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La# Vngee - 0»l«gbii* £3* Xf53 Mr* tbamm k% Saispbell 1# Shalm&% i#eM a f 33i rectors Las Vt$K* Valley Water District 135 South §§p Street la s Vega#! Sereda bcc: Wm. Reinhardt bear Hr. Sasspbeiii In commotion with additions to f M property of the Hater Sonpaoy, the oust sf tMah will be added, to the b&slo purchase tribe uM#r %#»# of agreement with the Hater District owering salt of the water ears tea to tls# Lae Vega* Volley Water District, -I am sending you. herewith, two copies of "Detail of Ketisteted Eraendituree * dated September 23, 19.53* covering construction of the following described ppojsdt which it ii proposed to ooostrttet, sub#eat to Approval of w executives under conditions m noted on the fmm at the 'eetloates G on etrat 1820 LF of §® and 1655 LF af 6* ea st Iron water isalne and ho LF of 6* f ir e hydrant connect Iona to serve Desert ?$xk Subdivision So. 3# Las Vega*. UeVada* X &s a lto sending you herewith, two p riate of enr 4rif#lsg *-1102 dated ftepteaber 18, 1953* shewing location o f proposed nip* Its*##, w ill you. pl#a«# Indieste y e w approval o f the above dee-arlbsd project «e required under deetlon 13 o f Agreement *0*L«9» X13h2 dated «h#ne 1 , 1953# severing the sale of the water production, storage end dietrlb u tion eye ten to the S U t f ie t * by signing in the •pane indieated ob the earben eeplte of th is l e t t e r 1 1 1 rettnmime two espies to ft#* Very tru ly your#, 2&els. L» R. Maajg LiH rr Approved th is day f t -________- __ _______ 1953. LAS VISAS fAXXsf WATER DISTRXCf y .,.............. ? $hfeitwh, Board of D ire sta rs'' I