paid. Religious School starts on September 20, 1991, and Jeanne Schomaker tells me we have a very large pre-enrollment. Be sure your children are registered. We are expecting to be filled over capacity and pre-enrollment allows Jeanne to hire the extra teachers and make schedule adjustments so all receive a quality experience. Youth and auxiliary activities are a very important part of the Temple and Jewish life. Our youth groups are very active and open doors to all sorts of activities and friendships for our children. There is a youth group for practically every age child. Starting the habit of Jewish living outside of the home leads to lifelong habits. For adults, the choice is wide?Sisterhood, Brotherhood, Golden Chai, Adult Education, Chavurot, various Temple committees. Join one or several of these groups and enrich your life. Again, my thanks for your confidence. I?m depending on you to join and participate in our activities. You have received committee descriptions and I encourage you to join a See "President" Page 12 ... PAGE 2 Congregation Ner Tamid High Holiday time is fast approaching. As you are aware, your dues mmust be three-quarters paid in order to be eligible for tickets. In order to expedite this procedure, this year tickets will be mailed. If you have not received your tickets by September 7, please contact me in the office. We will be having our annual Congregational Break-the-Fast immediately following concluding services on Yom Kippur. This year tickets will be available to members at $8 for adults and $4 for children. Non-member tickets will be available at $10 for adults and $5 for children. Please join with us in continuing this wonderful tradition. Our Religious School enrollment has already exceeded that of last year at this same time. If you have not already enrolled your child for next year, you should do so as soon as possible. This will enable Mrs. Schomaker to ensure that all necessary teachers and materials have been arranged. m mmik "Next Year in Jerusalem" Congregation Ner Tamid Travels to Israel! On June 6, 1993, Rabbi Akselrad will lead a Congregational trip to Israel. In eleven days, you can absorb the essence of Israel, visiting some unusual sights along with all the important, must-see highlights. You will stay in First Class hotels in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. Half your stay is based in Jerusalem, where you will see the old and new quarters of the City of David. You will spend a night in Tiberius at the Sea of Galilee, and spend time sunning on the sands of Tel Aviv. Why not plan on bringing your family? This would be the perfect graduation, confirmation, or B?nai Mitzvah gift for your child. Israel is such an incredible country; what better way to see it than with your family, as well as with your Temple family? The pricing of this trip will be very competitive. Space will be limited. Over 80 Congregants have expressed interest in this trip, if you are thinking of going, please fill in this form and return it to: Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89121 ATTN: ISRAEL TRIP PAGE 3 Committee.................................................Chairperson Adult Education............................Heather Zabinofsky Art & Beautification...........................Yvonne Gordon Break the Fast.......Helen Zliser & Rita Moses Malkin Budget...........................................Sheldon Rosenberg Goods & Services.........Dyane Kohnen, Lois Doctors Historian...................................................Sandy Ewan House.................................................Harry Rubinson Kol Nidre...............................................Ken Schnitzer Long Range Planning............................Ken Schnitzer Membership..........................................Dyane Kohnen Outreach..................................................Lois Doctors Passover Seder........................................Phyllis Mark Publicity...............................................Katherine Scott Preschool..................Denise Schnitzer, Debby Kaner Religious School................................Denise Schnitzer Ritual...........................................................Alan Mann Social