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Nate Mack B'nai B'rith lodge no. 2825 Newsbeat newsletters, item 01




Newsbeat newsletter for October 1990

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    EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 1990-1991 President Joseph Singer 876-9280 Exec. V.P. Mark Goldstein 451-9090 Ways & MeansV.] P Michael Novick 458-6463 (H) 737-7275 (B) Program V.P. Martin Loeb 456-1695 Membership V.P Dr. Robert Rosen 363-1515 Social V.P. David Hirschhom 362-2060 Corresp. V.P. Irving Dorfler 456-8403 Rec. Sec. Leo Ilahn Fin. Sec. Alvin Epstein 732-3582 Treasurer Milton Grant 362-5791 Warden Joel Davidowicz 367-0217(H) 368-186&(B) Guardian Henry Sandler 364-0657 Chaplain Gershon Heller 732-8231 Parliamentarian Scott Cantor 734-2998 Trustees David Cohen 458-3428 Arthur Brand 456-7804 Scott Cantor 734-2998 Gershon Heller 732-8231 Heinz Boldes 737-1282 COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN A.D.L. Sydney Cincinatus 254-0585 B.B.Y.O. Mark Goldstein 451-9090(H) 635-8181(B) Bowling Irving Dorfler 456-8403 Budget & Fin. David Cohen 458-3428 Clubs David Cohen 458-3428 Comm. Services Dir of Federation Norman Kaufmen 456-8120 Newsletter David Cohen 458-3428 Int of Judaism Dr. Larry Lehmer 451-9897(H) 877-1887 (B) Isreal Edward Weinstein 871-8436 Isreal Walk Jack Schuster 658-2112 Jew. Library HY Bergman 870-9611 Insurance Martin Loeb 456-1695(H) 798-3008(B) Man of the Yr Michael Novick 458-6463(H) 737-7275(B) Public Relations Michael Cherry 870-1602 (H) 385-3788(B) Publicity Gershon Heller 732-8231(H) 564-5222(B) Retention Ralph Plotkin 451-6665 Ritual Henry Sandler 374-0657 Scholarships Scott Cantor 734-2998 Senior Day Burt Black 898-000C Senior Relations Arthur Newmark 456-1120 Sunshine Nathan Schwartz 451-1735 Telephone Leo Hahn 791-3837 Trees David Cohen 458-3428 By-Laws Joseph Singer 876-9280 B'Nai B?rith 364-0025 President?s Message SHALOM, AS your new Preside nt of NATE MACK LODGE, I am honored to serve the Lodge to the best of my ability. WE have a fine slate of officers who are already involved in the various aspects of B'NAI B'RITH.O ur Exec.V.P. and allthe V.P.S are meeting once a month to present outstanding progra ms, social events,membership drives,and fund raising activities,that everyone will find interesting and entertaining. Our other Conmitte Chair man are also involved in their own commitments to A.D.L. ,B.B.Y.O., Comm. Service,Israel,and Senior Relations to name a few.We are looking forward to a banner year,but we need your participation and active support and involvmentin our many projects.I.urge you all to contact your favorite Conmitte Chairman and volunteer your services,it will be a very gratifying experience. I would to take this oppurtunity to wish all my Brother Ben B'riths aHa ppy,Healthy and Prosperous New Year,to you and your Families. L'SHANA TOVA. Joseph Singer President EXEC SEZ Dear Brothers and Sisters. I am taking this opportunity to tell everyone, that Nate Mack, B'nai B'rith of Las Vegas, has indeed accomplished putting on it's new face as promised. Now we would like to show it off to all our members and prospective members. Some of our scheduled events are as follows; Three day retreat with exciting guest speakers. (Optional golf outing) Great food included in a luxury resort setting. Two more progressive dinners. Educative and controversial guest speakers for our general meetings to be held at various locations. PLUS LOTS MORE !! We need your attendance. We need your support. Remember, You are B'nai B'rith. BE SEEN, BE HEARD, BE THERE. SHALOM Executive V.P. Mark A. GoldsteinOCTOBER