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Brochure for Governor's Conference on the Universal Implications of the Holocaust, April 23-24, 1991



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    Governor's Conference on "The Universal Implications of the Holocaust" April 23-24,1991 Flamingo Hilton Reno Governor's Advisory Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust Governor's Conference on "The Universal Implications of the Holocaust" April 2 3 - 2 4 , 1 9 9 1 Flamingo Hilton Reno The year 1991 marks the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the dark period in human history known as "The Holocaust." From 1941 to 1945, the Nazi regime embarked on a far-reaching program of total extinction of European Jewry. During these five years, six million Jews were exterminated, nearly one third of the world's total Jewish population. Historical evidence shows that this "Final Solution" was endorsed not only by fanatic military leaders, but that it also received approval and support from the legal, medical, educational, and clerical com-munities as well. This evidence compels us to ask one of the most important questions emerging out of Holocaust studies: How could people with great ethical, intellectual, and professional standards be enlisted in such an amoral and inhumane cause? And, more importantly, under what conditions could this happen again? The conference will provide teachers and other professionals in the medical, legal, and religious professions with opportunities to explore some of the significant questions related to Holocaust study and provide them with materials that can be readily used. Participants may attend all sessions of the conference or select sessions of interest to them. As Telford Tayler has written, "The story of the Holocaust is not aJewishstory. Nor is it a German story. The import of the Holocaust transcends all lines of race or religion: Its human significance is universal." An invitation from the Governor: I invite you to join me at "The Universal Implications of the Holocaust" conference presented by the Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust. We must never let ourselves or our children forget the horror of those times. However, this is not just a conference to recall a painful piece of history - this is a conference about what we all must learn and teach if we are truly committed to preventing future such atrocities. As the Gulf War winds ^ down and reports of atrocities committed against Kuwaitis are disclosed, it is clear that remembering is not enough. We still have work to do. ^ ^ ^ ^ I am especially pleased to announce the ^ ^ ^ keynote address will be given by Dr. Elisabeth ^ ^ ^ ^ Maxwell, an internationally known scholar and reseacherfrom Oxford, England. I lookforward to your participation. Bob Miller Governor, State of Nevada This conference is made possible through grants from the following organizations: Governor's Advisory Council on Education Relating to the Holocaust Edythe Katz, Chairperson; John Henry Brebbia, Vice Chairman; Hy Kashenberg, Treasurer; Members: Gene Greenberg, Norman Kaufman, William Marion, Dr. Vern Mattson, Karla McComb, Dr. Dennis Ortwein, Dr. Eugene Paslov, Dr. Leonard Weinberg Nevada Holocaust Education Committee of the Jewish Federation of Las Vegas Clark County Teachers Association Nevada Humanities Committee, an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities Keynote Dinner and Address Tuesday, April 23,7:00 p.m. Master of Ceremonies John Henry Brebbia, Esq. Welcome Governor Bob Miller Presentation of University Medal Dr. Joseph Crowley President, University of Nevada, Reno Keynote Address "The Universal Implications of Holocaust" Or. Elisabeth Maxwell Panel Discussion Moderator: Dr. Eugene Paslov Superintendent, Nevada Department of Education Panel: Representatives from the legal, medical, education, political, and clerical professions. Keynote Address Dr. Elisabeth Maxwell is a noted scholar, researcher, philan-thropist, and businesswoman from Oxford, England. Together with scholars from Israel, the United States, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom, Dr. Maxwell organized the international conference, "Remembering for the Future," which took place in Oxford and London in 1988. She is currently a member of the executive committee of the Anglo-Israel Association and an executive member of the Council of Christians and Jews, serving as chairman of the Media and Publi-cation Advisory Committee. Dr. Maxwell is also vice president of the International Council of Christians and Jews. In 1988 she was awarded the Sir Sigmund Sternberg Annual Award for her interfaith work. That same year she was presented with the Interfaith Medallion. In 1989 she received the Anne Frank's I nstitute Eternal Flame Award. She is an Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters of Temple University, Philadelphia. Medical/Legal Symposium Coordinators John Henry Brebbia, Esq. Edwards and Kolesar Chtd. Las Vegas, NV 362-7800 Stephen Kollins, M.D. Associate Professor, Radiology University of Nevada School of Medicine Desert Radiologists, Las Vegas 878-2627 Conference Schedule Tuesday, April 23 Symposium for the Medical and Legal Professions "The Conscience and Ethical Choices in the Professions: The Nazi Era versus the Nineties" 9:30 a.m. Registration 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Introduction?Program Moderator The Honorable Charles E. Springer, Vice Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Nevada "The Holocaust and You" Rabbi