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The Bulletin of Congregation Ner Tamid, November 1999



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November 1999 - Vol. XIV No. 2 _J1 22 Cheshvan - 21 Kislev 5760 Sanford D. Akselrad Rabbi Mcnty E. Willey Executive Director Bella Feldman Cantorial Soloist Jacqueline Fleekop Education Director Drew Levy President Lois Bergman Preschool Director Neal Schuster Student Rabbi Melanie Gorman Program Director Ch*r\u\uM 15 \ust TbE AnnuaI ChANukAh Bazaar spoNSOREd by SisTERhood will bE bEld on StNdAy, NovEMbER 7ih, iN TbE SociAl HaII. TbE fuN bEqiNS AT HAM ANd Will CONUNUE 'Till 5pM. As AlwAys, OUR bAZAAR qETS biqqER ANd bETTER EVERy yEAR. A RaHIe dRAwiNq will bE bEld to bENEfiT tNe SiSTERbood FuN-D foR YoUTb PROqRAMS wbh pRiZES TbAT iNcludE, A bicycU, TElEVisiON, RUNNiN REbEl bAskETbAll Tl'clcETS, JEWElRy, RESTAURANT CERTifiCATES, ANd MANy OTbER fAbulous pRizES. One TbiNq you can AlwAys count ON is A MOUTb'WATERiNq luNcb pREpAREd by TbE PARTy shop. TbE Cih Shop will bE opEN whb a sensatktnaI seIectIon of qilr Items. You won't want to Miss TbE CROWNiNq of Ms. NoodlE Kuqsl, Ner TAMid's AWARd wiNNiNq contest! BRiNq youR fAMily, bRiNq youR fRiENds, TO This yEARS fuN ANd fESTiVE ChANukAb Bazaar. Debbie Jriedman "Brings Jewish Music Vo Las Vegas Debbie Jriedman, the tooman mho wrote the Jewish music you love, will be performing in Has Degas. The concert will be on January 9, 2000, at 2:00 p.m. 3t wiLL be sponsored by Congregation TNer Tamid and 'Temple Deth Shalom. The location of the concert is yet to be decided. TWatch the bulletin for more information on the concert and on how to purchase, tickets. This is an opportunity you won't want to miss! rBe sure to save the date so that you can enjoy the first major Jewish cultural event of the year 2000! JHB Worship Services 2 Rabbi?s Message 2 Message from our President 3 Notes From our Cantorial Soloist 4 School News & CNT Preschool 4 November B?nai Mitzvah Auxiliaries & Committees Board Profile New Member Welcome Birthdays/Anniversaries Tributes Yahrzeits & In Memorium (the Bulletin Is published monthly) \cA Special r()laee 7Jo (Belong. \' Worship Services Conducted by Rabbi Sanford D. Akselrod & Cantorial Soloist Bella Feldman November 5 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by the Sisterhood November 6 Brittany Markman Bat Mitzvah 10am Torah Study/ Morning Minyon 10am Lead by Student Rabbi Schuster Kiddush Sponsored by the Markman Family November 12 Tot Shabbat 6:30pm Jennifer Rapoport Bat Mitzvah 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by the Rapoport Family November 13 Jamie Pink Bat Mitzvah 10:00am Kiddush Sponsored by the Pink Family November 19 Samantha Lea Dunn Baby Naming 3rd Grade Shabbat Service w/Jr. Choir 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by the 3rd Grade parents and Rose Dunn Alternate Service in the Beit Tefillah November 20 Zachary Goldberg Bar Mitzvah 10am Kiddush Sponsored by the Goldberg Family Torah Study/ Morning Minyon 10am Lead by Student Rabbi Schuster November 26 Shabbat Services 7:30pm Oneg Sponsored by the Sisterhood A ^ .2 Conqreqa rioN N er TAMid "A Wish and a Hope for the New Year'' With the new year of 5760 comes renewed hope and prom?ise for a better year filled with better tidings for us as Jews and the world community at large. Without question, this past year has had too much of its fin of hatred, racism and bigotry against our people and others. Colum?bine, Atlanta, Qacramento, and Los Angeles are but a few of the Elaces where hatred and relent- sss violence reared its ugly head. On the one hand, we recognize these incidents for what they are-isolated incidents that can be explained individually. In some cases anti-semitism will be the root causer in others mental ill?ness; in others it is prejudice. Even so, as we look back upon the year we wonder if a broader pattern of societal misanthropy is occurring. That as parents, siblings, friends, co workers, teachers and leaders we have somehow missed the mark. As the recent