Action..........................................Eileen Kollins Special Events.......................................Bonnie Kamer Ways & Means............................................Jay Poster Youth Activities........................................Paul Cohen Tell & Kvell The Yahraus family had a wonderful June! On June 20th Scott Yahraus made "All Star" for the Green Valley Majors, and also on the 20th Don and Stacey reaffirmed their wedding vows. Mazel Tov to the entire Yahraus family!! Mazel Tov to Dana Pretner, daughter of Jerry & Mary Fox, on being awarded the Lillian Turner Leadership Award and Citibank?s "Helping You, Helping Me" Tutoring Program Award for Chaparral High School. She was also awarded the Principal?s Leadership Award. In addition to being Student Body President, Dana was also voted "most fun to be with" by the senior class. Dana plans to attend University of Arizona in the fall. High Holiday Services Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur 5753 Selichot Saturday, September 19, 1992 9:00 p.m. Program 10:00 p.m. Services Services will be conducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman, and the Congregation Ner Tamid Choir Rosh Hashanah Evening Service Sunday, September 27, 1992 - 7:30 p.m. Services will be conducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman, and the Congregation Ner Tamid Choir Rosh Hashanah Morning Services Monday, September 28, 1992 - 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Youth Services (Room 5) 1:00 p.m. Children?s Services (Sanctuary) Services will be conducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman, and the Congregation Ner Tamid Choir Kol Nidre Services Tuesday, October 6, 1992 - 7:30 p.m. Services will be conducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman, and the Congregation Ner Tamid Choir Yom Kippur Services Wednesday, October 7, 1992 - 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. Youth Services (Room 5) 1:00 p.m. Children?s Services (Sanctuary) 3:00 p.m. Afternoon Services 5:00 p.m. Yiskor Services 6:00 p.m. Concluding Services 7:15 p.m. Break the Fast Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman, and the Congregation Ner Tamid ChoirCongregation Ner Tamid Sisterhood Gift Shop We have new merchandise so come see us! Is there a wedding or Bar/Bat Mitzvah in your future? INVITATIONS, KIPOT, TALLIT BOOKS & GIFTS Madelyn Nitzkin 435-1932 Phyllis Lewis 458-8119 Thank You To Lenny Gropman for fixing our vacuum cleaner. To Drew and Janis Rounds for the donation of a stereo and typewriter. ys. ?A-rt?rt?A? ys ys ys ys ys, ys ys w ys ys High Holy Day Tickets High Holy Day tickets will be available in mid-August and will be mailed this year. If you have not received your tickets by September 4, please contact the Temple office at 733-6292. Bulletin Deadline The deadline for the bulletin is the 10th of the previous month. This is necessary to ensure the timely arrival of our bulletin at your home or business. Please contact Cindy Eskeles in the Temple office if you have any questions regarding this policy. Anything arriving in the temple office after the 10th of the month cannot be guaranteed publication. Thank you for your cooperation. Temple Wish List 1. Books for our library 2. Computer for the office: IBM Comp. 286 or higher w/40meg hard drive or larger 3. Floor Scrubber or $150 4. Incidental kitchen items or $100 5. Commercial stove with grill top 6. Fire proof file cabinets 7. Heavy duty portable folding platforms for our Choir, or $425 8. Letter quality printer for Temple office, laser 9. Children?s video tapes NEED TO GET INTO THE TEMPLE? In case of an emergency, call our custodian, Cliff Jamerson, at 734-1460. Rabbi Akselrad would like to \ be helpful to you and your family whenever possible, particularly by visiting Temple members and their families when they are in the hospital or nursing homes. The Temple office tries to maintain a current list of those who are hospitalized, so please call the Temple office at 733-6292 to let us. know when you or your friends are going into the hospital. At most Friday night services, congregants can participate in a special way by accepting honors such as: lighting the Shabbat candles, dressing