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    m i*. F O R M 3510 4-5 2 -5 M # # U N IO N P A C IF IC R A ILR O A D C O M P A N Y LAW D E P A R T M E N T E . E . B E N N E T T G E N E R A L SO LIC IT O R E D W A R D C . R E N W IC K A S S IS T A N T G E N E R A L SO LIC IT O R M A L C O L M D A V IS G E N E R A L A TTO RN EY J A C K W . C R U M L E Y ; ASS 1ST AN T GE NE RA L A T T O R N E Y 422 WEST S IX TH STREET LO S A N G E L E S 14, C A L IF O R N IA JanuarylS, 1953 80-11 Mr. Leo A. McNamee Attorney at Law 310 Fremont Street Las Vegas, Nevada Re: Sale of Las Vegas Land & Water Co. to the Water District Dear Leo: In connection with the sale of the Las Vegas Land & Water Company to the Water District, I enclose herewith two copies of draft of Proposal to be signed by the Board of Directors, if it is, satisfactory to them, two copies of Exhibit "A'1,' being the Pipe Line — Power Line Contract, a&d two copies of a form of Acceptance of the Proposal of the District to be signed by our executives. I thought you might be interested in giving one set of these documents to Mr. Campbell. Although the Proposal in particular, and the Contract to some extent, differ in length and form from the one we have heretofore discussed, I do not think you will find any fundamental differ­ence in the provisions of these documents, and those contained in the earlier drafts. The principal changes were primarily a matter of definitely clari­fying some points which we thought might be differ­ently constructed to avoid discussion later. After you have had a chance to go over these documents yourself, and with the Directors of the Water District, I presume you may desire to have -1-