statement made by our Board of Rabbis empha?sized, all of us bear responsibili?ty. Judaism teaches us of the inter connectedness of society. Each of us must do our part in insuring that the values that we cherish will remain intact and the compass by which we live and lead our lives. With the new year, hope can be renewed and promises fulfilled, but in large measure it is up to us as a community and up to us as individuals. Our children not only listen to us, they watch what we do and how we behave. If our Judaism is the core source of our values, then let our chil?dren know that this year will reflect a renewed commitment to Jewish values and traditions. It can start in small ways-the light?ing of candles on 8habbat, and graduate to more involvement-a class in studying the Torah or bringing one's child to youth group or sending them to a Jewish sum?mer camp...whatever your choices might be, let them reflect those values which you want to empha?size and cherish most. KTAV publishing house prints up a beautiful little book entitled, Jew?ish Spirituality and Peace of Mind. It is a collection of daily medita?tions that I highly recommend. In closing my thoughts for the new year, let me share with you this treasure bit of wisdom: "Let there be righteousness a charity in the world, and let it to gin with me. Let there be prayer and dedication in the world, ana let it begin with me. Let there be promise and new hope in the world, and let it begin with me. To a good year, a year of peace to you all. ?RaBSi Sanford SU(sefrad NovEMbER 1999 Temple Board Members Drew Levy Stewart Blumenfeld Scott Stolberg Howard Layfer Ira Specfor Judy Cornet Lynn Sasso Sylvia Beller David Stahl Ruth Urban Mel Hallerman Rita Goldstein Frances Klamian Jacky Rosen Leon Marco Jere' Davis Esther Saltzman Sharna Blumenfeld Mindy Unger-Wadkins Sandy Stolberg Steve Joseph Stuart Kallick TBD Sandy Pittle Bob Unger Jerry Gordon Cal Lewis Eileen Kollins Kenneth Schnitzer Dr. David Wasserman Dr. Steve Kollins Michael Cherry 'Dr. Bernard Farrow Eugene Kirshbaum* Rabbi Sanford Akselrad President VP Administration VP Ways & Means VP Membership VP Religious Activities VP Education & Youth VP Member Activities VP Social Action Treasurer Secretary Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee-Membership Trustee Trustee Trustee-Youth Trustee-Library Trustee-Bulletin Sisterhood Brotherhood NTTY TNT Golden Chai Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Past President Ex Officio ?Deceased Catting MC ?Boo/t Lovers If you Cove to read, come and join the C9fT (Boolj group. Tie group meets tfie first Monday of eacfi month at 7pm at the TernpCe. Tie Boohfor November is "Memoirs of a geisha? by Arthur QoCden. TCease caCC Tatatie Shazv at 837-8370 if you?re interested. m ESSAGE FROM OUR TEMPLE PRESIDENT Now ThAT ThE TEMpU hAS dECidEd TO START tItE PROCESS of pREpARilNCj a l_ONq Ranqe PIan, whAT docs iT All mean? Some pEopls hAVE AskEd, "Why now?" Our TEMplE hAS EXpERl'ENCEd OVER' whElMiNq qROWTh ThE past Few Years. Our new sanctuary is qoR- qcous ANd is SERviNq us weII. ThE NUMbER of pROqRAMS WE pUT ON hAS iNCREASEd AS hAVE ThE NUMbER of ATTENdEES. OuR AUXiliARy qROUpS ARE pROspERiNq. ThiNqs at CoNqREqA' TioN Ner TAMid are qoiNq qREAT! So why doES CNT NEEd a LoNq RANqE PIan? BratzIever RsbbE wrote, You should not look at All ThE bAd ThiNqs iN youR lifE ANd SAy: "Now I will iMpROVE MysElf." RAThER, you should look AT yOUR pOSiTiVE TRAiTS ANd dwEll upoN youR qoodNESS. From ThERE you can SAy, "Now I will iMpROVE MysElf." ThE UAHC teIIs US ThAT plANNiNq is A RATiONAl pRO' CESS, is qOAl'ORiENTEd ANd qEAREd TOWARds chANqE. ThAT is OUR " MissioN," to look at idENTifyiNq WAyS ThAT CNT CAN bETTER SERVE iTS CURRENT ANd FUTURE MEMbERS ANd CONTINUE TO OPERATE SUCCESsfully fOR MANy yEARS TO COME. ThE LRP COMMiTTEE hAS bEEN fORMEd, WiTh A NUMbER of TEMplE MEMbERS AlREAdy iNVOlvEd. ThE COM' MiTTEE MET whh RAbbi AliCE DubiN' sky, fROM ThE UAHC REqioNAl offiCE, who hElpEd ThE COMMiTTEE FoCUS ON ThE PROCESS ANd MAp OUT A COURSE of ACTiON. ThE NEXT STEp, iN ThE