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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, May 2004



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    Ner Tamid TDn -i: n^np 10 Iyar / 11 Sivan 5764 ? " ?' ? | | ' ? ............................................1 Israeli Independence Day Sunday, May 2nd Bellagio Hotel/Grand Ballroom 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Whether you?re young in age or young at heart, you?ll find a world of delightful things to see, do, and learn about, as our community gathers together for a joyful celebration of Israel?s Independence! There will be crafts and games for the kids, Israeli dancing, shopping galore! Meet representatives from the many Jewish groups and organizations here in Las Vegas. Celebrities and special guests as well - you never know who will show up! Last year over 5,000 people attended and an even greater number of local residents are expected to attend this year. We are looking for volunteers who can help in our Temple?s booth. If you can come for an hour or so, contact Roberta in the office. We also need some help between 8 am-11 am with set up. Remember! June 13th 5:00 pm Annual Meeting And BBQ Save the date! Last Shabbatones of the Season! High School Graduation Shabbat Friday, May 14th The Shabbatones will play their final service of the season, joined by our very own graduating seniors. Don't miss it! Interested in participating with your graduate? Call Susie Sernoe-Plotkin at 338-3362 or email her at Tikkun L?eil Shavuot Join us May 25th at 7:00 p.m. for study followed by a short service. During our study, we as a congregation will write our own Torah. In order to do so, though, we ask that you R.S.V.R to Mary at the temple office with the number of people attending and your birthdates. The birth dates are not to know your age but to find Torah portions. We would also like to have an estimate for the sake of ordering light refreshments for the program. M A R K Y O U R C A L E N D A R -- 55 Plus Social Seniors, May 19th - Last Day of R/S May 23 -- Shavuot, May 25th Service/Program - Shavuot, May 26th Yiskor Service 10:00 am 5ANFORD D. AkSELRAD Rabbi IRV DUCHOWNY Executive Director JENNIFER C. WLlNER Associate Rabbi JACQUELINE FLEEKOP Education Director Philip Goldstein Cantorial Soloist Lois Bergman Preschool Director Scott Stolberg President Laura Bailey Bulletin Editor T h e R e f o r m C o n g r e g a t i o n o f L a s V eg a s T o B e l o n g Worship Services Conducted By Rabbi Sanford Akselrad, Rabbi Jennifer Weiner, Cantorial Soloist Philip Goldstein A Message From Rabbi Akselrad A Fond Farewell Saturday May 1 9:00- 10:00 am 10:00- 11:00 am 10:00 am Bible Study Minyan and Torah Study Ariel Rosen Bat Mitzvah Friday May 7 6:30 pm 7:30 pm Saturday May 8 9:00- 10:00 am 10:00- 11:00 am 10:00 am Friday May 14 7:30 pm Saturday May 15 9:00- 10:00 am 10:00- 11:00 am Friday May 21 7:30 pm Saturday May 22 9:00 - 10:00 am 10:00- 11:00 am Friday May 28 7:30 pm Tot Shabbat Shabbat Services Oneg sponsored by the Werner Family in Honor of Allyson becoming a Bat Mitzvah Bible Study Minyan and Torah Study Allyson Werner Bat Mitzvah Shabbatones Family Service Graduating HS Senior's Shabbat Oneg sponsored by the Graduating Seniors and their families Bible Study Minyan and Torah Study Shabbat Services - Confirmation Oneg sponsored by the Confirmation Class Bible Study Minyan and Torah Study Shabbat Services Oneg sponsored by the Karp Family in Honor of Jeffrey Karp becoming a Bar Mitzvah It is with mixed emotions that I share with you that the tenure of our Associate Rabbi Jennifer Weiner is coming to a close. Hired nearly three years ago, Rabbi Weiner quickly became a part of our Temple family. She assumed a full range of responsibilities that allowed her to touch the lives of young and old alike. Whether it was leading Tot Shabbats, helping out at the Interfaith Hospitality Network, participating in Rosh Chodesh for Sisterhood, teaching Hebrew