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Kol Ari El newsletter from Adat Ari El, July 2000



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    Kol Ari El The Lion's Voice The Monthly Chronicle of Ada: Ari El A Reform Congregation Embracing Traditional Judaism July 2000 28 Sivan - 28 Tammuz Vol. IX ? Issue No. 7 Kol Harav...The Rabbi's Voice Inside this issue: Calling All Teachers and Singers I will be interviewing candidates for teaching in our Religious School for the school year of 2000-2001. Interested teachers may set up appointments to see me. We pride ourselves in having quality teachers at Adat Ari El. With the influx of so many Jewish people coming to town, it is impossible to know all of the talent available for teaching in our school. Please call our office as soon as possible for appointments. We are seeking new members to sing in our AAE Choir for the High Holidays. Due to the availability of our accompanist, we are changing our first rehearsal for the Holidays to Thursday, August 3, 2000. We have a sophisticated and state of the art tutorial program for those learning the music for the first time. I am looking for singers who sing in tune and have a willingness to leam the music and enhance our Holiday services. Rehearsals will be on Thursday evenings, unless otherwise scheduled for special reasons, from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM in our sanctuary. One does not need to be a member of our congregation for the first year to sing in our choir. Anyone interested in joining the choir, please call our office. (Continued on page 3) Kol Harav 1 Board Briefs l& 2 From BonnL 4& 5 Calendar 6 Sisterhood & Men's Club 7 Yahrzeitsl Donations 10 Religious School II Board Briefs W elcome to Board Briefs, a new column from the Adat Ari El Board of Directors. Each month we will offer a recap of what has occurred at the previous month's board meeting. We hope you will find this of interest and use it to keep abreast of what is happening at our Temple. As we look to our future, we encourage you to let us know your opinions. If you have any questions or comments, e mail us at or call the Temple office at 221-1230. At our board meeting of June 13th, we discussed many issues. One area we spent a lot of time on concerned a topic that came up at our General Meeting in May. This was regarding our new building fund assessment. While we knew this would be a difficult thing to discuss at the meeting, we were taken aback when the discussion quickly turned into the perceived inequities between singles and family Rabbi Gary M. Golbart Board of Directors President Dr. Lori Snipper 1st Vice-President Dr. Phil Devore 2nd Vice-President Bob Steelman Recording Secretary Jeanne Schomaker Corresponding Secretary....Scott Schreiber Treasurer Michelle Blank Immediate Past.President.Steven Janovitch Bruce Feldman Ron Israel Mel Kochan Dr. Mark Ohriner Corinne Fields Michel Kingery Jennifer Ohriner Mark Solomon (C ontinuea on page I) Kol Ari El The Lion's Voice Page 2 Board Briefs (Continued from page 1) memberships. This was the first time that we as a board were aware of feelings any of our congregants had about this subject. We had based the building fund assessment on the same levels as the dues structure. At the time, we had no idea that there were ill feelings about the difference between family and single dues. Some congregants at the meeting expressed their feelings about this topic. At our June meeting we addressed this issue and decided to readjust the amount assessed to singles. Look for revised billing in your statements. We plan on looking at the dues structure in the future. Another hot topic was our application to the Union of American Hebrew Congregations. This is the Reform Movement's governing body. We sent an application in last spring and received a reply from the organization about their requirements. We will keep you posted about the progress of our application. The Board is responsible for planning the High Holy Days. We have planned an