PROCESS, iS TO dETERMiNE tItE 5 TO 7 Topics ThAT will be STudiEd. This will bE doNE by ThE LRP committee wiThiN ThE next 50 dAys. AFter This is COMplETEd, ThE COMMITTEE will OR' qANizE Focus Croups. Focus Croups pROvidE an exceIIent bASis fOR STRATEqiC plANNiNq iN ThE TEMpU. FiRST of aII, ThEy Allow you to CONNECT WiTh All TypES of TEMpU MEMbERS to see how weII ThEy FeeI ThE TEMpU is MEETiNq ThEiR NEEds ANd if ThERE ARE ANy chANqES ThEy would like to see iN ThE Future. Focus Croups aIso Allow MEMbERS to be a PART of The plANNiNq PROCESS ANd hElp ThEM FeeI vESTEd iN ThE Process. Focus Groups will CONSiST of 12'15 pEOpU EACh, MAdE up of All "types" of TEMpU MEM' bERS. From new MEMbERS to loNq- TiME MEMbERS, TO iNTERfAUh COUpUs to parents wbh childREN iN REliqious school, TO EMpTy'NESTERS & SENiORS to ThE youThs. A widE varUty of MEN, WOMEN ANd yOUNq AdulTS. ThERE will bE 5 TO 6 diffERENT qROUpS ThAT will MEET SOME TiME AfTER ThE fiRST of ThE NEW YEAR. ThE MEETiNqS will bE AppROXiMATEly ONE hoUR IN UNqTh. ThEy will bE ModERATEd by RAbbi DubiNsky, wUhouT ANy TEMpU STAff OR boARd MEMbERS PRESENT. By NOT hAViNq STAff OR boARd MEMbERS PRESENT, PARTICIPANTS Will bE AbU TO hAVE opEN, UNbiASEd discussioNS. RAbbi DubiNsky will ThEN REpRoducE All ThE notes From tIte qROups ANd qiVE ThEM TO ThE LRP COMMiTTEE foR ThEiR REViEW. This will bE A VERy iMpORTANT pROjECT foR our TEMpU. It will qivE aII of us A VERy qood iNdiCATiON of whERE WE STANd. If you would likE TO bE A PART of This PROCESS ANd TAkE pART i'n a Focus Croup, pUase Ut tIhe RAbbi, Monty or MysElf kNOw. m. NovEMbER 1999 c t Special <J)laee. Helotuj X j h Iff 'Notesfrom. nur CantoriaCSoCaist -------------------------------fi-1------------------------4*---------------------- 2 As I write this article I am filled with excitement and anticipation about having another baby. With an approximate due date of January 15, preparations for mu maternity leave are all ready well underway. I am lining up substitute soloists, lesson plans and choir music for the next few months. Luckily, we have many competent congregants and professionals to call upon that will lelp out while I'm gone (mid- Jecember to mid-March). Two of mu wonderful helpers, Lori Frankl ana Billy Tiep, led the Jr. Choir at Simchat Torah Services. This year's choir is fantastic and their enthusiasm added so much to the service. You will be hearing more from them at our upcoming family services and also for Chanukah. Our Choir for a New Century is already rehearsing for their program next year and is shaping up beautifully. We have over 20 children in each of those choirs and they are to be commended for all of their hard work. Before we know it we?ll be into the next holiday season and the next millennium! B'shalom, Betfa HILLEL l The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life at ULILV Attention Jewish College Students: ? Meet new friends and old ? Network ? Attend great events ? Socialize ? Explore your heritage Hilel is the Interfaith Student Center 4765 Brussels Rd. Las\bgas,NV 89119 Phone: 73&0887 E-mail: wih your name and address- receive a monthly newsletter and weekly e-mai Religious School News Fall Days are cool, allowing us to be outside. If you drive up to Mt Charleston, the leaves are just about gone, chased away from the trees by the crisp breeze. The days are now what is called normal days, not too hot or too cold, the land we take for granted instead of treasuring. The major Jewish holidays have bast and Thanksgiving is overrun by Chan- nukah and Christmas. It seems people are too busy to be thankful. Let me force you to stop the rush of life and tell you why I love our religious school, children and Ner Tamid. We have special needs children in our religious school who are taught by adult teachers but are mentored by teens. One young man is enjoying his position so much that he doesn't want to just mentor during religious school. He wants to be a big brother. He wants to go to his student's soccer game, out to a movie and a snack. Another teen came running to me so excited because