and undressing the Torah, or saying the blessing before and after the Torah reading. The Temple gives any of these honors to synagogue members who enjoy participating in the Shabbat service in this special way. If any congregant wishes to have such honors, please call the Temple office (733-6292) so we can schedule your honors on a convenient Shabbat for you. PAGE 5 Congregation Ner Tamid TEMPLE AUXILIARIES Here are the coming attractions for Sisterhood. Mark your calendars and plan for a great year, be sure to join us and get involved!! Aug. 13 Board Meeting 7:30 p.m. Aug. 29 Set up for Rummage Sale Aug. 30 Rummage Sale Sep. 10 Board meeting at 10:00 a.m. Sep. 13 Paid up Member Party at Rabbi?s house 4-6 p.m. Oct. 8 Board Meeting 10 a.m. Oct. 29 Rabbi?s Book Review, Lunch, General Meeting 11:00 a.m. Nov. 12 Board Meeting 10:00 a.m. Nov. 15 Chanukah Bazaar 11:30 - 3:00 p.m., Phyllis Lewis & Frances Klamian Co-Chairs Dec. 10 Board Meeting 10:00 a.m. Dec. 31 New Year?s Eve Party Jan. 14 Board Meeting 10:00 a.m. Jan. 28 Family Fashion Show 7:00 p.m., General Meeting Feb. 11 Board Meeting 10:00 a.m. Feb. 25 General Meeting & Lunch Mar. 11 Board Meeting 10:00 a.m. Mar. 20 Variety Show Apr. 8 Board Meeting Apr. 29 General Meeting May 13 Board Meeting 10:00 a.m. May 27 General Meeting Jun. 6 Donor Luncheon & Installation Remember our scrip program - Gift Shop and Tributes - call Marlene for scrip at 873-7246; Phyllis at 458-8119 and Madelyn at 433-9331 for the Gift Shop; and Betty at 876-2678 and Marni at 456-8524 for Tributes. If you are not a member of Sisterhood as yet, expect a call from me in the near future. Rita Moses Malkin President Sisterhood Sisterhood News COMING SUNDAY, AUGUST 30 2ND ANNUAL GOOD AS NEW SALE Bring us your unwanted, usable items which are in good saleable condition. *Clothing*Household Items* *Electronics Items*Books* *Toys*Etc. * We will store your tax-deductable contributions. Call the Temple office to arrange for pick-ups. Call the Temple at 733-6292 for information on donations. Golden Chai has been hosting speakers during the past two months. Much of the credit for the improved programming goes to our Program Chairperson, Rita Moses Malkin, who has worked very hard. She has our sincere appreciation for her efforts. We are also very grateful to Max Blumenfeld who provides our lovely brunches. Who else would stand for hours cutting fresh melon for 80 people? We couldn?t ask for a better catering chairperson. We have begun to receive items for our PAGE 6 Congregation Ner Tamid Good-As-New Rummage Sale. However, we need much, much more in order to be successful. Please search your homes for all those unused, forgotten items that someone else would love. Many thanks for your help. Shalom, Helen Zliser President Golden Chai July From the Mishalows to the Rabbi, in your honor. From the Mishalows to Kenny Schnitzer, Hoping you?re breathing easier and there?s no more operations. Principal Mutual can?t afford you. From Helen & Bill Zliser to Alma Bernay, Wishing you a speedy recovery. From the Gratz Family to David Wasserman & Family, Our sincere sympathy on the recent loss of your beloved father. From Sisterhood to Alma Bernay, Wishing you a speedy recovery. From Lil & Don Eisner to Leonard Spector, Thinking of you, get well. From Lil & Don Eisner to David Wasserman & Family, Our sincere sympathy on the recent loss of your beloved father, Milton. From Gary & Noreen Sternberg to David Wasserman, Our Sincere sympathy on the recent loss of your beloved father, Milton. From Helen & Bill Zliser to Dr. & Mrs. Bernard DeHovitz, Mazel Tov on Jack?s marriage, continued happiness to you all. From Helen & Bill Zliser to Marlene & Irv Sherman, Mazel Tov on your daughter?s marriage, best wishes to you all. From Helen & Bill Zliser to Isabelle Toder, Wishing you many more Happy Birthdays, no jokes this time! From Rita & Herman Malkin to Dana Pretner, Congratulations on your graduation, best of luck. From Rita & Herman Malkin to Phyllis Lewis, Congratulations on becoming "Great Lady" of the year. From Shirley & Label Kravitz to David Wasserman & Family, In memory of your beloved father, Milton. From Helen & Bill Zliser to Marilyn