organizational meeting for July. Anyone wishing to help with the planning of this, please contact the Temple Office. Look on the back page for dates and times. The Board is also planning a retreat for later this month. The purpose is to plan our activities for the next twelve months. Anyone who has ideas for things we should discuss can e-mail us at the e-mail address or call the Temple office. We encourage all members to attend our next big fundraiser. Our "I D o tf sdo" will be held at the Monte Carlo Hotel and be conducted by our own "Flying Rabbi." Dinner, dancing and plenty of surprises will make for a memorable evening. Look in this newsletter for more details. A lot of progress is being made in our search for investors for the eventual purchase of land for our permanent home. We will let you know as things develop, as well as let you know the date of another General Meeting when we get to the point of bidding on a site. The board is always on the lookout for people to help with Temple activities. If you have a skill or some time to give to our congregation, please call the Temple office. Thanks for reading this article and keeping informed of Temple business. See you next month. r o c t i a n B a r H i t z v a h t P onathan Kochan, son of Phyllis Walker and Men's Club President Mel Kochan will lead services and become a Bar Mitzvah on July 21 & 22, 2000. Jonathan is a student at Silvestri Junior High School where he has just completed the 7th grade. His interests include bike riding, swimming and most importantly, surfing the Internet. He is actively involved in recycling and other environmental causes and thinks he may become an attorney specializing in civil liberties cases. His family is very proud of him, and enjoys his unique abilities. Mazel Tov Jonathan Kochan will celebrate to Jonathan and his family. You do us all proud! his Bar Mitzvah on July 21 & 22. Not a Member Yet Or New to AAE? This One's For You! Join Rabbi Golbart and our Board of Directors on August 20th for a light "getting to know you" brunch. if you want to leam more about our Temple or get to know some of our members a little better then this is the place to be. Good food, good people...nice way to spend a Sunday morning. Call 221- 1230 to R.S.V.P. Welcome Mat Q kJ ay hi to some new feces... Gail Duprea Bill & Natalie Sablow Harold & Arlene Schneider Also, Mazel Tov to the Sablows on their recent nuptials. Thank you all for becoming a part of our congregational family. Kol Ari El The Lion's Voice Page 3 Kol Harav...The Rabbi's Voice (Continued from page I) Eric Vozzola, son of Rudy and Toby Vozzola became a Bar Mitzvah and led services on June 30, and July 1 for Shabbat. Eric's diligent preparation was evident as he delivered a solid performance. Mazel Tov to Eric and his entire family who came to honor this fine young man. Jonathan Kochan, son of Melvin Kochan and Phyllis Walker, will lead services and be called to the Torah for his Bar Mitzvah. Everyone is invited to attend services on Friday, July 21, and Saturday, July 22 for Jonathan's celebration. Jonathan follows Rebekah, his sister, as the second Kochan to hold a B'nai Mitzvah ceremony at Adat Ari El. Jonathan's father is AAE Men's Club president, and his mother is the accompanist for the Adat Ari El Choir. We look forward to wonderful services conducted by Jonathan. Dr. Steven Newman recently completed his studies at the Rabbinical Seminary International in New York City and was ordained as a rabbi on June 27, 2000. Rabbi Newman had attended the rabbinical program of Hebrew Union College for two years prior to changing his educational direction and receiving his Ph.D. in psychology. He has been working as a psychotherapist for some twenty years. Dr. Newman wanted to redirect his life back to focusing on Jewish life and community. According to Rabbi Newman, his ordination is his dream come true. Rabbi Newman has been an active member of Adat Ari El over two years and we look forward to his contributions and his success in the coming years. I would like