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Meeting minutes for Consolidated Student Senate, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, February 18, 1975






Agenda and meeting minutes for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Student Senate. CSUN Session 3 Meeting Minutes and Agendas.

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    uac000073. Consolidated Students of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas Records, 1965-2019. UA-00029. Special Collections and Archives, University Libraries, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Las Vegas, Nevada.


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    SENATE MEETING #29 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1??5 AGENDA X. Call to Order II. Roll Call III. Minutes XV. Presiding Officer's Comments? V. Committee Reports tf. Activities Board ft. Appropriations Committee C. By-Lave Committee Be Day Care 3oard JS. Sleet ions Board T. Legal Counael Search Committee S, Lobbying Committee Mass Communications Board I. Organisation* Council J, Special Amendment Committee tf Student Union Board V. Yell Investigative Committee f'. Secretary Screening Report •I. Old Business A. Senate Seat Elections B. Approve Presidential Nominations C. Approve Contractu: KFM Stereo 102 Carlin/Raakirt Contract VII. Nsv Business A. Senate Seat Nominations B» Presidential Nominations C „ Assoc* Music Students-Matching Organisations Request B, Appropriations Recommendations 1. Magazine Money 2 o Activities Board Budget 3. Day Care Center»$309»0I •III, Information A, Next Senate Meeting - Tuesday, March 1975 SESATE MEETING #22 TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1975 I, Meeting vas called to order by Joe Karaffa at 5 u . s , r / IX . Roll call was taken i "t-—( XII. Motion by A1 Singham to dispense with the reading of the minutes and approve as is, Seconded by Curtis Haggard H&tion carries IV. Presiding Officer*s Comments The Chair read from Sturgis, pages IS5* Debate 2r«zst be fundeaien tally impersonal, All discussion is addressed to the presiding office?* and must nerer he direct-ed to any individual. A motion~-its nature or «on aeijuen ees-«-may be attacked vigorously. But it is sever permissible to attach the motives, character, or personality of a Member either directly or by innuendo or implication. It is the duty of the presiding officer to stop aay member instantly if be engages is personalities or attacks the motives o2" another member or is ungentleaanly in vord or manner. It is the motion, not its proposer, that is the subject of debate. Meetings must discuss measures» not men. V. Committee Reports Motion by Dave Slkins to Move the Senate Seat nominations up on the agenda. Seconded by Curtis Haggard Motion carries fhe Chair informed the Senate o£ the Senate -Seat vacancies: Math & Science - 1. Education ~ 1. Dave Slkins nominated Hon Arnoldsen for M&fcfe & Science Motion by Sav© Slkins to novo Senate Seat Elections for Math 6 Science up on the agenda. Seconded by Rosalynn barney Motion carries Save Elkins requested a division of the house vote on Ron Amoldsen. Vote on Ron A m olds en, 18 yes- 1 abstain The. Chair asked Ron Arnolds en to take his seat as Senator* Motion by Curtis Haggard to move Senate Seat Elections for University College up on the agenda. Seconded by Richard Sutierres Motion carries - 1 - The Gho.iT introduced "Rayxaond May and -John C&rrillo9 two nominees for University College. Motiosa fey Eugene Bella to vote by closed ballot. Seconded by Curtis JJfcggard Motion carries I / The Chair informed the Senate the Treasurer *?Oi?.ld count the ballots and as soon as the results were known the nearly elected Senator -sould be asked to take h is act at. Motion by Sue Beens to nowe the Student Union Board report up on the agenda. Seconded by Bay Carrillo Motion carries A. Student Union Board Report Bean Black requested the Senate give & vote of confidence on two proposals pending with the Student Union Board, 1, Expansion of the Student Union Building. A. Build & larger Bookstore B. Build a snail Theatre. 