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Contract between M & R Investment and Harold Minsky for performances at the Dunes Hotel, June 1, 1957 (unsigned)



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    ?HXo this y of June, li57, By and Betweenr # * a A Corp otraatt?i*o*n*? ?f. -.g.o*,_ ..x.u,.,. Hereinafter referred to m the ??Company11, And s ku&oiD SeeiftUag at fS Florence Plane, in the fawn of test Orange* in the Ceuaty of Ss??? said State of lew Jersey* Hervinftftw* referred to as ?llnmlqr?, i..i, < M S f the Ceno'-iqr is the operator of the sunes -?otei in lee ?egee* lievadA* ?18*5 is d#?iroi? of at m e h hotel a auftioal review or reviews wader the dir@oti.on of Minsky? ?mi fBsassi* the Qsttg??u|f is desirous of proeuring the servi-ea ? o f iaimiky ??fi th e u s e o f hi? n a a * t ? 4 .= i*y*itPAS, aineky is Aeelretue of producing sane leal review? for the Gampmy at the Senes Hotel, ?ass Vegas* JgevaAM I:;sf fieiisf >hs, la eon? id? rati a? of the mutual obliga?tion ? h?rein wadertehen, and. 1? further *?aa|deratl?i of the auss of One {31,00} dollar to uaefa other in hand paid, it is agreed as follows* 1, She t o m of this Con tract in divided Into six equal periods of tix asonths each, The first of said periods shall coa-nmmm fcetwe n August 22nd nd depftsafcer 19th, 195?, ?'he exact 4at? shall fee the first day on which the aueieel review, n r m m fe?ed uoder the supervision of Miaafey, opens at the Dune? Hot?! in. 1*? Vega?, ??evade, leid opening tat* shall fee date m i red fey virtue of a notice to be served on ?^Imaky on or before July 1?, 1957, ^herein the Company ?hall state the specific date of open?ing. It ie understood that the opening date shall lame;-lately succeed the termination of the 'Larry Steele show intended to be presented at the &m?a Hotel. d*eb of the five succeedIng six-raonth oenioda shell Q m m m m ohrnnol ogldally at the expiration of the ureeeding stx-aonth period. 2* Attiring each of the said six-month period?, and sub?ject to the option granted to the Ocmptmy as hereinafter stated os to ?11 ?iT-month period?, except the firat, iinaky shall he retained a? producer of the -m s i m l review? for a minima period of tight WMfai and for m m h jtaeeAittely succeed trig period m the ?meleel revltw the?. being preaentes wader hi? eupervisloa shall he t# he nreaented# ttse right to eoatimte the review for a levied in excHNi? of tight week? shall to? at the*, option of the ftweetoy* prtvttled that during the first four week? ? m y tueh eight-week period the Qtmmuy give? * insky a written notice stating whether or not it do?ires to continue to present the nh&w beyond ?aid eight-seek period, sad ateting the ?Milieaal period it desire? to have the ?how presented. The additional period rmet Issued lately aueeeed the sight-week period, aineicy*? foe a? nrodnoer ?hall be e.t the rate of ?2,500,00 per week for each week t-*?-.t the etteieel review prepared and under his ?nper-vision is ?resented (srafblpct to- the etyht-*veek minimum) during the first two ?ix-aonth period?? it,000#00 per weak during the third end fourth ?six-month periods and * 3#$00#00 per week during the fifth and sixth six-month period, Vinsky*? f ? a shall be payable at the onA of c?eh weekly period and shall not be subject to any deductions whatsoever, 3. It is understood that the retention of Minsky*? services for the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth monthly periods are at the option of the Company, and said option shall be exereieed by the Company on giving to >insky a written notice to the effect that th? Company desires to retain his service? for the next succeeding six-month period, and .must be delivered to him prior to th? commencement date of said ten?, ?aid notice st te th? date on which the Company desires to hay? the new show ooes during said auecaeding six-month period, ?he date s?t for the opening of the show in ?aid notice aanrtot be leas than two month? from the date of th? servioe of said notice, failure on the