School, tutoring B?nai Mitzvah students, teaching conversion students or delivering an inspiring sermon from the bima, Rabbi Weiner has enriched all of our lives through her wisdom and presence. On a personal note, she has been of tremendous help to me. As our Congregation has grown and our programs and activities have become more varied, her assistance has allowagj me to focus on major Temple priorities during sP time of transition. Having been an assistant/ associate myself, I know that it is part of the ?natural order? of the rabbinate for someone to move on to continue their studies, and personal development as a rabbi. I know that you will want to join our Temple Board and myself as we come together at a special Shabbat Service on June 4th at 7:30 p.m. in which we will all have an opportunity to bid a fond ?farewell? to Rabbi Weiner and express our gratitude for her years of service to our Congregation. Maxine Molinsky, our Vice President of Ritual, has graciously agreed to chair this event and welcomes your participation. If you would like to help, please call Maxine at 433- 1355. Saturday May 29 9:00- 10:00 am 10:00- 11:00 am 10:00 am Bible Study Minyan and Torah Study Jeffrey Karp Bar Mitzvah B?shalom, Rabbi Sanford AkselraT C o n g r e g a tio n ISTer T a m ic l M a y 2004 Temple Board Members Scoff Stolberg ^^ Bran Mann President VP Administration Mike Unger VP Ways & Means Hillary Torchin VP Education and Youth Maxine Molinsky VP Ritual David Shapin VP Membership Recruitment J or die Primack VP Membership Retention David Stahl VP Social Action Debbie Levy Treasurer Yvonne Gordon Corporate Secretary Cecilia Schafler Trustee Marla Letizia Trustee Stacey Yahraus Trustee Bill Yaffe ^\rnie Matusow Trustee Trustee Beth Bromberg Trustee Beth Falk Trustee Joe Cracraft Trustee Cindy Jensen Trustee Fern Percheski Sisterhood President Howard Layfer Men's Club President Kelly Chenin NTTY President Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Past President Drew Levy Past President Bob Unger, Esq Past President Jerry Gordon, Esq Past President Cal Lewis Past President Eileen Kollins Past President Kenneth Schnitzer Past President Dr. David Wasserman Past President Dr. Steve Kollins Past President Hon. Michael Cherry Past President Bernard Farrow ^Byene Kirshbaum * Ww'd Goldwater * Past President Past President Past President Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Ex Officio Rabbi Jennifer Weiner * Deceased Ex Officio Well here it is, almost one year since I became President of our congregation. When I wrote my first article I was very nervous. I wanted to write about current and relevant topics within our congre?gation, but with my own personal take. Many of you have said things to me over the last few months that have lead me to believe I have been successful in this endeavor. Actually, writing this article has become one of the things I enjoy most; the hardest part is choosing a topic. This month that was easy. The subject that has most dominated our congregation during the last year is our upcoming move. I would be lying if I said that I was not nervous about this. After all, our building on Emerson has been our home for almost twenty years. It is comfortable, it is beautiful, and it is home. But as we all know it no longer meets the needs of this congregation now, nor in the future. The new campus will meet the needs of our congregation for generations to come. During the last nine months, many things have been happening. First, there has been many informational coffees or town hall style meetings. These were designed so that every member of the con?gregation would have an opportunity to have their questions an?swered. I hope that you have attended at least one of these and that your questions have been addressed. If not, please do not hesitate to e-mail me with your questions and I will get it to the correct person and get you an answer, if I cannot answer it myself. At the same time, the New Campus Committee has been