Glovinsky, Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah. From Helen & Bill Zliser to Deborah Stadt, Mazel Tov on your Bat Mitzvah. August From the Diamonds: Marni, David & Michele to Kenny Schnitzer, Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. From Nikki, Hera, Marty & Craig to Kenny Schnitzer, Wishing you a speedy recovery. From the Mishalows: Audrey, Joel, Matthew & Justin to Kenny Schnitzer, Wishing you a speedy recovery. From Lil & Don Eisner to Kenny Schnitzer, Thinking of you and glad you?re feeling better. From the Diamonds: Marni, David & Michele to Claire Prezant, Best wishes on your 70th birthday, many more. From Marlene & Irvin Sherman to Mrs. Dolores Lasky, Our sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved mother. From Barbara & Dick Rosen to Mr. & Mrs. Richard S. Rosen, in honor of Brett?s Bar Mitzvah. From Barbara & Dick Rosen to Mr. & Mrs. Jon Sinowitz, in honor of Jennifer & Jeffs marriage. PAGE 7 Congregation Ner Tamid More New Faces at CNT M.B. Dalitz Religious School News It?s that time again, summer is almost over and a new school year is about to begin. Are you ready?? Religious school begins on Sunday, September 20th at 9:15 a.m. for grades K-5. For grades 6-9, religious school begins on Tuesday, September 22nd at 4:30 p.m. The Thursday Hebrew Program begins on Thursday, September 24th at 4:30. Please mark your calendars. Don?t forget our Teen Choir now being formed for youths in grades 6 and up. Anyone interested, please call Bella Feldman at the Temple. Parents, please circle your calendar for Sunday, September 13th at 11:30 a.m. There will be a Parents? Orientation Meeting for grades K-9. Among many other important things, this will be an opportunity for anyone wishing to form car-pools. All teaching positions are currently filled, but anyone interested in "subbing" should contact me in the Religious School office. This is a wonderful way to get your feet wet, who know, teaching could be your new forte. There will be special Youth Services on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in room 5 (Preschool room). On both mornings, services will begin at 10:00 sharp. These services are for grades 2-7, for younger children, there will be babysitting in another classroom. If for any reason your child is not yet registered, please do so immediately. Shalom, Jeanne Schomaker Principal, M. B. Dalitz Religious School Preschool News Shalom!! Hope everyone is having a nice summer. School will start on Wednesday, September 9 th. We will continue with the same days & hours: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Our classes are starting to fill up. If you need to register, please call ASAP. I will meet with you anytime at school to answer any and all questions. Thank you, Julie Levy-Gruber Preschool Director Wanted: Preschool Teacher and/or % Substitute Teacher - % must love kids and ? Judaism. Please call v; | Julie at 733-6292. t WE NEED YOU! U Lillian Kollar, our new Choir Accompanist, joined us in July also. Lillian is an accomplished musician, holding bachelor?s and master?s degrees from the Eastman School of Music. She was for many years on the faculty of Middlesex College in Edison, New Jersey, as well as being music director of Opera Theater of New Jersey. Lillian is on the faculty of the music department of UNLV, where she teaches piano and accompanies the Opera Workshop. We are privileged to have a musician of her caliber serving our Temple. Welcome, Lillian. The month of July brought more new faces to the staff of Congregation Ner Tamid. Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman, with us on a part time basis for many years, joined us as our full-time Cantorial Soloist. In addition to leading us during services, Bella will be working with the Choirs-Junior, Teen and Adult- and the religious school. She will also co-officiate at weddings and funerals. PAGE 8 Congregation Ner Tamid Building Fund To Ken Schnitzer from Natalie & Gil Shaw, Thank Heavens you are doing well. Stay healthy. To Ken Schnitzer from Hyla, Ron, Robb & Aimee Worth, Wishing you a speedy recovery. To Ken Schnitzer from Judy & Arthur Liebert, Best wishes for a speedy recovery. To the Confirmation Class of 1992 from Hyla, Ron, Robb & Aimee