2a Hew fee structure proposed 'by the Vice President or? Business, charging $5;.00 per credit hour for both full-tine and part-tine students. Discussion Motion by Rosalyrm Barney the Senate give the Student Uaioa Board a vote of confidence for the Bookstore and Little Theatre expansions and the Fee Structure proposal. Seconded by Curtis Haggard Motion by Haf&el Lara to vote separately on each proposal., Seeoncled by A1 Kinghaa Chair re-yuesited the Senate vote by division of the house for a rote of confidence for the Bookstore and Little Theatre expansions. 'Vote of Confidence passed unanimously Motion by Saf&el Lars the Senate recosmend the Student Union Board consider charging those students taking 13 or less credits $2.00 per credit hour, or sore credits a flat §2T"0© fee. Seconded by Hon. Arnolds en Motion carries Motion by A1 Singh an to nove the Haas Ccatnuni cat ions Board report up oa the Agenda. Seconded by Dare Biking Motion carries B. Mass Cosiamnications Board Seport George Apfel reported on the progress .of the laae Comnuni cat ions Board up to this point. l) Publications Policy was eat.ablis2.ied, 2} Set up a procedure for printing of the YELL„ 3) Established - 2 - criteria for sell lag a£y and the payment of ad coasaissions 9 3) Interviewed candidates for position of Sditor & Chief of CSUH Publications; their choice tras approved by the Senate, At presentk the Board is making a study on establishing a Campus Radio Station. At the next Senate meeting, the Board will submit the proposed restructure of the Mass ComEuni eat ions Board. {John Carrill© •tf&s asked to take his seat as 8eaator.) Motion by Rafael Lara to aove u-p on the agenda tfes Approval of the Associated Music Students Organination - Seconded by Hay Carrillo Motion carries Motion by Bafeel to approve the Associated Music Students. Seconded by Hay Carrillo Motion carries Mr. Doug Jeffery, President of the Associated Music Students submitted % proposal to the Senate requesting Matching Organ-ization Funds in the amount of Discussion Motion by Bafael Lara to appropriate $500 of Matching Organ-isations Funds for their tour to the Sorthern part of the State {March IT-19, 19T5). Seconded by A1 ICinghaxs Discussion Call for the question by Rafael Lara Seconded by Dare Slkinns Motion carries, 15 yes, 3 no, 2 abstain &ain notion before the floor earries* IS yes r, 3 no* & abstain •The Chair infoi-aed the Associated Music Students„ providing they asset the requirement a shavst in the CSUS Budget, the money will be given to their organisation. Motion by Barbara Alford to sore the Approval of all organisa-tions that were screened up on the agenda. Seconded by Rosalynn Barney Motion carries Motion by Hon Arnoldijess to vote on each organ! sat ion separately., Seconded by Save Hlfcins Discussion Main Eotioa before the floor carries Hot- Middle Earth Society - Approved C.A.H.P. -» Approved Lambda Delta Sigma »• Approved Students Concerned with Chamber Singers - Approved Lawmakers - Approved C&Kipws Crusade for Christ » Hot Approved C. Activities Board Report Rosalynn Barney reported for the aionth of November $1,301,09 revenue, 35.,69!;.?5 expenditures; December $3,802.2? revenue9 $3,351.92 expenditures, Several questions were directed to Miss Raise y regarding the esxjenditureE for Grigory Sotolov. The Chair read fro® the CSUff Constitution, Article VII t Section 10s Paragraph Bt Subsection 1: "The Activities Board shall he solely responsible for obtaining, scheduling„ &dmia~ istering and publicizing all C813S sponsored activities„ enter-tainment and social evsnts. D. AppropriatioD.3 CoBiasittee Scport Jill Bovak submitted the Appropriations Cosassittee Recommendations which were established at their last meeting. These recomiBesda"- tions consisted of: I) Magazine Budgett ?.) Activities Board Budget j 3) Other Monies ($309.03.), YELL Linetype Machine Request. Motion by Rafael I.