she had a new student that had never been to religious school due to an illness. Her student had just learned his first three Hebrew letters. He told her he loved being Jewish. All our students are supported in their studies by tutors it needed, and interesting teachers and activities that help them feel the importance of living Jewishly. I have always loved teaching and children do light up my life. When they "get it" or if they take a stand on an issue about Judaism, I feel proud. You would better under?stand how much I love working for CNT if you could see the openness of my staff to new ideas ana seeing how nard people work above ana beyond their jobs in the office or their position on the board to make "Things Happen at CNT." If you are part of the CNT family, you are a part of mu family. I take pride in your child's accomplish?ments, your joys and share in your sorrow. The year will end next month. We all make resolutions on New Years, and some do it on Yom Kippur while others do it January 1st. I urge you to make a resolution now to appreciate your treasures and to have more involvement in our school and to make Jewish Life a priority. Have a Happy Thanksgiving, November 25tn, and every day. Jackie ffeeffp Religious School Prinninsl Conqreqa rioN N er Tam id NovEMbER 1999 t ^ant m Die 'all is in the air for the boys and iris here at the preschool. Octo- er was a fun filled, busy month for our students. We had our first visit from the Clark County Library Lady, and our first field trip to the Pumpkin Patch (what fun). We be?gan our Mitzvan project, Pennies tor Patients (collecting for Leuke?mia Qociety). We also celebrated Nevada Day, by learning the his?tory of our state and some inter?esting facts as well. This month of November, we have many projects planned. The boys and girls will learn about elections, and even get to vote themselves. We will talk about our countries Vets, and other heroes who helped to make the USA great. Of course we will celebrate Thanksgiving with our own style CNT Prescnool feast. Our students will dress as Pilgrims and Indians and travel on the May?flower just as our ancestors did any years ago. The youngsters d teachers are bonding as a fam- in our wonderful facility. It's a pressure for all of us to see our school thriving and growing. Next month we will be preparing and executing our Cnanukan Program as well as learning all there is about this joyful holiday. All of the classes enjoy listening to stories, learning their numbers, letters, shapes, colors, about the weather, and the calendar. It is a pleasure to hear all of the classes recite the "Pledge of Allegiance" every morning and to sing Hebrew songs as well. We have a delight?ful group of students and a dedi?cated group of loving teachers, what a perfect mix. There are only a few spots left in our pro?gram for this year and would you Believe we have students on our waiting list for next years classes already. If you are interested in giving your child or grandchild a quality Jewish\9ecular preschool experience, call the preschool office at 313-5270 and get more information. Lois ?Bergman Preschool Director BOWLING NIGHT! Attention Young Couples It's not too late to sign up for the YCC<^>CNT dinner and bowling night! The event will be held on November 13 at 7pm at Alleygators (Sunset Lanes). 4-505 E. Sunset Rd. Call 733-0292 for more information or to RSVP. 1999-2000 CNT Preschool Calendar ?NOSCHOOL? DATES NOVEMBER 1999 Monday, November 1 No School Nevada Day Thursday, November 11 No School Veterans Day Thursday, November 25 No School Thanksgiving Sunday, November 28 No School Thanksgiving Weekend DECEMBER 1999 Monday, December 20-31 No School Winter Break JANUARY 2000 Monday, January 3 SCHOOL RESUMES FEBRUARY 2000 Monday, February 21 No School President's Day MARCH 2000 No School Holidays this month APRIL 2000 Monday, April 17-21 No School Spring Break Thursday, April 27 No School Passover (last day) MAY 2000 Monday, May 29 No School Memorial Day JUNE 2000 Friday, June 2 LAST DAY OF SCHOOL cA. Special rf)lu(v