hard at work. The design sub-committee, headed by Cecilia Schafler, has been working with our architect, Jon Sparer, to design a new home that will be warm, inviting, and functional. This process takes in information and ideas from many sources and filters them down to a final design. By this time next year the designs will be finalized and set before the City of Henderson so we can obtain building permits. While this has been going on, the Solicitation Committee, under the guidance of Jerry Gordon, has been meeting one-on-one with congregants to obtain the financial resources needed to complete construction. This process has been going extremely well and is proceeding on schedule. We are confident of completing the cur?rent phase of the campaign by the end of the year. I am always impressed and proud of the generosity of the members of this congregation. We have begun to market our existing building and, although we have not sold it yet, there has been significant interest in it by various parties. So in conclusion, I would like to say all is going well. We are still on target to be in our new home by High Holy Days of 2006. It will be a true campus for all generations and encompassing all aspects of Jewish life and learning. Again, if you need any additional infor?mation please send me an e mail or call the temple office and leave me a message - I will get back to you or have the correct person get in touch with you. B?Shalom Scott Stolberg A ^Special P i sace T o B e lo n g Executive Director s Message ?Message In a ... Temple? There is an excellent singer/entertainer named Sting, who sings a wonderful song entitled ?Message in a Bottle? - a haunting, beautiful ballad of visualizations, dreams, a call for help, and whatever else a person chooses to put/see in the song, on a very personal basis (as with all songs, poems, stories, anything creative that calls out to the human imagination). Being at temple on Friday evenings, greeting our congregants, visitors and potential members alike, I?ve thought about what messages different people get at, and from, Congregation Ner Tamid, and what different people expect. I also think about the expression ?You get out of something, that which you put in?. That leads me (stick with me here, please) to recall President John F. Kennedy, in his Inauguration Address in 1961, leading us with ?Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country.'? Scattered, random thoughts? Not to me. We have Congregants who want things at CNT to stay the way that they?ve always been, and we have Congregants who want things to change, some drastically, some gradually. We always welcome discussions, and do not expect all people to think alike, to be alike, to be members for the same reasons, or to give on equal levels (service, annual commitments, Kol Nidre, volunteering etc etc). Changes: A new location designated and ?signed?; design, event planning and Capital Campaign Fundraising committees under way (with a construction committee not far behind); a caring and very active board of trustees; a refocused demographic direction for our temple, and our congregants; Things that stay the same: Starting with our wonderful Rabbi Akselrad, friends, family and staff here at CNT (thank you so much, office staff and volunteers!); the ancient prayers, songs and traditions of being and practicing being a Jew; the connections of attending services, of attending B?nai Mitzvot of our children and of our friends? children, of taking our children to Religious School to learn what we?ve learned (and possibly forgotten); classes to remind us or teach us anew; gatherings of our friends and CNT family, be it at the Purim Carnival, the Chanukah Bazaar, holding the sacred Torah, at our Shabbatones musical services, and/or munching at our fabulous Onegs (thank you so much, Sisterhood, and all those who have come forth and sponsored the Onegs); of attending the Jewish Film Festival that we co-sponsor; and so many many additional wonderful