to offer Rabbi Newman a Mazel Tov on behalf of our entire congregation. Mazel Tov goes to my secretary Helen Groner and her husband Sam on becoming grandparents for the second time with the birth of Brady Samuel in Reston, Virginia. Anyone wishing to see pictures, I am sure the proud grandmother will happily accommodate you when you visit to our office. B'Shalom, Rabbi Gary M. Golbart Adat Ari El i f l d p i & P I MA "I D o 1W?" SoZf- Dofezvse} CoarpG -t^oard member Mike Kingery, a third degree black belt in Kempo Karate, is offering a class in self - defense. Mike is a professional martial arts teacher who is providing these lessons free to our members. The class will focus on Jujitsu and other techniques to give children and adults a primer in how to defend themselves. Mike's course focuses solely on defensive techniques that can be used in case someone is aggressive to you or your children. This class will not teach people how to fight, but how to defend themselves in the event of a fight The course will be offered on Sundays, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m through July and August. For more information, call the Temple office. ou renew your insurance, you renew your driver's license, you renew your magazine subscriptions. Isn't it time to.... Renew Your Wedding Vows On September 10th, you are cordially invited to The Monte Carlo Hotel to have Rabbi Gary Golbart, AAE's own "Flying Rabbi," perform a community renewal of vows. The evening will include dinner, dancing, a personalized certificate of renewal and many more surprises. All this and memories to last a lifetime for $95 per person and $190 per couple. Join us and bring a little romance back into your marriage. For more information, call 221-1230. KolAri El The Lion's Voice Page 4 from BohhL S malom. Due to illness in my family, I had no time this past month for any kind of extracurricular writing. Knowing, however, that my many loyal fans (okay, two fans - my son and my mother) would be heartbroken if I did not contribute some material, I offer the following. I'm sure you have heard/seen at least some of these Jewish celebrity quotes - but most are so amusing and/or interesting that they bear repeating. "God will pardon me. It's His business." Heinrich Heine "Don't be so humble; you are not that great." Golda Meir "My father never lived to see his dream come true of an all Yiddish speaking Canada." David Steinberg "I once wanted to become an atheist but I gave up...they have no holidays." Henny Youngman "I don't want any yes-men around me. I want everybody to tell me the truth even if it costs them their jobs." Sam Goldwyn "You make the beds, you do the dishes and six months later you have to start all over again." Joan Rivers "Somewhere on this globe, every ten seconds, there is a woman giving birth to a child. She must be found and stopped." Sam Levenson "I've been on so many blind dates, I should get a free dog." Wendy Liebman "Always tell the truth - ifs the easiest thing to remember." David Mamet "I base most of my fashion taste on what doesn't itch." Gilda Radner "My idea of an agreeable person is a person who agrees with me." Benjamin Disraeli "Even if you are Catholic, if you live in New York you're Jewish. If you live in Butte, Montana, you are going to be goyish even if you're Jewish." Lenny Bruce "The time is at hand when the wearing of a prayer shawl and skullcap will not bar a man from the White House, unless, of course, the man is Jewish." Jules Farber "Look at Jewish history. Unrelieved lamenting would be intolerable. So, for every ten Jews beating their breasts, God designated one to be crazy and amuse the breast beaters. By the time I was five I knew I was that one." Mel Brooks "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve immortality through not dying." Woody Allen "Whoever called it necking was a poor judge of anatomy." Groucho Marx (Continued on page 5) Back to School R , registration this year will be done by mail. Registration forms were sent out last month and one is