part of the Compray to exercise It? option as to sny such period shall extinguish its of option to nil succeeding option periods. It in understood that no option exists as to the first aiXHttonth period, and, es to such period, both parties here?to are fully obligated in accordance with the terms hereof. necessary for the organizing and rehearsing of the show, and ? in his judgment, be necessary from time to time for the proper supervision, direction and aasafsnent of the ?how, it being under?stood that ?:ins*sy*s fees ?hall b? tv yable as herein provided, ir?respective of whether or not ho is present at th? Dunes .Hotel. The Company stall also pay for any said mil transportation charges for Minsky and hie family to the Dunes Hotel, and ?ball furnish room and board st th? hotel for Minsky and his family tor such period as ?*y be required during or before the presentment of the ?bow. 5. ?hiring any six-month period for which Minsky*? services are contracted under the terms of this Agreement, Minaky agrees not to engage in or otherwise aid in the presentment of any enow in Clark County, Sevadu, nor permit the aae of hie name in any manner whatsoever in conjunction with any presentation in e?id Clark County. In the event that the Company does not exer?cise its option to renew this Contract for any succeeding ?ix-month period in the manner and at the time herein provided, then 4* Ssinsfcy shall a ?vote wash time and effort as any be spend at least one full week at the Dunes Hotel commencing with th? date of the opening of the show, .and such further time ae may, ?3- thia Contraet ?hall o m o to m end, and none of th? reatrictions horein tepos#d uoon linsky ?hall b? thwreafter hlading. 6? li 1? under?tood th&t any show produced by ; tnaky und?r th ? torma o f th is Contraet ?h a ll bear m ontitleraent in d u d - lag th? worgr *XX?&XXn$ m i tho Ooapwa& agre?? th&t under no aireu?is-f-stanoe ? or ooadlt i.ons will tt no? th? naia? of *KXSi3rt* by er in oonjunetlon ? t i l t ?U t?? word? in aay manxier whateoever in relation to m ? t? w rfch?r tfesm thos? speoifieally yroduoed by ?intfey under th? tor? of P ii? Certraoi. Ir* th? ?v?nt tfent t?,? Ooffiosusy v io la i? ? or fcr*/*fa?s any of th? ttrsa >f ihia le n ir??*, i^tsmkf ?a n ll fe*P? th? opti?? of ?iraetiB g th? Cospan^ to feritavi?* oi?ooe oM desiai frora ih? a?# of th? nane ?*1; in ooajtmotion '? ?ith th? ahm t?nta betag nresante?,. ani, tu reooiot of asoli aofioa, th? Cevpaap ? b e l l ooaoly ttaerewlih, 7* ttnsky steli, in tu? organiaatiou ani p x w m t m m t of th? show, bare th? sol* righi to ooleet oli th? taleni required ?tv M a? sub m% to th? r i i b i o f V i? Company to rstfeot tfca ea p loy? acni o f my oerforn ar a d ? ? t e i by aneXy. fhe r ig h * o f r e je e tio n ? h a ll ho * x ? r e i? ? 4 by i t e Company thrmsgh 'fin i-m r-U ler, or, in bis ?beano?, by rny nthar pornon design#-, ied by i t and a a lta k l? to hinahy, ?x o eo t th ai aineky ? h a ll baro th? solo r ig h i to fair* ohoru* g irl? ?n i i? hereby ilv e n eu th ority to slgn oontraots o f ?BPlcgraeat witfa ?e ld cfcoru? girl?? ?? n aatherlxed ai^natery o f th? lotio&ny. A l l other e entrante o f eeployaent fo r te le n i or fo r a ?* purpoe? whatsoerer in eon^unotio? ith th? p re ?e n t?a ?t of th ? i t e , afaall he a ign ei by th? Ceaipaqy a o tia g tfarough i t ? duly auttaorisad ?Ig n a tery* I t le ttnd?r3tflr-d th t th? ?inlaaun assount to be ex? ni ed fo r t a le r i In conjunction r ith any show to be pre-aented under thi? Contr> o t ? b e ll be 110, 000,00 per w eei, -nd a ? in ir u? o f ^10,000,00 ?hall be ex . ami ed fo r any suoli show fo r th? purchase (or rental for a period of eight ^eefcs) of costumes. It la understood that the use of the word "t lent" in this Agree?ment is limit00 solely to performer# and not other persona en-gaged in ?omjunatioa with the ?hew. 8. Musky ah&ll neve the right to ?elect a company manager of hie own ohootsing, who?? compensation to the extent of *100#00 per week shall be paid by the Company, and the excess, if any, snail be paid by &in?Ssy ? 