programs. Each of us belongs to CNT for the same, and for different, reasons. What ?Message in the Bottle?, what connections, what friendships do you feel and take from belonging to, and with CNT? Please feel free to come over to me next time you see me, or call me, and please, let me know what Message in the Bottle do you feel strongest? Thank you and to be continued. Irv Confidentially Speaking! We have made a commitment to our Congregants that we only use our mailing list for temple related business. It is not to be used for personal business solicitations or advertising. Please protect our members confidentiality and privacy. CNT STAFF Email Addresses: Rabbi Akselrad, Sr. Rabbi Rabbi Weiner, Assoc. Rabbi Philip Goldstein, Cantorial Soloist Irv Duchowny, Exec. Director Jackie Fleekop, Ed. Director Lois Bergman, Preschool Director Karen Levine, Rabbi A's Admin. Asst. | Roberta Unger, Admin. Asst. Mary Zone, Receptionist Angie Coleman, Bookeeper C o n g r e g a tio n N o r T a m ic l W L a y 200/f One generation plants the trees We invite you to join us for our Confirmation Service Friday, May 21, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. Oneg following the service sponsored by the Confirmation students and their parents. so that another gets the shade. NEW 55 Plus Club Check us Out! We at CNT care about our seniors and mid-seniors (who are 55 and over). We are planning many activities Including movies, card games, mah jong, trips to Mesquite and Laughlin, outings to sports events, discount shows and dinners, guest speakers, group discussions on current events and much more. We plan to meet on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. We need members! We need at least 40 members to begin. CNT Members are just $10/year, Non-CNT Members are $15/year; send your checks, payable to CNT Seniors, to the Temple office. For further information, please contact Gloria or Bernie Matusow @ 456-0681 or Jackie Fleekop at 733-6292. IHN Needs Your Help! Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech haolam asher kid?shanu b?mitzvotav v?tzivanu lirdof tzedek. Praised are You, Eternal God, Sovereign of the universe; You hallow us with your mitzvot, and command us to pursue tzedek (righteousness). In recognition of the importance of mitzvah, the Commission on Social Action and the Commission of Religious Living have written this b?rachah to recite before performing tikkun olam. Because it is a b?rachah for a mitzvah-a commanded action- it includes the phrase asher kid?shanu b?mitzvotav. The week of May 2nd - May 9th, CNT is once again hosting the families from IHN. We need volunteers to provide a hot meal each night. The meals do not have to be elaborate; they love pasta, chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, and pizza. More than one family can volunteer to provide a meal together. We also need volunteers .to sleep at the Temple each night. If you have any questions, or Bwould like to help us with this project, please feel free to call either myself (Bette, 735-8104) or Jennifer Cohen (896-4973) and we will ^ be glad to answer all your questions.___________________________ Temple Wish List We are very much in need of two more new hand held microphones to be used in our sanctuary and social hall for Temple events. "Thanks" to Sisterhood for purchasing the first one. If there is anyone who would like to donate financial aid to help us purchase the microphones, it would be greatly appreciated. Any amount of money to start this fund would be helpful. We ?got such a deal? ...only $1,800 to purchase three of them. Should you have any questions please feel free to call our Executive Director, Irv Duchowny, at the Temple. A S p e c ia l P I ace T o B e lo n g Evolution in Judaism/Ner Tamid In the dictionary, the first definition of evolution is: any process of formation or growth; development. Judaism has made many changes with the development of the major movements, Orthodox, Conservative & Progressive/Reform. The