also provided in this Kol Ari El for your convenience. Please return this form before August 20, or if you miss the deadline, come in an hour early on the first day of Religious School, August 27th. If you have any questions, contact the temple office at 221-1230. "PUmus. a. w , e're looking for people to join our Telephone Committee. You will be assigned a limited list of your fellow congregants to call and inform about upcoming Adat Ari El events. This is a great way to meet other Adat Ari El members and help our Temple at the same time. If you are interested, call Telephone Committee Chair, Corrinne Fields, at 221-1230. Kol Ari El The Lion's Voice Page 5 Table Talk ou're invited to TABLE TALK?WHAT WE LEARN AT OUR KITCHEN TABLES?TILE DECORATING WORKSHOP, which will be held at our Synagogue on Tuesday, July 25 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The workshop is being conducted by the Lied Discovery Children's Museum and is a project which is part of the Artists & Communities: America Creates for the Millennium, a nationwide project of the Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation, with funding from the National endowments for the Arts. Shasha Bergmann Lichtenstein, a collaborative artist from Connecticut, was chosen as the artist to coordinate and create this community network. Table Talk aims to engage families from throughout the community to share and explore the many different kinds of exchanges that occur at their kitchen tables. We all share and prepare meals at our kitchen tables, but we also make decisions, celebrate, philosophize, remember, grieve, debate, teach and leam there. You are invited to participate in helping to create the three functional sculptural tables that will be on permanent exhibit in the Museum's enclosed courtyard. Each functional table will be decorated with tiles that encapsulate personal experiences and will be available for Museum visitors to use while learning about the family stories and memories that are designed into the tables. If you are planning to participate in the Workshop you need to bring: ? A written recipe of a dish that you have eaten when your family gathers together. ? A memory of something you learned or appreciated while you were together and eating this food. (This is part of what you will add to your tile.) The recipes and stories may also be included in a cookbook made in conjunction with this project. Please R.S.V.P. to the Synagogue office at 221-1230 by Friday, July 21st. Home Away From Home Program riends from Adat Ari El needed to befriend out-of- town and International UNLV students. The Heme Away From Home Program, affiliated with the UNLV Division of Student Services, needs families and friends to befriend out-of-town and international college students for the fall semester. Participants see their students a few hours every month and answer questions students might have about Las Vegas or our American culture. There is no financial obligation. If you would like to participate in this special friendship program please call program coordinator, Sharlene Flushman, at 794-2888 f r o m Bonnie. (Continued from page 4) "I used to read interviews with people who have made a lot of money, but they were so riddled with lies that I gave it up. They always said that the way to make a lot of money is not to think about money. Just do something you love. Clearly, what they love is making money. If what they said were true, then the richest people in the world would be good schoolteachers and bad poets." Fran Lebowitz "When I bore people at a party, they think it is their fault." Henry Kissinger "A politician is a man who will double cross that bridge when he comes to it." Oscar Levant "The remarkable thing about my mother is that for thirty years she served us nothing but leftovers. The original meal has never been found." Calvin Trillin "God, I know we are your chosen people, but couldn't you choose somebody else for a change?" Sholom Aleichem If you share these quotes with all your friends and