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I agree.December 29, 1?║55 Mr. 11 Freeman, Publicity Director, The Sands Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada Dear Al, Our Director of Exploitation in New York, has been doing some thinking regarding the exploitation of "Meet Me In Las Vegas*1, and he has asked us about some possibilities which I am listing below. Would you give them careful consideration, and let me know your thinking on them? S3. On Broadway in New York, between 48th | 49th Sts.} there is a giant billboard advertis- ing Las Vegas. What can be done to repaint / this board...tied in with our picture? 4. ~WKat are the possibilities of the Las Vegas Chamber of Commerce circularizing some sort of a phamplet or mailing piece to transit bureaus, travel offices, convention headquarters..plugging Las Vegas, tied in with our picture? I*d appreciate very much if you can give me your reaction to the above, so that we can let him know what the possibilities are. 1. The City of Las Vegas, as well as individual hotels, do a national 24- sheet posting campaign. Has the idea of these postings, tied in with our picture The City of Las Vegas, as well as been explored with the people of Las Vegas? 2. Are there available various post cards on Las Vegas on which a mailing could be done? These to be mailed, say one a week, to a list WU JJ Ul&.JLJL'Z: \JL j *3 CLJ vUC CX M w ?½ W G* -*-'*?√ß**' v of motion picture editors on our mailing list? NO AGREEMENT OR ORDER WILL BE BINDING ON THIS CORPORATION UNLfcbS in WKiiiNto anu sitsntu di aw HH/me