Reform movement has always had the characteristic of Social Awareness. Now with the general economic atmosphere, people are unable to be as generous. Every ?Mitzvah Project? is not about writing a check or raising money. To do good is to treat others with respect and be sensitive to their needs. This year of B?nai Mitzvah students are learning that B?nai Mitzvah is more than writing a speech, learning Hebrew and conducting a service. They are living their Judaism. One young man is asking his Bar Mitzvah guests to bring bags of new socks for the homeless. A young lady is collecting hats to warm those less fortunate from the cold and shade others from the heat of the sun. Another young woman has been collecting toiletries from hotels and has requested the same of her guests. These are only a few projects students are doing. We can all help others. Many people are not observant and yet they hold a great pride in their Jewish identity. Our Jewish culture has been the mortar that holds all Jews together. Our Christian friends are stealing some of our cultural aspects. They are having Seders (last suppers), building Sukkahs and even having Bar Mitzvahs. We at Ner Tamid need to reinforce our cultural pride by participating and supporting our congregation. Programs, events and even our school curriculum will be reflecting this need in the future. I look forward to the evolution of Ner Tamid as we seek more efficient ways to serve our congregation and community. We have no intention of changing you or your values, just helping you walk in the direction of your personal connection to Judaism. Enjoy the journey - Come along with us! Jackie Fleekop Religious School Director Sunday Tuesday Thursday Explanation 2 R/S 4 R/S 6 R/S 2nd Israeli Independence Day 1 9 No R/S 11 R/S 13 R/S 9th Mother's Day 16 R/S 18 R/S 20 R/S 23 R/S ? T 23rd Last Day of R/S , Registration for the 2004-05 Religious School Coming Soon! Watch your Mail for Details! Summer Camp Is Coming.... Summer Camp Is Coming!!!! This summer your little ones can enjoy camping, finger painting, dancing, singing, museums, farms, movies, puppet shows, acting in Jewish plays, and lots of fun times in a Jewish-oriented learning environment. CNT?s Camp Chaverim is a Summer Day Camp for kids 2-1/2 to nine years old and includes music, drama, arts and crafts, sports, water play, cooking, exercise, Karate, Gymnastics, Computer and much more. Camp Chaverim will take place from 9:00 am-3:00 pm (before and after care is available) for five weeks, June 21st - July 23rd. Camp Chaverim will have strong Jewish programming and will be lot of fun. . Parents are encouraged to sign up early, as space is limited. Call Lois Bergman at 733-6292 for morf information. C o n g re g a tio n N e r T a m id N L a y 200^ Congregation Ner Tamid Preschool/Kindergarten April went by so quickly and now we, at the Preschool are enjoying the warm weather. We have planted vegetables and flowers for us to eat and enjoy. Our entire school delighted in working on projects about April powers and May flowers. It was certainly a pleasure to hear our little ones chant the Four Questions, sing a hearty rendition of Dyaneu and all of the other traditional Passover Prayers at our CNT Preschool Model Seder. The students continue to learn and grow in their secular studies and their social skills as well. We also finished our Read-athon project. Pizza certificates were given out to our students. What an action packed April the preschool enjoyed. This month of May we will be preparing for Yom Yerushalayim, and Shavout. We will also be learning about those who defended our country for Memorial Day. Our plans for next year are very exciting. Our preschool is growing. One class has several spots remaining. We will need to establish a waiting list for our Preschool Program. Please be sure to register your child as soon as possible so there is a spot for him/her in next years program. Call the office at 733-6292 Lois Bergman Early