relatives, they will think you are especially witty and knowledgeable. I promise not to tell them that you heard the quotes from me... KolAri El The Lion's Voice Adat Ari El Events & Simchas lulv 2000 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Nora Cattaneo Bobble Kneltel 2 Carol DauQherty Dr. Irwin Simon 3 4 Gall ? John ShalU Lowo Wannstrom Oaorga Win ( 5 Maya Gesund 6 Edward *Sall mi Judith Groaiilaaf Phil s mchaHa Oavor 7 Charles Tardy Donald Kemp Dr. Ronald Rosen 8 Michael Sorom Michael 9 Motvfn Kochan Tammy t, Stanlay 10 11 Mlch?l? Dfvor 12 13 14 Lawronc Fitzgerald SondraPtatt Randy Stroud Tyler Herzig Brandon Htrzk 15 16 Men's Club Diane Ng Ron/ I Bob MHos 17 18 Jason Daugherty Stuart Htts Linda Jasso 19 Shawn Morgan 20 Suzzane Malmodal ? Margarat&Jaff 21 Kochan Bar Mitzvah Lisa Kansky Joshua Adelman 2 2 Kochan Bar Mitzvah Courtney Golbart Kay Green 2 3 Self Defense 24 25 Table Talk Nancy Bryan Mitchell AHman 26 27 Annabel Gordon Lawronc* 28 Carole SchoengoM Marsha 29 Sam Waldman TobiFaye Kastanbarg 30 Self Defense Donna Olllns LoDisu n?m Atslikeyn 31 Dr. Eliot Horowitz Ronald Israel Daniel Wfliitbsiy Adat Ari El Events & Simchas August 2000 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Choir Rehearsal Samantha Wilson Clair* Watson Lea ( Leslie 4 Ryan HarzJy 5 6 Self Defense Rsch#l Gwnhium 7 8 Aaron Simon Michael Bloom Adolo Shorman Too* t, Roger Mayan 9 10 Lao Schrelbor 11 Donald Schoengold Tonl WHhop 12 13 Self Defense 14 15 Jeff Jolcover Jacqueline Hoss Rtckl * Howard Gr?>nipow 16 17 Zachary Gartner Maximillian Millar-Pharos J affray Simon 18 19 Men's Club Golf Outing Erik Wenikstrom 20 Self Defense Not man Brotmsn 21 22 Harold Hindclnuin CaSrcohtao a1ng oDldo nald 2 3 24 Nancy Brotman Mildred Cohen Jann Retzner Mlndy Silverman 25 26 Jonathan Kochan 27 Religious School 28 Stanley Fonton 29 "Beat The Heat" JlUlan Ohrlner Stephen Carter Sarah Steelman Kathlaan 4 Bruce Art WHhop rimmh 30 31 Cory Tardy NancyS i?m Hono ward if*4* KolAri El The Lion's Voice Page 7 Sisterhood & Men's Club News X f the hot, recording breaking heat these last couple of weeks is any indication of what we are in for this summer, all I can say is OUCH! Have no fear, our Sisterhood is cooking a way to "BEAT THE HEAT" this summer. Save the date Sunday, August 27th at 5:30 p.m. for a special Dinner and Dance night. We'll be bringing in a dance team to entertain and teach us some fun, easy to leam moves. The cost for the evening is Chai ($18.00) per person. So, let's all "BEAT THE HEAT" TOGETHER. Please reserve your seats before we sell out by mailing your check, payable to "AAE Sisterhood" to the synagogue office. This event is open to all family and friends. If you have a table of ten, please let us know so that we can seat you together. Respectfully Yours, Jennifer Ohriner Phone Tree A Sisterhood Wish List Display case for Judaica Shop Desserts for Oneg Shabbat Styrofoam Coffee Cups Decaf Coffee Used Light Bulbs (Used in place of glass for wedding ceremony) s chairperson for the Sisterhood Phone Tree committee, I would like to thank all the members for their support in making the necessary phone calls to ensure our meetings are a success. Our sisterhood relies on the Phone Tree committee to make a personal connection to each of our members to inform them of our meetings and events. When you receive a call and a message is left on your phone, please take a moment and contact the synagogue office with a response. This is especially important when we are serving dinner and/or refreshments. If you are interested in receiving a 2000-2001 calendar of Sisterhood events, please call the synagogue office at 221-1230 and one will be mailed, or even e-mailed right out. B'Shalom, Rhoda Gogatz Phone Tree Chairperson Sisterhood Tribute Cards w3isterhood Tribute cards are a delightful way to honor a special occasion or to commemorate someone who has passed away. Orders are being taken for individual cards at a minimum of $8 each or multiple cards at 5 for $10. PLEASE MAKE A CONCERTED EFFORT TO SUPPORT OUR