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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    74 A Woman's hand pulls back the drapes. Elvira doesn't see the face in the window watching her as she runs back into the castle. INT. BEDROOM - WIDER ANGLE The camera pulls back to reveal that the hand belongs to Ema. CUT TO: INT. LIVING ROOM - NIGHT ELVIRA She sneaks into the house. She sees a light coming from the library. INT. LIBRARY VLADIMERE He seems to have dozed off while keeping watch over Roxana's body. He sleeps soundly in a large chair halfway between the fireplace and the coffin. INT. LIVING ROOM ELVIRA She tiptoes toward the staircase, but just as she starts up it, she hears a FAINT MUFFLED SCREAM coming from below. She puts her ear to the wall and HEARS another SCREAM. ELVIRA (Whispering) Zouzou! Elvira urgently presses her hands along the wall until she finds the secret passageway door. She pushes it open and goes through. CUT TO: INT. DUNGEON HALLWAY ELVIRA