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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    10, It will be noted that the app roxlmate maximum number of employees at Basie when the plant is in full operation is expeatad to be 5500 and that of the 4300 now employed, 800 at present reside in Las Vegas and presumably have satisfactory living accommodations. It will be further noted from an analysis of the letter of February £0, 1943 that, excluding trailer accommodations, housing facilities now exist or are in the course of construction or projected for future construction at Basic town site for employees, 1000 houses are now occupied? 76 units, each accommodating four families, are under construction which will handle 300 additional families. Projected future construction will take care of 1014 employees (?), Obviously, there will be little demand by employees at Basic for living accommodations at Las Vegas when they are more conveniently available at Basic, 11, On or about May 1, 1942, the Federal Government completed 125 houses at Las Vegas, for the married non-commissioned officers at the Gunnery School, and now has under construction a project for 168 additional housing units in Las Vegas, for married non-comm!ssionedi officers, When said project is completed, the houses in Las Vegas now occupied by non-oomalssioi ed officers will be available for any type of tenants, 12* We are advised that there are approximately non-commissioned officers living with their families in Las Vegas today and with the completion of the 168 additional houses the accommodations now so occupied in Las Vegas will be available for general rental purposes, 13, We respectfully contend that in view of the factual situation shown above, the emergency housing situation in Las Vegas no longer exists. That any further housing development can be readily served under the provisions of Rule 9A and that the Las Vegas Land and Water Company should be permitted to cancel Rule 90,effective WALTS i t R, BRACKED Vice President