IS SHOW BIZ MONTH FOR THE B'NAI B'RITH LODGE INSTITUTE OF JUDAISM What is an Institute of Judaism? On October 28, 1990 at 9:00 P.M., the B'nai B'rith lodge will be heading for the doors of the Vegas World to watch the comedic antics of Allen & Rossi doing a revue that has won them raves around the world. To the first 50 nersons calling for reservations, the cost is $2.50, instead of the regular nrice of $6.00 per person. After?ward, the B'nai B'rith member will have to nay $5.00 per person.. Call David Hirschhorn, Social Chairman at 362- 2060 before October 15th to be first in line. It is a weekend retreat where you leave your every day cares and woes behind- go to a lovely lodge in the country- soak up fun and sun- meet new people AND study a topic from the Jewish point of view. Our Nate Mack B?nai B?rith Lodge is planning to hold its first annual Institute of Judaism in the spring of 1991. The proposed topic is The Jewi sh Perspec t ives on Abort i on I will need A LOT of help to actually plan and hold the Institute. Please, Please, if you have any time to help in anyway, please call me and volunteer. It should be an exciting and educational weekend. However, without your help the weekend will never come to be. San it with trees P1 ease call me and volunteer. at 451-9897 or Larry Lehrner 877-1887 TREES FOR YOU & YOU FOR TREES Over the years it has become customary t< give trees in the B'nai B'rith Internat?ional Park when a loved one or a friend passes away. However, a living memorial can also be a thoughtful and a living gift. A tree, o a group of trees is a wonderful gift for a Bar Mitzva, wedding, birthday or just in friendship. A tree is a thoughtful gift that shows the receipient that you not only care now, but wish them growth in the future. For example, when your children visit Israel, they will know that some of the trees in the forest are there because of their parents gift to them. What better example for growth anc stability than a living tree in Israel? When a new business if opened and appropi iate care might read, "Your business should grow like a tree in Israel". So, the next time you want to show your love, concern, hate or to congratulate, do it with trees. Give me a call and I will do the rest. PROGRAMS 10/25/90 Shelley Berkley, University Regent. Growth of Jews in Las Vegas and how the University works with the Jewish C o mm u n i t y. 11/15/90 Richard B. Varon, CLU Regional Director B.B. insurance. The MEW B'nai B'rith program. I f you don?t like the program let me know what you would like. BUT, we need your support to attend all programs, EVEN THE ONES YOU DON'T order to build a good base for good attendance at all'programs. SEE YOU SOON! Marty Loeb, VP Programs David Cohen 458-3428V Vast rosidenls 1970- 1971 Stan Loeb 1971- 1972 Mort Kirsch 1972- 1973 Michael Cherry 1973- 1974 Eli Welt 1974- 1975 Hal Tuchman 1975- 1976 Gerald Randstone 1976- 1978 Bernard Kaufman 1978- 1979 Art Brand 1979- 1980 Barry Eisen 1980- 1981 Bernie Anapolsky 1981- 1982 David Cohen 1982- 1983 Ken Schhitzer 1983- 1984 Scott Carter 1984- 1985 ? Alan Greenberg 1985- 1986 Gershon Heller 1986- 1987 Mort Kirsch 1987- 1988 Larry Lehrner 1988- 1989 Heinz Boldes 1989- 1990 Sam Alper Michael Cherry Lawrence Greenburg Harold Handelman Leon H. Stemburg Le^ut^m^m Hy Bergman Heinz C. Boldes Art J . Brand Scott M. Cantor Benjamin Cohen David Cohen Steven W. Eisen Harold Gerecht Mark A.Goldstein Leo W. Hahn Gershon Heller David Hirschhorn Bernard Kaufman Mort Kirsch Lawrence M. Lehrner Ra 1 ph Lev me Sam Li bi tsky Martin S. Loeb Michael J. Novick Dayid Ober Robert S. Rosen Hal Schuster