rJo Aiviomf NovEiwbER 1999Hi, My name is Brittany Markman AND I WILL BE BAT MiTZVAH'D ON November G, 1999. I attend War?ren Walker School and play on THE VOLLEYBALL TEAM THERE. I AM AL90 A CHEERLEADER. I HAVE ONE YOUNGER BROTHER, EVAN, AND ONE YOUNGER 9I8TER, MAKENA. I AM EX?CITED ABOUT MY Bat Mitzvah. Hi!!! My name ib Jennifer Rapo- PORT. I ATTEND HELEN C. CANNON Middle School, and I'm in the 7h grade. Some of the hobbie8 I ENJOY ARE TALKING ON THE PHONE, CHOPPING, 8WIMMING, ART8 AND CRAFT8, 8CHOOL AND HANGING OUT WITH MY FRIEND8. My BAT MlTZVAH date 18 Friday, November 12,1999. I AM HAVING FAMILY AND FRIENDS COM?ING FROM AS FAR AWAY AS HAWAII AND THE EA8T COA8T FOR THIS SPE?CIAL 0CCA8I0N AND I HOPE THAT YOU WILL JOIN ME TOO! Hi! My name is Zach Goldberg. I'm currently attending the Mead?ows School. On the weekends I ENJOY GOING TO THE M0VIE8, GOING TO A CLUB, 8LEEPING OR JET 8KIING. My favorite movie is Star Wars, AND THAT 18 THE THEME OF MY BAR Mitzvah. My favorite band is Back Street Boys and N SYNC. My claim to fame was appearing on the Mickey Mouse Club on the Disney Channel! My Bar Mitzvah is November 20 and I look for?ward TO 8EEING ALL MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY THERE. Hi! My name is Jamie Pink. I am 13 YEAR8 OLD AND I AM IN THE 8th GRADE AT BECKER MIDDLE SCHOOL. My hobbies are shopping, talking ON THE PHONE AND HANGING OUT WITH MY FRIEND8. I AM REALLY LOOKING FORWARD TO MY BAT MlTZVAH ON November 13th because it will be 8PECIAL MOMENT IN MY LIFE! -9---------------------------9-, Yiddish Lesson for November EiNQEShpAlwT ' SrubboRN Ek veIt ' E\d of rbE would Er fREST vi A fERd. ' He eats likE a boRSE. Er bor NiT ZORQ. ' He bAS/v'r qor a worry. Es QEfE/r MiR. ' / likE ir. (Lir., It pIeases, me.) ESS QEZUNTERbAiT ' Eat iN qood bEAtrb I 1 I* NovEivibER 1999Sisterhood Xews hhhihh As any one knows, running a kitch?en is a big job, one that never seems to end. Our Party Shop headed by Frances Klamian is top notch. And as you can imagine our kitchen can always use some?thing new, like coffeepots, skirting for around the tables, a new coat of paint, a meat slicer, or a me- zuzah for the door. We are lucky to have many friends who have donated many of these items over the year, and I'd like to say thank you to Mary & Jerry Fox, Debbie & Mel Hallerman, Sue & Steve Joseph, Frances & Richard Klami?an, Phyllis & Cal Lewis, Coral & Our 1999-2000 membership drive is in full swing and we look forward to an even greater year than last year. For those of you Peter Reveen, Janis &? Drew Rounds, Sandy & Scott 8tolberg, Lorelei Wojnicz, Mary & Michael Zone. If I have left any one out I'm truly sorry. And thanks again for your support. I also need to thank Loretta Hollander & Helene Laefer for the Wonderful job that they did on the paid up lunch, it was truly a success, and was highlighted by music from the Meshuggina Klez- morim. Nov 7* is the date for the Annual Chanukah Bazaar, to be held in who have not yet responded to our membership letter don't forget to send those checks. The Entertainment Books are on sale and if you like to party in Las Vegas, the Entertainment Book is a great investment with it's hun?dreds of coupons to the City's top restaurants and attractions. October was a great month for Men's Club. Our get to know you breakfast was a great success as many of you turned out to share the two 8's. A schmooze and a schmear and the UNLV-BYU game was a lot of fun. It was great seeing everyone down there early to enjoy the pre-game tailgating f?artu. Everyone brought their own ood; the Men's Club supplied snacks and soft drinks. On November 18, Thursday, at 7 PM we will be having the next the Social Hall from 11 'till 3pm. Come to shop, visit with old friends, and have a mouth-water?ing lunch prepared by the party shop. Get Reading...Rabbi's always ex?citing book review is Dec 2nd. Rabbi will be reviewing ?To begin Again" by Rabbi Naomi Levy. We will be serving dessert and coffee, and there is no charge for this event. Please R8VP to the Temple office. Shalom, Sandy Advisor installment of the Men?s Health Seminar. These seminars proved to be a huge success last year and you won't want to miss them this year. Watch for our flyer in the mail. With all the great things that have been happening, I want to take this opportunity to pause and wish a speedy recovery to our Presi?dent and friend, Steve Joseph. Last year, Steve came back to serve as President of our Men's Club and was instrumental in our rebuilding process. He agreed to stay on one more year to guarantee that next year tne Men's club will have an experienced and seasoned Board. 