9, It Is understood that other than the right of re?jection of talent prior to the signing of the contract for such talent, . irw k y shall have absolute end full control of the manner, presentment and nature af the show, sad the Company end it? agents? servants or employees shall have no right or authority to inter?fere with or change the show or its presentment in any manner whatsoever without the approval and consent of ) insky. 10. It is understood that any and all coats, chargee, disbursement?, or otherwise, in. conjunction with the organization cut presentment of the show shell he sol sly the obligation of the Company, except and only to the extent m provided in paragraphs 8 and 12 hereof. 11. Wherever transportation is to be provided for by the Company, it is understood that same will be only on schedule a airline service. 12. It in understood that if Minsky desires to have an*rles A, hpgen assist in the presentment of trie ?how, all com- ? pensation due ?ad payable to him shall be paid by Minsky, except that the Company shall fumi? room nd board for Charles '*? Hogea for 8 period not exceeding one week, and transportation to and from Chicago# 13* this Contract or any rights h- peund r are not assignable or trsnaferrabl? by the Company by direct act or operation of law. In the event of the appoiiitaant o f a Aeeelvor, ???'mstee, or say Justcdism of the Coaoany, Its business - r assets, t?sn owl In m oh event, ?ny and all rights to options of renewal exercisable aa referred to in paragraph 3 hereof shall be ex- *iR*ui8he4? 14* It is understood that the Company shall, at all tiiaes, o m p ly with the rules and regulations of the Amorloa& SuiM Variety Artists, snd shall deposit with such Org m lm t lo n a Bond #im?l to (Si wmk'm s&l&ry for each ?.aployt? hits# toy tfce Cemgttaar who is * maiabtr of such Associafish* 15? In tim event any diosfrtssssit art##? between the imrtlf? fcttrete as to the Snterpretetion of any provision hereof, or the rights or slfttas of m y party hereunder, such matters ?hall first and forthwith be submit ted to -Jackie Bright, American Guild Variety Artist?., r*his detanaioetion shall m ocnclualvt and bind leg on th# parties hereto* la the event of cay such die-agreement, arbitration pr??ee*liug# shall to? instituted by ?it ?r party serving upen the other a written notice stating the matters and is-rues an w-.-lsh the eemplalning party feels aggrieved# Within five day? of t e receipt of ouch notice, both parties shall ,tur-nish to Jackie Bright, American Guild Variety Artists, a statement of their claims end defenses, in writing. In the event ?aid Jackie Bright shall not be available to arbitrate sad decide my matter? encompassed in this article, or shall cease to toe associa?ted with th# American Guild Variety artists in a representative ampacity, or .in any event ??id Jackie Bright fail? to sake a de?termination and decision of the issues so submitted tr hist within - 6- fifteen days thereafter, the parties hereto aay orooeed at their election in accordance with any equitable or legal righ a existing undf^r this Agreement, vithout consideration of this article 15. 16. A H written notices required to be served or de?livered under this Agreement shall, as to the Goaosmy, be person&lp ly served on any officer of the Comoany, or sent by registered mail to the Oompnny at the ?tones Intel, Las Ve?:as, Nevada? *m&, aa to Minsky, service way be effected personally on him, or by registered me11 to his residence, aa herein first stated, 17. Xhls Oontrect supersedes -aid makes null aad void m y sad nil writ tea Agreements, if uy, heretofore in existence between the parties. IH fjfLLSo WHBLf-qf, the Company has canseo the?? presents to be signed by its proper and authorised officers, tmd caused its corporate seal t ? be hereto affixed, and Minsky ha? hereunto set hi? hand nd seal, the day -m,. year first above writ tea. Att&iY? WcrefSy' TTOTJLJ HUSSTtT ? * a OTtwimsSf CO., laC. By ____ _