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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, November 1992



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    Congregation Ner Tamid 1992-93. The annual honor is given to a congregant of our Temple who has shown outstanding leadership in the Temple. This event, along with the New Member Shabbat, will be on November 1 3, 1992 at 7:30 p.m. We invite all of our new members to join us for a special Shabbat celebration. New members, please remember that there will be a special group picture taken with Helen Zliser at 7:00 p.m. sharp. This picture will go on permanent display at the Temple. Please come with your families and become a part of Congregation Ner Tamid history. Helen Zliser is a wonderful example of commitment and hard work. She has been a member of Congregation Ner Tamid only three short years. She is admired by everyone whose heart she touches. She is a person who takes charge and volunteers her time and efforts for the benefit of those around her. Helen and her husband Bill moved to Las Vegas in 1989 from the Los Angeles area. They originally hail from St. Louis and Chicago,but lived in the Southern California area for over forty years. While there, Helen became involved in the Jewish community in the San Fernando Valley. Among her roles, she sat on the Board of Temple Emet in Woodland Hills, California and held almost every position on the Boarcj of the Sisterhood of that Temple. After serving for two terms as Sisterhood president at Temple Emet, Helen was elected to the Board of the Western Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, where she served for two years. Helen has been honored by almost every organization that she has worked with and is especially proud of being honored two successive times by the Women's Conference of the Jewish Federation Council of the Greater Los Angeles, San Fernando Region. The Reform Synagogue of Las Vegas 2761 Emerson Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 89121 November 1992 / Cheshvan - Kislev 5753 Sanford D. Akselrod, Rabbi Cal Lewis, President Bella Feldman, Cantorial Soloist Robyn Galbraith, Administrator Jeanne Schomaker, Prinicipal Julie Gruber, Preschool Director Andrea Schwartz, Editor r HELEN ZLISER CHOSEN CONGREGANT OF THE YEAR Congregation New Tamid is proud to announce the selection of Helen Zliser as Congregant of the Year for ( continued, page 2 ) Schedule of Shabbat Services Conducted by Sanford D. Akselrod, Rabbi Bella Feldman, Cantorial Soloist Saturday, November 7th 9:30 a.m. Minyonnaires Breakfast Speaker: Rabbi Sanford Akselrad Friday, November 6th 7:30 p.m. Services Friday, November 20th 6:00 p.m. 5th Grade Shabbat Dinner 7:30 p.m. Family Service Babysitting Available Friday, November 27th 7:30 p.m. Services Friday, November 13th 7:30 p.m. New Member Sabbath Honoring Helen Zliser, Congregant of the Year Babysitting AvailableCongregation Ncr Tamid Rabbi?s Message In our siddur, Gates of Prayer page 361 there is a prayer which is translated: Were the sun to rise but once a year, we would all cry out: How great are your works, O god, and how glorious! Our hymns would rise up, our thanks would asoend. O god, Your wonders are endless, yet we do not see! This prayer has always been a most meaningful one to me personally for it touches upon our tendency to take life for granted. I have always felt that there is a duality to our lives. On the one hand, in order to survive and maneuver through our every day lives, we must take many things for granted. After all, if we could not count 01 the stability of relationships, our jobs, our environment, we would have to be reacting to a new situation every day. On the other hand, this prayer, a prayer of thanksgiving, reminds us that life does indeed change. Our siddur admonishes us to look at the preciousness of the world each and every day. It is ironic, but, as our siddur points out so beautifully, that which enters our lives most frequently is what we take for granted most easily. Yet, it is precisely those things that we must daily give thanks. After all, where