Childhood Director CNT's Adulr B'nai' MIttvaIh CLass of 2002-2004 Join us as we're caIIecJ to tIhe ToraIh SATURcky, June 5, 2004 at 10:00 am MARy AIes MARqRET CoIen T.J. Coon LesIIe Jensen ELLen Lozofsky LyNETTE SoloMON RobiN Werner Are you a Jewish Teen in 9-12th grade? If so, NTTY is the perfect group for you!! Tot Shabbat Services NTTY (Ner Tamid Temple Youth) is the senior youth group at Congregation Ner Tamid. Jewish teens in grades 9-12 are eligible to join. NTTY is part of NFTY (North American Federation of Temple Youth), which is a national organization. NFTY-SW is the region that NTTY participates in, which consists of Las Vegas, NV, Arizona, New Mexico, and El Paso, TX. We travel to regional events several times throughout the school year. NTTY offers friendship, fun, social programming, religious/educational programming, Social Action, and fund-raising. Each month, NTTY has a Social Action drive, where we collect items from the community and donate them ^ local charities. For more information e-mail NTTY at: Join us for our last service for the season, May 7th at 6:30 pm. The theme will be Israeli Independence Day. We start in the Beit Tefillah and then have craft and a snack in room 12. Everyone is welcome, ages 2-6. For more information, contact Jana Pleggenkuhle at 733-7252 (evenings). WE MUST NEVER FORGET CNT Men's Club presents Regina Hirsch's story "The Holocaust Happened" on DVD for only $18. You can order it via the Temple Office or on-line at www.cntmensclub.orgJUST A Now that Passover is behind us, and we look ahead, I am reminded that we are continually on the move here at CNT. In the merry month of May, we have a variety of musical services aM some special musical events happening. ^ *On May 17th (Monday night), I?ll be singing the National Anthem with Cantors from other area Synagogues, for the Las Vegas 51?s baseball team. Come out and show your support....yea team! *May 20th we have our beautiful Consecration Service. *May 21st there is the confirmation service with our CNT Adult Choir. *On Sunday May 23rd, we?ll have a special treat. We have a concert here at the Temple! On Sunday May 23rd at 2:00 pm, singers from the San Francisco area will give us a concert to remember. The nominal ticket price is $10.00 for this wonderful event. Artists on the concert: Heather Klein, Soprano Alexandra Picard, Soprano Yolanda Meffert, Dramatic Soprano Deirdre Lobo, Soprano Fred Winthrop, Tenor Peter Becker, Baritone Voltaire Verzosa, Pianist / Accompanist Karen Hutchinson, Pianist / Accompanist There will be a total of 8 artists on the concert including the accompanists. There will be two pianists. The program will comprise of instrumental as well as vocal music. The two pianists will play a Jamaican piece for four hands. In addition, Votaire Verzosa will play a Chopin Polonaise. Karen Hutchinson will play a short piano piece. The singers will present Spanish, Filipino, Yiddish, Italian and other music including some Broadway and some Opera. ^ Please mark this event on your calendar; you won?t want to miss this one!! B?Shalom, Philip With the idea that decorations can also be informative, the Adult Learning Task Force would like to place some posters on the walls in the Temple Library. We have collected several of various shapes, sizes and attractiveness. What?s missing is the frames. Tribute donations may be made to the Library fund for those who would like to help have the Jewish oriented posters decorate the Library walls. If you plan to make a contribution to the Temple in the near future, we hope you will consider donating your Tribute to this cause. There had been about 75 responses to the Questionnaire created by the Adult Learning Task Force by the first of April, when the articles were due for this issue of the Temple Bulletin. Results of the responses should be available by next month. The Task Force is wrapping up its study of the needs for adult learning in our congregation and should present its report to the Temple