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COPY O R D E R At a general session of the Public Service Commission of Nevada, held at its offices in Carson City, Nevada, August 28, 1931, PRESENT: Chairman J.F. Shaughnessy Commissioner George W, Malone Commissioner H, R, Martin Secretary Lee S. Scott The Commission having had under formal consideration the application for an increase in water rates filed by the Las Vegas Land and Water Company, and a public hearing having been held, and pursuant to the foregoing opinion, IT IS ORDERED, that the following schedule of rates, entitled, "Commission's Rate" is hereby approved to take effect September 1, 1931, Present Class of Servioe Rate Proposed Rate Commission's Rate APARTMENT HOUSES - each anart-meht without toilet or bath $ 2.00 # 1.50 Each apartment,bath and toilet included (this rate applies only where all apartments are served from one service line and apartment house owner assumes payment for all services) mm mm am 2.50 2.00 BAKERY 1*50 2.00 2.00 halcery & Confectionery combined 2*00 2.50 2.50 BARBER SHOP Two chairs or less 2.00 3.00 2.50 Each additional chair •SO .50 .50 BATH TUBS & SHOW BATHS - PUBLIC in hotels, lodging or rooming houses; public buildings or blocks, barber shops, hospitals, apartment houses, bungalow or cabin courts, gymnasiums, clubs, servioe stations, etc* For the first tub or shower 1*00 1.00 1.00 For each additional tub or shower *75 .75 .75 BUNGALOW COURTS Each single house or cabin without bath or toilet am * a mm mm 2.00 1.00