would we be without the rising of the sun? Or the love of our family and friends? November marks the American holiday of Thanksgiving. As Jews we remember that this cherished holiday has its roots in our own festival of Sukkot. And as Jews we recognize that it is a special mitzvah to give thanks not just once a year, but each and every day of our lives. As one sage said so wisely, "Let us count our blessings even more than we count on our blessings." B?shalom, Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrad Congregant of the Year ( continued from page 1 ) For outside activities, Helen was a founding Board member of B?nai B?rith Women, Summerlin Chapter and ORT, Meadows Chapter. All of our new members should learn a valuable lesson from Helen. It doesn?t take a long time for a new member to enter the mainstream of community life and make an outstanding contribution. We at Congregation New Tamid are proud of Helen?s accomplishments. JOIN US FOR OUR NEW MEMBER SABBATH Friday, November 13th at 730 p.m. AND OUR FAMILY SHABBAT bsOO pan. 5th Grade Shabbat Dinner 730 p.m. Family Service Babysitting available on both dates ! PAGE 2 President?s Message Fall is in the air and the High Holiday season is over. We added inore members and more children to our school. There are some 'pace problems but these are things that can be worked our as long as we have competent people - and we do. Thanks to all of you for your support of last month?s activities. High Holidays were inspirational. The Rabbi gave some meaningful sermons and the choir, accompanist, and Bella were wonderful. Special thanks to Hortense Alper for her donation of the beautiful Steinway Grand Piano which sounds so beautiful. The whole experience was very well orchestrated. I also want to thank all of you who gave so generously to our Kol Nidre Appeal. Our auxiliaries are actively planning fall events. These need all of our support. Sisterhood has its annual Chanukah Bazaar and Brotherhood will again sponsor the blood drive. Check the bulletin for more information about the event and who to contact to lend your help. If you have visited the office since early October you have met our new administrator, Robyn Galbraith. She comes to use with seven years experience in Temple administration. Robyn looks forward to meeting all of us. I?m still making my pitch for participation from both new and old members. I hope that you will want to participate at Friday night services by having an aliyah. Please leave a message for Alan )/ann at the Temple office if you are interested. Remember we have a dress code for services: jackets and ties for men and dresses or skirts for women. Get active in the Temple - join a committee - be a participating part of our Temple family. As we grow we need new ideas and new ways to look at old ideas. I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving. We have a lot to be thankful for and we need to take time to remember the less fortunate. Shabm, Cal Outreach NEW MEMBERS 1991-92 Carol and Andrew Hommel Kim Silver Dee Ann and Stephen Emmer Susan and Harold Gerecht Dee and Michael Gust Carol Schnoll Joy and Monty Willey Dr. Mark and Lori Kabins Gloria and Mark fine Dr. Gary and Cynthia Mono Carol and Dennis Pessin Barbara Fenster Nancy and Paul Maheras Lori and Robert Emptage Robyn and Robert Dowling Robyn and Paul Galbraith Stacey and Donald Yahraus Jody and Scott Coleman Mindy Archer Bonnie and Michael Lally Rickie and Morton Orzen Janine Lizar Cindy and Arthur Spector Gayle and Alan Davidson Helen and Melvin Malmud Nadine and Joe Cracraft Dr. Mark and Robin Rubinstein Janis and Robert Powell Lenard Gropman Liesel Lefkowitz Bebe And Richard Sturman Ruth and Rich Fite Don Schlesinger ( continued, page 5 ) Congregation Ner Tamid is pleased to host a TIMES AND SEASONS program for interfaith couples. This national UAHC program was created to reach out to unaffiliated interfaith couples and draw them close to Judaism. The group will be lead locally by Shawna Parker, MSW Intern, employed by Jewish Family Service, and Nadine Cracraft, M.S. in Counseling Psychology, employed