Board this summer. Todah rabah (Thank you very much!) to those of you who have contributed your opinions and insights. If you have not yet completed a Questionnaire, please send a note to and we will get you a copy. B?shalom, Katherine Selinsky Chair, Adult Learning Task Force C o n g re g a tio n N e r T a m id ^M_ay 2oo/( Summer Adult Education Classes Many Voices, Many Hands - Today's Women Embracing a Shared Vision This month, I?d like to dedicate my article to the women on the Sisterhood Board?the women who set the pace and tone for all we do, and make sure it all comes together. These 34 women don?t seek recognition, but they do share a commitment to Judaism, family, and community. This commitment and love of CNT, is what creates the energy and synergy for what we call ?Sisterhood?. Below are their names and titles. Unfortunately, space limitations preclude me from including a brief description of what each of them has done. When you see them next, please tell them how much you appreciate their commitment to our Temple Community. Sheryl Chenin Webb Ruth Urban Sandy Stolberg, Laura Bailey Linda Goldstein, Lisa Roe, Ellen Lozofsky Darlene Vaturi, Arlene Kagan Susan Charon Plarlene Sherman Bette Stahl Fran Sanoff Laura Bailey Caren Epstein, Fay Schoenfeld Frances Klamian, Lori Emptage Jennifer Cohen Maxine Gratz Marilyn Goldstein Susie Sernoe Plotkin, Lynette Solomon, Sheri Cohen Marilyn Polovina Bulavsky, Nanette Spector Ellen Lozofsky Phyllis Lewis, Phyllis Mark Shirley Gellin Thelma Levy, Dotty Henkin, Susan Charon Jana Pleggenkuhle, Dena Mann Gert Moldave, Fay Schoenfeld, Maxine Molinsky President Elect Immediate Past President Membership Vice Presidents Programming Vice Presidents Ways and Means Vice Presidents (fundraising) Corresponding/Recording Secy. Treasurer Parliamentarian Presentation Coordinator (B?nai Mitzvah gifts) Publicity FunD 4 Youth Donor Religious Activities Internal Communications Historian Oneg Committee Mitzvah Committee YES Fund Gift Shop Tributes Sunshine Committee Tot Shabbat Members at Large ^r< Shalom, ?em Percheski, Sisterhood President 566-0078 (drop me a line...) The Temple will be offering two classes on Monday nights, at 6:00 pm, beginning June14th-August 9th. Our rabbinic intern, Cookie Olshein, will teach classes. We will be offering a basic Hebrew reading class. This program has been used successfully to teach thousands of adult learners. So if you thought learning Hebrew was hard, come to ?Hebrew Reading Made Easy!" The second class, Introduction to Judaism, will begin at 7:00 p.m. The class will cover the basics about Jewish holidays, life-cycle events, rituals and traditions. Maybe even Grandma?s favorite brisket recipe. So come have fun and learn the aleph-bet of Judaism! Classes are $ 30.00 each plus a nominal book fee. BUT WAIT! WE HAVE SUCH A DEAL! If you want to take the class with ANYONE - your child, spouse, friend - the second person is FREE! They pay only for their books. (Both people need to register at the same time.) So now there is no excuse for not getting back to basics! To register by phone, call the Temple office at 733 6292. Or mail your check, payable to CNT, to the Temple ATTN: Adult Summer Classes. /? The Mi Sheberach Tapestry... The Stories behind the Squares Submitted by Caren Epstein ?\ My husband David did the art work for this square. We used the Chagall print ?The Lovers? as inspiration, as this print reminded me of the wonderful love my parents shared. This print also reminded me of the love that David and I have. The angel that hovers above the couple represents the blessing of love that my parents had throughout their marriage and the blessing of love that David and J have as well. A 5 p e c ia l P l a c e T o B e lo n g 5/1 Hon. Sylvia Beller Mrs. June Friedlander Alexa Katz Mrs. Kathy Ness Mrs. Mindie Pink Mr. David Rounds Mr. Harry Sax Mr. Leonard Spektor Jacob Wellinghoff 5/2 Dr. Stewart Blumenfeld Mr. Joseph Giancaspro Ms. Stephanie Lehrner Mrs. Tracey