TRIBUTE PROGRAM. Tribute Cards sent from: Jennifer & Mark Ohriner?in Honor of Rabbi's Birthday Jennifer & Mark Ohriner?for Linda White's Recovery Jennifer & Mark Ohriner?for Ary Golbart's Recovery Jennifer & Mark Ohriner?for Gertrude Fuhr"s Recovery Jennifer & Mark Ohriner?in honor of Fem & Sam Kosh's Anniversary FORE! ime to tee up for Men's Club Putting Classic. On August 19th, couples are invited to enjoy the beautiful grounds of Angel Park Golf Course and play on the lush putting course. his poem was offered to us by Rhoda Gogatz who wanted to share it with the congregation. Thank you Rhoda. Every morning when I waken, Every night before I rest. I do the kind of exercise That suits my lifestyle best. I can do my kind of workout Almost anywhere I please - Standing, sitting, Lying down. Or even on my knees. It doesn't take a lot of time But pays off every day. For my favorite kind of exercise Is just to stop and pray. ?Author Anonymous KolAri El The Lion's Voice Page 8 u I ^ M E l ' s I Do ^jsdo * Sunday, September 10th 6:00 p.m. Monte Carlo Hotel $95 per person/$190 per couple For re2s2e1r-v1a2ti3o0n s call R.S.V.P. BY September 1st (Black Tie Optional) Adults Only Please Evening sponsored by AdatAri El Join us for an evening that celebrates love and marriage. Your evening will include: A renewal of xsows ceremony conducted by Rabbi Gary Gotbart, Las Vegas* own "Flying Rabbi" 0 A beautiful certificate commemorating the evening 0 Dinner at the elegant Monte Carlo Hotel C Dancing 0 Surprises galore... J/:*- Kol Ari El The Lion's Voice Page 9 ? / ^ j Save The Date to Beat The Heat . Save the Date of Sunday Evening, August 27th, at 5:30 P.M. for a special Dinner and Dance Night. This event will be held at the Adat Ari El Synagogue, 3310 South Jones Blvd., Las Vegas, NV 89146. Adat Ari El Sisterhood will beat the heat by cooking hors d'oeurves and dinner as well as bringing in a dance team to entertain and teach some easy to learn moves. Cost for this fun evening is CHAI ($18) per person. Join your friends and lefs BEAT THE HEAT together! Ptase Secure your Reservation for this event by completing the form bebw and enclose your check, payable to AAE Sisterhood, by August 20th, 2000. Please mail to the Synagogue Office at the above address. Please reserve places for BEAT THE HEAT Dinner and Dance Night at the Adat Ari El Synagogue. Cost is $18.00 per person. Enclosed is my check made out to Adat Ari El Sisterhood for $_ Names of those Attending: KolAri El The Lion's Voice Page 10 f r n f Kol Ari El The Lion's Voice Page YAHRZEITS - JULY/AUGUST PLEASE NOTE: Date shown is Hebrew month and day of death, according to our records. The corresponding English day and month of observance for the current year is in parenthesis. If no Hebrew date is shown, English date only is observed. To correct any erroneous information, please call the Synagogue Office. July 1 -31 Sivan 28 - Tammuz 28 7/1 Sivan 30 (7/3) Tammuz I (7/9) Tammuz 7 (7/10) Tanmuz t (7/11) Tammuz I (7/11) Tammuz 11 (7/14) 7/19 Tammuz 17 (7/20) Tammuz 11 (7/21) 7/24 Tammuz 22 (7/25) Tammuz 23 (7/26) Tammuz 23 (7/26) Dora Margollis Jacob Lader Bert Picoult Michael Belkln Morris Adler Louis Olitsky Jerry Bergsman Tammuz 11 (7/14) Ruth Openden Schiller Tammuz 12 (7/16) Benjamin Finkelstein Leonard Wolfer Anna Oiitsky Ethel Pesekow Abraham E. Copeland Julia Picoult Pauline Kleinfeld Irving Adelman Tammuz 25 (7/28) Rose Kowitt Tammuz 26 (7/29) Arnold Goodman Tammuz 26 (7/29) 7/30 Lucille Olitsky Joseph Untermeyer August 1 - 31 Tamuz 29 -Av 30 Av 2 (8/3) Frances Kleinfeld Av 3 (8/4) Sam Flur Av 4 (8/5) Julius Goodman Av 4 "8/5) Mollie Hochberg Av 5 (8/6) Minna Glickman Av 6 (8/7) Lilly Kollins Av 6 (8/7) Ethel Perer Av 6 (8/7) Marc Green berg Av 6 (8/7) Adele Feitelson Av 7 (8/8) Benjamin Kishner Av 9 (8/10) Jeffrey Silverman Av 10 (8/11) Bernard Shest Av 11 (8/12) Natalie Nathan Joseph Av 12 (8/13) Nathan Rabinovitz Av 15 (8/16) Gertrude Kneitel Av 17 (8/18) Sally Ruthe Gould Av 19 (8/20) Irene Katz Av 20 (8/21) Jerry Kestenberg 8/20 Anita