&ra to accept the Appx"Opri».tiocE CosjRittee Report. Seconded by A1 Kinghaw Motion carries Motion by Ray C&rrillo to move up on the agenda the Appropriations Committee ReconiRtendatione . Seconded fey Rafael Lara Motion carries Motion by Rafael Lara to approve Part I of the Appropriations Committee Reeomsseadatioan regarding the Magasine Budget. Seconded by A1 ICingham Motion carries Motion by Sue Deems to rescind the Activities portion, of the Budget previously approved by the Senate,, Seconded by Hon Araoldsen Discussion Call for the question by Rafael Lara Seconded by Roaalynn Kavcey Motion carries Main motion before the floor carries Motion by Rafael Lara to accept Fart II of the Appropriations Committee 3ecommendations regarding the Activities Board Budget, Seconded by Bo3alynn Ramey Discussion Call for the question by Marie Shea Seconded by Al Kingham Motion- carries Main motion before the floor carries9 IT yee, 2 ao, 3 abstain Motion by Eugene Bella to accept Fart III of the Appropriations Committee Recommendations regarding Other Monies ($309-01). Seconded by Hay Carrillo Motion carries Motion by Shirlej- Lindsey to move yp on the ageada the Approval of Presidential Moainations. Seconded by Hi chard Gxitierre:* Motion carries E. Approval of Presidential ftoi-sinations Val Buheefcer withdrew the nasaes of all nominations on the Student Bill of Sights Committee and nominated the following to serve on that Committee: diehard Gutierrea, Sean KcVey, Eerlinda S&lasar, Alan Gubler,. John Carrillo* Kevin Coe and Hon Arnoldsen. Motion by Rafael Lara to recess for five minutes. Seconded by Curtis Haggard Meeting was called back to order at 6:30 p.-as. The Chair informed the Senate the Student Bill of Bights Committee, a Senate Ad Hoc Committee, does not have to be made up of Senators as long aa those peraoas nominated for that Coassiittee are approved "by the Senate. Va'l Buheefcer withdrew Judy Carlisi as a member on the Fraternity Hov Task Force and nominated Jodi Tenuta and Sheri Hetman to serve on that Committee - Motion by Shirley Lindsey to vote on the Fraternity Ro-sf Taah Force as a whole,and approve as in. Seconded by Sue Deesas Motion carries Motion by Sue Seesss to vote by closed ballot for the remainder of the Presidential Bominations. Seconded by Hay Carrillo Motion carries Motion by Eugene Bella to consider informally the reconsideration of the original nominees for the Student Bill of Rights Committee Seconded by Ron Arnoldsen Motion carries The Chair requested e. consensus of the Senate on reconsidering the Student Dill of Sights Cosastittee members originally nominated Consensusj 15 yes* 1 no, 3 abstain Motion by Eugene Belin to end informal consideration. Seconded by Dave Elfcins Motion carries (Eugene Belin v&& excused) - 5 - Yiil Btihecker withdrew his withdrawal of the original members nominated for the Student Bill of Bights Committee, Motion by Marie Shea to remove from the table the Appropriations Committee Heport of December IT, 197*4. {Host Arnolds ©a* Caryn Ceja9 Dave Blkins, Sue Seems were excused) Discussion Main sotion before the floor carries Appropriations Committee Report of 12/1?/?U Motion by Marie Shea to consider the two section of the Appropriations Heport of 12/1?/?H separately and approve Fart I as is, Seconded by Curtis Haggard Discussion Call for the question by Marie Shea Seconded by Oiu-tis Haggard Motion carries Roll call vote requested by Barbara Alford Kevin Coe So Marie Shea Yes Bay Carrillo Yes Scott Marcus Yes Rafael Lara Yeas Graeme Cavey, lo Jeff Bairfi So . A1 Kinghaa - Yes Barbara Alford Ho Sean Mc¥ey Ko Rosalynn Barney Yes Herlinda Salaaar Ko Curtis Haggard Yes William. Rickwarts Yess John Carrillo Yes Motion carries, 9 yes, 6 no, 0 abstain Appeal to the Chair by Curtis Haggard oat the decision of the Chair regarding quorum being broken. Seconded by William Rickw&rtz Appeal to the Chair defeated Motion by Rosalynn Samey to accept Fart 2 of the Appropriations Committee F.eport of 12/17/7* as is. Seconded Marie Shea Discussion Call for the question by Rafael Lara Seconded by Hosalynn Ramey Roll call vote req-aeeted by Barbara Alford. Kevin Coe Abstain Marie Shea Yes Ray Carrillo Yes? Scott Marcus Yes Rafael Lara Yes Graeme Cavey ®'o Jeff Baird Abstain A1 Kinghaa Yes Barbara Alford So Sean McVey Abstain Rosalynn Hansey Yes Herlinda Salazar Abstain Curtis Haggard Abstain William Riekwarts Ho John Carrilio