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I agree.V TABLE HQ. 1 EXTRAORDINARY OPERATING EXPENSE ON FACILITIES USED JOINTLY AT LAS VEGAS, NEVADA w.o. Date Description Amount 10% fo r ¥ One Year 2982 3747 1920 1922 Conneoting new pipe lines Excavate and b a c k fill; also connect and in s ta ll new pipe lin e Total - Janaary 1, 1925 - - - $ 61.61 1438.53 # 1500.14 $ 160.01 4707 5589 0-30 1925 1925 4/24/25 Temporary s e ttlin g basin and contr o l o f flood waters Replacing pipe lin es and renewing roof and fan at Springs Renew 200' o f 16” wood stave pipe # 3774.08 9287.68 810.00 Total - January 1, 1926 #15371.90 #1537.19 6871 12/31/26 Cat roof fo r ven tilators on Spring House # 3.08 Total - January 1, 1927 $15374.98 #1537.50 0-109 0-149 7393 1927 1927 11/30/27 Renew in kind 3750' o f 16” wood stave pipe Repair water f a c ilit ie s Clean out spring and remove concrete wall $10250.00 358.00 49.44 Total - January 1, 1928 $26032.42 $2603.24 0-208 1928 Repair water f a c ilit ie s $ 233.00 Total - January 1, 1929 $26265.42 $2626.54 8248 8577 (Not HComp. iReaervoir and s e ttlin g basin(®st.J 24” pipe lin e $ 2300.00 2220.00 Total - January 1, 1930 $30785.42 $3078.64 * NOT®:- Extraordinary Operating Expense spread over 10 year period Log Angeles, C a lif., May 27, 1929.