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    D O N O T A D D R E S S T H E S I G N E R O F T H I S L E T T E R B U T A D D R E S S Y O U R R E P L Y T O O F F I C E R I N C H A R G E U . S . N A V Y P U R C H A S I N G O F F I C E A N D R E F E R T O w §U . S. T E L E P H O N E P r o s p e c t 4711 N A V Y P U R C H A S IN G O F F IC E m-t2k©)/&g**h Sehed. 87438 1206 SOUTH SANTEE STREET L O S A N G E L E S I S , C A L IF O R N I A fo rP EA C i SAVINGS B O N D S 1$ March 1950 Las Vegas land A later Company Lae Vegas, Nevada Subject * Navy Purchasing Office-Loa Angeles contract NI23S-56977 G eatlsm aai this office has h e m instructed to transfer all utility contracts to the District Public Works Officer, Eleventh Navel District, San Diego 30, California. Therefore, you arc advised that subject can tract is being transferred and after 20 March 195° the District Public Works Officer will be the contracting, off leer* The transfer is Made without change in the terms or conditions of the contract and without liability to the Government* All fu t u r e c o rres p o n d en c e in r e g a r d t o toe cervices under toe c o n t r a c t sh ou ld be fo rw a rd e d to t h e D i s t r i c t Public Works Officer a t th e a d d res s n o te d above# It is requested that acknowledgement of receipt of this letter of transfer of contract be forwarded to Officer in Charge, U, 8, Navy Purchasing Office, 1304 South Dantes Street, lee Angeles 15, California. Very truly yours, SABL G. LOOMIS Comdr* ,30(3) ,TJSNR Officer in Charge CO/OAO BuBooka NB&G SD