as a contract therapist at Family and Child Treatment. Both women have had special training in the Times and Seasons concept.Times and Seasons is a part of the Outreach program sponsored by Jewish Family Services and Congregation Ner Tamid. This program is designed to welcome interfaith couples and integrate them into congregational life. The first of six sessions will begin on Sunday, December 6, 1992, from 6i30 p.m. to 8:00 ^,m. A fee of $25.00 will be charged and meetings will take place at Ner Tamid. If you have Wny question, please call Rabbi Sanford Akselrad at 733-6292. Limited enrollment is necessary. Call Judy at the Temple, 733-6292, to reserve your place. PAGE 3 Congregation Ner Tamil CONGREGATION WELCOMES NEW ADMINISTRATOR On October 13, 1992, the Board of Directors unanimously voted to hire Robyn Galbraith as the new Temple Administrator. Robyn was previously the administrator of Temple Emanu-El in Tucson, Arizona for seven years. She brings a wealth of experience about temple administration, fund raising, and computers, with her. Before moving to Tucson, Robyn was a social worker in Newark, New Jersey. Robyn is married to Paul, and they have a nine month baby, Melissa. Please stop by the Temple office and introduce yourself to Robyn. She looks forward to meeting all of you. VISIONS I want to thank the Board of Directors for offering me the opportunity to become the administrator of Congregation Ner Tamid. I am looking forward to the challenge of learning about our congregation and being able to help in solving some of the problems we are facing. I look forward to meeting all of you and to working with you in whatever capacity you can help our Temple. If we all work together, we can make the Temple the best place it can be. I want to thank Rabbi AksLerad for his guidance. I look forward to working with all of the staff. Paul and I want to wish you and your families a happy Thanksgiving. We all have much to be thankful for. Robyn Galbraith Administrator Todah Rabah To Nancy Silber for donation of Hebrew Aleph-Bets to the Religious School. To Hortense Alper for the beautiful baby grand Steinway piano given in loving memory of her beloved husband, Sam. To Lotti and Jerry Polis for the new microphones. To Sue and Ron Slocum for the bima flowers for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. To Jodi and Gary Goodheart for the selection of children?s videos for babysitting. To Noreen and Gary Sternberg for the risers for the choirs. PAGE 4 Congregation Ner Tamil Cantor?s Comer Congregation Ner Tamid is bursting with musical activity. Those of you who attended High Holiday services had the pleasure of hearing our Adult and Teen Choirs, and our accompanist Lillian Kollar. We also featured new soloists and instrumentalists. I have heard nothing but rave reviews. Mazel Tov to all of you for a job well done. Gracing Yam Kippur services was a beautiful new piano lovingly donated in memory of Samuel Alper, by his wife, Hortense. We are all thrilled and blessed to have such an incredible instrument. It?s clarity and melodic tone will add so much to all of our servioes. Thank you Hortense. Teen Choir is geared for students 6th grade and older. They will perform for special servioes throughout the year. Anyone interested please call the Temple office and leave your name and telephone number so we can inform you about rehearsals. Teen Choir is a great way to make new friends and have learning about Judaism. Our Junior Choir started off the year strong, leading both the Sukkot and Simchat Torah services. Lori Frank! and I are very excited about working with these dynamic children. We have over twenty students and it?s not too late to join. For more information, please contact the Temple office. The New Year brings many exciting and I?m looking forward to enriching our Congregation with expanded music programs. B?shalom, Bella pgBBijP assagai ISllp SSHl s NEW MEMBER LIST ( continued from page 3 ) Symme Benoff Maxine Molinsky Ronni and Michael Blitstein Diane and Larry Lovelock Debra and Lee Zechter Laura Schwartz Dona and Harry Hoffman Deborah Breiter