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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Los Angeles, April 1, 194-3 y Mr* Frank Strong* Yesterday I was in Las Vegas and held conference with Mr. J. P. Mack and J. M. Anderson relative to completion of the work in connection with the wells, water facilities, etc., at Las Vegas. The status of delivery of the materials for completion of this work is as follows: Pumps for Wells Nos. 4-, 7 and 10 are now on hand and Water Service forces will Install these pumps, Installing the pump in Well No. 10 first so that additional flow in this well can he developed. The power line is now extended to Well No. 10 and is ready for service* Lumber for the derrick of Well No. 10 is now on hand and Mr. Mack advises he will erect this derrick at once so we can install the pump. Chlorinating equipment at the middle spring was install­ed and tested out about 10 days ago. However, two coils were burned out and Mr. Wiseman sent these coils to Los Angeles for re—winding. They should be completed about April an& will be returned to Las Vegas for installation. Mr. Anderson is ar­ranging to place the chlorinator in operation and after the springs have been cleared up and chlorine treatment is working satisfactor­ily, he will send a sample of the water to the State Health Depart-ment for analysis and approval for running the water into the res-