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upr000280 234


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    University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Libraries

    Ill -3K January 16th, 1952 WM. r JAN 22 1952 Mr* W.T* Mathews, Attorney General Carson City, Nevada Dear Sirs Res LAS VISAS LAUD AMS WATER COMPANY vs* PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION OP NEVADA, Case No* ISS45 tfl «y telegram to you in reply £ f ' f transmit herewith a proposed Stipulation relative to the time for filing an Oooplaint In the above , p r e p o e e l the date of filing tho Stipulation. file, CKC/b enel* I enclose herewith an extra copy for your Kind personal regards, Sincerely, H D F R C i @ a ^ s & i a o m saer 8 i m i cc« Mr* £*£* Bennett - Mr* W#R* Rouse ‘Air* Wm. Reinhardt Mr* Frank Gregory, Esq* * r * 0 0 m m n : n SEl i S & W A e o j JAN IB 1952 Le C o C .