Teri Shoofey and Daryl Alterwitz Gilbert Hyatt Ellen and Joel Fischman Anita and Murray Posin Elana And Allen Silber stein Hester Katzman Bernice and Hack Lazar Vicki and Tony Malone Jonathan Sparer Julie and Phillip Goldstein Meghan and Haskel Robins Susan and Paul S a skin Karen Kugler and Mitch Ludwig Jodi and Gary Goodheart Madeline and Howard Adler Dr. Jack and Bernice Hirsh Gilbert Flores, Jr. Carol and Norman Sussman Dana and Joseph Zuckerman Laura and Allen Lichtenstein Kathy and Floyd Perlsweig Paula and Michael Newman Mindy and Robert Polasky Shirlee and Abe Levine Gloria and Ross Schneider Sandi and Steven Fried Laura and David Lanzowsky Mona Lidji and Richard DiMartino Jennie and Robert Litt Ruth and David Fuchs Terri and Gary Rosenberg Debbie and Drew Levy Helen and Thomas Martin Deanna and Mark Levin Helene and Richard Erlich Dr. Larry and Mary Lee Goldstein Bernard Braudes Diane and Kenny Epstein Linda and Herbert WhiteCongregation Ner Tamid RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NEWS RELIGIOUS SCHOOL NEWS ? -a. - ....^ ? Religious School Our school year is in full swing. We had a wonderful High Holiday Youth Service for both Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur. Thank you Melissa Glovinsky and Lori Franld for putting it all together. Thanks also to Judy Kollins, who was musical accompanist to our Teen Choir. Our students in Kindergarten, First Grade, and new Second Graders were consecrated by Rabbi Akselrad on Simchat Torah. Special thanks to their teachers, Pam Daitch (K) and Gillian Wells (l) for making this occasion meaningful to our young students. We also had our first grade level Shabbat dinner. Our Sisterhood is catering these dinners this year under the direction of Sophie Pisetsky. Thank you Sophie, everything was delicious. Once again the Grade Level having the dinner sponsored the Oneg. Special thinks to the Room Mothers of grades K and 1 for your help in making this event a success. Our children are very proud of their Tzedaka Money collected in 1991-92. We were able to help the Jewish victims of Hurricane Andrew in Florida, give money to the Jewish Family Services here in Las Vegas, and also send money to an ORT School in Israel that is rebuilding after the scud missiles damaged it. Our next Family Service and Shabbat Dinner will be on November 20th for the fifth grade. We look forward to seeing all of our students at this Service. Save this date - Sunday, November 8th. At 9:30 a.m. in the social hall there will be a Purim Carnival Committee meeting. We are planning our best ever one yet. Come be a part of it !! Preschool Shalom. I hope everyone had a happy New Year!! I am looking for a new preschool teacher for our older class. If you are interested or know of someone who might be, please call me ASAP. I appreciate any help. The Preschool Fund Raiser went very well. A special thank you to all who participated. The Preschool raised about $650. If anyone has puzzles their children have outgrown the preschool would love to have them. See you next month!!! Julie, Dotty, and Lisa BABYSITTING AVAILABLE l For our New Member Sabbath, November 13 th & for our Family Shabbat, November 20th PAGE 6 Congregation Ner Tamil YOUTH NEWS YOUTH NEWS YOUTH NEWS ? T.N.T. The first T.N.T. meeting for the year was held after Religious School on September 22nd. The attendance was incredible, with more than twenty 6th, 7th, and 8th graders staying for the meeting. Because many of the kids did not have an opportunity to eat earlier that evening, they were encouraged to bring "Sack Dinners". This will probably be our standard practice since our General Meetings will be held one Tuesday a month following Religious School, (however, in an effort to have as much participation from our Temple Family as possible, our main activities will be held on weekends.) During the meeting, the first order of business was to elect officers. Sometimes as the elections proceeded, it seemed that the individuals running for offices outnumbered the voters, but that just goes to show all of us the caliber of the students who are joining this