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    County Tax Receipt for 1948 T A X E S F O R T H E Y E A R 1 9 4 8 O N P R O P E R T Y D E S C R .B E D C | o r k C o U l l t y , N e v a d a Total Valuation Exemption Allowed Taxable Valuation Assessed to: 8,995. Rate 5*00 Stewart, Mrs* Eliza J* General Delivery North Las Vegas, Nevada Total Taxes VALUATION 7 , 500. oo ii u l va 1 , 495. Imps. Tid Wv ?1 T & « o a *?! 1 B i. d # 14 C. H. SLOAN T A X RECEIVER L A S V E G A S , N E V A D A 449.75 N° 4453 N? 4453 N? 4453 N? 4453 DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT L V CITY L V CITY L V CITY L V CITY FIRST INSTALLMENT 112.44 TOTAL Int. SECOND INSTALLMENT Taxes 112.44 Int. 1st Installment Delinquent December 6# 1948 2nd Installment Delinquent March 7# 1949 QHSB EitXfl­C T T 1 9 4 Q STAMP HERE U S ~ 3 il TO r p g * > g 1 9 4 3 r * STAMP-HERR*!' jso t ts> cJZ u & M L if h y (j Swfeie<Bt: o jjM g m i f g em hw Ic* car Ljsoay <rx^ -r, rj j dteak, dgaft c r n — y «rifar« ] iJ T 1M ? -IJIlffJ T — - ? - 1 ? ' -> • 1 ’ ? - ? ............. n THIRD INSTALLMENT Taxes 112.44 Int. 3rd Installment Delinquent June 6, 1949 R c. JaU. N 1 -~1 9 4 9 3«4CTAMP h e r e I cStottk. draft » .... FOURTH INSTALLMENT Taxes 112 .4 3 4th Installment ^elin<luerU, August L 1949 r y s r X j p v I \f.......r-__Deputy I JUL 19J349 C. H. SLOAN/Tm Collector j sJbiSTAMP HERE check, era O M K l* iid by Im H or money order-