Worth, Congratulations! You did a great job! To Rabbi Akselrad from Hyla & Ron Worth, You did a beautiful job with the Confirmation Class of 1992. To Alan Hirsh from Hyla & Ron Worth, You did a beautiful job with the Confirmation Class of 1992. Adult Ed. Fund To Ken Schnitzer from Heather & Daniel Zabinofsky, We hope you recover quickly - We love you. To Debbie Stadt from Heather & Daniel Zabinofsky, Congratulations on your B?not Mitzvah accomplishment. In memory of Frieda Zabinofsky from Heather & Daniel Zabinofsky, You are forever loved & remembered by your son & daughter-in-law. General Fund To Florence Weinstein from Harriet Elman, Happy & healthy 80th birthday. To Debra & Mitchell Cohen from Jeanne & Peter Schomaker, Mazel Tov on the birth of your son, Robert. To Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mintz from the Schomakers: Jeanne, Peter and David, in loving memory of Bessie Moroff. To Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mintz from Rona, David, Jarrid & Jennifer Mendelson, in loving memory of Bessie Moroff. To Ken Schnitzer from Florence Weinstein, Sorry you were ill, glad you are feeling better. To Mrs. Faye Margolin from Phyllis Mark in loving memory of brother, Joey. To Rita Malkin from Dorothy & Lou Handlin, To a very special lady, a special happy birthday. With the best of good wishes, much love. To Kenny Schnitzer from Eileen, Mike, Lisa & Judy Kollins, Wishing you a speedy recovery. To the Kohnen Family from Mary & Jerry Fox, in loving memory of Aunt Molly. To Florence Weinstein from Mary & Jerry Fox, Mazel Tov on your 80th birthday! Thanks for all your help! You?re adorable. To Ryan Pretner from Mom, Dad and Dana (Mary & Jerry Fox), Mazel Tov on your 21st birthday. To Dena & Alan Mann from Jeanne & Peter Schomaker, Mazel Tov on the birth of your son,Jacob. Library Fund To Florence Weinstein from Rona, David Jarrid & Jennnifer Mendelson, Happy 80th birthday to the Queen of the Chocolate Chip Cookie Bakers, much love. H. H. Prayerbook Fund To the Kohnen Family from Sisterhood in memory of Aunt Molly. To Dr. & Mrs. Fred Sherman from Noreen & Gary Sternberg, in honor of your 50th wedding anniversary, with love and best wishes. To the Kaner Family from the Meoz Family, in memory of Harold Kochberg. To Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mintz from Jay & Charla Rauthause in loving memory of Bessie Moroff with our deepest sympathy and love. To Florence Weinstein from Dr. Jeffrey Katz in honor of your 80th birthday. In memory of Dora Weintraub and William Weintraub from Libby & Bud Raynes. Preschool Fund From Maxine Molinsky Rabbi?s Discretionary Fund In honor of Marla Letizia?s Bat Mitzvah from Hal & Jeannette Berman. In loving memory of Miriam Forman from Hal & Jeannette Berman. In honor of baby naming of Jacob Oscar Mann from Grandparents, Gertrude & Sheldon Mann. Choir Fund To Thelma Karo from the Cohens: Claire & Art, in loving memory of your brother, Bill. Youth Activities Fund To Mr. & Mrs. Edward Mintz from Sheryl Kogan, in loving memory of Bessie Moroff.Congregation Ner Tamid Helping Israel's Olim Through State of Israel Bonds As the High Holy Days approach, and we become particularly mindful of our responsibilities as Jews, we can look to State of Israel Bonds as an appropriate channel for demonstrating our love and support of Israel. For we are aware that Israel faces a historic opportunity. The opportunity and challenge lies in the integration of hundreds of thousands of new immigrants from the former Soviet Union, Ethiopia and Eastern Europe, newcomers who represent a bounty of technological and cultural skills that will impact powerfully on the future of the State of Israel. Our challenge? To help provide the investment funds that will enable Israel to create jobs and homes for its newest citizens, affording a bright start to their new lives. Israel has announced it is utilizing all 1992 Bonds proceeds to help resettle the olim. The High Holy Day appeal provides us with an opportunity to help Israel and our new immigrant brethren in a most impressive way, by each of us making our annual Israel Bonds investment the largest ever?easy to do as a result of attractive Bonds rates. Last year almost $1 billion