group. They all want to make a difference. Our officers for the 1992-1993 school year are: President: Abbie Spoor y/ice President: Joey Unger Secret ary/Treasurer: Jeff Gordon Historian: Danny Chenin Parliamentarian: Brad Silverstein B'nai Mitzvahs My name it Nathaniel Scheinbaum. I am in 7th grade at Thurman White Jr. High School. I love to play baseball, golf, and collect baseball cards. On November 21st, 1992 I will be called to the Torah. All of my friends and family will be there. I am looking forward to my special day. Next, under the direction of their new board, another election was held to vote on the activities they would most like to have during the upcoming year. Once again the enthusiasm was incredible. The three activities that we will try to plan are: ice skating, a sleep over, and (if possible) snow skiing or a mountain day. (As you can see, most of these activities will require additional chaperones and drivers. If you are interested in helping us out, please leave a message for Debbie Sideman or myself at the Temple and we will contact you about the arrangements.) T.N.T. is on its way to having a very "explosive" year and we will keep you posted on our activities! Have a happy and healthy New Year, Sheryl Chenin-Webb, T.N.T Advisor Youth Activities Committee Needs Adult Sponsors The Youth Activities Committee is still seeking adult sponsors to handle our GRADES 2-3 Youth Program for this school year and also seeking anyone who is interested in serving on the YAC for this year. If anyone is interested in either program, please contact Bella Feldman at the Temple or Paul Cohen. V__________________________________i PAGE 7 Congregation Ner Tamil TEMPLE HAPPENINGS QQLDEN CHAI We at Golden Chai have been treated to more excellent programs lately, thanks to Rita Malkin, Program Chairperson. She has provided us with a wide variety of musicians, speakers, and games -- something for everyone. At this time we have over 150 paid members who will be able to attend our annual Chanukah luncheon. It will again be at the Riviera, but the menu will be more suitable for the occasion than last year. Vice-president, George Lipshaw, is in charge and has everything well under control. We are very saddened by the Illness of Morris Brickman and the passing away of Ida Blumenfeld. Our prayers and condolences are with them and their families. Hopefully, the Sisterhood and Golden Chai will be able to work out plans for a New Year?s Eve party. We will keep you informed. Again, we invite all the Temple seniors to join us on the first and third Thursday of each month at noon. We have lunch, a short meeting, and a program. Afterward, there are games for anyone who wishes to remain. Come as our guest for one meeting, and we feel sure that you?ll want to come again. Shalom, Helen Zliser, President SISTERHOOD Chanukah Bazaar Mark your calendars now - November IS* 1992 11:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Plan on lunch as the Sisterhood has planned brisket sandwiches, hot dogs, potato latkes, and all the trimmings! and of course, Ms. NOODLE KUGEL CONTEST Do your holiday shopping Chanukah supplies and gifts arts and crafts many outside vendors with interest wares SHOP ?TIL YOU DROP !!! * Donor credit - Frances Klamian needs volunteers to make briskets and help in the kitchen during the event. Please call her at: 454-0990 Phyllis Lewis needs help in the giftshop for set-up prior to the event, selling during the event, and break-down after. Please call her at: 458-8119 Also, there will be a BLOOD DRIVE at the same time! Please call Joe Schwartz at: 731-3994 PAGE 8 Congregation Ner Tamid Congregation Ner Tamid Brotherhood Minyonnaires Breakfast will be held at the Temple on Saturday morning, November 7th, 1992 at 9:30 a.m. A free breakfast will follow a short service. The speaker will be our own Rabbi Sanford Akselrad who will talk about current Jewish affairs. Donations will be appreciated The next meeting of the Brotherhood will be on November 12, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. Bagels, cream cheese, and coffee will be served. Social Action