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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Distribution Contractors Hold Most Successful 1968 Convention By OLIVER KLINGER, JR. The new board of Directors of Dis- tribution Contractors Assn. (in ad- dition to the officers) are shown here. Left to right are J. C. Davis; Murray Loftis; Gene Reutzel; John Wold; Bob Lyons; and Bob Wagner. DISTRIBUTION Contractors Asso- ciation held the largest meeting in its history, with attendance reach- ing 381 at the successful convention at the Sands Hotel. Las Vegas. JBe lasf week in February. The association has shown marked growth every year and this was an excellent meeting with interesting and well-attended business sessions and fine social func- tions in the evening. The next convention will be held at the Boca Raton Hotel and Club, Boca Raton, Florida, on February 23-26. S. R. (Sid) Snider, executive vice president of The Hallen Construction Co., Inc.,. Island Park, Long Island, New York, was elected 1968 President, to succeed R. E. Reutzel (R. E. Reut- zel Co.). He has served on the DCA Board since 1964, having been first elected at the Denver convention. Other new Officers are: 1st Vice President, Don W. Miller (President, Miller Pipeline Corp., Green Springs, Ohio) ; 2nd Vice President, Edwin Gabrielse (Vice President, Gabe?╟╓s Construction Co., Inc., Sheboygan, Wis.) ; Treasurer, L. R. Young (Pres- ident, L. R. Young, Construction Co.^ Salem, 111.). Newly elected Directors are: Rol- land B. Lyons (President, Michigan Trenching Service, Ypsilanti, Mich.) ; Robert Wagner (President, Somer- ville - Illinois Co., Peoria, 111.); John Wold (Vice President, H. H. Null, Incorporated, Houston, Texas). Mrs. and Mr. Sid Snider, Hallen Con- struction Co., Island Park, N. Y. Sid is the newly elected president of DCA for 1968. Other Directors with one year more to serve on two-year terms, are: J. C. Davis (President, Davis Pipe- line Construction Co., St. Charles, Mo.); Murry Loftis (President, Gas Lines, Inc., Charlotte, N. C.); War- ren Muncie (President, Universal Pipeline Construction Co., Kansas City, Mo.) ; R. E. Reutzel (President, R. E. Reutzel Co., Fremont, Neb.), DCA retiring president; Paul Thibo- daux (Sr. Vice President, 0. R. Bur- den Construction Corp., Tulsa). 1969 Nominating Committee: The following were elected by the Regu- lar Membership to serve on the 1969 Nominating Committee: R. L. Corn- stock (Tarnow Pipeline Construction Co.pjnc.) ; W. C. Donaldson (Don- aldson Construction Co.); Stewart Kniff (Van Ess Company) ; Rolland B. Lyons (Michigan Trenching Serv- ice, Inc.). Alternate committee mem- bers elected are: Robert Soehnlen (Beloit Pipe & Dredge Co), 1st alter- nate, and Don Miller (Miller Pipeline Corp.) 2nd alternate. Committeemen appointed by the Board of Directors are: A. T. Everham (Midwestern Contractors Inc.), and John Wold (H. H. Null, Incorporated). Denver L. Franklin (Delta Pipeline Construc- tors, Inc.) was appointed by the Board as an alternate member of the committee. Committee Chairmen Named: Bob Burkhardt (Burkhardt Pipeline Con- struction Co.) has been appointd La- bor Committee Chairman; Jack Evans (Distribution Construction Co.) was appointed to serve ?╟÷ for the fourth straight year ?╟÷1 as 1969 Convention Chairman, and Denver Franklin (Delta Pipeline Constructors, Inc.) will continue during 1968 as Member- ship Chairman. Art Everham (Mid- western Contractors, Inc.) will be Safety Chairman. Additions to the above committees will be announced. Pipeline and Underground Utilities Construction 15