8teve, get well soon, we miss you. La Shana Tovah, fyticfiaeC ?Mitano Administrative VP Your IBrotlierliooil ^HOamblers Special. Lumberjack. I'll have Eggs Benedict." These were the orders of our volunteers at the annual Sukkah raising break?fast at the Inn Zone. This year the largest number of volunteers came to raise the Sukkah and it was put up in record time (see photos on page 12). I want to thank everyone who attended, especially Scott Dockswell, who has made this a personal ritual for sev?eral years now. Thanks Scott. 8omeday we will learn how to put the Sulcxah up ourselves. For those of you who attended the 8ukkot Family Dinner, the faces on the children as they placed their decorations inside the Sukkah, made it all worth it. NovEMbER 1999 Golden Chcii Itovember will be an excit?ing month for our large family of friends and mem?bers. Football is coming and the World Series, Soccer and the social season will be in full swing. Thanksgiving is coming and this means family gatherings. We had a splendid October including a trip to haughlin and the is fabulous. We have Door prizes that you won?t believe. All Temple members are welcome to come to a meet?ing and see what we do. Elections are coming. Our Cake Booth at the Chanukah Bazaar is going to be a big success with the fabulous bakers we have. Stop by and say hello. bo you want to get N-SYHC with lots of Oeviish teens from aU over las Vegas? Melt, with Hebrew High, it?s as easy as American Pie. Reserve Thursday nights, they'U be your Save. Gome to Hebrew High, listen, and Oh Behave! REG1SRAT10H AHX> ORIENTATION October 28th, 1999 @ Becker middle School email: fax: (702) 2M21317 For more information about Hebrew High, call Xauren Eisenberg at 732-0556. Ner TAMid TempIe YoutIt (NTTY) is Ner TAMid's youTh qRoup foR teen' aqers iiM Graces 9-12. NTTY oTTers tIhe compIete jEwish youTh qRoup experience?SociAl AdioN, REliqious ANd CuIturaI Events, SociAl Events, ANd iNVOlvEMENT iN OUR TEMplE ANd COMMUNfry. IfyOUR TEEN is iNTEREST" Ed iN joiNiNq NTTY, pIease contact NTTY's pREsidENT, Stuart KAllick, at 455^5001. We are off to a fANTASTic start! We iiAd OUR fiRST EVENT AT tItE FAshiON Show MaII wfiERE WE hAd A PO' lAROid ScAVENqER Hunt. NTTY youTh qROUpERS fuEUd up wiTh UlNch ANd ThEN TRAVEUd All OVER tIhE MaII look' iNq foR ThE iTEMS ON tIhEiR liSTS ANd Took piCTURES wiTh EACh iTEM^k A fuN TiME was hAd by aLL! NTTY will bE TRAVEliNq to Tempe, ARizONA foR SociAl AcTiON WEEkENd NovEMbER 4'7, 1999. This WEEk- ENd's ThEME is MiTZVOT foR ThE MillENiUM. ThE ENTiRE WEEkENd Will bE filUd wbh fuN, JudAiSM, ANd SO' CiAl ACTiON pROjECTS. NTTY hAS a box iN ThE lobby of ThE TEMplE foR ThEiR HyqiENE DRiVE. We ARE AskiNq CoNqREqANTS TO doNATE hyqiENE iTEMS SO ThAT WE MAy dispERSE ThEM TO ThE hoMElESS. WiNTER ConcIave will bE hosTEd by NTTY ANd Ner TAMid jANUARy 14' 17. ThE ThEME of ThE WEEkENd will bE "Erasehsm." We are ExpECTiNq AppROXiMATEly 200 TEENAqERS fROM New MExico, ArIzona, ANd El Paso, TX TO ATTENd. NTTY weIcomes ThE ASSiSTANCE of ThE CoNqREqATiON TO hoST TEENAqERS AS WEll AS doNATiONS TO hElp fuNd This event. ThosE ii^B TERESTEd iN hElpiNq, plEASE CONTAogg AbbiE ANd Jason BuRk at 450'1718. Conqreqario/v N er TAMid NovEMbER 1999 t= TNT- Our first outing event was outstand?ing! We all hopped on a bus to Scandia Family Fun Center where all the teens received an unlimited play for miniature golf, bumper boats, go-carts and video games. Some teens had a swing at miniature golf (Aaron and Daniel) and others just