Robin 5/3 Mrs. Andrea Harris Mr. Jeff Skolnik 5/4 Ms. Judith Jensen Mr. Michael McDermott Mr. Wayne Palbaum 5/5 Mr. Randall Brody Ms. Lori Harbach Mrs. Lindsay Legator Tierney Torchin 5/6 Mrs. Bonnie B. Levy Mrs. Jayn Marshall Mr. Neil Miller Mr. Harold Ober Ms. Lindsey Ober 5/7 Mr. Harvey Eisner Noah Jack Geeser Mrs. Susan Giancaspro 5/8 Sidney Boruszak Mr. David Epstein Mr. Daniel Freid Todd Jasienski Mrs. Mara Lieberman Mrs. Beth Miller rioy 5/8 (cont.) 5/17 Mr. Marc Oppenheimer Mr. Carl Cato Mr. Michael Rissien Mrs. Angie Coleman Aaron Spector Mrs. Sylvia Frank Mr. Bernardo Werner Mrs. Sharon Gordon Mrs. Anita Rosen 5/9 Hilary Scheele Mr. Robert Goldstein Jade Thuna 5/10 5/18 Arie Charles Mrs. Ida Aberman Adam Knopow Eric Glyman Ms. Nicole Ruvo Mrs. Barbara Lander Mrs. Nina Tiep Mr. Shawn Silber Justin Webb 5/11 Cara Buchanan 5/19 Mrs. Janet Buchanan Marisa Brody Casey Cornett Mrs. Elaine Burke Mr. Jeffrey Fine M Jessie Cohen Mr. Justin Shiroff Ms. Kimberly Cohen Mrs. Lyubov Rak 5/12 Ms. Lindsay Sickle Mr. Robert Hechter Ms. Athena Siqueiros Dr. Alan Miller 5/20 5/13 Ms. Lauren Ober Mrs. Amy Gold Mr. Daniel Katz Mrs. Susan Plotkin Sean Moore 5/21 5/14 Mrs. Joni Akselrad Dylan Alterwitz Mr. Paul Cohen Dana Benedict Mr. Ron Ellen Mrs. Gloria Fenster Mr. Brian Berman 5/15 5/22 Mr. Nathan Chaddick Mr. Ryan Crighton Mr. Richard Fenster Ms. Karen Galatz Mr. Michael Geiger Ashley Geiger Alyssa Ingerman Mr. Norman Laefer Mrs. Joanne Goldberg Dr. Lynn Greene Mr. Brett Primack Mr. Lawrence Sasso 5/23 Mr. Nathan Venger Mr. Kevin Walton Mrs. Arlene Kagan Mr. Robert Worth 5/24 Ms. Lauren Boyers 5/16 Mrs. Abbie Burk Ms. Sally Nyberg Mrs. Linda Schnitzer Louis Shulman 5/25 Mrs. Caren Epstein Mr. Brian Frankl Mrs. Susan Joseph Rachael Rowland Erik Swezey 5/26 Mrs. Denise Bass Mr. Maxwell Berkley Dr. Lee Bernick Hannah Geeser Mrs. Jodi Goodheart Mr. Michael Milano Samara Patruznick Mr. Richard Swiler Daniel Unger 5/27 Mr. Steven Bass Mr. Mitchell Cohen Mr. Stuart Solomon 5/28 Ms. Florence Bolatin Ms. Sarah Buchanan Mr. Leo Diamond Jolie Katz 5/29 Mrs. Sarita Greene Mrs. Helene Laefer Ms. Pamela Lellouche Claudia Peck 5/30 Mr. Mark Katz Mr. Jon Wellinghoff 5/31 Adva Eisenberg Mr. Larry Karp Ms. Dena Katz Alyssa Robbins Scott Robbins Dr. Mark Rosen Logan Sprague C o n g r e g a tio n I C e r T a m id ^M_ay 200^ HAPPY ANNIVERSARY Allyson Nicole Werner May 8, 2004 Hi, my name is Allyson Nicole Werner. I attend the Alexander Dawson School in Summerlin. My favorite things to do are to play the drums and basketball. I am becoming a Bat Mitzvah on May 8. I am collecting toiletries for my mitzvah project for the children of Child Haven. This is a Clark County shelter for abused and neglected children. It would be great if you could join me as I become a Bat Mitzvah and bring toiletries to help the needy children. 5/1 Dr. & Mrs. Mark Rosen 5/5 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hechter Mr. & Ms. Craig Herring 5/6 Mr. & Mrs. Albert Ferris 5/9 Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Harold Israel Jeffrey Karp May 29, 2004 My name is Jeffrey Karp, I attend Schofield Middle School, I am in the symphonic and Jazz band. I also like to play basketball and baseball. On the weekends, I enjoy playing with my friends. I hope you can attend my Bar Mitzvah on Saturday May 29. TELL AND KVELL Mazel Tov to Ida Aberman on the birth of her newest grandson, Mitchell Aberman born March 26. Proud parents are Antoinette and Philip, proud sister is Sydney. Mr. & Mrs. Fredric Lehr Mr. & Mrs. Morton Livenston 5/14 Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Gale 5/17 Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fried Mr. & Mrs. Michael Levy 5/20 Mr. & Mrs. Philip Engel Dr. & Mrs. Lewis Etcoff 5/23 Mr. & Mrs. David Applebaum Mr. & Mrs. Phil Seltzer 5/24 Mr. & Mrs. Paul Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Keating Mazel Tov to Eric Glyman and his teammates from the Bob Miller Middle School. They were participants in the City