Jack Schuster Nathen Schwartz David Wasserman Eli Welt ?Deceased Lie tober bi r thdays ....... Mel Lx Per 3 Sam Libitsky 4 George Brookman 5 Rabbi Sanford Akseirad 6 Haul Stewart / David Kornteid 10 Jerome Blut 12 David Gber 16 Lewis Etcoff 1/ Joseph Caplan 18 David Cowles 18 Leon Bernstein 21 Herman Rosenbush 22 Philmore Leemon 23 Mike Kaplan 25 til Welt 2 Alvin Polick 28 Norman Venqer 28 Joseph Moss 29 ( Joseph Kadans 31 I AM OF THE JEWISH FAITH AMO FLEDGE MYSELF TO SUFFONT THE HIOH IDEALS AND FUNFOSES OF SWAI B'HITH LODGE DATE. NAME____________ DATE OF BIRTH ___ HOME ADORESS *Q BUSINESS ADORESS *0 (71F) (ZIP) HOME TELEPHONE________________________________________________ BUSINESS TELEPHONE ____________________________________________ OCCUPATION_____________________________________________________ HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A MEMBER?_______ WHAT L006E OR CHAPTER?. WIFE OR HUSBAND S NAME________________________ MEMBER OF B'NAI BRITH___________ PROPOSED BY ?PLEASE INDICATE WHERE YOU WISH YOUR MAIL SENT DUES ATTACHED IN THE AMOUNT OF $_______________ SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT FOR MEMBERSHIP INVESTING IN TOMORROW?S LEADERS SUPPORT THE SERVICE FUND You will be receiving your 1991 dues statement in November. Included on this statement is an amount of $27.00 for the Service Fund. This money goes to support today's youth who will be our leaders of tomorrow, our B'nai B'rith youth. Your generous contribution will help support two outstanding programs: B'nai B'rith Youth Organization for high school students, and B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations on college campuses. B.B.Y.O. offers something special to over 40,000 teenagers in 1,500 chapters throughout the United States and abroad. The world's largest Jewish youth organization B.B.Y.O - AZA lor boys, BBG for girls - provides a meaningful and constructive outlet for the interests of today's high school students and helps them build a strong religious identity. At more than 350 colleges and universities around the world B'NAI B'RITH HILLEL FOUNDATION is both the Jewish student's link with his/her heritage and the voices of campus Jewry speaking to the University and the general community. Please join me and thousands of B'nai B'rith members who are investing in TODAY'S YOUTH AND TOMORROW'S LEADERS and include with your dues the $27.00 for the Service Fund.JEWS IN THE OWNERS BOX Baltimore Orioles - Eli Jacobs Boston Celtics - Alan Cohen Chicago Bulls - Jerry Reinsdorf Chicago White Sox - Jerry Reinsdorf Chicago White Sox- Eddie Einhorn Cleveland Browns - Arthur Modell Detroit Pistons - William Davidson Hartford Whalers - Richard Gorden Indiana Pacers - Mel Simon Indiana Pacers - Herb Simon Indianapolis Colts - Roberts Irsay Kansas City Royals - Avron Fogelman Los Angeles Clippers - Donald Sterling Los Angeles Raiders - Al Davis Miami Heat - Louis Schaffel Miami Heat - Zev Buffman Milwaukee Brewers - Bud Selig Milwaukee Bucks - Herb Kohl Montreal Expos - Charles Bronfman New England Patriots - Victor Kiam New Jersey Nets - Alan Aufzien New Jersey Nets - Bernard Mann New Jersey Nets - David Gerstein New Jersey Nets - Jerry Cohen New Jersey Nets - Henry Taub New York Jets - Leon Hess Philadelphia 76ers - Harold Katz Philadelphia Eagles - Norman Braman Philadelphia Flyers - Ed Snider Portland Trailblazers - Harry Glickman San Francisco Giants - Bob Lurie Seattle Mariners - Jeffrey H. Smulyan Washington Bullets - Abe Pollin Washington Capitals - Abe Pollin grOIOIOIOIOIQKM lErcadHay; ycsTy Working on I Shabbat; N? | AgXQXQXQXQXQXQIlI Don?t expect to see Israeli