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uac000228. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.
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AGENDA SENATE MEETING #9 January 22, 1980 4:00 p.m. Moyer Student Union Building Room 203 I. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Approval of Minutes #8 IV. Executive Board Announcements A. Radio Station Manager V. Executive Board Nominations VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board B. Entertainment & Programming Board C. By-Laws Committee D. Energy Committee E. Ad Hoc Committee Reports VII. Old Business A. Request for funds, $500.00 UNLV Bowling Team (from table) VIII. New Business A. $500.00 Capital Improvements Expenditure, President Campb B. Request for Funds, Philosphy Department, $225.00, Lu Bilderback IX. Open Discussion X. Adj ournment CONSOLIDATED STUDENTS UNIVERSITY OF NEVADA, LAS VEGAS 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154 Telephone (702) 739-3477 MINUTES SENATE MEETING #9 January 29, 1980 Moyer Student Union Building Room 20 3 I. Call to Order The ninth meeting of the Consolidated Student Senate was called to order by the Senate President at 4:00 p.m. in Lounge 203 of the Moyer Student Union Building II. Roll Call Members in Attendance Kelly Campbell Sandy Williams Bill I-Ialdeman Claire Dowell Dale I-Iulen Pam Roberts Derrek Yelton Absent Ray Corbett-excused Cindy Simia-excused Rick Oshinski-excused Carol Tarpley-excused Susana Reyes-excused III. Approval of Minutes #8 There were no correction to the Minutes of Senate Meeting #8, therefore, they stood approved. IV. Executive Board Announcements Radio Station Manager President Campbell, informed the Senate that the Executive Board had contacted John Winstrom about .cepting the job as the Radio Station Manager, however, Mr. Winstrom still was not satisfied with the offer and would send to President Campbell some of the provisions he wanted in the contract. The Senate gave President Campbell some of their own ideas concerning this subject. Board of Regents Agenda President Campbell went over the agenda of the Board of Regents meeting to be held February 1, 19 80 at Reno. Gave the Senate some of the main items that would be taking place, and discussed. Parlimentary Procedure Workshop Senator Roberts announced that there would be a Parlimentary Procedure Worshop on March 29, 1980. To registar stop in to Lise Wyman's office next week. David Martinez Dave Levins Bryan O'Shields "Skip" Kelley Marty Burzinski Robert Stamper Dorothy Halpin-excused Minutes-Senate Meeting #9 January 29, 1980 Page 2 Conference in Washington, D.C. Senator Pro Tempore, Burzinski announced to the Senate that he would be leaving Wednesday for Washington. Plus-Minus Grading System Senate President Alderman announced to the Senate that the plus-minus grading system would not be on the Board of Regents Agenda for February 1, 19 80. ROTC Program Senate President Alderman announced that at the next Faculty-Senate meeting President Goodall would be proposing to set up an ROTC program on UNLV1s Campus. The Faculty-Senate meeting will be held Tuesday, February 5, 1980. V. Executive Board Nominations A. Entertainment and Programming Board, Craig Lassoff Senator Levins moved to approve Craig Lassoff the motion was seconded. Discussion took place. Senator Levins called for the questions which passed unanimously. The motion passed with 13 in favor. VI. Committee Reports A. Appropriations Board Senator! Levins' read the minutes of 'the January 17, 1980 meeting. He reported that the 1979-1980 Budget was discussed at that meeting. Senator Levins moved to approve and there was a second. There being no further additions or corrections to the Minutes, therefore, they stood approved as read. B. Entertainment and Programming Board Chairman, Dave Gist, read the Minutes of the January 23, 19 80 meeting. He told the Senate some of the concerts and events that are coming up. He announced that the Spring Calendars were finished. Senator Stamper moved to approve there was a second. There were no additions or correction to the Minutes, therefore,they stood approved as read. C. By-Laws Committee There was no report. The next meeting will be February 5, 1980. D. Energy Committee Senator Roberts read the meeting held on January 16, 1980. She reported that an Booth was set up in the Student Union. Senator Roberts moved to approve and it was seconded. There being no additions or corrections the Minutes stood approved as read. E. Financial Aid Meeting Senator Roberts announced that she had attended the Faculty-Senate Financial Aid Meeting. The meeting was to hear to appeals of students who had lost there scholarships. Minutes-Senate Meeting #9 January 29, 1980 Page 3 F. Rebel Mascot Committee President Campbell asked Senator Hulen what was going on concerning that committee. Senator Ilulen reported that they have not had a meeting yet because a few of the members are in Washington D.C. this week. G. Vice-President of Academics Search Committee Senate President Alderman announced to the Senate that the Committee has narrowed down the list to 21 names. There are still some UNLV candidates on the list. VII. Old Business A. Request for funds, $500 UNLV Bowling Team (from table) Senator Levins moved to remove it from the table and the motion was seconded. Senator Haldeman called for the question which was seconded and passed unanimously. The vote was taken to remove the motion from the table, the motion failed with five in favor and eight opposed. This item will remain tabled. " ' VI. New Business A. $500.00 Captial Improvements Expenditure President Campbell explained to the Senate the improvements that had been done upstairs. Senator Martinez moved to approve the motion was seconded and passed unaimously. B. Request For Funds,Philosphy Department Senator Haldeman moved to approve $250.00 to the Philsophv Department the motion was seconded. Discussion too?, place 1" There was a call for the question which passed with eleven in favor and two opposed. A vote was taken on the main motion which passed with ten in favor and 4 abstentions C. Request for Matching Funds, $190 Chamber Singers Senator Pro Tempore Burzinski moved to approve the motion was seconded. Discussion took place. There was a call for the auestion which passed with one opposed and twelve in favor. A vote was taken on the main motion which passed unanimously. D. Senate Meetings to be held at 3:00 Senator Levins requested that the Senate Meetinns to be held at 3:00 instead of 4:00 to be put on the agenda for the 10th meeting. E. Outstanding Senator Award Senator Levins informed the Senate that he would have a rought draft of the rules for the Oustanding Senator Award at the next meeting. IX. Open Discussion Senator Martinez wanted to clairfy to the Senate that when ever the Senate gives an organization money it should be stipulated in the motion that if the event does not occur the money is to be returned. Senator Kelley reminded the Senate of the By-Laws meeting next Tuesday. Minutes-Senate Meeting #9 January 29, 1980 Page 4 Senator Kelley informed the Senate that he is proposing a CSUN Resolution concerning registration for the draft. X. Adjournment Senate President Alderman adjourned the Ninth Meeting of the Consolidated Student Seriate at' 5:00 p.m. Respectifully Submitted by, Regpecitfully Prepared by, Lorraine Alderman Senate President /Robin Starlin CSUN Senate Secretary