Premack 8/20 Clementino Araujo Av 21 (8/22) Minnie Shakman Av 23 (8/24) Sylvia Weinberg 8/26 Philip Lobock Av 28 (8/29) Yetta Fuhr Av 28 (8/29) Lillian Corday THANKS FOR YOUR GENEROUS DONATIONS GENERAL FUND Adat Ari El Sisterhood Blanca & Bruno Buonomo Robert Goodman - Yahrzeits for His Father Julius Goodman and Brother, Arnold Goodman RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND Helen Deanin ? For the Orphan Child Tina ft Frank Pecinka - For the Orphan Child David Sonenstein - In Memory of His Mother-ln-Law, Pauline Poindexter Dr. Mark Solomon - In Honor of Claire Watson's Birthday Dr. Phillip ft Michele Devore - In Honor of Mlchele's Birthday Dr. Phillip ft Michele Devore - In Honor of Shawn Morgan's Birthday Kay Sanderson Bobbie Kneitel - Yahrzeit for Her Grandmother, Frances Nathan and Her Mother, Natalie Nathan Joseph and In Honor of Her Birthday Dr. Mark Solomon - In Honor of Elizabeth Solomon's Birthday Diane Ng ? In Honor of Her Birthday BUILDING FUND Jackie ft Stuart Hess - In Memory of Bernard Marco Christine ft Irwin Simon - In Honor of Irwin's Birthday Corinne Fields - Yahrzeit for Her Father, Sam Flur Elma ft John Householder - Thanks for Copy of Ashley Ohriner's D'var Torah Dr. Phillip ft Michele Devore - In Honor of Greg Devore's Birthday Sol/Selma Steiner - Yahrzeit for Her Father, Leon Tiras Dr. Marvin/Irene Perer ? Yahrzeit for Irene's Mother Diane Ng PRAYER BOOK FUND Sylvia Dickstein ? In Honor of Her Birthday SCHOLARSHIP FUND Carol ft Mike Festen ? Yahrzeit for Carol's Father, Morris Adler YOUTH GROUP FUND Hillary Stoltz - Yahrzeit for Her Grandmother, Lilly Kollins ?jnio CERTIFIED MOHEL LEROY BERNSTEIN, M.D. Ritual Circumcision nVonna 796-7000 Certified by the Rabbinic Council of Lot Angeles Eliot M. Horowitz. U.D., F.A.C.S.. Ltd. Diploma!,' Amcrlctn Board of Urology A. lull 4ii<! (Villain urology M?k SexuMi Function 4275 Uuntfuun. Suite ?320 (7021 738 3555 Lai VrgaK. NcvwIn SOI 19 IIY AWOIKTMKMT ONLY Kol Ari El The Lion's Voice mK Page 11 Religious School News f o r R e U ^ o u s S c h o o l . c h i U ^ RELIGIOUS SCHOOL BEGINS ON AUGUST 2 7TN 2000-2001 Religious School Registration Form Family Name: Registration Date: Religious School: To enroll your child(ren) in Religious School, complete the following $250($225 tuition + $25 books) (first child) =$ $215 ($ 190 tuition + $25 books) x (# of children) = $ Total Religious School fee $ If paid by July 15, 2000, please deduct 10% $_( )_ Enclosed is my/our check for $ Registration for Religious School must be completed by August 20, 2000, Please return this form to our Synagogue Office You can also register at 9:00 a.m. on August 27, 2000 Religious School Starts at 10:00 a.m. on August 27, 2000 Religious School Tuition must be paid in full, and fifty-percent (50%) Membership Dues paid prior to Religious School Registration deadline of August 20, 2000. (if you have chosen to pay your dues monthly, and you are current on your payments, this will suffice for 50% membership dues .paid) P <Ari 331 OS. Jones Las Vegas, NV 89146 Phone: 702-221-1230 Fax:702-221-1385 Email: A Reform Congregation Embracing Traditional Judaism We re on the Web! With (jr&ftude! Many thanks to Corinne Fields, Rhoda Gogatz, and Sharon Remer for covering the Synagogue office phones while Helen was out of town. July 21 Oneg Shabbats Phyllis Walker & Melvin Kochan In honor of their son, Jonathan's Bar Mitzvah High Holy Days he High Holy Days are upon us. Mark your calendars as we prepare to welcome the year 5761. July 28 Erev Rosh Hashanah Nancy Bryan & Rabbi Steven Newman In honor of Rabbi Newman's ordination Rosh Hashanah August 25 Michelle & Dr. Philip Devore In honor of family simchas Kol Nidre Yom Kippur September 29,2000 September 30,2000 October 8,2000 October 9,2000 7:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. CELEBRATE WITH YOUR CONGREGATIONAL FAMILY! What better way to honor an occasion then to sponsor an Oneg Shabbat? It's easy to do, just call 221-1230 and someone from Sisterhood will give you all the details.