Abstain Motion carries, 6 ye3, 3 no, 6 abstain Motion by Barbara Alford to atove up on the agenda the Matching Organization Fund request for the Chamber Singers. Seconded by Ray Carrilio Motion carries G. Chamber Singers ~ Hatching Organization Fund Request Dona Van Guilder, Vice President of Chamber Singers presented their proposal for $500 Matching Organization Funds for their tour of the state on March 2l>~29, 1975. Motion by A1 Kingham to appropriate #300 from the Matching Organisation Funds to the Chamber Singers for their tour on March 2h-29» W 5 . Seconded by Ray Carrilio Discussion. Call for the question by Barbara Alford Seconded by Ray Carrilio Motion carries Roll call vote requested by Ray Carrilio Motion carries, 13 yes, 1 no, 1 abstain Motion by Barbara Alford to adjourn. Seconded by Curtis Haggard Motion by Barbara Alford to adjourn withdrawn. Second by Curtis Haggard withdrawn Motion by Barbara Alford to ssove -«p on the agenda the Approval of Contracts. Seconded by A1 Kinghaa Motion carries H. Approval of Contracts Motion by Rosalynn Sastey to accept the Carlin/Rankin Contract in the amount of $8,150. Seconded by Rafael Lara Discussion q Coe Yes Marie Shea Ray C&vvllla Yes Scott Marcus Yes K&fael Lara Abstain Graerae Cavey Yes Jeff B&lrd Yes A3. Kingham Yes Barbara, Alford Yea Sean MeVey Yes ftos&lynn Ramey So Herlinda S&lasar Yes Curtis Haggard Yes William Bickwartz Y«?s; Johti Carrilio Yes Call for the question by A1 Kingham Seconded by Bay Carrillo Motion carries Main motion before the floor carries Motion by Rafael Lara to approve the EFM Stereo 102 Contract. Seconded by Bosalynn Raaey (Barbara Alford excused) Discussion Call for th® question by Ray Carrillo Seconded by Rafael Lara Motion carries Main saotion before the floor defeated. Motion by Ray Carrillo to table all committee reports. Seconded by A1 Kinghsw Motion carries VI. Hew Business A. Bay Carrillo submitted an Organisations and Candidates By-Lav to the By-Law Committee. B. Rosalynn Raaey submitted the <J. Fat Sort on and Cologne Chaaaber Orchestra Contracts. C. Marie Shea submitted an amendment to the Special Amendment Committee. P. Motion by A1 Kingham to make the Day Care Board, Legal Counsel Search Committee, Lobbying Committee, Mass Communications Board, and Organisations Council all Senate Ad Hoc Committees. Amendment to the motion by Rosalynn Raaey all Chairpersons of thoBe Committees to remain the same. Seconded by Rafael Lara Amendment motion carries Discussion on the main motion Main motion before the floor carries The Chair read from Sturgis, page 59: "Instructions from the the assembly or from the presiding officer may be given to a committee as part of the motion to refer, or by a Eeperate motion, or by oral directions from the presiding officer or in a Memorandum from the secretary. E. Presidential nominations The President had no nominations at this time. F. Revised 197^/75 Judy Bayley Theatre Budget The Chair presented the Revised 19fl»/75 Judy Bayley Theatre Budget which is available in the CSU5 Office for the Senators to review. 0. Sean McVey requested the Secretary screen Kay Dickson and Hal Bonta Motion by Rafael Lara to adjourn Seconded by Herlinda 8alazar Meeting was adjourned at 7:^0 SENATE MEETING #22 FEBRUARY 18, 1975 PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATIONS Activities Board Steve Rhodes Eric Forsstrom John Sable Steve Bushey Yes No Abstain By-Laws Committee Graeme Cavey Day Care Board Marie Bain, Chairperson Margaret Wilgar Fraternity Row Task Force Boh Branar, Chairman Guy Pence Jeff Baird Dan Russell Rod Day Judy Carlisi • mill MINI Lobbying Committee A1 Kingh&J^,. Chairman Mike Navarro, Advisor — — Magazine Editor Mike Navarro Mass Communication Bd George Apfel, Chairman Student Union Board Stan Wardle, Chairman Andrew Hafen — — I ) SENATE MEET-n<0 if22 FEBRUARY 1 JL9T5 SENATE AD HOC COMMITTEE STUDENT BILL OF RIGHTS ten No Abstain Stan Wardle, Chairman Carol Levy Brad Peterson A1 Kingham Bill Gonzales John Tofano Jeff Baird Dr. Robert Glennen, Advisor University College Yea No Abstain John Carrillo Raymond May 1 1 Hi ll m III L III 1 SENATE SEAT ELECTION