Committee The Social Action Committee began the New Year with a variety of programs. On September 20th, Congregation Ner Tamid held an incredibly successful Political Forum. The event was orchestrated by Court Commissioner, Don Schlesinger, who made all the neoessary arrangements for the political participants and the journalist panelists. Katherine Scott was instrumental in providing the necessary publicity that led to the turnout of over 130 people, most of whom were not congregants. The evening was filled with interesting discussion and debate. Among the guest journalists was Adrian Havas, one of our members, who asked some of the more probing questions of the evening. Several articles followed the meeting in the Review-Joumal. It was an evening to remember. A special thank you should also go to Harry and Betty Schloss for their coordination of our voter registration drive. They were responsible for signing up several voters during the first Sunday of religious school and also at the Political Forum. During the High Holiday period we had our second annual canned food drive for the needy. Although we did not quite reach our goal of one thousand pounds, there was a great deal of nonperishable food collected that will be distributed by Bill Feldman, Executive Director of the Jewish Family Service. Thank you to all of you who brought in food items. It is a mitzvah of the highest order. If you have an interest in getting a living will prepared free of charge, please call the Ner Tamid office and leave your name and telephone number. Gil Shaw, a charter member, has offered to prepare these for our congregation. During the Chanukah Bazaar, our committee is co-sponsoring with the Brotherhood, our second annual Blood Drive. We hope to repeat last year?s performance of too many donors to allow all of them to give in our allotted time. We have a new project for the month of December. We will join with representatives from Methodist and Lutheran congregations who have established a program of food distribution for homeless families. They have government grants to purchase the food and then give the food to specific people more than six times during the course of a year. The families are monitored so the distribution is fair and reasonable. We will handle food distribution on Christmas and other occasions as needed, so the other volunteers can have a break from their volunteering responsibilities. We are pleased that several new congregants have joined our committee, but we always have room for more. If you are interested, please contact the Temple offioe or call Eileen Kollins at 873-1413.Congregation Ner Tamid Religious School Apologies We apologize for the poor quality of the picture of Scott Yahraus in our last month?s bulletin. We regret any inconvenience it may have caused. Staff Claudio Werner This is his first year teaching at Congregation Ner Tamid. He will be teaching 5th Grade. He is looking forward to a dynamic year. Jeanne Schomaker This is Jeanne?s third year as school administrator. She graduated from Temple University in Philadelphia and brings many years of teaching experience with her. She brings with her a love for children and an enthusiasm for learning. Sue Eihom This is Sue?s second year teaching second grade at Congregation Ner Tamid. She has been a Temple member since her arrival in Las Vegas several years ago. This year she is President of Women?s American ORT, the Meadows Chapter and is a full time student and U.N.L.V., majoring in medical science. PAGE 10 Religious School Students decorate Sukkah built by the Brotherhood. Thank you for a beautiful Sukkah! Meghan Robins This is her first year teaching at Congregation Ner Tamid. She has an M.S. Degree in Nursing. She is an active member of the Jewish community and has lived in Las Vegas for seven years. She will be teaching 8th Grade. Millie Silverstein This is Millie?s second year of teaching at Congregation Ner Tamid. She is the busy mother of two children and still finds time to make 7th grade meaningful for our students. Millie also heads up Candy Sale. or PassoverCongregation Ner Tamid