actor Dudu Fisher perform on Friday nights or at Saturday matinees. Fisher, the lead actor in the musical Les Miserables, is an observant Jew. While Fisher is taking his role to Broadway, he won?t be performing on Shabbat. Instead, his understudy will perform in his place. ? B?nai B?rith Fondly remembers: Arthur Goldberg, former U.S. Supreme Court Justice; U.S. Secretary of Labor; U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and friend of Jewish causes. I" YOUR OPINION COUNTS! We'd like to hear from you. To better allocate resources for the coming year, it?s important to know how you, our membership, assess certain issues. Please indicate below the top three issues that you want B'nai B'rith to address in your local community. Anti-semitism Environment Church and state Family issues Jewish singles Other (please specify) Jewish youth Senior citizens Soviet Jewry Abortion Jewish education Please mail to: B'nai B'rith NOW 1640 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W. Washington, DC 20036 Survey results will be published in the next issue of NOW. The real name of comedian Albert Brooks (Broadcast News) Is Albert Einstein MEET A MATE BY PHONE Dial 1-900-463-TALK. It could be the best call you?ve ever made. Sounds simple, right? Jeffrey Rubinstein, an Ortho?dox Rabbi and psychologist from Monsey, NY created the hotline for Jewish singles in July. The hotline is one com?ponent of his brainchild, the Jewish Information Network (JIN). By using a touchtone phone, callers can access the singles dateline; a kashrut hotline, (which gives the latest information on kosher products and establishments); or other selections. The calls cost 95 cents per minute and there are separate datelines to hear 30 second interviews with men and women. There is no cost to participate but Rubenstein insists first on in?terviewing potential advertisers?via the phone of course. Rubinstein was inundated with calls the first month and business has been booming ever since. ? Baltimore Jewish Times ?an?t $iow Down Two months before Ruth Rothfarb?s 89th birthday, she ran and completed the renowned Boston Marathon. Her finishing time was not important to her ? al! she cared about was that she finished! an ston * Every week Ruth runs in a race ? usually a five or six mile event. ?Running has en?riched my life quite a bit,? Ruth said. In?credibly, Ruth started running when she was 72. Her son Herb, 52, a Cambridge psychologist was going to run in a 10K race and she asked if she could go along. Hence, her passion for running was born. At 80, she ran her first marathon. The Thailand government heard about Ruth and flew her there for the King?s 60th birthday celebration and a Royal Marathon.To the Thais, Ruth is an inspi?ration and a novelty since they usually don?t live past age 65. In what little spare time Ruth' has after running, she takes care of her apartment in Miami where she lives each winter. She doesn?t play bridge and she doesn?t have time for sedentary activities. When Ruth?s neighbors see her walking, they wonder why she?s not running. ?I?m lucky that I?m able to walk!? she says. Once, she took her curious neighbors running but ?they didn'Hast very long. ? ?People think as they get older they have to close up shop. It?s a good feeling to be independent,? she says. Born in 1901 in Czarist Russia, Ruth came to the United States at age 12 and settled in Boston. She has always been involved in Jewish causes and been a B?nai B'rith member. Her next marathon? Russia, perhaps ? ..."if my time doesn?t run out.? gYOUR TEN-PIN TATTLER * ! Here we are in the ?fourt ? week of bowling and the excitm& 