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Las Vegas City Commission Minutes, June 22, 1911 to February 7, 1922, lvc000001-264


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Office of the City Clerk Las Vegas, Nevada Las Vegas, Nevada, September 4th, 1918. At a regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners in and for the City of Las Vegas, Nev. held on the above mentioned date Present Hon. W.E. Hawkins Mayor with members of the Board present except C.P. Ball the Clerk and District Attorney being present. Minutes of the last regular meeting read and approved as read. All claims against the City of Las Vegas Nevada allowed as per claim book on file with the Clerk of this Board, except the claim of the Consolidate Power and Telephone Co. wherein it was ordered that this claim be reduced on account of the lights being out three nights of the month. Reports of Officers read and approved as read, except the report of C.D. Breeze wherein it was ordered by the Board that he file a supplementally report setting forth all eases handled by him in his Court in which the City was interested. At this time the question of passing an ordinance prohibiting the soliciting of alsm and money for charitable purposes coming on before the Board it was ordered that the City Attorney be and he is hereby ordered and directed to prepare an Ordinance governing the same and have the same ready for hearing at the next regular meeting of the Board of City Commissioners. There being no further business before the Board it was then upon motion being duly made and carried ordered that this Board stand adjourned until the next regular meeting of this Board. Thereupon after general discussion of the request of the Clark County Counsel Defense of National defense, upon motion of Commissioner Ball and seconded by Commissioner Ullom and duly carried it was order and resolved as follows towit; Whereas, a War Emergency exists; and Whereas, loafing, gambling, and card playing for a living are not essential occupations; neither are they aids to the Government in the prosecution of this War; NOW THEREFORE, in pursuance of the recommendation of the Clark County Council of National Defence, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT ALL CITIZENS OF SAID GIT IF LAS VEGAS be and they are hereby requested to desist, during the period of the War from all gambling for money and its equivalent in homes, business houses and elsewhere, and to report any violations of this request to the police officers of said City or to the Clark County Council of National Defence; provided, that nothing herein shall prevent the playing with cards of social games for merchandise only. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all citizens be and they are hereby further requested to report to such officers all cases of persistent loafing and idleness. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be published for one issue in the Clark County Review and the Las Vegas Age, news­papers published in the City of Las Vegas, and that this Resolution be in effect on and after such publication. Thereupon it was upon motion of Commissioner Ball and seconded by Commissioner Ullom and duly carried, ordered at the foregoing resolution be passed. The vote upon said resolution being as follows to-wit: Commissioner Ball aye Ullom aye Elwell aye Miller aye and his Honor the Mayor W. E. Hawkins voting aye noes none.