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    Mr. A. McGuire, Chief Engineer, San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake Railway, Los Angeles, C alifornia. Lear S ir :- .CABLE ADDRESS WASH PJ P E .T a c o n QUOTATIONS S U B JE C TTO CHANGE W ITH O UT N O TIC E. ALL AGREEMENTS ARE CONTINGENT UPON STRIKES, ACCIDENTS OR OTHER DELAY UNAVOIDABLE OR BEYO N D OUR CO N TR O L, X / ' I , ' t v \ , We note by the Press Reports you are to in s ta ll a wood pipe lin e at Faust, Utah, at an estimated cost o f 340,000.00, and also that you a r e ,to 'iffiprove the water system at Las Vegas. / ?* , \as old, experienced and extensive manufacturers o f machine ?banders and eont innous wood stave pipe, we would "be pleased to receive ^ y y / 1 * \^,a c o ^ ^ o f/ y w f specifications and the opportunity o f figu rin g on your A , X y u requirements. W ill you kindly, upon receipt of this le t t e r , mail us A KV V copy o f your specifications to enable us to quote on the pipe and ma­te r ia ls required. we w ill appreciate your courtesy and believe we can save you considerable money on the wood pipe you specify, owing to our extensive m ills and works we are in a position to make the very best quotations on the highest grade o f materials. Shanking you very kindly fo r anfoimation you may give us and fo r a copy o f your specifications, we are Yours tru ly , Washington Pipe & Foundry Co. WER-BO Vice-President*