1' knows no bounds.! i It sur e promises to be ar< exciting race down to trip?wire! As predicted that #1 team Kelly's Boys are sure HOT11 With our #1 Bowler Brother leading the way handicap? he's i hat Br oth er Sam L i b i tsky A1 Epstein rounding out the team - they sure are the ones to beat i? But they better not get too cocky- in this League anything can happen and usually does?i Ron Ostrow (wsthout- a good) with and Br ot ri<sr We want to merit ion some ot our new bowlers who joined us this year - Brothers Abe Levy, Jim Meyer, Bob Rosen, Larry Beren, and a special welcome back to Bernie Lebed in - sure is great having Bern ie back. We 1 come to all out- new Brother Bowlers ? Enjoy and Great Bowling! Hope you enjoy bowling with us as much as we enjoy having you with us! Any o-f you out there who can throw a ball down an alley join us - come down to the Showboat Lanes on Ti! e=d Nights at 9 P. M. am j o i. n ? n fun and Brother hood You won ' t fcte cJ 1 S appointed 4 W: prom 1 5P you -- and we aI ways hav room *or a Brother or two or more It' Cl getting near bowl in t i me 50 Wf? hav~- to c iose for now watch th O V< ext Bui 1 p> 11 n for rnC.O ?from v ot i exciting news Lanes ? Have SHOWBOAT? It sure is see1? Great Bcwlinn? Happy NEW YEAR? An out -for YOUR TEN-PIN TA the Showboat seen the NEW somethi Aj to A HEAL ? HY anti a 1 v s.< ?i 11 r e i i water SffiSjS a ?" th?* hf.jfj ? >* OooirtKMinal Center BRE AKFAST - LUNCH - DINNER CATERING ? BEAUTIFULLY DECORATED TRAYS TAKE HOME FROM OUR DELICATESSEN COUNTER ?>Vt f SAHARA AVE E-1A 735-8833 DAILY SPECIALS ENJOY TV WHILE YOU EAT MEMO TO B'NAI B'RITH MEMBERS For those who have been looking for a competent, all around auto mechanic to service their cars, this memo is for you. Chuck, of C 8c A Auto Salon, 3540 South Jones, Suite 3, telephone 251- 3470 has just moved into town and ooened up his own auto service center. He hails from Washington, D.C. where he was a Secret Service agent. His prime responsibility, however, en?tailed keeping in top shane the 12 car fleet of the Presidents of the United States. Already Chuch has discovered the sad truth that a certain percentage of auto mechanics in this town, do not render the mechanical attentions they charge the customer for. The writer recently experienced a brake failure on one of his cars which earlier had been fixed bv a differ?ent service station at a heftv charge. To the writer and Chuck's chagrin, he found in truth that the allegedly defective brake part had not been replaced at all. He was' able to prove that the original factory part was still intact and had not been replaced even though the earlier service station had warranted to the contrary. Totally unlike other mechanics, Chuck got on the phone to call the owner of this service company and took him to task for perpetuating a fraud. That service station owner, based on this call, will effect restitution to the writer. If necessary, Chuck will go to court to be your exnert witness where he observes similar auto wrongs. David Firschhorn V.P. Socials Emergency 451-5153 Complete Glass 5700 Boulder Hwy at Tropicana Ph 451-5153 / 451-9302 458-8302 / 454-4125LEAGUE STANDING SHEET Results for Week No. 3 09/18 NATE MACK EDNA I B'RITH - SHOWBOAT LANES League President: League Secretary: IRV DORFLER GERSHON HELLER Phone: Phone: 456-8403 732-8231 /7v ?1311 Pos Team Name (Team No. ) 1 O 4 5 6 7 Israel (6) Mensch (7) Kelly's Boys ADL (8) Sholom (4) Seniors (5) Golanites (3) (1) 8 O'kays (2) The League? Secretary Won Lost TotPi ns 22.00 2. 00 6878~ 16.00 8.00 6546 14.00 10.00 6499 1 o. 00 12. 