Pinchas Lipner, Dean, Institute for Jewish Medical Ethics, San Francisco, California "The Individual Versus Society?A Matter of Informed Consent?" Howard Taubenfeld, Esq., Professor of International Law and Legal Ethics, Southern Methodist University School of Law, Dallas. Texas "Physicians versus the State?A Matter of Conscience?" ? Michael Thaler, M.D., Professor of Pediatrics. University of Califor-nia, San Francisco, President, Holocaust Center of Northern California, Holocaust survivor, and has conducted original research on "Medici During the Nazi Period" "Decision Making in a Democratic Society?Bedside Courts or Are There Other Alternatives?" Carlos Rizowy, Ph.D., J.D., Gottleib and Schwartz,Chicago] Illinois, a son of Holocaust survivors, a prominent practicii I attorney in Chicago, a university professor, and an authority on international relations. 12:30 p.m.-1:30 p.m. Lunch 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Round Table Discussion Dr. Thomas J. Cinque, Associate Dean, University of Nevada School of Medicine, Moderator Panel Members: Hon. Charles E. Springer, Rabbi Pinchas Lipner, Howard Taubenfeld, Esq., Dr. Michael Thaler, Dr. Carlos Rizowy, and Or. Robert Daugherty, Dean, University of Nevada School of Medicine Wednesday, April 24 Session for Clergy and Academic Scholars 8:30 a.m. Registration 9:00 a.m. -11:30 a.m. "Recent Issues in Holocaust Studies" Round Table Discussion 11:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. noon-1:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Dr. Hubert Locke, Dm Emeritus, Professor of the Graduate School of Public Affairs, University of Washington, and serves on the Board of Directors, National Institute on the Holocaust Dr. Vern Mattson, Associate Professor of History, Univer-sity of Nevada, Las Vegas Dr. Leonard Weinberg, Professor of Political Science, University of Nevada, Reno Lunch Tape presentation: "Shadow on the Cross" "Moral Dilemmas of the Holocaust" Dr. Franklin Littell, Emeritus Professor of Religion, Temple University, noted author, and referred to as "the Father of Holocaust Studies in America" Wednesday, April 24 Session for Teachers K-12 "Implementing the Holocaust in Your Curriculum" "Why Teach the Holocaust"? Phyllis Darling, Presenter, Social Studies Specialist, Clark County School District Video Presentation: "Lessons of the Holocaust" Discussion Topics: "Resistance and Discrimination: The Middle School Curriculum" "Graphic Films, Propaganda in the Media, and the Righ-teous Gentile: World History Unit" "The Historical Context of the Holocaust: the United States' Role in the Holocaust: High School Unit" Lunch "Literature of the Holocaust" Eileen Kollins, Presenter, Librarian, Clark County School District "Films of the Holocaust" Phyllis Darling, Presenter "The German Resistance" Karl Schnaibe, Presenter Accommodations A special room rate of $50 per night, single or double, is available at the Flamingo Hilton Reno. Please make your reservations directly with the hotel and identify yourself as a participant in the Holocaust Conference. Reservations must be made by April 9,1991 to guarantee conference rate. Call Flamingo Hilton reservations at (702) 322-1111. Air Fare Participants attending the conference are eligible to receive a special air fare rate of $74.10 round trip between Las Vegas and Reno from America West Airlines. To take advantage of this rate, make your reservations through Benee White, Around the World Travel, at (702) 731-1006. Registration/Information To register, mail in the attached registration form or call the university's Division of Continuing Education at (702) 784-4062. To register toll free, call 1 -800-233-8928. To FAX your registration, call (702) 784-4801. For more information, call the division at (702) 784-4046. Preregistration is requested by April 19. Fee/Credit The conference fee of $25 includes admittance to all confer-ence sessions, luncheons, dinner, and course materials. Recertification credits are available through the Nevada De-partment of Education for the Session for Teachers K-12. Approval for Continuing Legal Education Units is pending. Registration Form Governor's Conference on "The Universal Implications of Holocaust" Reg. # PS 301 Name f Soc. Sec. No.. Company/Institution Address City. . State. Zip. Day Phone ( ) I will be attending the following: (Check appropriate boxes) ? Symposium for Medical and Legal Professions Tuesday, April 23,10:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. ? Keynote Address and Dinner Tuesday, April 23, 7:00 p.m. ? Session for Clergy and Academic Scholars Wednesday, April 24, 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. ? Session for Teachers K-12 Wednesday, April 24,9:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Conference Fee: $25 Please make checks payable to the Board of Regents. ? Or please charge my: ? Visa ? MasterCard Card No. Exp.. X (signature as it appears on card) Return form and payment to: Holocaust Conference Division of Continuing Education/048 University of Nevada, Reno Reno, NV 89557 The University of Nevada, Reno is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution. The university employs only U.S. citizens and those aliens lawfully authorized to work in the United States. University of Nevada, Reno Non Profit Org. Governor's Conference on U.S. Postage "The Universal Implications of the Holocaust" PAID Division of Continuing Education/048 Reno- Nevada Governor's Reno, Nevada 89557 Permit No. 26 Conference on "The Universal Implications of the Holocaust" April 23-24,1991