in Israeli securities were sold worldwide to private and institutional investors. And since the inception of the Bonds program in 1951, more that $123 billion in State of Israel securities have been purchased internationally. A few words about specific Bonds securities: 1. A popular security is the Variable Rate Issue (VRI) Bond, which has a minimum annual interest rate of 7.50%, plus half the excess of the average prime rate over 7.50%. The VRI has a minimum subscription of $25,000; the bond matures on June 30, 2004, but it can be redeemed after three years by employee benefit plans, including IRAs, Keoghs and union funds, and by other bondholders after 5 years, on 120 days notice. 2. Individual Variable Rate Issue (IVRI) Bonds are attractive instruments as well. The bond has a current annual rate of 5.75% through September 1992 (for bonds purchased through August 1992; October 1st interest rate will apply to bonds purchased in September). The initial purchase must be at least $5000 ($2,000 or $2,500 for IRAs only). The bond matures 12 years from issue date, but can be redeemed after 3 years by employee benfit plans, including IRAs, Keoghs and union funds, and by other bondholders after 7 years, on 120 days notice. 3. Zero Coupon Savings Bonds have also bee especially popular. These Infrastructure and Absorption Issue Bonds mature at $6,000 on December 31, 2001. The purchase price and effective yield to maturity are subject to change quarterly. Current Income Bonds, available in units or multiples of $500, provide an interest rate of 4.00% annually and mature 15 years from the issue date. All Bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the State of Israel, which has made every interest and principal payment in full and on time throughout its more that 43-year history. Israel has redeemed more that $7 billion from Israel Bond holders. Your commitment will help ensure Israel?s futue. It counts as a meaningful step forward for Israel and her newest citizens. For more information please contact the Phoenix Israel Bonds office at (602) 264-2410 or 1-800-229-4324. IF YOU DON?T VALUE PROPER ESTATE PLANNING, REST ASSURED YOU HEIRS WILL WISH YOU HAD. This free Shearson Lehman Brothers seminar will hsoe you how to; * Avoid the risks associated with joint tenancy. * Minimize settlement costs and taxes. * Protect your assets from health care bills. * Plan ahead to avoid probate. Call to reserve your seat today. Rest assured your heirs will be glad you did. PLANNING YOUR ESTATE: A FREE SEMINAR Wednesday, August 5, 1992 10-11:30 a.m. Rainbow Courtyard 1601 S. Rainbow 7-8:30 p.m. First Interstate Tower 3800 Howard Hughs Pkwy. Suite 1100 This educational Seminar is presented by Debra Cohen with Shearson Lehman Brothers and John E. Dawson Estate Planning Attorney with Jeffrey L. Burr & Associates. ^-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 101 N I V E K S m O F M A A I > A ?' ' i < T H M l i t J A K 1 > < )? R I \ . I ' M ' Mlllin HEKk?! 2*0 ENTERPRISE RCIAI RENO NFVADAK**:: eax(7o:i7m.u:* June 29, 1992 Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad, M.A.H.L. Congregation Ner Tamid 2761 Emerson Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 Dear Rabbi, Thanks in large part to your efforts, the University and Community College Board of Regents unanimously passed a system-wide policy codifying the rights of all students attending Nevada?s institutions of higher learning to observe religious holidays without penalty for such observance. I am grateful to you for your efforts in this matter. I am enclosing a copy of the policy for your information. Sincerely, Shelley Berkley SB/kh Help Nee iv* Two families in our Congregation are in need of a babysitter during the day. One family has a toddler and the other has a baby. Please contact Rabbi Akselrad at 733-6292 for more information and to let him know you are interested. PS Handbook Addition Title 4, Chapter 20, Section 3, Absence from Class, UCCSN Section 3. Absence from Class 1.There shall be no official absences from any University class. It is the personal responsibility of the student to consult with the professor regarding absence from class. 2.It is the policy of UCCSN to be sensitive to th