00 6558 12.00 12.00 6528 11.00 .13.00 6488 5.00 19.00 6531 4.00 20.00 6380 ry is on Lane No. 40 Lane # 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 09/26 "3 ?5 ~~7 ~2 ~T ?5 ?B "4 Lane # 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 10/02 "7 T "4 ?5 "3 ?8 ?5 2 High Scratch Game Hegel, Nelson Score High Handicap Gaae ?7TD To Date High Scores _ Score High Scratch Series Qstrow, lion Score High Handicao Series Score ' ~~ET1 ------------ ?TIT) Scr- -YTD Scr- Name TotF'ins Gms Ave Hep Gam Ser Name Tot. Pi ns Gms Ave Hep Gam Ser Tm .1 -Kelly's Bovs Tm 2 0'kays 371 Epstein, ffl ~ 1209 9 134 66 177 440 MTrschorn, Dave 964 9 107 93 1 v* Libitsky, Sam 1457 9 161 39 193 525 G 1 <:l S S H H cl 1 1380 9 153 47 184 474 Ostrow,'fton 1737 9 193 7 235 612 Dor Tier, J.rv 784 6 130 70 153 405 Tm 3 Golanites Tm 4 Sholom Meyer, Jim 1113 9 123 77 157 434 Waxman, Lou 1126 9 125 75 141 400 Rosen, Bob 810 9 90 110 111 309 Ashenberq, Harry 1511 9 167 ??T ?? 189 509 Keren, Larry 768 6 128 72 151 396 Lehrner, Larry 1375 9 152 48 205 485 Tm 5 Seniors Tm 6 Israel Moss, Joe 818 6 136 64 161 417 Heller, Gershon 1261 9 140 60 175 452 Bern man, Hy .1169 9 129 71 162 410 Levy , A. 1283 9 142 58 169 441 Lebedin, Bernard 1396 9 i ere lJJ 45 169 480 Beuck, Bill 1340 9 148 52 175 487 Tm 7 - Mensch Tm 8 ADI... Hahn, Leo 1295 9 14 3 57 175 457 Newmark, Art 985 9 109 91 128 553 Grant, Milton 831 6 138 62 15.1 424 Cohen, Dave 1291 9 143 57 159 461 Paul, Arnie .1258 9 139 61 162 423 Seqel. Nelson 1352 9 150 50 210 482 Bu11eti n Boar d ? i Nice Bpwlinq: Nelson 210.... 1 l i i POT WI MINERS 1 ? ! Game 1: Nelson Seq e 1 265 Game 2: Bob Rosen '3 8 1 i ! Game 3: Leo Hahn 457 Game 4: Bob Rosen 6 6 <_* 1 1 ill TO \\ > INVESTMENTS, m. Harold Gerecht, GRI Susan Gerecht, GRI, CRS Broker/Owners Park 2000 6380 S. Eastern Ave. #8 (702) 798-8600 Las Vegas, NV 89119 Pager: r,?1-7476 ROBERT S. ROSEN, M.D. MPUXUTE, AMERICAN BOARD OF FANCY PRACTKC ZPtxAonafUed comflUti family mMxllcaf oiu Pediatric, Adolescent & Adult 601 S. Rancho Dr. C19 Sam* Day Appointments Avalabie Cal for an 384-9374 Medcirc assignment accepted Preferred prowder lor Gann, Cdstary. Blue Oon&kM Sfceld and othersMATT MACK B?NAI B?RITH No. 2825 1600 EAST OAKEY 1,AS VEGAS. NEVADA 8910$ NON-PROFIT ORC US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO 70 LAS VEGAS. NEV ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED ?r. iNorman Kautman 1030 E. Twain Las Vegas, NV 89109 /instate SHELSBARRA Sr accowo* 4g*m (0 I 4 Pecoa. C?nemaK*? Plaza) 3025 E Desert Inn Rd.. ? 19 LM Vrgn. NV 87121 301? Bus 794-3800 ? C'B'ms 4*6 2200 m (702) 796-1016 HARVEY B. RICEBERG, R.Ph.. F.A.S.C.P. President TOTAL HOME CARE PHARMACY Full Service Health Care 3261 S. Highland, Suite 613 ? Las Vegas, NV 69100 FINE?S POODLE SAXON 9o? jPaiKsu/aa tPth ?? GROOMING (ALL BREEDS ) ? PET SUPPLIES BEVERLY FINE 736*3102 UNivnamr Puu Tkopicana ? Maryland put. Las Vnu. Nevada R?AfinSTL 4540246 Esffltl, DRAPERIES, d HE aum 693 N Valle Verde Dr Henderson, NV 89014 ? RATH, DRAPERIES A MORE 451-6489 AUTO-GROW Landscaping ? Fertilizer injector ? Drip Irrigation Commercial ? Custom Residential HAROLD GOLDSMITH Hwitcuttumt C-10 Lie 019640 C-40 Lie. 019046 (702) 737-8114 Michael J. Novick Account Executive Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc. First Interstate Tower, Suite 800 Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 451-6283 ~W? bring lba storm window treatments Nat & Alice Schwartz Flint M. IInrnw it/. M.D.. Ltd. I ?i|)lm:i.itr Anirm .hi lkMr?l uf l!rnloj(v Adult .and r?-dialri? lirolo^v Malr Vxiul Kinsct Inn 2121 K. Flamin^i Rcl Suit** F20H !a?s Vrfias. Nrvada H!M 19 (702) 7:15-3555 HY AI1*OINTMENT ONLY