played goofy golf. Most of the teens enjoyed cooling off by getting soaked on the bumper boats. Then other teens loved the thrill of racing on the go-carts. Everyone had a blast with the video games, especially Kelly Chenin who hit a jackpot and won hundreds of tickets! We all had an awesome time and I would like to thanks Chance's mom, Mrs. Tashman, for all her help. I couldn't have done it without her. Please keep this date open: Sunday, October 24 / Roller & Ice Skating and Wednesday, November 10,h-11th / Mount Charleston Overnight (Vet?eran's Day). More information will be coming soon. If you would like to join TNT, it's never too late, please call me at 255-2207, Yvonne Weiss or stop by the office for an application.BDflPiQ PROFILE President Orem Levy I was born and raised in Las Ve- tas over 40 years ago. I have yed here all my life, other than a few years away, going to college in Arizona. I met my wife Debbie in Arizona, at a neighborhood park while playing basketball. She sank a half-court basket and the rest is history. We were married in June of 1980 and we are the proud parents of two beautiful daugh?ters. Sarah is 17 years old and Jenna is 14 years old and both attend the Meadows School in Summerlin. I have been active in the Real Estate business since 1979. First in the property man?agement business as a property manager and an owner of a prop?erty management company. In 1989, I sold my interest in the company and went to work with my father in the commercial real estate brokerage and development business. Levy Realty Co. special?izes in all aspects of sales, devel?opment and investment of commercial real estate. Along with the brokerage side of the compa?ny, we have also developed and own a number of properties, which are my responsibility to manage on a day-to-day basis. My grand?parents moved to Las Vegas in early 1943 from Los Angeles, Calif, to work on the railroad and eventually got into the grocery store business. Their first store was downtown on Fremont Street and then moved up to West Charleston with his store named Panorama Market. My first job was bagging groceries at the store, making sure not to crush the bread. My grandparents were very civic minded, giving alot back to the citizens of Las Vegas and to their Jewish faith at Temple Beth Sha?lom. By being a member of this Board and serving as the Presi?dent, I feel that I am following in their footsteps and keeping the family tradition of Tzedaka going. I truly enjoy what I am doing for the temple and am proud of what we have accomplished in such a short amount of time. CNT Holds Special Outreach Program For Intermarried Couples On Thursday, October 28, at 7pm, CNT will hold a special outreach event. The event will focus on issues that couples of different faiths face. Participants will view the movie, Intermarriage: When Love Meets Tradition. They will then watch a short film called, This Great Differ?ence, which will help lead into a discussion with Rabbi Akselrad about intermarriage and intermarriage issues. The movie, Intermarriage When Love Meets Tradition, follows several intermarried couples through a program sponsored by the Union of American Hebrew Congregations called ?The Times and the Seasons: A Jewish Perspective for Interfaith Couples.? The course was led by a Rabbi and designed to provide a Jewish orientation for couples who were not active in the Jewish community. The class members were filmed and interviewed over eight weeks as they discussed their rela?tionships and their religious views. Please call the Temple office, 733-6292 to RSVP at least 5 days in advance. The class is free of charge. /ft ----------------------------------- Conqre(jArioN Ner Tumid ' W Ner Tamili Temple Youth DITTY] is part of a national organization callod North American Federation of Tom- plo Youth (NTTYl, which is soparatod into regions. Wo are in tho Southwest region of NFTY and will bo hosting Winter Conclave for NFTY- SW this year. Approximate?ly 200 youths from around the southwest wiO bo host?ed by our tomplo and its youth group