Words cannot express my thanks for all the cards, donations, gifts and words of encouragement during my illness. Let us all be well and may the new year bring us all peace. Florence Weinstein Temple Wish List 1. Books for our library 2. Computer for the office: IBM Comp. 386 or higher w/40 meg hard drive or larger 3. Floor Scrubber 4. Fire proof file cabinets 5. Letter quality printer for School office 6. Water softener system 7. Executive Chair 8. Keyboard 9. Racks for banquet tables RABBI HOSPITAL VISITATIONS Rabbi Akselrad makes regular weekly visitations to area hospitals to see members of our congregation. Since there is no notification by hospitals, it is necessary that you notify the Temple office when a member of your family is hospitalized. Your cooperation in this matter will be greatly appreciated. Please call Judy at 733-6292 so that we can better serve you Sisterhood Tributes From Noreen and Gary Sternberg to Cal Lewis and Family. Our sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved mother, Rose Lewis. From Rose Dunn to Diane and Morris Torchinsky. Best wishes on your anniversary and many more anniversaries to come. With all my love, Rose. From Lil and Don Eisner to Cal Lewis. Our sincere sympathy on the loss of your beloved mother. From Lil and Don Eisner to Florence Weinstein. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. From Maxine, Steve, and Andy Gratz to Rhoda Liss. Our sincere sympathy on the recent loss of your mother. From Marni Diamond to Rhoda Liss. My sincere sympathy on the recent loss of your mother. From Roz and Shel Sbarra to Florence Weinstein. Thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery. From Beverly and Barry Eisen to Florence Eisen. Thinking of you with best wishes for a speedy recovery. PAGE 11 Congregation Ner Tamid -------------------------------- ?> Rabbi?g Discretionary Fund From Barney Weingardt in memory of his beloved wife, Ruth. From Lou And Roney Huffman for the honor of an aliyah. From Della and Jerry Tiep. From Edward and Gertrude De Stefano. From Judy and Chuck Hopson to Marsha Miller, in honor of Bugsy?s grand opening. From Fran and George Lipshaw to Helen Zliser, congratulations to a special lady, Helen Zliser, on being named Congregant of the Year. From Robert and LaVerne Hirsh in honor of Alan Hirsh. _____________________________________/ In Memorium Louis Kravitz, beloved husband of Shirley Kravitz and father of Marty Kravitz. Ed Mintz, beloved husband of Sandra Mintz, son-in -law of Eleanor Bossak, and brother-in-law of Dr. William and Shirley Bossak. DONATIONS GENERAL FUND From Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Fink to Steven, Lisa, and Eric Weissman. L'Shana Tova. From Shirley & Art Gellin to the Kravitz Family, in loving memory of Louis Kravitz. PRAYER BOOK FUND From Murton & Charlotte Raphaelson, in loving memory of Jeffrey Raphaelson. From your friends at Wells, Kravitz, Schnitzer, & Sloane to the Kravitz Family, in loving memory of Louis Kravitz. From Sophie Katzman to the Kravitz Family, in loving memory of Louis Kravitz. From Linda & Ken Schnitzer to the Kravitz Family, in loving memory of Louis Kravitz. CHOIR FUND From her children Stuart, Cindy, Jerry, & Jacqui and her grandchildren John, Jacob, Dawn, Diana, & Ian to Mrs. Samuel Alper, in honor of her special birthday with love. TREE CERTIFICATE FUND From the Sloane Family to the Kravitz Family, in loving memory of Louis Kravitz. From Troy & Sandy Smith to the Kravitz Family, in loving memory of Louis Kravitz. From Estes Me Doniel PTA to the Kravitz Family, in loving memory of Louis Kravitz. LIBRARY FUND From Eileen Kollins to Shirley Kravitz & Mr. & Mrs. Marty Kravitz, in memory of Label Kravitz. The book Theodor Herzl - Architect of a Nation. THE BULLETIN DEADLINE IS COMING UP SOON! GET YOUR CONTRIBUTION IN BY THE lOTH OF THE PREVIOUS MONTH AND LET US KNOW WHAT?S GOING ON WITH YOU ! PAGE 12 UPCOMING EVENTS Sunday, November 1 Israel Trip Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Main Hall Adult B'nai Mitzvah Class, 7t30 p.m., Room 1 Monday, November 2 Religious School Committee Meeting, 