on January U- 17, 2000. One of tho unique features of NFTY-SW events is that difforont youth groups take turns oach year to host regional events in thoir community. We now have tho opportunity to host youth groups who opened thoir homos to our youth group members in tho past. Wo need your help in housing and hosting toonagors for this weekend event. Please contact Abbio and Jason Burk, tho NTTY Advisors, if you are interested in host?ing for Winter Conclave or if you have any questions regarding tho hosting process at 450-1718. NTTY appreciates all of your help and support. NovEMbER 1999 LiSA AlbERTS AN<J SON DylAN, 6 Leo ANd EtLieL BeIqeIman ErIc ANd Mary BuTwiNick, TRAvis 8, ANd PAiqE 6 GeraH ANd Anne EiNsohN, JeFFrey 16, ANd Sara 15 MarIa ANd Douqks Elliou, Matty 2 MichElE ANd DanIeI FENdEll, TayIor Rose 8 Nick ANd STEphANiE FiORE, BeIIa 7, ANd TiA 5 Leon ANd Lynn HacLer, , ^ DarraIf.e 11 '\ KatIherIne KIeIn SaraIh LAyfER MarIs Levy, ANd dAiiqhTER BlySSE DiANE Hamu, ANd SON Matthew 11 RobERT ANd GEORqiANA HecIhter, Matthew 8, ANd SARAh 6 DEbbiE ANd MicbAEl McDermott, BEcky 14, ANd RAcbAEl 4 f ?5 O ^ ^ ^ o * * * A r A Pajama Havdallah Calling all children in Kindergarten through thirdgrade! If you want to come to the best pajama party of the year, ask your parents to bring you to CNT on November 20th at 7pm. There will be a special Pcua/r>a Havdallah program for children in Kindergarten through third grade and their parents. All participants, including parents,5hould come in pajamas or robes. Please be sure to bring your favorite stuffed animal to snuggle, and also bring a new stuffed animal to give to a needy child, ft abbinic Intern, Neal Schuster, Education Director, Jackie Fleekop, and Program Director, Melanie Gorman, will be there to lead the service, play games, sing songs, and tell stories with the children and their parents. A bedtime snack will be provided. Please ft5VP to the Temple office, 733-6292, at least 5 days in advance. V A V A a a * A * A A A A A A A A A A A A An old friend has taken on a new name and new responsibilities. The FUN-D for Youth Program, formerly known as the Campership Program, is designed to provide Financial assistance to the vari?ous youth groups at Congregation Ner Tamid. FUN, which stands for Funding Unique Needs, will continue to offer scholarships to children who wish to attend Jewish camps. In addition, The FUN-D for Youth Program will assist the Youth Choir, Tot Shabbat, Itty Bitty NTTY, TNT, and NTTY. Contributions will also be made for special activities and events that will provide unique opportunities and enhance the lives of our temple youth. Sponsored by the Congregation Ner Tamid Sisterhood, FUN-D for Youth will raise money during the Chanukah Bazaar and Raffle as well as through donations by temple members. Anyone wishing to make a donation of a raffle gift should contact Sandy Stol- berg at 228-6863. Any contribution will be greatly appreciated. Get involved, be involved, and help make the difference for our children. Sincerely Sgth. Zmm & Susie Semoe-Lbtlfn Co-chairpersons, FUN-D for Youth It?s 9(gt Too Late to ?Enroll in the Level 1 Hkhrew ?Reading Class! tHehrewReading Level 1 5Lhursdays, beginning 9lgven6erlL (no class onLfmfpgiving) 6:15-7:45p.m Instructor, (lidjasienslq Tor more information, or to sign up for these classes, please cadthe Lonnie office, 733-629.Z The IHebrezv Spading classes are free of charge, youmust register in advance. cA Special NovEMbER 1999 rJflace T o ?Jlelom/ 6 8iood Drive THt Annual ftMPte Blood Drivs is set fOR Novsmblr 7 DURING tHt Chanukah Bazaar. PLtA$t CONtACt Allan Nathanson at 796-8591 to set UP AN APPOINtMtNt If YOU ARt ABLt tO DONAtt. Your blood (any type) is NeeoeD. SOCIAL ACTION I One of tUe SociAl Acron Commutee's ONqoiNq pRojECis is to kEEp iN Touch wkh OUR CollEqE STudENTS. We SENd tIhEM New Year's qREETiNqs, HANNukAh ancI Passover pAckAqEs, ancI BiRThdAycARds. | Also REAdiisq materIaI is pERiodicAlly sent fROM UAHCiN NEwYoRk. To MAks sure I yOUR pRofESSiONAko-bE is ON OUR MAiliNq lisT, pIease fill out tI