6;30 p.m., Library Thursday, November 5 Golden Chai, 12i00 Noon, Main Hall Conversion Class, 5i00 p.m., Rabbi's Study Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 p.m., Mail Hall Sunday, November 8 Purim Carnival Committee Meeting, 9s30 a.m., Main Hall Adult B'nai Mitzvah Class, 6<30 p.m., Room 1 Tuesday, November 10 Board of Directors Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Library Wednesday, November 11 OFFICE CLOSED for Veteran's Day Thursday, November 12 Sisterhood Meeting, 10:00 a.m., Library Brotherhood Meeting, 6:45 p.m., Library Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 p.m., Main Hall Sunday, November 15 Chanukah Bazaar and Blood Drive, 11:30 a.m., Main Hall Adult B'nai Mitzvah Class, 6:30 p.m., Room 1 Tuesday, November 17 Youth Activities Committee, 7:00 p.m., Library Thursday, November 19 Golden Chai, 12:00 Noon, Main Hall Conversion Class, 5:30 p.m., Rabbi's Study Choir Rehearsal, 7:00 p.m., Main Hall Friday, November 20 5th Grade Shabbat Dinner, 6:00 p.m., Main Hall Sunday, November 22 Outreach Program: "December Dilemma: When Fiddler Meets Santa", 12:30 p.m., Main Hall Adult B'nai Mitzvah Class, 6:30 p.m., Room 1 Thursday, November 26 OFFICE CLOSED for Thanksgiving Friday, November 27 OFFICE CLOSED for Thanksgiving November Yahrzeits November 6, 1 992 November 20, 1992 Rose Klemow Martin Michael Louis Frank Juliet Mark Erma Havas Sally Schuster-Blume Aaron Sachs William Moses Howard Weidenfeld Morris Rabin Herman Mintz Jack Shikara Warren Wachs Margot Sichel Doris Soren November 13,1 992 Tillie By cel Richard Ewan Esther Levy November 27, 1992 Charles Amsterdam Libbie Nagel Molly Seltzer William Tiep Louis Schuster Regina Chenchinsky Reuben Best Mina Elman Ann Baer Jennie Goldstein ^ ? ~ i- - o-- ?ifrTjjSn r i ? Upcoming Events is a new feature of our bulletin and will be featured regularly as a listing of Temple events.Novem her Birth days Anthony Kessler 11/1 Evan Powell 11/1 Sugar Vogel 11/1 Kevin Altman 11/2 Michelle Benedict 11/2 David Shapiro 11/2 Ben Scheinbaum 11/2 Harry Schloss 11/2 Walter Schwartz 11/2 Alfred Gerstler 11/3 Karen Rosenberg 11/3 Joshua Sturman 11/3 Sadie Rosenberg 11/4 Georgia Ames 11/5 Doug Godorov 11/5 Katherine Scott 11/6 Debbie Levy 11/7 Harry McKinnon 11/7 Jerome Doctors 11/8 Alicia Fuchs 11/8 David Goodheart 11/8 Terri Herman 11/8 Joel Karasik-Seideman 11/8 'Wiliam Mahon 11/8 Idie Klamian 11/9 Kory Kaplan 11/10 Ida Kaufman 11/10 Matthew Mishalow 11/10 Jackie McRitchie 11/11 Jennifer Rapoport 11/11 Sue Slocum 11/11 Stefanie Bemay 11/12 Shirlee Waxier 11/12 Shirley Weiner 11/12 Nathaniel Borgelt 11/13 Robert Schuchmann 11/13 Jessica Bulavsky 11/ Debra Cohen 11/14 Bernice Etcoff 11/14 Ben Newman 11/14 Scott Bordelove 11/15 David Johnston 11/15 Charlotte Krane 11/15 Aaron Milmeister 11/15 Jay Scheinbaum 11/15 Larry Goldstein 11/16 Doree Ostrovsky 11/16 Ellen Kottler 11/16 Andrew Urban 11/16 Jacquelin Chenin 11/17 Arthur Cobb 11/17 Norman Kirshman 11/17 Bernice Lazar 11/17 Frances Lazowick 11/17 Debra Kaner 11/18 Audrey Mishalow 11/19 Harmony Letizia 11/20 Jerome Levey 11/20 Bradley Molinsky 11/20 Earl Monsey 11/20 Jacquie Sussman 11/20 Nathaniel Scheinbaum 11/21 Andrew Stone 11/21 Stuart Ghertner 11/22 Albert Herman 11/22 Shaun Medoff 11/22 Herman Schneider 11/22 Suzanne Vinnik 11/22 Phillip Lombardi 11/23 Jonathan Sparer 11/23 J essica Glicken 11/24 Malka Rosenberg 11/24 Nancy Vinnik 11/24 Selma Abrams 11/25 Steven Goldstein, EdD. 11/25 Cary Kottler 11/25 Jessica Lanzkowsky 11/25 Marcy Samoiloff 11/25 Jay Siegel 11/25 Matthew Goldstein 11/26 Michael McKinnion 11/26 Seymour Motin 11/26 Carolyn Kessler 11/26 Phillip Goldstein 11/27 Sheldon Rosenberg 11/27 Gary Goodheart 11/28 Kenneth Herman 11/28 Kim Silver 11/28 Jennifer Zuckerman 11/28 Lisa Goldhammer 11/29 Steven Weissman 11/29 Alan Hoffman 11/30 Adrienne Unger 11/30 November Anniversaries Karen & Bruce Borgelt 11/25 Goldie & Morris Brickman 11/19 Gayle & Alan Davidson 11/21 Robyn & Robert Dowling 11/30 Toby & Michael Edelman 11/14 Stephanie & Ira Epstein 11/02 Ramona & Martin Fessler 11/25 Sharlene & George Flushman 11/26 Miriam & Davi